Here they are - cast interviews (Chris Meloni, Ice-T, guest stars Terrence Howard and Diane Neal), previews, and behind the scenes videos for Law & Order SVU “Reparations.” Diane Neal is reprising her role as Casey Novak, and Law & Order LA’s Terrence Howard will appear as DDA Jonah Dekker. The episode will air on April 6, 2011 (10 PM ET/9C Wednesday).
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Reparations" can be found at this link.
Please be aware that I am only permitted to keep the episode preview clips up for one week after the episode originally airs, so please catch them while you can!
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Law & Order SVU “Totem” BTS SVU Writer Jon Green
From Wolf Films, here’s a behind the scenes look, with insight from SVU writer Jon Green, on last night’s episode of Law & Order SVU "Totem" .
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Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
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Chris Meloni,
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Law & Order SVU “Reparations” Promo
Here’s the NBC promo for Law & Order SVU “Reparations” with guest stars Diane Neal reprising her role as Casey Novak, and Law & Order LA’s Terrence Howard as DDA Jonah Dekker. The episode will air on April 6, 2011 (10 PM ET/9C Wednesday).
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Reparations" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Reparations" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Law & Order SVU “Totem” Recap & Review

All photos from NBCUniversal
Law & Order SVU “Totem” featured two powerful guest stars – Jeremy Irons and Elizabeth Mitchell – who made this gripping, heart-wrenching story come to life. The case begins with a missing girl who is found dead, and it leads to a story of an abusive mother who has traumatized both her daughters. It seems at first that Elizabeth Mitchell’s very troubled character, June Frye, is the one guilty of the abuse and murder of the little girl, but as the detectives dig further into the case, they discover June is a victim herself. Mitchell, as always, does a superb job conveying the emotions of her character's anguish over the death of one of her beloved students, her horror of being accused of the crime she knows she did not commit, and her decades-long inner torment from an abusive mother. I found myself wondering how draining that performance must have been for Mitchell because her emotions seemed incredibly real - and I felt emotionally drained myself just watching. It was certainly an Emmy-worthy performance; maybe the Academy should just start engraving her name on that award right now.
Jeremy Irons returns as psychiatrist Cap Jackson, and it’s his unconventional perspective on the case that helps point the detectives in the right direction. Jeremy has one of those voices that can be commanding yet incredible soothing at times. This comes in handy when Cap has to use his smooth talking talents to not only get access inside June’s home, but also to get her to open up to her. I would really love to see Jeremy more on SVU in this role; he has amazing presence and the character Cap Jackson seems to be a nice fit with the SVU team.
The intensity of the episode kept my interest all the way through, and I must admit that I did not see until near the end that it was June’s half sister, not her creepy, abusive mother, who was the killer.
With Munch (Richard Belzer) conspicuously absent again, it seems that Stabler is now getting all the “dry wit” lines, such as “Welcome to the perv parade that leads to nowhere.” But thankfully, the episode steered clear of humor – it would have felt out of place in this intense episode, which is one of SVU’s best of the season. (Kudos to the writers, producers, and casting, who delivered a perfectly executed story.)

Here is the recap:
Two young girls stumble on a duffel bag left in the street outside a church and find a body inside. Later, Detectives Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Odafin Tutuola (Ice-T), along with ME Warner (Tamara Tunie) are at the scene. They ID the body as Marnie Foster, a girl who had been reported missing. As the girl’s mother Susan (Heidi Armbruster) cries in grief, Fin consoles her.

The detectives check with the usual group of offenders, and Cap is surprised they are letting them all go. Stabler says they all have alibis, and tells Cap “Welcome to the perv parade that leads to nowhere.” The name of the doll found with Marnie is Perfect Penny and it hasn’t been on the store shelves in over 20 years. Marnie’s dad is on his way home and they decide to "welcome" him.
Fin and Benson arrive at the Foster home and see a man arguing with Susan Foster and they come to her aid when he shoves her to the ground. The man races off but Fin catches up with him and he takes a swipe at Fin. He then tells Fin his name is Chet Hadler (Doug Wert).
In SVU interrogation, Chet tells Fin that Susan is his girlfriend and she was going to leave her husband and bring Marnie to live with him. He says he never touched Marnie. With Benson, Susan says that is true, and said she told her husband about it and stopped seeing Chet months ago but Chet won’t take no for an answer. Benson tells her Chet has a police record. Fin, meanwhile, reminds Chet of his arrest for touching the daughter of another girlfriend and the girl said he wanted a threesome. When Benson tells this to Susan, she also tells Susan that they know Susan lied about being at work, her boss told them she left after lunch. Susan admits she and Chet were at the Amsterdam hotel, in bed.

Afterwards, Benson and Stabler comment that Fin talked with Marnie’s grief stricken father then discuss the case with Cap. Cap thinks based on how the body was left that the killer may be a woman. The doll was left there, and the body left at the church, to make her feel safe. The detectives find this all hard to believe, but Cap feels confident the killer is a woman.

