Thursday, September 23, 2021

Law & Order SVU "And The Empire Strikes Back/Never Turn Your Back On Them” Recap, Review, Discussion

Season 23 of Law & Order SVU is off to a fine start, continuing the story which began in the season finale, Law & Order SVU “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing”.   In that episode, women were being trafficked for sex in exchange for living in safe, comfortable housing.    Dr. Catalina Machado, the founder of “Proud Life,”  was the mastermind behind the scheme, and she cuts a deal by offering up the involvement of many current and former government officials.

It's an amazing feat that this show, starting its 23rd year, has such a high quality production,  a cast with great chemistry, stories that are meaningful, relevant, and compelling, and a fervent fan base.  The episode is engrossing, but right from the start, and throughout the episode,  one can’t help but feel unsettled.  There’s a sense that something is going to go wrong, and that trouble lurks just around the corner for each of the lead characters.  It's a great start to the season and only makes one want to see more. 

It begins with Carisi and Rollins sharing a late-evening kiss in an empty courthouse hallway. Despite the lack of people, it's not the right place to be intimate.   Of course, the old  “lipstick on his collar” got noticed on Carisi.  I’ve never been much of a Carisi/Rollins “shipper” but I’m okay with this story line.  Those two have been dancing around it long enough and it’s time to see if it can work - or not. Maybe the courthouse kiss wasn’t the smartest thing to do if they want to stay under the radar but hopefully they’ll come clean with their colleagues at some point soon.

While Benson is driving and on the phone with Stabler,  an aggressive driver forces her off the road and she’s  injured in the accident.  (Mariska Hargitay’s real life ankle injuries had to be explained, and this scenario worked very well to accomplish that. )   Benson seeing Stabler in her dazed mind instead of the real EMT tells us where Benson’s head is at when it comes to her feelings for him – he’s back in her life to help in her time of need.  Sadly for Benson, it was only her mind playing tricks. 

While we’re on the subject of Stabler, the only time I felt the momentum of the episode was broken was when Benson was questioned by IAB about the hospital shooting of Detective Morales in the Law & Order Organized Crime season 1 finale, “Forget It Jake; It’s Chinatown” .   Benson has to explain that the text from Stabler drawing her there was faked by Richard Wheatley, and feels anyone close to Stabler is in danger because of Wheatley. 

I felt sorry for Deputy Chief Garland.  He feels like he’s being tossed aside (he is).  Benson has unwittingly helped, being forced by (jerk) Chief McGrath to cut Garland out of the loop.   At McGrath’s order, she kept information to herself about an undercover detective, not only from her own detectives and Carisi, but from Garland as well.  She wasn’t aware, however, that McGrath had no plans to have Garland present at the press conference about the arrests of the congressman and other officials.  Clearly McGrath wants Garland out. It was painful to watch how hurt Garland was when he realized he’d been left out of the loop on the press conference. Worse yet, he doesn’t know Benson left him out of the loop on the UC as well, thinking that Benson has his back.  Benson looks guilty, knowing that she didn’t have his back on this.  

And speaking of (jerk) Chief McGrath,  besides having contempt for Garland, he also doesn’t understand that a man, especially one in a position of power, should never tell a female, directly - or indirectly as in the case of a witness - to “grow a pair”.  He also says the DA’s office on the 8th floor has no balls.  It seems McGrath equates testicles to intelligence or courage, and that you have to be a man to have those traits.   He’s a harassment case waiting to happen.  He’s a bully and  I don’t like him, and I suspect that is by design. 

Kat threatens to move to France with her partner Celine if Congressman Howard becomes president.  But it’s Kat’s discomfort with having to get a witness to testify that they promised they’d leave alone that is what is affecting her more.  It felt wrong to her, but Rollins explains that is part of the job and she must get past it.  I don’t think Kat can (and as we see in the next episode, we know she can't).

In the real world, I wonder why someone like Carisi, who is still a relative newbie in the Manhattan DA’s office, would be handling a case against a sitting Congressman.  Despite it being a sex crime, I would think someone higher up in that office, or even an Executive District Attorney, would be running the show.  Carisi does a decent job but it becomes evident at the end of the episode that he could be in over his head.

Somewhat expected, but disturbing nonetheless, was how Congressman Howard – or the power behind  him – worked to take out witnesses against him, even to the point of murder. 

The fallout from the deaths of Ruben Ortiz and Catalina Machado continue in the second hour,  but the first focus is on finding Jenna, the young girl that Howard drugged and attempted to rape at the fundraiser.  Detective Joe Velasco is paired up with Rollins and of course, like every newbie to SVU,  he makes a promise to Jenna’s mom they will find her, and, also like every newbie,  he has to be told NOT to make promises.  He also takes quite a bit of initiative – yes,  SVU newbies all do that too – but in this case it does help them in the investigation.    In order to bring Jenna in, Velasco also tells her a story about problems he had with his dad. Is it a made-up story,  or the truth?  He wants Rollins to think it’s fiction but the look on his face says it’s not.   Too bad Rollins is in a relationship with Carisi; she and Velasco have some chemistry. 

While on the subject of Rollins and Carisi, they meet up in an empty courtroom and decide that, even though the rules say they need to disclose when entering a serious relationship – and they are serious –  they will  keep silent for now.  Meeting like that in an empty courtroom, like their earlier  kissing in the courthouse hall,  was not a wise move if the want to keep a secret.  Haven’t these two ever heard of meeting in their respective apartments to have intimate discussions? 

What I don’t understand is why the prosecution couldn’t use the surveillance footage against Howard to prove he drugged Jenna and attempted to sexually assault her when she was in no condition to consent.  Thankfully, Jenna’s mom saved a dress loaded with Howard’s DNA, and finally they have Howard pinned.  Of course he’s stupid and begins to run at the mouth despite his attorney’s (Gold) warnings, and this seals his fate.  Gold also realizes he’s in deep and offers a deal which would give them an ex-President, the president’s relatives, Hollywood royalty, REAL royalty,  and Silicon Valley billionaires.  (I wonder who they are all implying here – wink wink.)  Of course, the powers that be are a little rattled at this prospect – maybe it hits too close to home for some of them - so they turn their back on going after the bigger fish. Just like reality, we’re not going to get any satisfaction here. 

The real take-aways from “Never Turn Your Back On Them” is how we have to say goodbye to Kat and to Garland.  Fin blames himself for Kat getting shot and coming close to death.  He thinks he should have gone in first.  Kat has always been headstrong and she moved too fast to the door.  Benson says Fin shouldn’t blame himself but maybe Fin should have instructed Kat to slow down. He was standing back from the door and maybe Kat should have stood more off to the side while she tried the door, something she should have learned when she worked as a cop.  At least she wasn’t killed but the incident was the last straw for her.  She was becoming increasing frustrated with working in SVU, feeling that their efforts come too late and often bring  even more trauma to the victims.  It was time for her to move on.  Jamie Gray Hyder was a nice fit for this role but I’m not sure that Kat was ever presented in a way that viewers could warm up to her.  I wish Jamie well in her future endeavors. 

Garland resigns, finding it impossible to continue in his role as Deputy Chief when it’s been made crystal clear that his higher-ups have turned their collective backs on him and hung him out to dry.  Demore Barnes was a fine addition to the cast and it’s a shame that his story line has apparently run its course.  Most  importantly, with Garland out,  (jerk) Chief McGrath is taking over for Garland while he hires a replacement.  McGrath wants Benson and SVU to focus on “real rapes” and not policing the bedroom, an attitude that makes Benson blanch.   She firmly counters she won’t turn her back on any victim.   Yes, there is going to be trouble between Benson and McGrath. 

