Thursday, September 23, 2021

Law & Order Organized Crime “The Man With No Identity” Recap, Review, Discussion

There’s a lot to unpack in the season 2 premiere of Law & Order Organized Crime “The Man With No Identity”. It has several moving parts with plenty of new people. It’s important viewers pay attention, otherwise they may miss how these characters connect.   The cast of characters is certainly interesting and I think this season is off to a good start.

Stabler is investigating drug traffickers, working undercover as “Eddie Wagner”,  and Sergeant Bell is in charge of the operation.    Jet is also still part of Bell’s office operation, which seems very small now.  But before delving in to the new players,  Richard Wheatley’s status is made clearer:  All the charges against him – except one (the murder of Kathy Stabler) – are dismissed.  Strangely, the prosecutor advocates for Wheatley, and it’s obvious Wheatley has pulled some strings.   We also find out later that Angela Wheatley is alive but still suffering the effects of her brush with death in the season finale.   I suspect we’ll see more of these two, especially since both actors names are still listed in the top billed credits.

Stabler’s undercover investigation drags him into a near war with two large, rival drug dealing organizations. Without one of the kingpin’s knowledge (Preston Webb, head of The Marcy Corporation, the former Marcy Killers), members of his crew steals drugs from the other group (the Albanians, headed by Jon Kosta).  Once the Intelligence Bureau become aware of the issue,  Sgt. Bell fights hard to make sure that no civilians get hurt in the crossfire. Her boss (I never know this guy’s name because they  never seem to mention it) backs her up.  Unfortunately, it means she has to work with Sergeant Brewster, her former narco boss, and there is some bad blood between them.  

Surprisingly, the war seems to stop before any shots are fired.  It’s a mystery to the team but, we later find that two rouge “employees” who stole the drugs decided to turn themselves in to Webb, and he makes them apologize to Jon Kosta.  Webb then proposes a partnership between the two factions.   Kosta knows this means no one could touch them. But Kosta doesn’t trust Stabler.  One can only wonder what Stabler will need to do to gain that trust.  And how will Richard Wheatley’s organization fit into all this?  We’ll have continue to watch to find out!

Here is the recap:

(A recap of the events of the previous season is shown before the episode begins.)

Richard Wheatley is taken from his cell and then to the courtroom for the judge’s ruling on his sentence. The prosecution notes his help on shining a light on the darkest parts of the criminal underworld.  Wheatley is thrilled as all charges are dismissed.  He thanks the defense attorney and his boss “Vince”.  While  Sgt. Bell looks on,  he tells the attorney what a pleasure it was.  He adds to tell Vince he is making plans and intends to do more good than anyone ever imaged he could do and will be the enemy of any criminal organization on earth. He asks his own attorney what happens now, and she explains he goes back to Rikers to await trial on  one last charge. Bell looks frustrated as she leaves and Wheatley asks her where’s Stabler? 

Meanwhile, on the dock, a container is being off-loaded while a group of men watch.  But the police arrive and say they need to inspect the container.  The police enter it and find something, and then hand it to two people on a motorcycle who drive by.    The men waiting for the container begin to beat the men who said they were officers while one of the group of men stays in the car.  As shot is fired and the man in the car exits and runs to help.  The profile looks like Stabler.  More police arrive with guns drawn to break it up.  Everyone exits the container and are arrested.  One of them IS a bearded Stabler. 

Back at Intelligence headquarters, Sgt. Bell challenges how the situation with Wheatley happened.  Her boss says she is there to answer questions.  She has to explain how Stabler – her UC – got arrested as part of the operation.  She tells Chief Kirkpatrick says nobody was supposed to be arrested. She makes her explanation that she coordinated this with harbor control.  Sgt. Brewster argues no one coordinated with them.  She argues he had her UC arrested, and he said no, it was patrol unit responding to a call for help.  Clearly there is an issue between these two and Bell explains Brewster was her commanding officer when she was a narco detective. Bell is asked if this operation is getting her anywhere – how many more months, shootouts in broad daylight and dead bodies floating up in the East River before she moves on these Albanian gangsters? She replies her UC is making headway and is cultivating a relationship with Reggie Bogdani, one of the Kosta organizations mid-level lieutenants. 

In the jail cell,  Reggie complains to the other members if his gang that the cops were suspects. An officer comes to get “Eddie Wagner” – who is Stabler.  One gang member worries what Eddie will say and Reggie thinks he’ll say nothing, and vouches for him. He says back in the day they called him “Eddie Ashes”. 

