Thursday, February 8, 2024

Law & Order SVU “Duty To Report” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order SVU "Duty To Report" which aired on Thursday, February 8, 2024. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!

UPDATE: Episode photos have been added below. 

Photos by: 
Scott Gries/NBC
Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC)


SH said...

Decent episode (especially compared to Truth Embargo and The Punch List, which were confusing and a bit boring, respectively).

SH said...

I don't really care about the ongoing Maddie case. Hopefully, it resolves the next episode (though I'm disappointed that it seems like it's not a continuation of A Final Call at Forlini's Bar, because of Jordana Spiro starring (I guess as an FBI character now)).

Uchechukwu C. Daniel said...

L&O: SVU faithful: Chief McGrath, you had 1 job to do...1..JOB! You can't even get us that one job right. You represent the "old guard" in NYPD and now you got yourself fired.

Smart viewer: I knew this would happen. Chief McGrath wasn't a good fit for the NYPD. It was only a matter of time before his snap behavior and stupid decision-making nonsense got him fired from the force.

Eith viewpoing, most of us who watch this will not say "Good-Bye, Chief McGrath", but "Good Riddance, Chief McGrath". Hopefully, a new Chief will do a better job.

Laurie F said...

I agree with Uchechukwu C. Daniel - McGrath was a horrible fit for SVU. He was a jerk from day 1. He was an insult to the real NYPD, are there still people in high levels at the NYPD who are that clueless? Him pulling a gun on an unarmed person should be immediate firing, and the IAB investigation should be swift.

The Maddie case and anything associated needs to wrap up now. I hope next week is the end. The Benson EMDR therapy thing - I don't know if they were just looking for a new way for Benson to undergo therapy or they were trying to portray it as a fad technique. Maybe both but it seems silly to me. I've heard it described as quackery and it sure seems that way. I don't understand why Benson was so triggered by the Maddie abduction after all the other things she's been though.

Why does Benson need to be front and center in every case? I know Mariska is the star but please let them shine a light on other members of her staff for a change. Makes me wish Rollins/Kelli was back for her crazy family drama.

Dawgdays said...

Photos are a nice touch! Anyway Benson is back to the whispering thing. And what happened to the white shield cop from last season?

Laurie F said...

@dawgdays - I am glad you raised the whispering issue. It was overkill in this episode. It's become so annoying.

If you are talking about Churlish, I don't think they ever explained why she left.

Unknown said...

Well I have to eat my words from a couple of weeks ago. And I'm very glad too! They hv managed to make Liv's reaction to Maddie's disappearance a symptom of a deeper personal crisis and for that at least I'm relieved. My mind just would not accept the more superficial story we were getting the last few weeks.

Also glad they did not give her EMDR session the "one-time yoga retreat" treatment. Personally I like that the session wasn't ideal but showed Liv's reservations re the style of therapy. To each his own re alternative therapies. There are ppl who report experiencing success. A couple things I'd say  1) idk if I can explain this well but my personal (very subjective) view is that this might stand a better chance if the client has a well-established relationship w the therapist. This is def my own personal bias here but if this is being done right off the bat I think it can make the therapist seem uninterested in what you hv to say (even tho she's asking) and what that means for you and more interested in 'fixing' you.  2) I felt the way the therapist referenced Liv's history w talk therapy and Liv's response of having been in such therapy many times felt like an unspoken lament about such therapies becoming eventually useless. And of course for some ppl they may need to find alternatives. I'm not doubting that. But I also firmly believe that healing is not linear. Not because you went to therapy and were doing well for a while and are now in need of therapy again means your earlier treatment did not work. Ppl often need to seek therapy multiple times. Doesn't mean it didn't work. Also even referring to it as "talk therapy" is a broad umbrella. All types of therapy qualify as talk therapy. She might hv well said, "And you've seen a therapist a lot in life, right?"

I thought it interesting that the therapist kept referring to Olivia as "Captain". I would think she would want to disarm Liv from the headspace/protocols of being in work-mode. She wasn't in professional space where a professional response was required but personal space where openness and vulnerability is ok even if not "pc". I think constantly referring to her as "captain" might keep her guarded. Also, the be-all and end-all of who  Olivia is is not "Captain of the svu". So to refer to her solely by her job title felt dismissive to the rest of who Liv is- ironically smthg she seems to be grappling w at the moment. She knows herself as a captain while unsure of the other elements of herself. Hence this unhealthy crusade regarding Maddie that even has her running out on other survivors to run to anything associated with Maddie.