At the Foster residence, Benson speaks to the housekeeper who said Marnie had piano lessons that day. Benson then speaks to the piano teacher June Frye (Elizabeth Mitchell) who says Marnie had lessons every Monday for almost 2 years but Susan called and cancelled the last appointment. June says her parents died in a car accident when she was 17 and she hasn’t changed anything in the house since. June, clearly grieving, shows Benson a photo of Marnie at piano practice.
Meanwhile, the detectives and Cap question Marnie's teachers, there seem to be no problems with Marnie and the teachers have alibis. The decide to check out Marnie’s funeral as the person may be mourning her more than anyone else.

At SVU, Stabler tells Fin and Cap that June has no record and she teaches piano at the brownstone she inherited from her parents – and Fin adds it is right around the corner from the church where Marnie’s body was found. Cap says June said Marnie’s mother called to cancel her appointment, but Benson chimes and said Marnie's mother said that is a crock – June called her to cancel the appointment. June also blew off a group of students between 3:30 and 4:00. But Marnie never got the message to cancel. Stabler wonders if June’s brownstone is the crime scene and thinks they should get a warrant, but Cap thinks they should just ask her, he thinks she may already know they are on to her.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Benson listens to June play the piano while Stabler and Cap search the trash outside. They see a suitcase that matches the set in which Marnie’s body was found. Inside is a wooden spoon. We hear a muffled thud, and then Benson’s voice on the police radio asking for a bus at that address for a cardiac arrest. Cap and Stabler race inside to find Benson standing over June, who is lying unconscious on the floor. Cap tries CPR and Benson finds and empty bottle of pills – the same drugs given to Marnie. Benson said June told her to tell Marnie’s parents she is sorry.
In Mercy hospital, June wakes up to find Benson and Cap there. They tell her what they found, and Cap mentions the wooden spoon and the sleeping pills and the hair that matches the doll. Cap tries to talk her into telling them why she said she was sorry. She says she will die before she talks about Marnie.
Back at SVU, Fin says the lab swabbed the suitcase and the wooden spoon and came back with zip. The bleach June used destroyed DNA. Marnie's fingerprints were at June’s but so were those of many others. They look to Cap to sweet talk June into talking.
Cap walks into the children’s interrogation room with the doll and he questions June about why she tried to end her life. He tells her he is a psychiatrist. She says she does not deserve to live. She talks about her piano playing and that she was an only child. She talks about her mother, and June looks over to the doll, saying her mother called her a princess. She said he father gave her the doll, and June doesn’t want to talk about him. He hands her the doll and she becomes upset, saying he doesn’t know anything about the way she feels. She says maybe she should ask for a lawyer. He asks why she needs a lawyer, they hear a knock on the glass, and June is upset that someone is watching them.

When Cap walks out of the room, Stabler explains that Cap can’t say she doesn't need a lawyer. He says he is a psychiatrist not a cop, but Benson tells him that he is an agent for the police and anything he asks her after he said she does not need a lawyer is illegally obtained. He asks if she can change her mind – legally. When Stabler says yes, he goes back in and tells her that he has to stop. But she seems worried that he has to go, and she asks if she says she does not need a lawyer can he say? He says yes, and she says she does not want a lawyer. She does not want them watching her, and he directs her over to another area in the room.

Later, they interview some of the other students and they all love June. One tells her that June blew her off the day Marnie was kidnapped. She saw June on the street that day arguing with some old lady with a cane.
Back at SVU, Benson tells them that the old lady is June’s mother – her father died but her mother remarried. Her name is Elaine Frye Cavanaugh and she lives in Brooklyn. She ran Jane’s name through the system to find a relative with a limp and her mother popped up. Cap wonders why June would say her mother was dead – and Stabler wonders if her mother abused her. Cap say some girls say their mother father molested them because they can’t face the reality that it was their mother. Stabler thinks Elaine may have already been there when Marnie came over – and Benson wonders if June’s mother killed Marnie.

