Thursday, February 24, 2022

Law & Order SVU “If I Knew Then What I Know Now” Recap, Review, Discussion

If I knew then what I know now…I may not have tuned into this episode.    Every  now and then there is an episode of Law & Order SVU where I am unable to connect in any meaningful way, and this is one of them.  It wasn’t just a weak,  uninteresting case, it was also the personal drama between Rollins and Carisi peppered within the story that distracted from connecting with the victim.  I found the daughter, Ashley, too annoying. She wants to study social justice and right off the bat, without really knowing her birth mother, decides to go on a crusade for her.  It’s clear even Rollins has some misgivings, and in this rare case, I found myself agreeing with Rollins.  She thinks they would have been better off if none of this ever came up, and  also has reservations about the  cognitive reenactment, wondering just because they can do something, should they? In the world of Law & Order SVU they will always find a way to turn a bad situation into something that’s all rainbows and unicorns, and they did in this case.  Sadly, reality usually doesn’t work this way and Rollins probably was taking the more realistic approach. 

This episode seemed to be written as a vehicle for Benson to be the center of attention, and to re-tell her story that she is a child of her mother’s rape.  Benson was involved in this case more than any one of the other detectives,  maybe because Fin and Velasco we missing,  both under quarantine. Detective Khaldun from Hate Crimes filled in, but I’m not sure that even that should have made Benson be front and center in almost every aspect of this case. 

The other thing that annoyed me is having yet another woman – this time Trial Division Chief Lorraine Maxwell – having to recount her tale of rape in order to advance a story line.  Must every woman in the Law & Order universe have to tell a rape story? And in this case, Maxwell decides her personal experience means that they should go after a rape suspect and take him down, even though she admits it’s a  bad case with no tox report, no outcry, no witnesses.  This is not practicing law. 

By the way, I thought the brother (Zach) was the obvious suspect and was surprised when the DNA didn’t match. 

I’ve separated the Rollins/Carisi detail  and my commentary from the recap. Full disclosure – and maybe an unpopular opinion – but I don’t see any believable chemistry between these two.  I’m glad they’re coming clean with their relationship, but I honestly don’t care either way.  It will finally be out in the open and will either work well, or implode in typical Rollins fashion.  But that personal drama ruined whatever momentum the story about the case, which was weak in of itself.   The Rollins/Carisi drama starts right out of the gate, with Carisi doing some cooking at the Rollins residence, and Jesse saying is her sister Billie’s has a question: Is Uncle Sonny her daddy?  Carisi and Rollins realize they have to address the issue as he has been around a lot for a while. Later, Rollins tells Carisi that her shrink thinks Billie is testing boundaries and they don’t need to bring it up again unless she does.   (I suppose Rollins needs parenting advice from her shrink because she has no friends outside of work in whom she can confide?)  Later, she and Carisi meet outside on a park bench and argue about how to proceed with their relationship. Carisi doesn’t want to be Uncle Sonny forever but Rollins doesn’t know if he wants them to disclose to the NYPD or just Jesse and Billie, their parents, etc. etc.   Carisi doesn’t want to live like this anymore, calling it a hand grenade in his pocket, worried it will come out in a trial.  Rollins doesn’t want to leave SVU.  Carisi floated it to HR as a hypothetical situation and if they both disclose to their bosses they are fine. Rollins is reluctant, but believes she’s never been more honest and open in a relationship.  At the end of the episode, Rollins comes clean to Benson that she and Carisi “are involved” and he is going to disclose to his bosses. Benson calls it a smart thing to do, and adds she is very happy for her.  Later, Rollins tells Carisi that Benson wasn’t surprised and thinks she knew all along, and Carisi says Trial Division Chief Lorraine Maxwell didn’t, and isn’t sure what she ever thinks. They decide to go home for dinner and talk to Billie and Jesse and they share a kiss.  (This is the scene that closed the episode.)

Here is the recap: 

Ashley, a hyper young girl who plans on studying social justice,   meets her birth mother  in a restaurant and asks about her biological father.  The next thing we know, Ashley is in SVU, reporting that he mother was raped by her father the night she was conceived.  She explains her mom was 15 and passed out at a party. She doesn’t remember anything, she drank a lot.  Her life has never been the same and Ashley wants to make it right.   Benson consults with Carisi and this will not be easy; they will have to question Michelle.  Khaldun and Rollins try to question Michelle and she is reluctant and tells them it is not her business. 