Here is the recap: 

(A recap of previous events from the season finale Law & Order SVU “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing” takes place before the episode begins. )

After Fin and Phoebe’s (non)wedding reception, and in an empty courthouse hallway at 10 PM, Carisi and Rollins are kissing passionately. Carisi wonders if anyone at the wedding saw them and says this (kissing in the hall)  is not a great idea. Rollins replies it’s not like the cleaning crew is going to bust them. She asks if it is even real, and Carisi says it seems like it is. Rollins asks – “and tomorrow?”  Carisi doesn’t answer. 

Meanwhile, Fin passes along flowers from their (non)wedding ceremony to Kat and her partner Celine.  Fin explains they can’t go on a “we-didn’t-get-married-moon” as the captain wants all hands on deck all weekend. 

Later, Carisi meets with the attorney from the second district and she notes lipstick on his collar, asking if he had fun at the wedding. 

Garland is driving in his car with his wife Lamai, and concludes a call with the Chief McGrath about a  CompStat meeting  first thing Tuesday morning.    He explains to his wife that Catalina Machado is with the southern district right now and they thought she was the ringleader but if she is the middleman, who knows how high this goes?  He explains SVU takes the lead on this case;  politicians and congressmen involved in sex trafficking is the break he needed in the NYPD.

Back at the DA’s office with Carisi and the southern district and Catalina’s legal team Carstairs and Atwood and Catalina Machado. One of her attorneys asks where is Benson and Carisi explains she is en route.  The attorney bitches about this messing up his weekend.  Carisi tries to call Benson again. 

Benson is in her car, speaking with Stabler  on the speaker.  Stabler says it was a great night and with everything that’s been going on, it’s  nice to get a break.  Benson agrees it really was. Her phone buzzes and she asks Stabler to hold; she has Carisi on the other line.  He tells her to take it, he’ll be right here.  Carisi asks Benson where is she, he has half of the southern district right there. Benson  explains she is on her way, and Carisi comments he will see her soon.  Carisi re-enters the room and says Benson may be a few more minutes and suggests they get started. 

Benson explains to Stabler she was supposed to be at the DA’s office an hour ago so she has to go. She adds she has some idiot with his brights on behind her and Stabler suggests she should pull over.   The car honks its horn and Stabler tells her to let him pass.  She says she is trying, and suddenly the car following her hits Benson’s car in the back end and Benson’s car drives off the road and  we hear a crash. 

Later,  disoriented, Benson sees Stabler on the crash scene and he calls out to Benson, who is on a stretcher, and says he’s got her.  But it’s  not Stabler, it just someone from the FDNY with a beard, saying she will be okay, he’s got her.  She seems to pass out. 

The next day, back at SVU, Benson is at her desk,  with Carisi, Rollins, and Fin, who says she scared the hell out of them. Benson said she is fine – airbags – but Rollins asks about her ankle. Benson explains they want her to get an MRI but she’s not going to have time.  Carisi insists she has to see an orthopedist, you don’t mess around with an ankle.  Benson says. “Thank you, Dr. Carisi.”  Rollins inquires if the crash investigation got anything, and Benson explains that Stabler and the OC are looking into it, going through her car and looking at traffic cams, bus so far the working theory is a drunk driver, hit and run.  Fin adds it was someone who knew how hard to hit her and how fast to run. Benson comments if there is anything there, they will find it.   She asks Carisi how did it go with Catalina and was she helpful, and Carisi replies and then some, she is a fount.  Fin thinks Chief McGrath will be happy but Benson states even when he is happy, he’s not happy.  She asks them to bring her up to speed. 

At One PP,  Benson, there with Garland, explains to the CompStat committee that the investigation stated from a prostitution complaint from a neighbor and they quickly ascertained that homeless mothers were being given subsidized housing and then threatened with eviction if they didn’t provide sexual services. When asked how that got them to Catalina Machado, Benson explains they picked up Reuben Ortiz who is the aid to Congressman George Justin Howard.  Garland adds that the congressman gave up Catalina, and she in turn named co-conspirators the former HUD secretary and two former assemblymen.  Chief McGrath comments there are a lot of “formers” and asks who is their  highest ranking public servant who still has a job. Benson says it is Congressman Howard. 

At the New York Stock Exchange,  Congressman Howard is there with Janet Whitman of the Whitman NeoChip Corporation to  help ring the opening bell.  Fin watches on line with Kat and says there is nothing sadder than white people congratulating themselves. Kat notes a “bulldog” standing near Howard and asks if that is the congressman’s handler, and Fin explains that is Myron Gold,  Howard’s lawyer and political consultant.  The word is Gold is going to make Howard the next president.  Kat scoffs and says if that happens, she and Celine will move to France.  

Back at the hearing, Benson goes on to say that Justin Howard was born in Westchester and is the only son of a prominent New York family.  McGrath interrupts Benson and tells her to cut to the chase, asking if she has Catalina and Ortiz wearing wires. Benson says yes, and Garland adds neither of them knows that the others are wired. McGrath comments “Even better” and asks about victims. Benson says yes, and McGrath asks about phone records and Benson and Garland both nod yes.  McGrath asks when do they pick him up, and Garland replies there is a fundraiser this weekend,  but Benson interjects that to be fair, they are still building the case, going over NDAs, following on-line payments…McGrath interrupts and says he doesn’t want the investigation to stall out like the feds with Kendall Gates. He tells them if they reel this guy in, that is a win for them – and for Chief Garland…everything will be forgiven.  Benson and Garland nod. 

At the Capital Grille, Catalina and Ortiz are dining with Howard and she comments about him at the opening bell. He tells her wherever  he goes, there is a place for her.  She says god bless him and whatever she can do.  He comments since she mentioned it, he went by Holt Tower to visit his mother and couldn’t find his friend Paulie the maintenance guy.  She explains he had a family emergency.  He replies that he misses his sweet Rosa.  Catalina explains Rosa has been a bit difficult; she is worried about what her son might know. Howard says he needs another NDA, and Ortiz says he is on it. As Fin and Kat listen to the conversation,  Howard adds the problem is these young mothers are worried about their kids. He asks aren’t there deserving homeless families with teenage daughters?  Catalina says she is sure she can find some.  He thanks her.  Kat and Fin are sitting nearby and Kat comments that Howard is a piece of crap. 

Back at SVU in her office,  Benson listens to a recording of the conversation as Howard goes on to say he loves to mentor, asking that maybe she can let him know by Saturday. There is a knock on her door – it’s McGrath.  She moves to stand up and he tells her to stay off that leg.  Benson comments it’s not a big deal, and he says they are lucky it wasn’t worse – especially Chief Garland. McGrath is well aware this is more Benson’s case than Garland’s.  Benson states she wouldn’t say that, she’s been working closely with him on this.  McGrath smiles and says that is good to hear.  He adds that – between them – he has a very good UC that he can trust.  Benson states Howard is going to a fundraiser and she has two CIs in the room with him.  McGrath comments even so, it can’t hurt to bolster their testimony. He asks who can do that, and Benson suggests maybe Dr. Machado – and she will let Garland know.  But before she can text a message to Garland, McGrath stops her, saying don’t.  He adds the department is worried about Garland’s prior relationship to Catalina.  Benson is momentarily at a loss for words, but them comments she can assure McGrath that Garland’s loyalty is to the department. McGrath comments there is still the matter of Garland’s judgment. He states  he is trusting her not to mention this UC to him – or anyone else on her squad for that matter. He gets up to leave.  Benson suggests this could be dangerous for HIS guy, and he tells her to  make sure it isn’t.  Benson nods, and McGrath exits her office. 