At Elaine Frye Cavanaugh’s home, they speak with Elaine (Lisa Banes) Elaine laughs when they tell her June thinks she is dead. She said she tried to discipline June to perfection but her husband Roger spoiled her which is why she divorced him. He current husband isn’t current – he died last year and he was as weak and useless as Roger. She says she was a fair and firm disciplinarian, and when Benson mentions using the handle of a spoon, Elaine coldly asks what that means. Benson said she wasn’t teaching June how to bake cookies. Stabler bring sup Marnie, and she asks what they are asking her of. When Stabler asks why she went to June’s house, because it doesn’t sound like June loved mommy so much, and when the detectives continue to press, Elaine gets angry and shouts for them to get out. When Stabler says Elaine abused June one more time by forcing her to dump the body at the church, Elaine’s daughter Katie (Agatha Nowicki) walks in and asks what is going on. Elaine asks them to tell him where she was on Monday and Katie says she dropped her off at a bridge tournament. Katie is upset, and says she did not do anything. Elaine tells her to shut her mouth, but Katie says they do not need to be there and she runs downstairs, screaming she didn’t do anything. As the detectives chase after her, she runs into another room and slams the door, saying no no no. They find her hiding in the closet and cowering. Stabler coaxes her out. She says she didn’t do anything. Benson asks if this is her bedroom and she says yes. But Elaine walks in and tells them to leave her little girl alone and get out of her bedroom. Stabler asks, “Your bedroom? She just said it was hers.” Benson gets a look of realization on her face, and says “oh my god.”
Later at Rikers, Stabler and Cap speak with June. They tell her they know she does not belong in there. June calls to the guard to take her back. They said they know she put Marnie in the duffle but did not kill her, what she did she did out of love, to repay some debt she never owed. Benson walks in with Katie, and Katie asks June why she told them. June says she didn’t, and she hugs Katie. June says mommy wasn’t hurting her anymore and she left her alone with her and she should have stayed to protect her. Bensons reminds June she was a victim, and Cap says none of this is her fault, and turns to Katie and asks, “Is it Katie?”
In interrogation, Katie says she called June and said she was going to her house and she would be out for a while, and that she should let herself in with her key. June had cancelled her first piano lesion, When she got there Marnie was on the porch and she had seen her before having lessons. They went inside and Marnie was so cute and innocent and sweet. She doesn’t know why but suddenly she asked her if she could take her clothes off and Marnie said no and she tried to leave. Katie got real mad but did not want Marnie to feel bad so she went into the kitchen and got some of June’s pills and the wooden spoon, like the one her mom uses. June came home and saw what she had done. June, meanwhile, is watching from behind the mirrored glass and says she does not want to listen any more. Benson tells June she will have to testify against Katie about the abuse she endured, and about her own abuse. Benson tells her Katie would be sent to a psychiatric facility. Cap says they will do everything they can to help her but she will never be free again. June asks about her mother, and Benson said there was only one bed in the apartment that Katie shared with her, so Elaine will be going to jail for the ongoing abuse. June hears Katie call her name through the glass and June walks up to the glass and says to June that she still loves her and she will always be her sister. Stabler tries to get Katie to sit back down and talk more. She does. June said she let her whole family be destroyed and how can she forgive herself. Cap says she will start by letting him help her try. As he walks off with her, Benson looks on sadly as we fade to black.
All Text Content (Recaps, Review, Commentary) © unless otherwise noted
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Chris Meloni,
Law and Order SVU,
Mariska Hargitay,
Tamara Tunie,
Law & Order CI Promo with Vincent D’Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe
Because fans just can’t get enough, here's a new promo for Law & Order CI, which will be returning on May 1, 2011 on USA Network. I can’t wait! (Nice promo!)
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Law & Order CI, In Plain Sight USA Promo
Here's a new promo for Law & Order CI and "In Plain Sight" which will be airing back to back starting May 1, 2011 on USA Network.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Law & Order Los Angeles "Zuma Canyon/Silver Lake" Episode Information

(Please note: recaps/reviews for Law & Order LA will likely not be published until late Tuesday or Wednesday.)
Law & Order Los Angeles "Zuma Canyon/Silver Lake" Air Date April 11, 2011 (9PM ET/8C Monday NBC)
DETECTIVES WINTERS (SKEET ULRICH) AND JARUSZALSKI (COREY STOLL) INVESTIGATE A SHOOTING AT A BIRTHDAY PARTY—When a normal quinceañera erupts in violence, leaving multiple people dead, the detectives work quickly to follow a lead. During their search for answers, they find a young boy protecting acres of marijuana and discover he is the only witness that can help the case. As the detectives begin to close in on a suspect, Winters receives a surprise visit at home. Meanwhile, DDA Morales (Alfred Molina) must risk upsetting the Mexican government by prosecuting the guilty, which results in a shocking decision. Rachel Ticotin, Regina Hall also star and Teri Polo guest stars.
DETECTIVES MORALES (ALFRED MOLINA) AND JARUSZALSKI (COREY STOLL) INVESTIGATE A SERIAL RAPIST—Don Alvin's (guest star Tim DeKay, "White Collar") quiet life is destroyed when an intruder ambushes he and his family in their home, killing his wife and son. After searching for clues, the detectives discover similar cases that lead them to one powerful common thread. Meanwhile, DDA’s Dekker (Terrence Howard) and Rubirosa (Alana de la Garza) have to tread carefully in order to get a guilty verdict after Morales’ puts their case in jeopardy. Rachel Ticotin also stars.
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Law & Order CI Vincent D’Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe On Location
Vincent D'Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe were on location for Law & Order Criminal Intent in New York City on March 24, 2011 - here are the photos!
Photos By Buzzfoto via Getty Images North America
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
Law & Order SVU “Totem” Advance Photos
Here are a few advance photos from Law & Order SVU “Totem” featuring Chris Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, and guest stars Jeremy Irons (as Cap Jackson) and Elizabeth Mitchell (as June Frye). The episode will air on Wednesday, March 30 at 10PM ET on NBC.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Totem" can be found at this link.

