Friday, November 20, 2020

Law & Order SVU “Remember Me In Quarantine” Promo

Here is the promo for Law & Order SVU “Remember Me In Quarantine” which will air on Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 9 PM ET on NBC.

1 comment:

dttruman said...

After watching the Youtube Promo for this episode and going by what Leight said "how close people get to their breaking points". I am guessing some of the college student(s) may or may not have killed the victim because she was flagrantly violating the COVID-19 protocol. They may have been under so much pressure, this is where the "breaking point" reference may be applied to explain the killing. Or they may expand it into a larger "who done it" and some of the victim's guests may come under suspicion. At least it will be nice to see Chief ME Warner again.