In the SVU squad room, Benson explains to Carisi, Fin, Rollins, and Kat that the Holt Tower trafficking  case is now focused on Congressman Howard’s involvement.  Rosa, Lulu, and Denise have all disclosed that Howard paid them multiple visits, and asks if they are all solid.  The group is silent and Benson asks if there is a problem.  Fin comments that Lulu is not talking until she gets her daughter back and he doesn’t blame her, she’s already been burned twice.  Carisi says he is working with protective services on that. Rollins explains Denise is out and Benson questions if she is not worth another run. Rollins replies no, she means out of the city, she can’t find her.  Benson concludes that leaves Rosa, and Kat comments they promised to leave her alone so she and her son could have a fresh start.  Benson admits they did, but then says Kat and Rosa have a good rapport so ask her about Howard and see where it leads.  Kat reluctantly picks up  her phone.

At Harlem Meer in Central Park, Kat meets with Rosa who is not thrilled to see Kat there, as Rosa is there with her son on a field trip.  Kat explains things are moving quickly and they are looking to make a case against Howard.  Rosa says no, reminding her that Benson said after she helped with Catalina she could keep the apartment and that it was over.  Kat explains it is over – for her, but he is hurting other women, raping girls.  Rosa states the man is a pig, the worst of them all.  Kat says they need her help to put him away.  Rosa worries that is by testifying against him and asks Kat if she is crazy, Kat knows who he is. Kat confirms she does,  but they can protect her.  Rosa’s son calls out to her and Rosa walks off, saying she has to go. Kat asks her to think it over, and Rosa tells her to let he be with her son.  Kat walks off, dejected. 

Elsewhere, Carisi and Rollins are at the jail,  speaking with Paulie Banducci, who asks if they are nuts, adding  it is bad enough he had to rat out Catalina but says Howard is going to be president some day.  He has a machine behind him and do they think they’re going to let someone like him blow that up? Rollins suggests they drive him, saying he has a medical issue, no one there has to know.  He states he told them already, he took Howard to Lulu’s apartment, Denise’s apartment, and Rosa’s apartment. Carisi presses him, saying now they need him to testify to that. 

Meanwhile, in a car, Howard asks Ortiz what are they doing on the after party for the fundraiser; he hasn’t heard from Catalina.  Ortiz, who is driving, replies she is working on it but Howard thinks it’s not  fast enough.  He adds it’s been a busy week and he needs to unwind. He asks about the girls who interned, and asks if that was last summer, and Ortiz says they were still in high school. Howard says make sure they have IDs, saying the petite blond was like a colt. Ortiz has to explain that a colt is male horse and a filly is the female. 

At SVU, Benson, Carisi, Fin, Garland, and McGrath are watching a feed from a camera placed inside Howard’s/Ortiz’s car as the two of them make disgusting comments about Jenna and her cute friend, Hayden.  McGrath complains that Ortiz got a law degree to become a pimp.  The team then discusses Jenna’s age, which Benson thinks is 16, McGrath thinks maybe even 15. He comments he has three girls at Sacred Heart and this makes him sick.  He adds to make sure Ortiz gets Jenna to this fundraiser and catch Howard in the act and arrest him on sight. Carisi counters that the thinking here is to let this play out, and McGrath asks “why?”.   Benson replies some of their witnesses are reluctant and they are thinking if them give them more time…McGrath angrily interrupts and tells her to tell the witnesses to grow a pair, he wants this guy to go down, NOW.  Garland quietly says they only have one shot at Howard, and Carisi adds that the 8th floor agrees. But McGrath tersely states they have no balls either.  Benson shakes her head. McGrath tells Carisi to correct him if he is wrong, but as soon as Howard announces his exploratory committee for presidency, then any arrest is going to be perceived as political, asking if he is right. Carisi agrees but adds that is still a ways off.  McGrath counters that what’s not is a new mayor.  Benson’s phone buzzes ad McGrath adds that after the year they just had, Howard is the perfect target.  Garland, looking down, asks if he means white. McGrath says privileged,  right, the headline makes this…he sees Benson is distracted by her phone and, annoyed, asks Benson if she is with them.  She apologizes and says something has come up, and says she has a situation and need to leave. Fin sits up, alert,  as Benson excuses herself.  

Later, back in the squad room with Rollins and Fin, Kat enters and asks where is the captain.  Fin says they don’t know, they still haven’t heard from her.  Kat says it didn’t feel right pressuring Rosa today, she feels like they are rushing this. Maybe Benson will talk to McGrath about it. Fin sarcastically says “good luck”. Kat adds she knows the job  is not supposed to be easy but today is the first day where it just felt wrong.  Rollins explains that is part of the job too,  she has to get past that. 

In the conference room at IAB,  Benson is being interviewed and recorded, and states that Morales was cop gone bad and he was distressed and he couldn’t handle it.  She’s asked what happened next, and Benson replies Morales put a gun to his head and Sergeant Bell was trying to talk him down. The events flash back, as Benson adds  Morales finally lowered his weapon and they all took a breath. But them Morales moves to shoot at Bell and Bell fires as Benson says everything happened so quickly, Morales aimed his gun at them and Bell was forced to fire first.  Benson states it was a good shooting – textbook, suicide by cop.  When asked if there is anything else she can add, Benson replies no.  Benson is asked why she was at the hospital, and Benson explains that she received a text from Detective Stabler but she knows now he didn’t send it. She adds Stabler told her, and when asked if she had no reason to doubt him, she replies that he was her partner for 12 years. Benson states it was from Richard Wheatley, he has a vendetta against Stabler; any woman who is close to him is a target.  The investigator questions that Wheatley wanted to kill her, and Benson informs her that she was run off the road the week before and that may have been a warning shot.  But the investigator says she was aware of that, but at the hospital, he sent Morales to kill his ex-wife, Angela.  Benson counters “ Or – both of us.”  She flashes back to her first meeting Wheatley before the hospital incident and she gives a silent stare to the investigator.

Afterward, as Benson gets into the car, Fin asks how it went with IAB. She replies “it went.” She asked if they are set up for Howard’s fundraiser, and he informs her everything is in motion. She asks if he can help her understand what is it with these men – Wheatley, Howard.  Fin thinks it’s too much money and too much power – they think they can do whatever they want.  Benson is in pain and yells out “Ow!”  Fin asks if she is okay, and Benson explains she tweaked he ankle again and says she’s fine. But Fin counters she is not, and says he is taking her to the doctor.  He drives off.

At a hotel, in a suite set for surveillance. Ortiz is being fitted for a microphone with Rollins, Carisi and Kat there. Rollins tells Ortiz to make sure Howard gets to the suite with the girls and they will do the rest.  Ortiz wants to know if Howard will know he set him up, and Fin enters and says they will burn that bridge when they get to it, meanwhile he should continue to rockin’ in the suite.  Ortiz explains that Howard gave him his first job out of law school  and has been his friend since college.  He then says he can’t do this. Fin asks him if he wants to continue that friendship in jail. Rollins adds if the roles were reversed, Howard wouldn’t think twice about him.  Kat says it is show time, and offers to walk him out.  As they leave, Carisi asks Rollins and Fin if Ortiz will keep it together, and Fin tells him not to worry. 