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My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Totem" can be found at this link.
Photos by: Will Hart/NBC © NBCUniversal, Inc.
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Chris Meloni,
Law and Order SVU,
Mariska Hargitay,
Law & Order SVU “Totem” Promo With Jeremy Irons
Here is the promo for Law & Order SVU “Totem” which features guest star Jeremy Irons.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Totem" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Totem" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Chris Meloni,
Law and Order SVU,
Mariska Hargitay,
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Law & Order SVU “Bombshell” Recap & Review

All photos from NBC
Law & Order SVU “Bombshell” wasn’t really a special victims case, yet they sure tried hard to make it one. A man gets stabbed in the crotch, which would give the appearance of a crime with sexual overtones. But even after it’s established that the crime is a simple case of a man who is a victim of his wife’s anger and jealousy, the detectives remain involved. When Capt. Cragen tells Benson and Stabler to follow the original suspect, Doug, apparently to make sure he didn’t take out his arrest on his swinging “girlfriend” Cassandra, they realize that they have a few grifters on their hands. Last time I looked, people who were scammed by con artists are not special victims; likewise con artists seem outside the purview of a special victims unit. Once it had been established that the victim was stabbed by his wife, SVU’s involvement should have ended there.
Besides being grifters, the detectives discover Doug and Cassandra are involved in a murder. But the big bombshell is that they are twin brother and sister involved in “twincest.” After hearing Stabler utter that word, I felt like the whole episode was born from someone thinking that "twincest" would make a good foundation for a “bombshell” of an SVU case. (They were wrong.)
One line from Stabler made me laugh but also made me sad – it’s when he said he saw a transvestite that looked like Munch. How did he know that it wasn’t Munch? Okay, I’m kidding there, but it did remind me that we almost never see Richard Belzer on the show, and it’s to the point that I find it annoying when they mention his name but don’t even show his face.
I found Rose McGowan somewhat distracting; she appears to have a case of what I call “pickle pucker” or "sour pout" lips, an affliction that affects many actresses in their attempt to artificially plump their lips. Still, I must admit Rose was perfectly suited for the role of a seductress and con artist.
I was also distracted by trying to find the special victim in this case. My suggestion is they should transfer Benson and Stabler to the 2-7 to work non-SVU cases and open up a whole new realm of stories for these two - and bring back the mothership in the process. It seems that the SVU writers are running out of real special victims.

Here is the recap:
A couple returning from a movie are in the parking garage when see a man who was stabbed in the crotch. The man pulls the knife out of the man who was stabbed, causing the man to bleed even more.
Later, Detective Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni) are at the hospital. The man – a John Doe - was stabled in a few places, was drunk, and also banged his head, requiring brain surgery and is now in a coma. The detectives wonder if it is a sex crime, botched robbery, or both.
The detectives check security tapes, and the attendant at the garage says he did not notice the man had been stabbed. Fin (Ice-T) radios for them to come to the east stairwell, where the victim’s car had been located. The find his real name is Jerry Bullard (Tom Irwin) and he works in a place called BAS – Bullet Aviation Systems.
At the Bullard residence, the detectives speak to his wife Jane (Kathleen McNenny) and daughter Janette. It appears Bullard wasn’t on a trip to DC as his wife thought. His wife and daughter both doubt there was an affair.
Back at SVU, Benson fills in Captain Don Cragen (Dann Florek) saying that patrol backtracked Bullard using the bloody footprints but came up with nothing. There was no bar in the area. Fin says some people saw the “neighborhood weirdo” – Aldo - wearing bloody clothes that night who once worked at a butcher shop.

Afterwards, Huang tells the detectives that he thinks Aldo has a degenerative disease called fatal familial insomnia. Aldo signals that he does remember seeing the man Monday and he recalls where. He takes the detectives to the location and says he was out walking and heard a commotion in the alley and the man ran into him. He points out a building where lots of people go in and out.

Later, at the hospital, Benson and Stabler speak with Jerry’s wife about this and she said she is sorry she forgot to mention it but was afraid she’d get the looks about her lifestyle. She seems surprised Jerry was at the Swing Set without her. They ask about Cassandra’s ex but she does not know Doug’s last name. She will give a description to their sketch artist.
Back at the Swing Set, Stabler and Benson are inside while Fin waits in a car outside. He sees Doug arrive and he alerts Stabler that Doug is on his way in. Doug (Ryan Hurst) makes a move toward Stabler but Stabler slams him against the bar and Fin pulls out his gun and says they are NYPD. Cassandra walks off in a huff and when Stabler turns to take her to the precinct, she is long gone.
In interrogation, Stabler questions Doug Loveless. Doug refuses to drink the coffee just so they can get his DNA off the cup. Doug denies stabbing anyone and said he lost his knife when someone opened up his door in traffic and he had to lay his bike down. He asks for a lawyer.
Afterwards, Benson and Stabler speak with Cragen and ADA Hardwicke (Melissa Sagemiller), who does not think they have enough on Doug. Fin tells them Jerry just woke up.
At the hospital, Benson and Stabler speak with Jerry, his daughter is present. He explains his lifestyle to her and says he fell in love with Cassandra. He didn’t care about his work, he just wanted to be with Cassandra. He says his wife attacked him.

While Doug still waits in interrogation, Hardwicke tells Cragen and Fin to let him go. They have nothing on him and the club has not pressed charges. Cragen tells Doug he is being let go, and Fin tells him to stay away from Cassandra. After they let him out, Fin worries Doug will go after Cassandra and Cragen says he will put Benson and Stabler in his tail.
Benson and Stabler follow Doug to Cassandra’s and he approaches her as she leaves her home. Benson and Stabler run to her, fearing the worst, but she kisses Doug. Stabler thinks they have been played. Benson and Stabler separate them and arrest them for ripping people off.