Carisi tells Benson they need witnesses or Michelle’s cooperation, and thinks it would be good for Michelle to hear about it from someone who’s lived it.  Of course Benson tells her own story to Michelle about her being a product of rape, and Michelle opens up.  The detectives speak with Ashley’s adoptive parents, Benson speaks with Michelle’s mother, who didn’t want Michelle to meet with Ashley.  They trace a classmate, Mavis,  who says she know nothing about the party where Michelle was raped. Michelle, seeing this, knows that Mavis was there as she put her in a cab, and produces a photo from the party.   Benson decides to conduct a “cognitive re-enactment” at the townhouse where the rape occurred – Rollins wonders if just because they can do something, should they?  Michelle recalls the attack and when in the room, sees a lion embossed in the ceiling – this is the place. 

Later, Rollins and Khaldun speak with the woman who owned the house at that time,  under the guise of doing a background check,  leading them to her two sons, Zach and Josh.  Zach is a lawyer and they come up with nothing. Josh is a park ranger in Vermont, but he walks into SVU. He really liked Michelle and seems thrilled that Ashley could be his son. Michelle later recalls making out with him but doesn’t think he would rape her and questions whether she recalls correctly she was raped.  

Benson and Rollins discuss the case and Rollins comments to imagine being a kid and finding out something like this, forgetting Benson’s situation.  Benson of course recounts her own story. 

Against advice, Michelle has told tell Ashley about Josh, and Ashley, overly happy, tells Benson she arranged for them to meet. She adds that Michelle said she was wrong about being raped. Rollins thinks Ashley is “pink clouding.” Benson puts a rush on the DNA tests.   

Later,  Benson and Khaldun bring Josh into SVU and he is not the father, and neither is his brother Zach.   In the meantime and elsewhere, Michelle apologizes to Rollins.  But Josh recalls  a friend who was there, Cole Eaton. 

Carisi and Benson speak with Trial Division Chief Lorraine Maxwell who knows Cole’s father, a big security and exchange lawyer in the 80s.   Mavis has corroborated Cole was there.  Cole is very connected and has a lot to lose. 

At Baker Eaton Capital,  Benson and Carisi speak with Cole and makes it sound like he was “catnip” to women came on to him with enthusiastic consent. Benson threatens a warrant for his DNA. They later find it’s a match.  Benson thinks Carisi will  not think this is enough. 

Later, Michelle meets with Cole at a diner and she is wearing a wire.  She tries to get him to admit to the rape but he  thinks she wants money.  She wants an acknowledgement, and gets loud and starts to make a scene.  He knows others are listening in and says he didn’t do anything she didn’t want.  She doesn’t want  money and he says she missed her chance. Rollins and Khaldun move to taking him to the station in cuffs, but he knows they don’t have enough and says he’ll meet them there. 

Benson and Carisi play the recording back for Maxwell and says it is bad case - no tox report, outcry, or witnesses. Carisi can’t guarantee a win.  Maxwell recounts her own experience being raped by the son, a multi-generation legacy,  of the father of a trustee of a prestigious club. She never told anyone about this until that day.  She wants them to take Cole Eaton down. 

At SVU, Benson and Carisi meet with Cole and his lawyer, and Carisi wants to go to trial, rape one. Josh is willing to testify as is Mavis.  They arrest him and say he will be a headline.   He says he will call Lorraine, and Carisi says she signed off on his warrant.

Afterwards, Michelle is concerned that she has to testify and Ashley wants her to try.  Michelle thinks Ashley should take the money but she wants justice for Michelle.

Later, in a meeting room at the New York DA’s office,  Ashley meets with Cole, who is there with his lawyer, along with Carisi and Benson. He shows her photos of her sisters and he says he’d like her to meet them.  He would tell them over time she is a daughter from a prior relationship.  She says he has to admit he raped Michelle. He says they are never going to agree on this, saying what matters  now is he is her father.  She states she has a father, he is her birth mother’s rapist and until he admits that he doesn’t want anything to do with him.  

