Thursday, February 23, 2023

Law & Order “Fear And Loathing” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order “Fear And Loathing” which aired on Thursday, February 23, 2023. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!


Valens Hawke said...

To quote one of my favorite YouTubers and to be overdramatic as hell: My disappointment is... immeasurable. And my day is ruined.

JSlayerUK said...

This episode made me so angry. I'm not faulting the writers for this of course, I think it was their intention to make me angry. My heart broke for Detective Shaw.

Laurie F said...

This episode bothered me. I agree with JSlayer UK, the episode made me mad too. The cops were too quick to pull guns on Shaw and they were in the wrong. No cop in their right mind would pull a gun on anybody just because the person happened to be in an area where there was a murder. It's not like Shaw was doing anything that made him a threat. I can get where Dixon was coming from; she doesn't agree with the whole "blue line" thing but knows it is still there. But unless she fights against those people then people like Shaw will never have a chance. Shaw erred by not giving Price a heads up about it, though.

SH said...

The original Law & Order (including the revival) has always been my favorite version of the franchise. Some episodes since the revival from last year are not that good. But the best episodes, in my opinion, are The Right Thing, Free Speech, Black and Blue, Gimme Shelter, Battle Lines, Camouflage, 12 Seconds, and The System. For the other episodes, it's either the cop aspect or the lawyer aspect that needs improvement. For example, I believe that every episode does not need a foot chase and every episode does not need to end with a guilty plea. These are the only concerns that I have about this show.

I hope Law & Order, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and Law & Order: Organized Crime are renewed for next year. I dream that Law & Order is renewed up to Season 30 (8 years from now), SVU to Season 30 (6 years from now), and Organized Crime up to Season 10 (7 years from now) (AT LEAST!!!).