Back at SVU, Fin tells Benson and Stabler that Miami PD just called, they faxed the DNA results and they have to read it to believe it. The skins cells under the fingernails match Doug’s, but it also reveals something else. They look at the information and seem shocked.
Later, the detectives tell Jerry that Doug and Cassandra are related – Cassandra and Doug are brother and sister and they are also having sex together. Jerry thinks it is a lie and asks how they know they were sleeping together. Stabler describes the kiss they witnessed and Benson says they found a used condom at their place under the bed. Jerry is dumbfounded but says he loves her, and they are soul mates. He gave up his life to be with her.
As Cassandra leaver her home, Benson and Stabler are waiting for her. She says Jerry invited her to live with him. Benson brings up her brother. She says it is consensual. Stabler says it is sick and depraved. She says she and Doug are twins and they share a soul. Stabler calls it “twincest.” Benson comments about the Miami murder and trial, and Cassandra says Doug is not a murderer. Stabler says that Jerry was weirded out about the “bromance”. But Cassandra says she just got off the phone with Jerry and he was not weirded out at all and that she has to get home soon because she has the perfect gift for her – for both of them. The detectives get a look of concern and race to the car.

Stabler and Benson arrive at Jerry’s home and see a trail of rose petals on the floor. They call out to Jerry but there is no answer. They enter and Benson sees bail papers for Doug. They see Jerry in another room, who says it was easy getting Doug there, and he gave Doug a beer and never saw him pick up his knife. Stabler tells Jerry to step out of the way, and they see Doug on the couch with the knife through his chest. Jerry says now he and Cassandra can be together forever. Cassandra walks in and sees Doug dead and screams “no!” and runs to him. She begs Doug not to leave her, and Jerry watches in shock as Cassandra sobs over her dead brother. We fade to black.
All Text Content (Recaps, Review, Commentary) © unless otherwise noted
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
BD Wong,
Chris Meloni,
Dann Florek,
Law and Order SVU,
Mariska Hargitay,
Richard Belzer
SVU on Location with Ice-T, Terrence Howard
Ice-T (Law & Order SVU) and Terrence Howard (Law & Order LA) were filming on location for Law & Order SVU on the streets of Manhattan on March 22, 2011 in New York City. Here are a few photos!
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Reparations" can be found at this link.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Reparations" can be found at this link.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law and Order LA,
Law and Order SVU,
Terrence Howard
Law & Order CI “Bad Guys Beware” New Promo
Here’s a new promo from USA Network for Law & Order Criminal Intent, titled “Bad Guys Beware.” It features Vincent D’Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe, Jay O. Sanders, plus guest star Neal McDonough. Law & Order CI returns on May 1, 2011 at 9PM ET on USA Network.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Law & Order CI to Air Mondays on NBC For Summer Schedule
NBC has announced its summer schedule, which has the final season of Law & Order Criminal Intent airing on Mondays. Remember, the episodes will air first on USA Network. The full NBC press release is below. (Side note: if you want to see some videos on one of the other new NBC shows, “The Voice”, I have several videos on my TV blog at this link: “The Voice” Interviews, BTS Video With Christina Aguilera, Ce-Lo Green, Carson Daly & More
NBC Press Release
March 21, 2011
Network Showcases Season Premiere of “America’s Got Talent,” Debut of New Alternative Series “It’s Worth What?” and Return of “The Marriage Ref” with Jerry Seinfeld
UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. -- March 21, 2011 – NBC revealed its strong slate of original series programming for Summer 2011 that features the sixth-season premiere of summer’s top-rated “America’s Got Talent” on Tuesday, May 31 (9-11 p.m. ET), the announcement of the new alternative series “It’s Worth What?” and the second-season debut of “The Marriage Ref” on Sunday, June 26 (10-11 p.m. ET).
In addition, NBC will offer fresh programs such as the musical competition series “The Voice” (regular day and time Tuesdays, 8-9 p.m. ET) through June as well as the new alternative series “Still Standing” (working title in the U.S.) and “Love in the Wild” (days and times TBA). Original episodes of the drama “Law & Order: Los Angeles” (Mondays, 10-11 p.m. ET) also continue.
NBC also will present the broadcast network premiere of the final season of “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” on Monday, May 30 (9-10 p.m. ET). Meanwhile, the last season of “Friday Night Lights” (Fridays, 8-9 p.m. ET) also continues well into the summer.
The announcements were made today by Bob Greenblatt, Chairman, NBC Entertainment.
“We want to make it clear that NBC considers the summer as an important part of its overall season and will continue to offer a varied lineup of original programs,” said Greenblatt. “Our viewers will have plenty of options with new series such as ‘It’s Worth What?’ and ‘Love in the Wild’ as well as continuing shows such as ‘The Voice’ plus returning favorites like ‘America’s Got Talent.’ We even have scripted series such as ‘Friday Night Lights,’ and episodes of two separate ‘Law and Order’ franchises as we build momentum toward the fall season.”
“America’s Got Talent” – television’s top-rated summer series – will premiere its sixth season on Tuesday, May 31 (9-11 p.m. ET) with a two-hour broadcast. After its debut, the series will resume its run on Tuesdays (9-10 p.m. ET) from June 7 through June 28. The series then will begin two-hour Tuesday editions (9-11 p.m. ET) starting July 5 until September 6. “America’s Got Talent” will debut its Wednesday broadcasts on June 1 (9-10 p.m. ET) -- and will continue on that night through September 7.
