Thursday, February 2, 2023

Law & Order SVU “Intersection” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order SVU “Intersection” which aired on Thursday, February 2, 2023. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!

Note: I never thought I'd say this, but I miss Rollins.  It's getting too hard for me to "break in" a new detective and right now,  Detective Muncy isn't working for me.   


Chris Zimmer said...

Note: I added this comment to my blog after the discussion topic posted:

Note: I never thought I'd say this, but I miss Rollins. It's getting too hard for me to "break in" a new detective and right now, Detective Muncy isn't working for me.

Kev said...

Yeah not a fan of Muncy either, but Bruno is winning me over! Gives off a little "munch" vibe with his quirky comments

Laurie F said...

I like Bruno too. He fits in so well. They've done this before where they've "dangled" another person in front of us like if they'll be a regular and then...nothing. My prediction is they are only doing this because they want us to feel like Velasco's job is in jeopardy.

I don't like what felt like immature banter on Muncy's part with Velasco. The character is not winning me over. With Velasco, I thought Churlish was going to throw him under the bus for bringing in the drugs to that prisoner (how'd he get it past security anyway?) but instead she reported him for a possible murder? Why would Benson bring Muncy into the loop on this and not Fin? Why would she trust someone she barely knows with something like this?

The SVU case - very weird. I don't know what time of night that first accident happened but there were only two people on the road in the big city at that time? They had street camera information but did it cut out when the guy got out of the ambulance because I don't recall them talking about seeing the attacker pull her out of the car. It all felt super contrived to me.