As Ortiz moves into the party, Carisi and Rollins observe from the hotel surveillance suite.  Rollins asks Carisi if he is ready, they have a lot riding on this.  He replies yes; if it all goes well his bosses will take all the glory and when Rollins asks if it doesn’t, he suggests they open up their own agency. She laughs and says she likes the sound of that.   Carisi says it is a waste of a good hotel room and Rollins laughs and tells him to hold that thought – it’s on.  

At the event, Catalina comes to the podium and makes a speech about for Howard has always helped  Proud Life and she was honored to introduce him.  The crowd claps.  Howard speaks about his partnership with Proud Life and his alliance with Catalina, and that results are better than petty politics.  Carisi says Howard has his rap down, and Rollins agrees she’ll give him that much.  

After the speech, Howard continues to talk the talk to attendees alongside Ortiz and Gold.   He leans over to a beautiful woman and comments that all this tax talk must be boring to her.  She replies not at all and says he had her at lowering capital gains rate. Gold’s phone buzzes and then Gold leans to the Howard and tells him to take it easy tonight,  tomorrow is an early day. Gold takes the call and walks off.  Catalina introduces Howard to Danny Quinones – AKA “Q” – reminding him she told him about him.  Howard is glad he decided to make it and that Catalina told him he was a major influencer.  Catalina says he is,  he reps a clothing line and a photo sharing app and he says he has millions of followers.  Catalina adds it will be a lot of teenagers eligible to vote in ’24.  Fin and Kat observe from nearby and Fin asks Kat if she knows this guy.  Kat finds that he has a net worth of 120 million, he guest d-jays, and he is has many big name followers.  Catalina tells Howard if they treat Q right, he will lead them to the promised land.  Q says he is all about the youth, asking Howard if he knows what he is saying, but as Howard nods, Q says he doesn’t see a lot of it there. Ortiz says they have some young activists in the hospitality suite. Howard asks Q if he cares to “caucus.”   Q replies if that means party, hell freaking yes.  They laugh. 

In the surveillance room, Carisi comments that it’s amazing how these people find each other, and Rollins comments  players always do. Howard and the group get into an elevator.  Getting into another elevator, Kat comments to Fin that it’s on, and Fin replies it’s about time.  Both elevators ascend at virtually the same time. 

Howard and the group enter a room stocked with girls, and Howard welcomes Q to politics, where the men are 4s and the women are 10s. Q looks happy and Howard says the girls will do anything they want.  Howard makes introductions and they speak with two girls. Jenna and Hayden.  One girl says she came from Jersey.   In the surveillance room, Carisi comments that transporting a minor across state lines for immoral purposes is a felony. Fin and Kat enter the surveillance room. They listen to Howard and Q talk to the girls, Howard mentioning JFK’s intern girls they used to “frolic” with code named “Fiddle and Fiddle” . The girls drink and one seems to be getting quickly affected. Howard says she needs to lay down.  They get into another room and she almost falls over. Howard leads her to the bed and begins to kiss her and Rollins comments that he roofied her drink which is assault in the second degree - felony number 2. Q is in another room with the other girl.  The girl with Howard tells him “no, wait” and Carisi says that is attempted rape, that is all he needs.  Kat says they need to go and stop this and Fin tells her to go. She, Fin and Rollins head out of the surveillance room into the other room with police backup.  Rollins enters the party room and she announces they are NYPD and orders the partygoers to put their  hands up.  Howard, in the other room, quickly zips his pants and as Fin and Rollins walk in, puts his hands up. Rollins tells him the party’s over and he says he did nothing wrong.  She pushes him against the wall.  Fin tells the girl she is okay and that Howard is in trouble. As they are led out of the room,. Q accuses Howard of setting him up, and Howard tells him to lawyer up, they can’t prove a thing.  Q says it was just a dance, they can ask her. Kat tells him to keep talking.  Q shouts he was invited, Howard set him up.  Rollins tells them to get Howard out of the while Q continues to object.  Q then tells the detectives to take off the bracelets and make sure to bag the  fluids, the champaign was probably laced.  They give him a questioning look and he smiles, saying he is Joe Velasco,  he’s on the job.  Fin says, “Nice Try” and Rollins adds they didn’t know anything about a UC.  He says it was a need to know, mentioning Chief McGrath. 

Benson is at SVU – her foot in a cast -  with Fin and Rollins, and on the phone with the Chief, saying they are maintaining the UC’s cover, adding he is in holding with Congressman Howard.  She tells the Chief she will let them know.  Benson ends the call and states that McGrath sends his thanks to the entire team.  Rollins comments it would have been nice to know who the entire team was, moaning that McGrath and Garland didn’t let them know about the UC.  Benson tells her to close the door.  Benson explains Garland didn’t know.  Benson adds McGrath told her not to tip anyone off.  She explains the UC’s name is Joe Velasco,  McGrath is apparently his rabbi.  Fin is stunned that McGrath doesn’t trust Garland,  adding that is not good.  Rollins asks how long they are keeping Q in holding, and Benson replies until Howard’s  lawyer  gets here and maybe he will  get him talking. Rollins wonders if that is admissible, and Benson suggests they let the lawyers sort it out.  Benson’s phone buzzes and it’s Kat and Benson tells her Rollins is on her way to meet her.   Benson hangs up and explains they gave Jenna fluids and a sedative and she is lucid.  Rollins states they need to make sure they run her urine and asks if her family is there. Benson says her mother is on her way from Jersey and to talk to Jenna before she gets there. Benson will have Carisi get a warrant for her phone. Rollins leaves the room and an officer enters, who tells Benson that Howard’s lawyer is there and he will only talk with her.  Benson instructs her to put him in interrogation.  Benson is clearly still in pain and Fin asks what the doctor said about her ankle.  Benson informs him it is fractured and he had to reset it and that was “crunchy” – it is too swollen for them to do surgery on it. Fin suggests she go home, he can handle this.  She knows he can but she can’t tell McGrath that she has a sitting Congressman in holding and she needs a sick day.  She pops a pill in her mouth. 

Meanwhile, in the holding cell, Q - AKA Joe – complains about getting out and Howard asks him again if he wants him to get him a lawyer.  Joe says he has one, and this won’t stick, saying the girls brought the drugs and two phone calls from Howard they are out of here.  Howard tells him they are looking to take him out and not to say anything. Joe says there is nothing to say.. Fin enters and tells Howard his lawyer is here.  Joe complains to Fin and asks if Fin can put him somewhere else, and Fin says sorry, and he shuts the cell door. 

At the hospital,   Rollins and Kat speak with Jenna who is upset they called her parents. Rollins reminds her she is 16. Jenna insists she did nothing, and Kat explains she had rohipnol, alcohol, pot, and MDMA in her system,  Jenna says she doesn’t do ecstasy, all she takes is addy, she bought it on-line, she has ADHD.  Rollins asks how she knows Howard, and Jenna says she met him on a class trip in DC. He took photos of all of them and asked for her number to text her pictures.  He follows her on insta.  Kat asks if she lives in his district and Jenna explains no, she is from Bayonne. She told him she was interested in politics and climate change and he said he could get her an internship. Kat asks how often did she see him, and Jenna says mostly in the summer, he’d send a car service with parties at his house and had a Fourth of July party on his yacht.  Rollins asked if he got physical with her, and Jenna asks what she means. Rollins says she knows what she means. Kat informs her she is not in trouble and whatever happened is on him. She insists nothing happened. Rollins states Howard drugged her and took her back to his bedroom, and asks if they ever had sex.  Jenna replies “not sex sex” and she explains she gives him massages. He said it was not illegal, he told her, and he went to law school. 

