Thursday, May 16, 2024

Law & Order “In Harm’s Way” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order “In Harm’s Way” , the season finale, which aired on Thursday, May 16, 2024. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!

Update May 17, 2024
A few comments from me on this season finale.  I thought it was a great finish and in my opinion, it was far better than the SVU or OC finales.  Everything clicked - the cast, the story, the family influence.  I usually don't care for too much family involvement on any of the Law & Order shows but in the case of this episode, it was just the right balance.  The way they handled the sparring between Baxter and Price in previous episodes made me enjoy Price more and I'm more accepting of how he's handling cases.  Shaw and Riley are a solid pairing as well.  I'm very sorry to see Camryn Manheim go and we didn't get a hint of her leaving in the episode, which is not surprising in the Law & Order universe. So you won't get any criticism from me on this finale - I loved it!


Robert Nacci said...

They saved their best for the final episode of the season! We got to know more of what kind of DA Baxter is going to be. And I think I might just like it. Time will tell. He’s definitely a politician more so than Jack but definitely not to the detriment of being a prosecutor. I think we’re also seeing the toll the job of DA takes on a person in their personal life with their family. Great response by Baxter at the end when questioned about his daughter that his duty as a father comes before his duty as DA. We saw glimpses of it with past DA’s but the I think this is the first time we have seen it so prevalent. It was good to see some supporting characters in play such as the ballistics lab, the ADA’s out in the field, etc. Everyone is clicking and hitting their stride. In classic L&O fashion they left it on a cliffhanger as to if Baxter wins or not in case Tony Goldwyn doesn’t come back next season but I hope he does. A few nitpicks: when Price and Sam found the witness, what was up with Price just letting Sam go in first? Come on man, man up! 😂 And then there was no mention of Dixon leaving the squad. Guess she doesn’t get a proper send off and we have to wait until next season to find out why she leaves. Overall though, the future is bright for the revival of the Mothership!

SH said...

Season 23 of the original Law & Order is the strongest season of its revival!

This was a great episode. The best season finale this week, compared to SVU and OC! I enjoyed Baxter's back story and I hope Tony Goldwyn will return for next season! I will miss Dixon/Camryn Manheim, and I guess there was no mention because the episode finished filming before the decision/announcement of her leaving was ever made.

For this season, I think the best episodes were "Freedom of Expression," "Last Dance," "Balance of Power," "No Good Deed," and this episode. I extremely look forward to next season!

Laurie F said...

This was a fantastic episode. Fantastic! There wasn't anything I didn't like. This was one of the rare times I didn't mind a family component to the story, it all fit very well. The mothership is the best of the bunch, and Tony Goldwyn is the perfect replacement for Sam. Baxter is going to be a great DA, I assume he'll win the election...or so I hope. Sorry to see Camryn go and we'll just have to wait to find out how she exits the 2-7.

JTC said...

It's too bad the shooter missed. I love Tony Goldwyn but his character in L&O comes across as a horse's ass with no redeeming qualities.

Jim said...

Is it standard procedure for ADAs to visit a state's witness without being accompanied by police?