On Tuesday, September 13, “America’s Got Talent” returns to one hour (9-10 p.m. ET) for its penultimate episode before returning for its season finale on the next night – Wednesday, September 14 (9-11 p.m. ET).
"America's Got Talent" has been the #1 summer series in total viewers for each of its five seasons on the air. Last summer, an edition of "America's Got Talent" was the week's #1 non-sports telecast in total viewers during 14 of the show's 16 weeks on the air. The Tuesday edition averaged a 3.5 rating, 10 share in adults 18-49 and 12.2 million viewers overall last summer and the Wednesday telecast delivered a 3.4/10 in 18-49 and 12.6 million viewers on Wednesdays. The 3.5 rating on Tuesday's matched the second-highest 18-49 average ever for a cycle of "Talent." Last summer's September 15 season finale (3.9/11 in 18-49, 16.4 million viewers overall) scored the highest 18-49 rating for a “Talent” finale in three years and attracted the show’s biggest overall audience ever, counting finales and all other telecasts.
"America's Got Talent," from "American Idol" producers FremantleMedia North America and Simon Cowell's SYCO Television, returns with the hottest performers from across the country ready to compete in the blockbuster reality show's sixth season. Celebrity judges are Howie Mandel ("Deal or No Deal"), Sharon Osbourne and Piers Morgan, while actor/producer/comedian Nick Cannon returns as host. "America's Got Talent" is produced by FremantleMedia North America and Simon Cowell's SYCO Television. Simon Cowell, Cecile Frot-Coutaz ("American Idol"), Jason Raff, Ken Warwick (“American Idol”) and Georgie Hurford-Jones are executive producers.
NBC will premiere “It’s Worth What?” (day and time TBA), a new alternative series hosted by comedian Cedric “The Entertainer” (“The Steve Harvey Show,” “The Original Kings of Comedy”). “It’s Worth What?” is a game show that taps into America’s love for cost and value, such as the hidden gems found in one's attic. A pair of contestants is taken through a series of challenges that escalate in level of difficulty. As a result, they are tasked with discerning the price of the items in each round. If they successfully complete the challenges, contestants can win up to $1 million.
“It’s Worth What?” is produced by Merv Griffin Entertainment. The series is created and executive-produced by Lara Spencer (“The Insider”) and Roy Bank (“Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?”). Cedric “The Entertainer,” Barry Poznick ("Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?), John Stevens ("Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?”) and Ron Ward (“Million Dollar Mind Game”) also serve as executive producers.
“The Marriage Ref” has Jerry Seinfeld back and in the producer's chair for an all-new and improved second season. In this revealing comedy panel series, real-life married couples take center stage as their quirky, funny, and relatable disputes are explored, examined -- and ultimately judged. New for this season, couples will appear in-studio and face a panel of “experts” composed of top celebrities and comedians who weigh in and decide which spouse is right. This will give couples something they have always wanted but have never had -- a clear winner.
At the end of each episode, the studio audience will vote to make one of the winners "The Rightest of the Right." That person will receive $25,000 and their own billboard, in their hometown, declaring they are right. Comedian Tom Papa ("The Informant!") returns as the host and the “ref.” "The Marriage Ref" is produced by Seinfeld's Columbus 81 Productions. Seinfeld, Ellen Rakieten ("The Oprah Winfrey Show"), and Page Hurwitz (“Last Comic Standing”) serve as executive producers. Javier Winnik (“Last Comic Standing”) is the co-executive producer.
“The Voice” debuts Tuesday, April 26 (9-11 p.m. ET) and will continue with new episodes through the end of June. On “The Voice,” four famous musician coaches -- Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton -- will each select singers to mentor into artists during the blind auditions. Once they have their teams, the star coaches will bring in their personal songwriters, producers, and high-powered friends to help their teams evolve. Ultimately, America will decide which singer will be worthy of the grand prize.
Carson Daly hosts the show’s innovative format that features three stages of competition. The winner will be named “The Voice" -- and will receive the grand prize of a recording contract and $100,000. “The Voice” is a presentation of Talpa Productions, Mark Burnett and Warner Horizon Television. The series is created by John de Mol, who will executive-produce along with Burnett and Audrey Morrissey.
“Still Standing” is a unique and thrilling game show designed to keep both contestants and viewers on their toes. The new competitive series is based on the hit Israeli series of the same title, which offers contestants the chance to win by out-guessing 10 opponents in 10 fast-paced and dramatic trivia battles. At the start of the game, each player stands behind a coin whose value ranges between $1.00 and $50,000. The value of the coin is hidden from the players, however, and will not be revealed until one of them loses and drops out of the game – literally – through the trapdoor in the studio floor on which he or she is standing.
“Still Standing” is a Universal Media Studios production in association with Armoza Formats. Craig Plestis and Tim Puntilllo serve as executive producers.
“Love in the Wild” is an exciting new - adventure dating series that will put relationships to the ultimate test. Ten single men and 10 single women, all looking for love, will experience a romantic adventure unlike anything they could have ever imagined. The series will follow them as they head deep into the remote jungles of Costa Rica, paddle down crocodile-infested waters, navigate through bat infested caves, and hang 200 feet above the rain forest floor as they descend down one of the most majestic waterfalls all in the hope of finding that special someone.