Benson and Carisi are in interrogation with Howard and Gold and they explain Howard is there because the girl he drugged and put in his bed is 16.  Howard says anything she took must have been hers and her vaccination card said she was 18.  Carisi says as a lawyer, Howard has to know that is no excuse. Howard insists nothing happened, saying she must have taken something, she seemed dizzy. He helped her lie down and administered CPR – Benson comments “with your pants unzipped” – and Gold tells them to stop right here. But Benson asks Howard if he always parties with teenage girls after a fundraiser.  Gold says Howard is single and has a spotless record and this is a political witch-hunt.  Carisi suggests they move on from the girl, and says Howard is a regular visitor at the Holt Tower apartments in Manhattan.  Howard admits he is, adding his mother has a pied-Ă -terre overlooking the park.  Benson shows him photos of some of the  young women involved and asks which one is his mother? He says he doesn’t know these women, and Carisi says they know him, and they have security footage of him on their floor and asks if he can explain that to him. Howard claims due diligence, saying he was inspecting their apartments, part of his duty as part of the housing subcommittee. Gold calls this a fishing expedition, adding he understands it is every ADA’s wet dream to take down a presidential contender, saying they are done.  Howard asks who  put them up to this, his party or there. Benson says nobody put them up to it; they are SVU, he is a sexual predator,  so guess what happens next. 

At arraignment, Howard is arraigned on sex trafficking, rape 3, facilitating a sex offense with a controlled substance, and attempted rape.  Gold says Howard pleads not guilty, adding this is a political move by the NYPD and the DA’s office. The judge says this is not the time or place. Carisi asks for remand.  Gold says he has an obligation to his constituents, but Carisi counters Howard is looking at 20 years in prison. The judge asks the Howard to instead surrender his passport. 

Right before a press conference, Benson sends a text message. She comments to  McGrath that Garland is not there yet, and McGrath says maybe that is for the best. They don’t need any questions about his relationship with Catalina.  McGrath starts the press conference, with Benson and Carisi standing with him, along with the attorneys from the SDNY.  He announces the arrest of Proud Life director Catalina Machado, Congressional aide Rueben Ortiz, and New York State Congressman George Justin Howard.  He adds that them, along with other unnamed co-defendants, will be charged with sexual assault and sex trafficking.  Garland watches from his office, stunned, and he calls out to Celia.  As Benson continues to talk,  Garland asks Celia why this was not on his schedule.  She too looks surprised and apologizes, adding she didn’t know.  He asks that no  one notified her, and she says no.  He asks if she is sure she didn’t miss and email, and she replies she will check, wondering if it went to spam.  She asks if she should call McGrath’s office, and Garland says no, and thanks her. She leaves the room.  Clearly angry, Garland throws the TV remote at the wall.

In her office,  Benson pops some ibuprofen as Garland enters the room.  He asks how she is feeling, and she says she’ll live.  She mentions the press conference,  she never would have gone had she knew he was not coming. He said he spoke to McGrath and he was surprised he wasn’t there too. He apologized, it must have been a communication error from his office. Things moved  pretty fast, which is why they didn’t tell him they had a UC at the fundraiser.   Benson is surprised he said that, and Garland nods. Benson counters that is not exactly what happened.  Garland says it is water under the bridge, if they play this right, there are plenty of attaboys for everybody. He asks how close are they to an indictment, and Benson explains they are prepping Catalina and Ortiz today for the grand jury tomorrow.  Garland asks if they trust Catalina, and Benson replies she is looking at 20 to life if she doesn’t cooperate. Garland comments he is still trying to wrap his head around somebody who has done so much good how she got caught up in that.  Benson explains she didn’t get caught up, she orchestrated it.  He admits he knows, he was having a conversation with his wife last night about his blind spots. Benson says we all have them. He gets up to leave and says if he hasn’t made it clear, he appreciates her pointing them out to him…and for having his back.  Benson comments, “always.”   He turns and walks out. 

It the grand jury room, Carisi, with Rollins,  preps Joe on his testimony about that night with Howard and the young girls. Later, with Fin and in a different location, he preps Ortiz, who said Howard wanted him to make sure Jenna and Hayden were in the suite.   He reminded them they were still in high school, and was told just make sure they have IDs.  Elsewhere, with Benson, he  also speaks with Catalina about Howard’s previous interest in high school girls. She said he was tired of the young mothers and asked her to find apartments for mothers with teenage daughters.   Benson prompts “and you took that to mean” and Catalina goes on to say she was to find homeless women whose daughters would have sex with him in exchange for subsidized apartments.  Carisi says that was a clear quid pro quo. 

Fin speaks with Paulie in the jail who said Ortiz said he was bringing his boss, Congressman Howard, to Holt Tower, and Howard expected the VIP treatment. Fin asks what he meant by that.

Rollins and Carisi speak with Jenna who said she will not say they did anything, but Rollins explains they will just ask her to tell the grand jury her age.  Jenna says she is almost 17 and Carisi comments that she went to the hotel bedroom with Howard after he gave her the drink.  She reluctantly nods. 

Rosa talks to Kat and Carisi and says she had to let him to whatever he wanted to her, on her knees, forcing her, and then he turned her over and it hurt and she couldn’t scream because her son was in the next room. Carisi asks how often did Howard come to her apartment, and she replies 2 or 3 times a week. He told her his mother lived in the building and he could come over whenever he wanted to. If she didn’t submit to him, he would tell Catalina to send her back to the shelter.  Kat thanks her and she starts to cry. 

Later, Benson and Carisi are in a conference room with Howard and Gold. Howard says he is days away from launching his political action committee and no one will believe this victims. Carisi thinks the grand jury will. Gold questions they will believe these homeless women who get to keep their apartments if the testify, and Howard asks or Catalina who is lying to save her own ass and she has been robbing Proud Life for years. Benson challenges that Howard knew that yet he still asked her to introduce him at his fundraiser. Gold says they should not litigate who knew what when. He says Howard is prepared to testify that Catalina offered to bribe him with sexual favors in exchange for supporting Proud Life.  Benson shakes her head and says it’s not sexual favors, they are called rapes.  Gold calls the women grafters and the only reason Howard went to Holt Tower was to visit his mother and she will make a better witness than their rapist handyman or Dr. Machado. Carisi is annoyed and comments that Gold asked for this meeting so he knows it means any deal offered, he goes on the registry and he does prison time. Howard laughs and says he is not going to prison, he’s going to be president.  Benson counters she’s seen a lot of powerful men in this position and they all thought they could commit crimes with impunity.  Howard insists he is going to be president and he will  not let a politically motivated ADA and a bitter woman cop who’s spent her life getting back at men take him down. Gold tries to stop him but he goes on, saying Gold should tell them who they are dealing with. Carisi says they are well aware of who he is.  Howard questions do they, stating that Gold can make two calls and they are gone like that from the ADA’s office and tells Benson she’d be on traffic duty in Staten Island with her old boss.  Benson says. “Excuse me?” and Gold stands  up and says he needs a moment with his client. As Howard and Gold move to leave, Carisi says, “Good luck.”