Bell enters and interrogation room where Stabler is waiting and says the cameras are off and they have 10 minutes. Stabler explains someone talked somewhere and some harbor cops were just in the right place at the right time.  He saw plenty of nothing but Bogdani thinks it is rogue cops because the harbor patrol guys on duty were well greased and they were supposed to let that shipment through.  He agrees with Reggie – maybe.  They are not dealing with just two yahoos, this was well organized. Stabler thinks  he will be fine – he has Reggie’s trust.  Bell explains the narcotics task force has been tracking the same group they are tracking, which is run by her old boss Sgt. Brewster.  He is still gunning for her.  Another woman buzzes into the room and Bell tells Stabler she is cool.  The woman explains that Stabler will be released and the other 5 Albanian guys says there were no drugs vouchered in the arrest so all she can charge them for is a scuffle that their lawyers are characterizing as self defense.  The DA recommends they void all arrests.  Stabler questions that no drugs were vouchered and Bell says she is going to get a manifest to see which harbor control cops worked that dock. The woman says Stabler will be back on the street in a few hours. 

At Besa Boxing Gym,  Reggie bitches about the situation with Stabler. Stabler tells him to relax and says he has his back and is loyal to him.   Reggie says before they go in there, there are a few things Stabler needs to know about Albi.  Never look him in the eye, it is sign of aggression, never  contradict him, and never make a promise you can’t keep.  Stabler says he knows the code of honor. 

Inside, Albi  asks Reggie what happened and Reggie calls it a hiccup.  Albi says to tell HIM – a boxer – who beats him.  Stabler gives Reggie instructions on how to fight back and Albi asks who is he. Stabler explains he works for Reggie, who invited him along to explain how they will get his investment back.  Stabler looks right at Albi.  Reggie, looking intimated, explains that is Eddie Wagner and he works for him.  Albi asks if he works for him, why is he talking for him?  He tells Stabler to come there and asks that he will get his money back, and Stabler says no, THEY are going to get his money back. Albi gives them 48 hours.  The boxer punches Stabler in his midsection and Albi tells Stabler that is a little taste of what will happen if he breaks his promise. 

Later, Stabler appears to be  on the phone asking someone if they remember what he told them about the bluebirds, adding they are back.  He says he knows they are pretty but are so loud he doesn’t sleep any more. He breaks the phone and throws the phone away in a nearby trash bin. He enters a building using a security card in a door off an alley.  He enters the OC office and comments to Jet about the bluebirds, and she explains it is an algorithm that aggregates data from all his texts to select a new security code every 24 hours.  Stabler wanted something less flowery and when Bell enters and says like go ahead make my day, he quips she is profiling him again.  She asks about the Albania code of honor and Stabler says it means he has to keep his promise.  She says he means Eddie Wagner’s honor and Stabler thinks Eddie would not worry about that.  They discuss the harbor control cops and Stabler IDs one of three who transferred out – Beau Campbell.  He left the force – Stabler thinks he boosted the coke.  Stabler says if the find him he’ll get it out of him, but Bell says he got a jump start on them. Jet adds he is spending a lot of money and find an image of him outside a restaurant where he spent $600, and was with Sheri Thompson, his girlfriend of 3 years.  Stabler says when Sheri tells them where Beau is, they need to find a way to get the information to him and Reggie. 

Later, Bell and Jet approach Sheri outside her car, looking for Beau.  She tries to explain they broke up and she hasn’t seen him but Jet rattles off details about where she was with him last night at the restaurant. Sheri looks caught. 

Meanwhile, Reggie and Stabler arrive at Reggie’s mom’s who is cooking and she gives Stabler a suspicious look.  Reggie introduces her and she smiles but says nothing. Stabler asks if she understands him and Reggie says she can hear she just can’t talk good. Stabler asks if she had a stroke and Reggie says no, she was shot in the head and it screwed up her speech.  Reggie’s phone buzzes and he walks off to take the call. Stabler sits down with Reggie’s  mom and says he will wait for Reggie bus she pushes a drink in a cup to him and he says he will drink it now.  After he drinks it she takes it and tips it over and looks at the grounds.  Reggie explains she is reading the grounds and she tries to say something to Reggie.  Reggie explains she wants to know why she doesn’t tell her how he feels. Reggie adds about the person he loves, then says what does he know.  He hugs his mom and she whispers something to him and he tells her not to be so suspicious.  They leave and Stabler glances back at her. 

Later, Stabler and Reggie catch up with another one of the cops, and, masked and using guns, force him to tell them where Beau is.  The officer gives him the location of a cabin and Stabler throws the cops car keys away and he and Reggie drive off.  The cop makes a call to Bell and says they are on the way to the cabin and he couldn’t tell which one was undercover. Bell thanks her then walks into another room where Angela Wheatley is doing a crossword., She says she is feeling better and walked 3 blocks yesterday, She used to run 6 miles every morning before teaching a seminar.  She ask who Bell was on the phone with and she says it wasn’t Stabler.  Bell asks if she will be well enough to testify next month for Richard Wheatley’s trial for the murder of Kathy Stabler and she nods yes. 