During an elimination unlike anything seen before, the couples will come together to reveal whether a connection has formed with their current partner -- or if they would like to switch and get to know someone else. At the end of every episode, two heartbroken singles will be sent home. The series will culminate with one couple left standing, who will have completed the adventure of a lifetime and found the one thing they’ve been looking for – “Love in the Wild.” The series is produced by Endemol USA. Tom Shelly serves as executive producer. Liz Shulze, Eric Gardner and Mark Allen are co-executive producers.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
March 21, 2011
Network Showcases Season Premiere of “America’s Got Talent,” Debut of New Alternative Series “It’s Worth What?” and Return of “The Marriage Ref” with Jerry Seinfeld
UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. -- March 21, 2011 – NBC revealed its strong slate of original series programming for Summer 2011 that features the sixth-season premiere of summer’s top-rated “America’s Got Talent” on Tuesday, May 31 (9-11 p.m. ET), the announcement of the new alternative series “It’s Worth What?” and the second-season debut of “The Marriage Ref” on Sunday, June 26 (10-11 p.m. ET).
In addition, NBC will offer fresh programs such as the musical competition series “The Voice” (regular day and time Tuesdays, 8-9 p.m. ET) through June as well as the new alternative series “Still Standing” (working title in the U.S.) and “Love in the Wild” (days and times TBA). Original episodes of the drama “Law & Order: Los Angeles” (Mondays, 10-11 p.m. ET) also continue.
NBC also will present the broadcast network premiere of the final season of “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” on Monday, May 30 (9-10 p.m. ET). Meanwhile, the last season of “Friday Night Lights” (Fridays, 8-9 p.m. ET) also continues well into the summer.
The announcements were made today by Bob Greenblatt, Chairman, NBC Entertainment.
“We want to make it clear that NBC considers the summer as an important part of its overall season and will continue to offer a varied lineup of original programs,” said Greenblatt. “Our viewers will have plenty of options with new series such as ‘It’s Worth What?’ and ‘Love in the Wild’ as well as continuing shows such as ‘The Voice’ plus returning favorites like ‘America’s Got Talent.’ We even have scripted series such as ‘Friday Night Lights,’ and episodes of two separate ‘Law and Order’ franchises as we build momentum toward the fall season.”
“America’s Got Talent” – television’s top-rated summer series – will premiere its sixth season on Tuesday, May 31 (9-11 p.m. ET) with a two-hour broadcast. After its debut, the series will resume its run on Tuesdays (9-10 p.m. ET) from June 7 through June 28. The series then will begin two-hour Tuesday editions (9-11 p.m. ET) starting July 5 until September 6. “America’s Got Talent” will debut its Wednesday broadcasts on June 1 (9-10 p.m. ET) -- and will continue on that night through September 7.
On Tuesday, September 13, “America’s Got Talent” returns to one hour (9-10 p.m. ET) for its penultimate episode before returning for its season finale on the next night – Wednesday, September 14 (9-11 p.m. ET).
"America's Got Talent" has been the #1 summer series in total viewers for each of its five seasons on the air. Last summer, an edition of "America's Got Talent" was the week's #1 non-sports telecast in total viewers during 14 of the show's 16 weeks on the air. The Tuesday edition averaged a 3.5 rating, 10 share in adults 18-49 and 12.2 million viewers overall last summer and the Wednesday telecast delivered a 3.4/10 in 18-49 and 12.6 million viewers on Wednesdays. The 3.5 rating on Tuesday's matched the second-highest 18-49 average ever for a cycle of "Talent." Last summer's September 15 season finale (3.9/11 in 18-49, 16.4 million viewers overall) scored the highest 18-49 rating for a “Talent” finale in three years and attracted the show’s biggest overall audience ever, counting finales and all other telecasts.
"America's Got Talent," from "American Idol" producers FremantleMedia North America and Simon Cowell's SYCO Television, returns with the hottest performers from across the country ready to compete in the blockbuster reality show's sixth season. Celebrity judges are Howie Mandel ("Deal or No Deal"), Sharon Osbourne and Piers Morgan, while actor/producer/comedian Nick Cannon returns as host. "America's Got Talent" is produced by FremantleMedia North America and Simon Cowell's SYCO Television. Simon Cowell, Cecile Frot-Coutaz ("American Idol"), Jason Raff, Ken Warwick (“American Idol”) and Georgie Hurford-Jones are executive producers.
NBC will premiere “It’s Worth What?” (day and time TBA), a new alternative series hosted by comedian Cedric “The Entertainer” (“The Steve Harvey Show,” “The Original Kings of Comedy”). “It’s Worth What?” is a game show that taps into America’s love for cost and value, such as the hidden gems found in one's attic. A pair of contestants is taken through a series of challenges that escalate in level of difficulty. As a result, they are tasked with discerning the price of the items in each round. If they successfully complete the challenges, contestants can win up to $1 million.
“It’s Worth What?” is produced by Merv Griffin Entertainment. The series is created and executive-produced by Lara Spencer (“The Insider”) and Roy Bank (“Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?”). Cedric “The Entertainer,” Barry Poznick ("Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?), John Stevens ("Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?”) and Ron Ward (“Million Dollar Mind Game”) also serve as executive producers.