In the courthouse stairwell, Gold tells Howard he should have kept his pants zipped and he needs to keep his mouth shut.  Howard says he is not going down for this, and Gold glares at him and says “Not another word.”  Howard says he need to make this go away, and Gold slaps him across the face and says, “Shut up, you idiot!”  Benson and Carisi are listening nearby and Benson asks if they should break this up, and Carisi says with sarcasm that it is a private conversation, they didn’t see or hear any of this.  They walk off.

Later in Carisi’s office, Rollins is there and tells Carisi she knows he will say no but they are in good shape and asks if he can take a break.  They smile at each other and Carisi asks, “You know what? You’re right.” He puts his papers down and offers to take her to dinner.  She asks, seriously the night before his grand jury?  He sates he has a UC,   2 informants, wires, cameras – Howard doesn’t know it yet but he is a dead man walking. She says, “let’s go.” But before they can leave the room, both their phones buzz/ring and they answer their phones. 

Carisi arrives on a scene with multiple police cars already there.  Carisi and Fin walk inside and apartment and find Ortiz dead in the bathtub. Elsewhere, in a jail bathroom,  Paulie is being beaten by three men. Rosa, at home, gets a phone call and then tells the caller to stop calling her.  She looks out the window and see some men approach her building.  She runs and wakes up her son and tells them they have to go.    Meanwhile, Benson and Rollins are at another scene where Catalina lies dead on the top of a car; Rollins says passersby say they saw her jump.  Benson shakes her head and tells Rollins to find Rosa and Jenna NOW.  She shakes her head with concern as we fade to black. 

Recap:  “Never Turn Your Back On Them”

A horde of reporters are outside the scene where Catalina “apparently” committed suicide and discuss her involvement with the sex trafficking case.  Garland meets Benson in Catalina’s apartment and Benson explains why she thinks it is unlikely it was an accident. No one heard or saw anything so they are looking at street and security cameras, phones etc.  There is no sign of foul play. She also explains Ortiz was found dead with slit wrists.  Kat is on her way to Rosa’s and she has a call into Rikers about Paulie.  Jenna is not answering her phone, neither are her parents, and Rollins and Joe Velasco are on their way there now. Garland thinks Congressman Howard is cleaning house.  Benson wonders if somebody is doing it for him, he still thinks he’s a future presidential candidate and there is no way his fingers will be near this. 

Meanwhile, Kat is at the door Rosa’s apartment with an officer and when they get no answer, they move to break in. But before that happens, Rosa opens the door. They find she is packing to flee and she tells them about the harassing calls and the men she saw outside – who Kat sees are not there now.  She is going to Buffalo and Kat pleads to let them protect her. She says officer Raleigh will stay with her and her son. 

Fin is at the jail where Paulie was being held and find he is dead, having been beaten by either CO’s or inmates, the doc saying nobody likes a rapist. 

Rollins and Velasco are at  Jenna’s parent’s home and her parents arrive as the detectives getting ready to barge in.  They all enter the house and find Jenna is not there but they see blood. It appears she may have fled out the window.   Rollins moves to call Benson and tells Velasco to call for backup. 

Rollins speaks to the parents in an attempt to get a clue as to where she is. Jenna’s father seems over controlling but offers to get passwords for her tech and accounts.   

Outside, Rollins explains to Velasco she soft-pedaled the information about Jenna and Howard. He says then they have no idea she’s connected to Howard, and Rollins instructs him to just  find this girl.  Velasco thinks the mom might know more that she is saying, then says he left his cell phone in the house. He moves to go back in and Rollins acts skeptical this wasn’t on purpose.  He asks Jenna’s mom to call his phone – he puts in his number on her phone so they can find it - and it is in the couch.    He promises her they will find her daughter. 

In the car, Rollins comments that was smooth and Velasco says now she has his number. Rollins comments she had hers, but he reminds Rollins she called her four times and she didn’t answer and he is just giving her options. Rollins adds that at SVU, they don’t make promises they are not sure they can keep, especially to parents.

The next day, Howard speaks to reporters and he blames the DA’s office and NYPD, saying they pressured Catalina and Ortiz to frame him on those ludicrous charges.  Benson, Garland and Carisi watch this on TV from Garland’s office as Howard blathers on. Carisi calls it offense and Benson says they are going to war.  McGrath storms in and when he complains about the press, Garland reminds him this is what he feared would happen if they rushed the case. McGrath is immediately angered and Benson tries to back him off, saying there has been a lot of pressure to get a win fast and people died. Garland says they trusted them, and now they are gone.   McGrath says they made their point and now he will make his: Jenna is still out there so for her sake and theirs, find her.  He gets a call and before he can walk off, he signals for the others to listen. He tells the caller that is good work.  He hangs up and says that is Joe Velasco, and he just saved their asses.  He walks out.  Benson gives a silent took to an equally silent Garland. 

Back at SVU, Velasco says he gave Jenna “Q’s” contact at the party and it paid off, she DM’d him from an app on a burner cell.  Benson impatiently tells him to just tell them what she said. He explains she said she needs to see him and he’ll DM her back and she’ll come to him.  Kat wonders if someone grabbed the phone from her. Fin questions that she reached out to him from a burner, and Rollin says they need to track all the incoming  and outgoing calls from that number.  Velasco already ran them. Benson sees that he got the same number checking in every Tuesday and Friday  at 4:20, Kat notes it could be a weed dealer.  Velasco already got the address and Benson says good. 

At Bruck Shot Studios at 144 Harman Street in Brooklyn NY on Wednesday, June 9,  Rollins and Velasco show one guy the number and when Rollins tells him he could be implicated in the abduction of a 16 year old, he reluctantly cooperates to give the location and any tips about what they are walking into. 

Fin, Rollins, Kat and Joe approach the house, Fin and Kat taking the back.  When Velasco is unsuccessful at getting Jenna to open the door, the music inside shuts off, and they break in.  Meanwhile, at a back door, Fin and Kat approach and Kat moves quickly to open the door.   Two gunshots ring out and Kat is hit, dropping to the ground.  Fin radios to Rollins that the vest caught it, but then he sees one got through, Kat groaning in pain.  Fin calls for help. 

Inside, Velasco e and Kat try to find Jenna and one guy comes out and says they didn’t say they were cops.  The EMTs arrive to tend to Kat and Fin says he is not leaving her.  Rollins and Velasco continue upstairs and eventually see Jenna crawling onto the roof.   

At SVU, Benson tells Fin she will meet them at Kings County and Fin says Kat is fighting.  He tells Kat to tell Benson “Hi Kat” and Kat repeats “Hi Kat.”  Fin tells Benson it is all good, just get there. 

Meanwhile, Velasco continues to try to convince Jenna to come in, and he tells her a story about his father and how he used his belt on  him, and once he had enough, and ended up arrested. After his dad  died he wanted that belt to wear it as a reminder as to why he does this.  He asks Jenna to trust him and extends the belt for her to grab on to and she does. 

Meanwhile, Kat is getting worse and Fin is told to keep her awake. He tells her he is going to tell a joke and stay awake for the punch line.  He asks her how many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb?  He tells her to wake up.  The punch line: None. They bust the bulb for being broke, and the rule for being black.  Fin admits it was a bad joke but says he is not going anywhere and she isn’t either. 

