Thursday, May 11, 2023

Law & Order “Appraisal” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order “Appraisal” which aired on Thursday, May 11, 2023. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!


Valens Hawke said...

Well... I have a lot of conflicted feelings towards this episode.

I've mentioned, in all my posts here, about how I've disliked all the "action" they've put into this revival and the attempts at adding more personal drama where it feels completely unwarranted and unnaturally forced. Part of me wonders if this is an attempt by Wolf and Eid to give some actors some Emmy consideration at this point. At this point, hell get Jeffrey Donovan and Mehcad Brooks Emmy noms at this point, I feel they've earned it.

That said...

The writing was pretty hit-and-miss in parts. The things that irked me were...

Frank and Jalen not seeing the brain matter.

No one digging into Sarah's background to see that she was a state's witness.

The fact that Nelson wasn't charged with attempted Murder One? I MEAN, HELLO?! HE SHOT AT AND ALMOST KILLED FRANK? WHILE TRYING TO ABDUCT A WITNESS?! WHAT? I MEAN WHAT?

The good...

Frank and Jalen continue to carry the show entirely. I'm willing to say they're approaching Briscoe and Green-level partnership at this point.

I actually do like how they did handle Frank getting shot and the hospital scene. I'm amazed Frank got off that one-liner before he fell. Also, if there was ever a time where the family could legitimately show up, it was this episode. Kind of a miss opportunity here.

Price's examination and redirect of Frank was actually solid... for once.

Next week, Sam Waterston's 400th episode and Jack McCoy goes up against his daughter... and they're going to dredge up those issues... at least I'm interested.

Laurie F said...

I liked this episode mostly because Cosgrove and Shaw make a good pair. There are still issues with the legal side that I can't get my arms around. At least Cosgrove admitted that Price was right.