Friday, March 22, 2024

Law & Order “Facade” Discussion Topic & Photos

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order “Facade” which aired on Thursday, March 22, 2024. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments! 

 Update: Photos included! All photos by: Virginia Sherwood /NBC


Robert Nacci said...

Baxter’s “in the soup now!”

Good episode overall. Perhaps second best of the season just behind the episode “Turn The Page.” It was nice to see a side character in the Medical Examiner added in. Also nice to see we might be getting an actual storyline for the Mothership for the rest of season. Although doesn’t the operation they’re chasing down seem like something for organized crime? I guess that’s just the way the L&O shows work sometimes. They’ve never really been clear in defining what units work what cases.

They clearly didn’t waste anytime in putting Baxter “in the soup” of the DA’s office (season 18 reference) and how he’s going to operate. Apparently “for the greater good” whatever that means. Should he have went after and got the conviction on the guy who was clearly guilty as sin and racist instead of waiting to take them down all at once? After all he was the one to push for the more severe charge. I don’t know. I’m on the fence. I have the feeling Jack would have went after the conviction. After all nothing trumps murder. I do like they’re giving Baxter more to do so far. Oh and what a transformation to his office in just a week’s time! Finally where did Price get that fire from later on in the episode and where has it been these 3+ seasons?

Baxter having to make a hard choice already reminded me of that season 18 episode “Illegal” and this exchange between Cutter and Jack: Jack tells Cutter, “Now I know what Adam Schiff was so grumpy.” Cutter later tells Jack, “You’re in the soup now, my friend.”

Another two week break. I’ll be glad when we get a full season next year with less breaks hopefully. Glad it gets another season!

Laurie F said...

I'm really liking Law & Order this season. Yes I will miss Sam but I Tony Goldwyn is a good fit and I believe he'll bring a spark to the second half of the show. Reid Scott is vert good too, the show finally has some of its mojo back. It got renewed for another season - WONDERFUL!

copl said...

Must be an election year. All the left wing shows need to paint white people who stand up to crime as white supremists. Basically saying Daniel Perry killed a gay, black man with asthma. I just cancelled all future recordings of law and order. This show has a bad habit of always portraying white, straight males as the bad people.