Outside, Rollins tells Velasco that Fin said Kat is stable. He says he can use a beer. Rollins says they all have their reasons for doing this job, and he seems to imply the story about his dad was not the truth and his dad was okay. But when Rollins walks away, he looks serious. 

Meanwhile, Kat has to be shocked back from coding.  It looks bleak.

Finally at the hospital, Benson arrives and Fin explains Kat’s heart stopped in the ambulance.  He called it an ambush, they had vests, backup and he should have been in the front. Benson comments knowing Kat he probably did not have a choice. Benson assures him this is not on him. He looks anguished as they look back at the hospital. 

Inside SVU, Jenna,  there with her parents, explains she thought someone was breaking into the house and she climbed out the window and took off on her bike.  Her father gets upset about the way this is going and when they bring up Congressman Howard, he seems to believe Howard didn’t do anything.  Her mother seems supportive of Jenna and her father has a chip on his shoulder and gets testy with Velasco.  He orders Jenna and his wife to get up and they walk out. 

At Carisi’s office at 1 Hogan Place  on Thursday, June 10,  Rollins updated Carisi about Kat, who is in surgery and Fin is there.  Benson says it’s been a rough day:  Kat’s been shot and three dead witnesses with no leads on who killed them. Carisi says Gold just filed a motion to dismiss. He asks if they are getting anywhere with Jenna and Rollins explains she claims nothing happened sexually between her and Howard.  Benson goes  on to say even though she was in his bed, semi-conscious and undressed while Howard was unbuckling his pants.  Carisi says he can compel her to testify but she will just lie on the stand. Rollins thinks she will and suggests Velasco has a good rapport with her, so Benson suggest he reach out to her. 

Meanwhile, Fin is there and Kat is alive and knows how serious things were for her being near death.  She says when she came out of anesthesia her mind was racing, something about what Carisi said. He had no regrets about being a cop and he’s where he is supposed to be now.  She wonders if this is where she is supposed to be,  that with SVU, by the time they get there it is too late,  the victim is already traumatized and traumatizes them more, what are they doing?  Fin says for him it’s been about getting the bad guys off the street, and Kat says half the time they plead out and if they are rich, they just get off, it’s like there has to be a way to be more proactive.  Fin reminds her she just came out of surgery, it is not the time to make a big decision, and to just rest.  There is a knock on the door, it is Celine, with flowers and balloons.  Kat says she is okay. 

Back at SVU, while Benson and Rollins watch Howard on TV,  Benson takes a call from Fin and says they surgery went well and she is loopy but stable.  He doesn’t think she is looking to come back, and when Rollins suggests Kat just get back on the horse, Fin doesn’t think this is what this is all about.  Velasco enters and announces that Jenna’s mom has proof that Howard had sex with her daughter; she saved one of Jenna’s dresses. He adds Howard got Jenna pregnant when she was 15. Benson and Rollins look stunned. 

Later, Jenna’s mom Laura brings the dress to SVU in a plastic bag.  She adds he husband can never know she was here.  Ray will kill Howard and her for telling them.  Velasco explains he told her they would keep it confidential, but Benson says they will do everything they can.  Laura explains how Jenna met Howard on a class trip and he gave her his phone number.  He promised her an internship. She worked there in summer and things seemed legit and Jenna seemed excited, so they let her go to a birthday party.  Laura comments they must think she is a horrible mother but Benson says they don’t think that.  Laura goes on to say that Jenna never admitted it but something happened there. She could tell she had been drinking and her makeup was a mess. She had yelled to her mom to leave her alone but Laura went into the laundry room and got the dress and put it in the back of her closet. Jenna would not open  up. Six week later Laura found a positive pregnancy test in the trash. A few days after that, a car service came and picked her up and took her into the city and when she got home she was white as a sheet and didn’t get out of bed for two days.  Ray didn’t see it and still doesn’t. But she saw her baby changing.  What Howard did to her, he has to pay. 

Later, in the ADA’s office, Benson confronts Howard about the dress and when she explains the mother saved it, Gold counters about no chain of custody and they will run their own DNA on it.  Carisi says to be their guest, the lab says there is enough to run it ten times.  Gold tries to explain it but Benson shows them a photo of Jenna sitting on Howard’s lap at her 15th birthday party.  Carisi mentions the abortion and Howard seems surprised. He says he knows it is a woman’s decision but he doesn’t believe in that.  Benson says they have his driver’s routes on the night of that party and then six weeks later driving her out to Chelsea Gynecology. Howard, upset, argues that Gold told him it was a false positive.  Gold continues to talk despite Gold telling him to shut up and only digs himself in deeper, saying there is no way it is his, he always pulls out.  He and Gold argue and Gold calls him a half-wit.  Howard asks if he is going to hit him again, and then tells Gold to get out.  Gold tells Howard that he is even stupider than what they told him.  Carisi tells Gold it is Howard’s decision, and Gold asks Howard what does he want to tell his grandmother.  Howard orders him out.  Howard says all the stuff – Jenna’s abortion, Catalina and Ruben, it’s all Gold, he did it.   Gold tells Carisi and Benson whatever Howard tells them is coerced, under duress, and without the presence of his attorney.  No way will it stand up in a court of law. He exits and slams the door. Howard asks if that is true, and Carisi looks and Benson who suggests he take a seat and tell them how he got here.  Howard sits down. 

Later, in Garland’s office, Carisi explains once Howard started talking he couldn’t stop.  He says this part is believable:  Howard claims that he is just a puppet, and Garland questions that Gold pulls the strings. Benson adds apparently, saying Howard says Gold arraigned Jenna’s abortion, organized the hits on Catalina and Ortiz,  Paulie’s beat down, the threats to Rosa. McGrath asks if they have proof of any of that, and Benson states Gold is smart. They raided his office and they will be digging through encrypted files for months. His finances are a maze of campaign contributions, Howard family trust, PACs with anonymous donors, holding companies within holding companies.  McGrath concludes this could go on forever, asking if there is any chance he will take a plea.

At the Office of the District Attorney conference room at 1 Hogan Place on Friday, June 11, Carisi and the US Attorney, Anya Avital,  speaks with Gold and his attorney and Gold offers a deal; he knows where a lot of bodies are buried.  Carisi thinks it is because he buried them.  He says he is offering them something, they should change their affect and  at least lean in and look interested. Carisi asks what are they talking about, and Gold says an ex-President, the president’s relatives, Hollywood royalty, REAL royalty,  Silicon Valley billionaires.  What’s their pleasure? 

Later, Carisi and Rollins walk outside and she explains they still can’t tie Gold to Ortiz and Catalina’s suicides but based on his offshore accounts and holding companies, he is telling the truth about who he can take down. Carisi thinks some of the billionaires are already on the Feds radar.  Rollins quips maybe all these guys should go to outer space.  He’s in a rush so they walk off, Rollins saying wryly to give her best to Anya.  Carisi’s phone buzzes and he angrily asks the caller “what?” and “why?” Garland is elsewhere and also walking outside and on the phone, yelling to the caller no,  he DOESN’T  understand. He argues he knows the Attorney General’s long standing tradition of protecting the powerful but is anyone thinking about justice for their victims? 

Likewise, McGrath is walking outside, with Velasco, and says the sons of bitches, the DA and Southern District and the AG, not a set of balls between them.  He adds if they ask him, this could have been 10 times bigger than Gotti or Epstein. He hangs up.

