Thursday, November 10, 2022

Law & Order “Only The Lonely” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order “Only The Lonely” which aired on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!


Laurie F said...

I liked it. I knew the minute I saw Mark Feuersteinn that things were going to get messy.

Why didn't the woman who was a cutter SAY she was a cutter when they decided to arrest her finding blood in her home? Why would she tell them right away that was her blood?

Valens Hawke said...

(Posting in the RIGHT post now)

Hey, Elisabeth Rohm directed this episode!

So far, the best episodes of the season have been directed by show alumni. That, unfortunately, is not saying much.

That said... better than last week. Though that's a low bar to clear in my opinion.

Wasn't spectacular but it was perfectly cromulent. Except for the last line. "Make sure he only has one passport?" I ask again, do the writers hate Hugh Dancy?

The Cops: Only real complaint is, with the first suspect, no one like examined her arms? Like, it should have been found out MUCH sooner she was a cutter. Got a lot of information about Dixon, Detective Yee, and Maroun. This type of personal life information, I can support. It makes sense in the context of the case.

The Lawyers: You know... for once, I cannot yell about how bad Price was as a lawyer. I will absolutely admit to yelling, "OBJECTION! PRICE IS NOT A BIG SHOT LAWYER!" at my screen during Miller's opening statement. But other than that... Yeah, I can't really say Price did anything incompetent or bad this time. Also, seeing Maroun trying to salvage Pollard's reputation was nice but Pollard was monologuing way too much on the stand. Which leads me to the actual criticism.

The Judges: What? Just WHAT?! Okay, 1 million dollars bail... for someone with more passports than James Bond? WHAT?! Then the Trial Judge? Could a real lawyer tell me if a judge would allow no standby counsel for a pro se defendant in a MURDER trial? Really? REALLY? Then the sex tape having exculpatory value? WHAT?! There's giving a pro se defendant leeway, but you don't let that defendant operate by his own rules? Like, is it a commentary on how clever Miller was? If so... What? I'm sorry, the arraignment judge and trial judge should be removed from the bench.

brit said...

I too knew Mark did it the moment i say him what is the budget on the L & O's this year it seems to be cut especially CI geesh.