And on this pt of muddy-ing L's appt w her identity as a cop. She doesn't have time to finish work thru a moment of insight because, well- time is up (alarm and all) but she does hv time to ask Liv to look into this case. The (imo) shoddy session reveals Liv is experiencing "vicarious trauma" from her work life and a sense of feeling lost and in need of direction in her personal life. These issues are now showing up in how affected she is by the Maddie case. Now hold that thought, but here- please take on this other young girl's case that doesn't fall in your jurisdiction.  (1/2)

Unknown said...

As for the case it was fine but I wish the naming of someone who did not rape her wasn't a pt so easily waved off. It's only abt 42 mins of showtime so I know not everything can be a deep dive but I hope the show can do another ep attending to this a bit more. Decaying Morality is another ep that bothers me for exactly this kind of thing

As part of the ep's storytelling I did like the use of close-up shots and the angles of those shots. I think it added a level of intimacy to the scene. I noticed them in Olivia's therapy session and also when she first met w Shea to talk abt her assault. Random and insignificant point I know but I really do like how those scenes were shot.

Overall a good ep and I am back to being invested. It's such a rollercoaster w this show! Maybe I can even start back watching them on Thurs nights so I can be a part of the conversation after. I'm always late to the comment section lol   (2/2)

SH said...

Chris Zimmer - What did you think about this episode?

Chris Zimmer said...

@SH - I have mixed opinions on this one. I makes me somewhat happy that McGrath showed his true colors in public and will likely get the boot. I thought his demeanor was a horrible fit for working SVU cases; he was the polar opposite of Chief Garland.

I also struggle with Olivia's constant involvement at the front-line level with these cases. Apparently she thinks she can fix everything herself. This controlling behavior is not new for her. In my opinion this has more to do with the show pandering to Mariska fans by putting her front and center in every case. I get it - Mariska means the chance for higher ratings. But after a while, this makes for lazy storytelling to have her take control of everything and not let other cast members shine. The Maddie case also needs to wrap up quick for the same reason - I think I would have been more interested if it were Fin going through the turmoil over it, only because he always seems so laid back all the time. We never know how much these cases have affected him over the years.

I also hate criticizing a person's acting style, but Olivia's whispering is really annoying me.

Now that I've read my own comments, it sounds like I didn't like the episode. But I did think it was fine, it just had some segments that I didn't care for.

Unknown said...

Unsolicited opinion but I hope they don't try to do anything too emotionally heavy w Fin. Mainly because I don't think Ice-T could handle the material. And I  say that w no disrespect just being honest. I don't think he can emote that well and so any personal story they've given him in the past always feels forced. If this were to be attempted it would take some stellar writing, to not only tell a compelling story, but to write to the strengths of Ice-T  otherwise it's gonna feel like you're watching Ice-T run his lines, totally pulling you out of the believability of the moment. I think the writing this season has been matching not only Fin the character but the actor who plays him. There hv been times I've really disliked how Fin was being written in the past but I am really digging him in this season. Right balance of firm and caring. I think the supporting role that Fin plays works for Ice-Ts range. Deviating from that it starts to get cringey but thats just my opinion

I've stated this in earlier posts but I *really* like his dynamic w "Moneybags" lol. And Fin throughout the years has always been an anchor for Liv. He came to her rescue in Sealview. I'm ok w him staying in the role of supporting character.

I would be more interested in them opening it up to some of the newer characters without 'ruining' them. Bruno, for example, would be good to do some personal stories w down the road once  he can still be Bruno at the other end of it. Looks like we might hv Curry for a few eps and while I don't yet understand how the 2 captains will work in the same squad I am interested to see how she makes the transition and I think that will open up some personal storytelling there too. Really liked her in this episode  w all her quirks. It's like her strengths are Benson's weaknesses and vice versa and I think they can learn a lot from each other.

Anyway, drifting off topic w that Curry stuff but my pt is I'm all for broadening the personal stories to other characters. I'm just going to say, very respectfully, please not Fin. I remember a past ep where Fin was acting like he was unbothered by a situation  and Liv acknowledged that she knew it was affecting him. I think that stuff is adequate but a Fin and "vicarious trauma" from the job storyline feels like it would be hard to pull off. But I may be alone on that I know. Sorry again for another lengthy comment. It's def a flaw of mine.

brit said...

I have to say i am totally confused why svu now has 2 ranking captains would the nypd really allow this .