Elsewhere, Stabler and Reggie break in to Beau’s place and Stabler beats him and asks where are his bricks. Beau says he is just the middleman and after Stabler exerts more pressure, Beau says it’s a black guy who someone called Red Bull, 25-30, drives a Cadillac Escalade with a gold tooth.  Stabler punches the guy and says nobody likes a dirty cop.

Later, parked in his car on a street,  Stabler meets with his son Eli.  He suggests they meet with Kathleen and all go home for dinner.  Eli can't, he’s having dinner with a friend Brett.  Eli says he made the soccer team and would not have tried out had he not pushed him.  He misses him and knows he doing work because he’s the only one that can do it and he just doesn’t want him to feel guilty, Stabler thanks him and his friends call out to him and he goes back to join them. 

At another location near the river, Bell tells Stabler Beau is in custody and is in ICU at a Bronx hospital.  He explains Reggie wanted to ice him so he made an executive decision.  Bell says she hopes he talked before he knocked his lights out, she couldn’t get anything out of him.  Stabler explains they got paid cash -150K from Red Bull.  Bell knows him – Lance "Red Bull" Flowers, one of the Marcy killers – they started off as a street gang in Bed-Stuy and now they are running a multi-national corporation.  They operate out of Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan.  She says their corners probably changed since she got out of narco and will see if Brewster can give her a map of their territory.  She walks off.

A guy gets out of a car and two women were kissing next to it.  After the guy talks to one of the women and then walks off, Stabler and Reggie approach them and Reggie holds one at gunpoint and says he hopes that’s not his coke they are selling, and Stabler asks for the coke.  The one woman not at gunpoint gives it up and Reggie and Stabler leave.  When the guy who was in the car returns, the girl asks him where he got that coke from. 

Back at the gym, Reggie enters a room for a meeting but keeps Stabler out, saying it is insiders only. Reggie shows him the small bag of coke and Albi checks it and asks where he got it.  Reggie explains it’s the Marcy killers, selling it for $200 a gram. Albi says this is his coke.  Albi says to paint the street red with the blood of the Marcy killers. 

Hugo is in jail and visits with a woman who says Lance got a hold of some new stuff selling like wildfire, but he jacked it from the KO and they found out. He asks if Mr. Webb knows and she replies not yet. Lance is her boy and doesn’t want to see him get hurt but he is about to get caught.  He says he will handle it.  Back in his cell, he makes a call to Webb who is at a restaurant.  He comments to Hugo he is dining with Congressman Kilbride but Hugo says they have a problem. Webb says to get ahead of it but Hugo says they are way past that.  Webb listens intently. 

Later, Preston Webb meets with Mr. Flowers and Ms. Reilly and says this is a first time meeting under less than salubrious circumstances.  Reilly tries to take the blame but he tells her she’s not on the hot seat, but stares at flowers. 

At her home, Bell is with her spouse Denise (and baby) who says she had an interesting phone call from Congressman Leon Kilbride.  He wanted to talk about Damian’s lawsuit against the NYPD and wants to meet them.  He knows she is married to a police officer and wants to use this to reframe the conversation about police misconduct.  Bell can see where this is going but Denise thinks he is one of the good ones. Bell does not want to be used as a pawn in someone’s political ambition.  But Denise wants to meet him.  Bell’s phone rings, and says they will talk about it later.  It’s Stabler calling, who tells her it’s confirmed the Marcy Killers are on the street dealing the Kosta organization’s stolen cocaine.  The Albanians have short tempers, military-grade weapons, they are going to war. 

Elsewhere, Stabler helps ready the weapons while Bell is at the Intelligence Bureau with her boss and Brewster arguing  how to proceed.  Bell argues it is their job to protect innocent civilians who can get gunned down in the crossfire. Meanwhile, Albi winds up his people.  Bell continues to argue but her boss says that’s enough.  He says Bell is right, they don’t want an all-out war on the streets and the two of them will work together to make sure that doesn’t happen by a joint task force. He says they will be co-commanders.  Neither look pleased.  Meanwhile, Albi hands Stabler a launcher. 

Bell and Brewster watch a group at John’s Delicatessen while the Albanians have left another location, Stabler with them. Brewster tells the team to take their places. Albi gets a call and he says they are en route.  They pull off and Stabler asks what is happening.  Reggie gets a message and says Albi is calling it off. 