Afterwards, Benson and Carisi is there with Ashley’s parents and Michelle.  They have a deal on the table. Carisi says to avoid a trial,  Cole is willing to waive the statute of limitations and plead guilty to a misdemeanor – endangering the welfare of a minor.  He will do two years probation and 400 hours of community service. He has offered to pay for Ashley’s college tuition and Michelle’s college debt.  There will be no contact with Ashley unless she initiates.  Carisi gives them the option of still taking this to trial.  Michelle says if Ashley is good, she is good.  Ashley agrees.  

Benson speaks to Michelle who says she is relieved.  She says for the first time in 18 years, her life has possibilities.  She thanks Benson.  Later, Rollins and Benson discuss that Ashley, her parents  and Michelle are all going out to dinner.  Rollins also admits to being involved with Carisi and that he will disclose with his bosses.   

Rollins and Carisi meet outside on the street and discuss the new development in their relationship and as they kiss we fade to black. 



brit said...

Glad to know you and i Chris are on the same page. Law enforcement wouldn't have given this non case 5 minutes of their time. She would have had to find and sue him privately. I'm not a fan of Carisi and Rollins romance i have said so in the past and i see nothing to change my mind.

Jane said...

Agree with everything you said! One of the things that drives me crazy about SVU, is they bring cases that in the real world would never make it into a courtroom. It’s happening more and more and it’s annoying. As for Rollins and Carisi. I can’t stand them, I turn the channel whenever they’re on. And I’m sorry, but in what universe could an SVU detective and SVU ADA be involved. It’s a huge conflict of interest.

Dawgdays said...

Is the actress who played the rape victim the same who played the young mom in the "missing pieces" episode from season 13? Sure looked like her.

charisma said...

@Dawgdays Yes it's the same actress Lisa Joyce. She was also in "Avatar" from Season 9.

Unknown said...

Love this blog - have spent a lot of time here.

There was something about this episode that didn't make sense to me. At one point Carisi says that the rapist agreed to waive the statute of limitations...but if the victim was 15, surely there is no limitation? Wouldn't the underage sex trump the rape anyway?

As an Australian, I'm assuming that there must be a difference in our law systems on this one.

Mending_Wall said...

This case was legally doomed to fail. I wonder if Barba would've entertained this for a second. That said, cases like this make me feel bad. It reminds me of how many people are raped, who never get justice. Meanwhile the rapist is just moving on with their life.

Sonny and Rollins, I used to root for them hard. Now I don't see it anymore. I felt that sonny should've moved on with his life long ago. Rollins has admitted in the past she doesn't like nice guys. I feel that sonny could've started fresh with someone else instead of following a woman around for years while she moved on with her life.

Guest said...

As the first episode for SVU on Law and Order Thursday, I thought that they did a good job. SVU is about being there for the victim. I don't know if this branding was done prior to the start of season 23 but on a night of 3 L&O shows it's good to know your fanbase and identity. For me, it was a night of "can't miss" TV because we had the 3 hours of L&O tv. I had hoped for this at the beginning of the season with For the Defense. I'm not a huge Rollisi fan but it was nice to get an update on where things stood with the couple. It didn't distract from the story for me. I like the water cooler conversation about what Benson and Noah did over the weekend. Benson's "it has informed my entire life" may be a phrase she has mentioned before but it was good hearing it again. I don't recommend that every SVU be like this one but with what I saw of the reboot of L&O (remake of SVU 1.1 Payback) SVU needed to do something a little different. It was a hit for me.

Unknown said...

I actually liked the episode and I love the drama between Rollins and Carisi. I love both actors and enjoy when they get screentime more screentime than Benson. Guess I’m in the minority…

Glennis said...

I agree that Rollins and Carisi are a good couple. I stopped watching SVU for a few years and I'm glad I've started watching again. I know some of the storylines may not be lawfully accurate, but it is just that - a storyline. It makes for interesting entertainment. No one is watching this to see what the legal system is truly like.

A said...

I was first predicting that the adoptive father would turn out to be the unsub since he was urging the detectives and Ashley not to look into things, then I thought it was going to end with Josh murdering Cole (though those family gatherings are now going to be very awkward, to say the least).