“The Marriage Ref” has Jerry Seinfeld back and in the producer's chair for an all-new and improved second season. In this revealing comedy panel series, real-life married couples take center stage as their quirky, funny, and relatable disputes are explored, examined -- and ultimately judged. New for this season, couples will appear in-studio and face a panel of “experts” composed of top celebrities and comedians who weigh in and decide which spouse is right. This will give couples something they have always wanted but have never had -- a clear winner.
At the end of each episode, the studio audience will vote to make one of the winners "The Rightest of the Right." That person will receive $25,000 and their own billboard, in their hometown, declaring they are right. Comedian Tom Papa ("The Informant!") returns as the host and the “ref.” "The Marriage Ref" is produced by Seinfeld's Columbus 81 Productions. Seinfeld, Ellen Rakieten ("The Oprah Winfrey Show"), and Page Hurwitz (“Last Comic Standing”) serve as executive producers. Javier Winnik (“Last Comic Standing”) is the co-executive producer.
“The Voice” debuts Tuesday, April 26 (9-11 p.m. ET) and will continue with new episodes through the end of June. On “The Voice,” four famous musician coaches -- Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton -- will each select singers to mentor into artists during the blind auditions. Once they have their teams, the star coaches will bring in their personal songwriters, producers, and high-powered friends to help their teams evolve. Ultimately, America will decide which singer will be worthy of the grand prize.
Carson Daly hosts the show’s innovative format that features three stages of competition. The winner will be named “The Voice" -- and will receive the grand prize of a recording contract and $100,000. “The Voice” is a presentation of Talpa Productions, Mark Burnett and Warner Horizon Television. The series is created by John de Mol, who will executive-produce along with Burnett and Audrey Morrissey.
“Still Standing” is a unique and thrilling game show designed to keep both contestants and viewers on their toes. The new competitive series is based on the hit Israeli series of the same title, which offers contestants the chance to win by out-guessing 10 opponents in 10 fast-paced and dramatic trivia battles. At the start of the game, each player stands behind a coin whose value ranges between $1.00 and $50,000. The value of the coin is hidden from the players, however, and will not be revealed until one of them loses and drops out of the game – literally – through the trapdoor in the studio floor on which he or she is standing.
“Still Standing” is a Universal Media Studios production in association with Armoza Formats. Craig Plestis and Tim Puntilllo serve as executive producers.
“Love in the Wild” is an exciting new - adventure dating series that will put relationships to the ultimate test. Ten single men and 10 single women, all looking for love, will experience a romantic adventure unlike anything they could have ever imagined. The series will follow them as they head deep into the remote jungles of Costa Rica, paddle down crocodile-infested waters, navigate through bat infested caves, and hang 200 feet above the rain forest floor as they descend down one of the most majestic waterfalls all in the hope of finding that special someone.
During an elimination unlike anything seen before, the couples will come together to reveal whether a connection has formed with their current partner -- or if they would like to switch and get to know someone else. At the end of every episode, two heartbroken singles will be sent home. The series will culminate with one couple left standing, who will have completed the adventure of a lifetime and found the one thing they’ve been looking for – “Love in the Wild.” The series is produced by Endemol USA. Tom Shelly serves as executive producer. Liz Shulze, Eric Gardner and Mark Allen are co-executive producers.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law and Order Criminal Intent
Law & Order LA “Back to The Badge” New Promo
Here’s a new promo from NBC for Law & Order LA featuring Alfred Molina, whose character DDA Ricardo Morales makes the move back to “the badge.”
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Alfred Molina,
Law and Order LA
Friday, March 18, 2011
Law & Order LA Loses One Of Its Own – Promo
Here’s the latest NBC promo for Law & Order LA – and it’s self explanatory. It also may be a huge spoiler to some (but certainly not to any respectable Law & Order fan).
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law & Order SVU “Reparations” Episode Information

Law & Order SVU “Reparations” Air Date April 6, 2011 (10 PM ET/9C Wednesday)
DDA Jonah Dekker (guest star Terrence Howard from "Law & Order: Los Angeles") comes to NYC from Los Angeles to defend his cousin who has been accused of rape. Meanwhile, ADA Casey Novak (guest star Diane Neal) returns to help detectives Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Stabler (Chris Meloni) with the case. The detectives soon discover that the case goes much deeper than the current accusation and it raises the question: how far will someone go to get revenge for their family?
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Reparations" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law & Order SVU “Bombshell” Advance Photos
NBCUniversal has released photos from the new episode of Law & Order SVU “Bombshell” which will air on Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 10 PM ET/9C on NBC. The photos feature Chris Meloni and guest star Rose McGowan as Cassandra.
Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC © NBCUniversal, Inc.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
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Chris Meloni,
Law and Order SVU
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