On TV at SVU, the news shows Howard is under arrest in a sex trafficking case. Benson,  on the phone with Carisi and says she is sorry. She asks about Howard, then says that’s something, asking to keep her posted. She hangs up and tells Fin that Howard is the sacrificial predator and he’s taking a plea and is up for sentencing next month. They are not moving forward on Gold’s deal or with Gold.  Fin asks who is they, and then says it doesn’t matter. He adds they were never going to take down an ex-president.   There is a knock on the door and Kat enters and says she is felling better. She is walking with a cane.  She asks Benson if she has a sec, and Fin leaves.  Benson tells Kat she has been through a lot and do not  underestimate being shot, it takes its toll.  Kat says it is not about being shot. She explains after last year she thought things would really change but they really haven't and guys like McGrath are hanging on tight.  Benson suggest she stay and fight with her, they need voices like hers.  Kat questions does it?  She said Fin told her a while ago she doesn’t have the rank to go up against the system, and they won’t listen to her. Benson counters she wants to talk her out of this because she believes that change is coming, Kat counters it’s because Benson has to.  Kat says there are not in the same place; she doesn’t have 20 years invested and wants to get in before she gets in too deep.  Benson can’t answer.  Kat goes on to say she is so happy for the victims that Benson is there, but she just can’t stay. Benson says okay, but that her door is always open.  Kat says she knows, and thanks Benson for everything, and hope she understands.  Benson says they will miss her and Kat says she will miss it.  Benson tells her to take care of herself, and Kat says she will try. 

In an empty courtroom, Rollins asks Carisi that they won’t let Gold flip, and asks what genius on the 8th floor made that decision.  He explains this is way about the 8th floor.  They are fighting tooth and nail on this, Gold must have bodies on top of bodies.  Rollins asks about the charges against him, and Carisi explains officially, the investigation into his actions is on-going.  Rollins questions they are going to let the murder of three witness slide, and Carisi says his  guess is the offer to give up power players he DC people felt was a warning shot.  She asks how Carisi is doing as he put so  much work into this, and he says they both did. He adds on the bright side, Howard is going to take a plea and had he gone to trial, he wouldn’t be able to testify and he would not have been able to prosecute.  Rollins questions that someone ratted them out, but Carisi says no, they do need to talk about implications about whatever it is they are doing here. She said she thought he said they didn’t need to disclose unless there was a serious relationship.  He says he is taking this seriously.  She says so is she, but nobody else needs to know that, not right now.  He agrees, and says he is trying not to channel is inner guilty Catholic. She tells him not to go that far, she likes that guy. 

Meanwhile, Benson is in Garland’s office as he is packing his things. She asks what is going on here?  He explains that he is sorry to hear about Kat. Benson asks why does she feel she is winning some of the battles but losing the war.  He replies because they are. He went to One PP to argue against the Gold decision. Benson said she heard McGrath was furious too but is guessing he didn’t back him up. Garland says it is more like he hung him out to dry.  Read the room, they said,  you’re taking down a sitting congressman but nothing is enough for you. They made it clear inside the palace, no one sees him as a team player.  She asks that they didn’t actually fire him, and he explains that no, the optics would be bad and he decided to leave before they could bloody him up any more.  His  father got him on the phone last night – he spent a lifetime at the NYPD – and he said son, move on, the truth is you will be more dangerous to them outside the department than it. 

McGrath enters Benson’s office and when she moves to stand, he tells her not to get up on that leg of hers. She explains the doctors said she is a fast healer.  He says that is good, because they are going to need her functioning at 200%.   He adds he didn’t know if Garland told her,  but he put in his papers today. She replies she heard. McGrath states it was entirely Garland’s decision, and that no one has more respect for Chief Garland than he does.  Benson looks down but slightly raises an eyebrow.  He adds this last year at SVU has gotten too politicized and moving forward, they need to focus on the real rapes.  Benson stares and says, “Real rapes?”  He apologizes and says that is his old school talking, of course, they believe all victims. Benson says, “right” and McGrath adds that the he said/she said Monday morning regret cases just collapse like a house of cards and every time they try to police the bedroom…Benson stops him and says she wouldn’t call acquaintance rapes “policing the bedroom.” McGrath scoffs and says she knows what he’s talking about.  Benson says she is not going to turn her back on any victim, and he glares at her and says nor does he expect her to.  He states if you put your mind to it, there is no one better for this job and he has absolute confidence in her. He adds they are  looking at a lot of excellent candidates to fill Garland’s position but in the meantime she’ll report directly to him, saying “okay?” She nods. He asks if that is going to be a problem, and she says, “No sir.” He says, “Okay” and he turns and leaves.  Benson looks away as we fade to black. 


Esaul said...

It’s definitely rare for SVU to tell a narrative such as this through several consecutive episodes. While the ball kept moving, I’m uncertain of the conclusion. I get more hyped seeing OC than SVU. It’s unfortunate for Mariska because I don’t see how Olivia can continue to evolve when her character has the mold of crusader. She needs another dimension somehow to compliment Mariska’s acting capabilities. Overall solid couple hours. Hate to lose Garland (I only jumped back into the SVU fold when Stabler returned. I haven’t watched seriously since the Amaro days).

magix74 said...

Not a bad start to the season. A shame that Kat has decided to leave. I do wonder what’s next for Benson though.

A said...

Even though we knew this was coming, it still sad to see Kat and Garland go out. Maybe, like the dialogue between Kat and Benson put it, the door is always open for one or both to return at some point.

The Organized Crime business should have been put on Organized Crime. It did not make any sense to place it here since it's really a different show and the audience of one is not necessarily going to be watching the other. What makes it worse is that there is zero mention of it on OC itself, so viewers of only that show are going to think that the matter was completely dropped.

Something that bugged me: why would Benson's hallucination of Stabler be as his current undercover persona and not how he looked when she saw him last? (especially when that's supposed to be taking place on the exact same night)

ChiTownGal said...

Oh my... tell-tale unwashed dress...just as "Impeachment" is streaming and reminding us about how that worked out...

Laurie F said...

Great episode. We all figured who the politician and the situation was modeled after but it was interesting to watch anyway. Kat getting shot wasn't much of a surprise seeing as Jamie was cut from the show but at least they didn't kill her. And Garland was on the outs with his bosses last season so they were either going to fire him or make him quit. It will be interesting to see who replaces them, never saw anything official on the Joe Velasco character staying but that seems to be the common belief.

Rollins and Carisi should know better than kissing in the courthouse hall and their clandestine meeting in the court room. They are almost asking to get caught and they probably will.

I don't like McGrath at all. He'll be Benson's villain of the year. Let's not make this into a Ed Tucker situation, please. Why do many of the SVU perps come across like cartoon characters? Howard was stupid to a comical level.

It would have been nice to have hope that there would be one long story line going after Gold and all the dirt he could dredge up and have a thread carry through the season with a big finale at the end.

My nit picks aside, this was a great start to the season!

Eldridge said...

Both episodes were pretty enjoyable. Great start to the new season. Hard to believe it's in its 23rd season. Never was a fan of Kat. She didn't really fit in the squad. I did enjoy Garland's character on the show. Sad to see him depart. I wish them both well. Still don't fully understand why two 'minority' characters on a popular t.v. show that purports to be inclusive and diverse are written out of the show.