Later, Stabler is bartending at a  party, Albi is there, and one man – Jon Kosta - says his eldest daughter is getting married.  The large group cheers.  Reggie speaks with Kosta and comments about his other daughter Josie.  Kosta asks who is Stabler and Reggie says that is his boy, Eddie Ashes and he’s good, an ex-con.  Reggie goes over to Stabler at the outside bar and mentions Albi asking him there, because they don’t let outsiders at Kosta’s house.  Stabler realizes this is Jon Kosta, and Reggie says Kosta wants Stabler to make him a drink. Stabler asks what does he drink and Reggie doesn’t know, saying Stabler is the bartender.  Another woman asks Reggie who is his friend with the sexy buns. Reggie’s mom whispers to him, and Reggie adds his mom says Stabler’s coffee grounds are full of misfortune so stay away. He tells  his mom she is full of crap but he loves her.  Suddenly three people appear and the partygoers look uncomfortable. Jon says their guests have arrived. Mr. Webb is  in the group with Flowers and Reilly and they walk into the house and Jon, Albi and Reggie follow. 

Inside the house, Kosta opens a duffel back full of drugs and Webb says he believes this belongs to him. He adds if things go well between them he will make him whole. Kosta asks what does that mean, and Webb says the theft of the product was not orchestrated by the Marcy Corporation.  He asks how come it gets dropped off by him? Webb states that heist on the docks was an insurrectionist act by a rouge member of his organization but they would like to apologize and ask for his forgiveness. Flowers steps up and says if there is anything he can do to earn his forgiveness, let him know and...Kosta pulls out a gun and points it at Flower’s head.  Stabler can see this from outside.  Kosta says usually he shoots people caught stealing from him, and Reilly steps up and says he doesn’t have to do that. Losta points the gun at her and says maybe he should shoot her too.  Webb steps in the way and says that is an option, but they both know every business decision comes with consequences. Kosta puts the gun down and says since he brought back his product he’d love to hear what he has to say. Webb says the Marcy Corporation is not looking to be at war with the Kosta organization,  they recognize their strength and would rather work with him than against him.  They touch fists as in agreement and Webb and his group leave. 

Back outside, Kosta says a partnership with the Marcy and Kosta organizations, no one could touch them.  He asks Reggie where is his drink, and Stabler steps up, saying he has it right there, he had it chilling for him.  Kosta tells him to hang on, takes a sip, and says it’s nice, and Stabler says it is bourbon and Amaretto, he used to make it all the time in Chicago. It’s called the godfather. As Kosta walks off, Kosta asks Albi if he is supposed to trust him, and Albi says Reggie likes him. Kosta says he is not sure he does. Kosta stares back at Stabler and walks off as Albi and Reggie also look back at Stabler as well. Stabler looks back with a serious gaze. 



Esaul said...

I do enjoy seeing the “other side”. I somewhat wish they would take “The Wire” approach with the drug dealers.

Tonya said...

I loved this episode. When the series first started it took a couple of episodes for me to really start enjoying it. Now, that it's easier to follow the story and I can keep up with the characters better, I love it. I know there is probably things to critique but for me I enjoyed the story line and the acting.

A said...

Liked seeing more of Jet. She and Bell could be a fun duo if they keep pairing them up. What happened to Washburn, though?

But, again, I have to ask: why are they still dragging out this lawsuit nonsense? The cops who targeted the nephew were Wheatley's men and Bell has to know this. How would the NYPD be at fault for people pretending to be cops?

brit said...

I don't trust Brewster an inch and i think there's more to that guy's mother. Vinnie Jones let's his accent slip you can hear a twang. I like this show better than svu these days apart from stabler everyone else could be axed at a moment's notice. Which makes it more interesting.Just drop the romance ugh.

Laurie F said...

Solid action on this show, unlike SVU. Bell looks like she's got no staff left except Stabler and Jet and with Stabler as a UC, it's just Jet? It doesn't seem like enough people to run an operation of this scale which is why they needed an excuse to bring in Brewster?

I like the series fine but I can't warm up to Richard Wheatley. Dylan McDermott plays him like a cartoon bad guy. It make me laugh and I can't take anything seriously that he does. But he'll worm his way into this other drug stuff I bet. Sigh. Every time I see Reggie all I can think of is Bunchie (from his role in Ray Donovan). He seems like Bunchie version 2.0. I'm indifferent about Angela Wheatley at this point but I'll wait and see where they will go with her. Brewster is going to be a thorn in Bell's side because we know all women on the L&O universe must have a man who persecutes her in some way.

No real coverage about Bell shooting Morales or did I miss something? I don't get why they covered it in SVU but not here.

I'm glad we only saw Eli for a short while but it looks like Momma Stabler comes back next week and Kathleen. Sigh. They must need some filler for that two hour showing. I detest the Stabler family drama.

I do like the overall story and I think this could be another good season. I know I sould bitchy about things but the story does interest me.

Eldridge said...

There was alot going on here lol. It was certainly enjoyable though. Is a previous commenter said, I can't warm up to the idea of Richard Wheatley (Dylan McDermott) being the head of a criminal organization. It's pretty quirky. But, I still enjoy the interaction between him and Stabler. Glad to see Eliot back in action.