Thursday, January 25, 2024

Law & Order “Human Innovation” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order “Human Innovation” which aired on Thursday, January 25, 2024. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!


SH said...

I thought this episode was thought-provoking. Although it is not better than the season premiere, I do believe that it was a far more interesting case than SVU's. I believe Organized Crime's episode for this week is superior, though.

Laurie F said...

Agree this was thought provoking. Deep fakes are already a problem and I wonder at what point will it be too hard to tell what is real or fake. I thought that Riley not allowing the perp to have his drugs would be a problem later even though he did nothing wrong. If the perp had asked for a lawyer to start the lawyer would have nipped it in the bud and stopped the interview. Never talk to the police without a lawyer!

Good episode!

Valens Hawke said...

I guess I'm in the minority that much preferred this episode over the season premiere. That said, there are still some problems with the writing.

Once Riley made the aspirin comment, you knew the confession was getting tossed. However, here's where the writing bothered me. Surely, something like that has some precedent somewhere, even if it is conflicting on both sides. There should have been more legal argument with the judge. Also, cops are allowed to lie to suspects so... why it was tossed was weird to me.

I did like the issue of whether or not it was a deep fake and the legal implications therein. That was classic Law & Order.

And Price's last line makes me wonder if they're setting up his departure at the end of the season.