Friday, October 25, 2019

Law & Order SVU “At Midnight in Manhattan” Recap & Review

This episode was an interesting, highly engaging “day-in-the-life” episode for the SVU and for Carisi that began at the end of one shift, bringing three cases in rapid succession. I liked this episode as each story on its own would have made for a dull episode, but compressing these three cases into one day upped the pressure and the tension. The episode moved quickly and each story received the right amount of attention, making excellent use of the entire cast. The clock on the time cards marked off the seconds; counting the seconds was overkill as the cases didn't involve anything THAT time critical.

Right off the bat, Rollins complains she has two kids and a sitter on the clock, and Fin rightfully calls her out on it, saying he hates it when she plays the momma card. (He succumbs to it anyway.) Of course, Benson says she’s playing the mom card, but, sadly for her too, duty calls. Rollins later acts like a petulant child when she argues with Carisi, accusing him of being more worried about his boss than the victims. A phone rings – it could have been a victim or something important about a case – and Rollins picks up the receiver and slams it down. She’s upset that “everyone” is worried, “they” are nervous, swamped, and drowning because he left. But the truth of the matter comes out: Rollins says Carisi was her partner and walked out on HER. Carisi counters that Rollins said she was happy for him, but her retort to this is her asking that he believed her and how stupid is he. Considering that Carisi has gone out of his way many times to support her and her family – you know, acting like a real friend – this insult must cut very deeply. This is worse than simple envy or jealousy over someone moving on to a new career that presents a better career path or even moving on to a new relationship. Rollins is behaving like a selfish, spoiled brat, upset that she is not the center of attention. It’s not a good look for her. This is the Rollins that I don’t like, just another thing on the long list of things she’s done that I don’t like.

It’s great to see Carisi learning as he goes along, and also to see him go through new roadblocks. What’s nice about this is we get to see an already likeable character experience learning a new job and bring a new dynamic to the team, becoming even MORE likeable. Carisi was thrown into the deep end very quickly and so far he’s been able to keep himself from going under. It’s also great to have a little more of the legal component in each episode, something that was hit and miss with SVU in recent seasons.

Hopefully the newbie – Kat – will never use the word “quiet” again, as she really jinxed the squad. Kat is driven and wants to succeed, to the point of leaping before she looks. It was smart for Benson to have Carisi go with Kat to question one suspect as Carisi’s experience helped draw out information before the suspect got wise and shut it down. When Benson told Kat that she and Carisi were going to handle the questioning of one suspect – Paul Davies – Kat seemed hurt and offended. I believe Kat later realized that Benson and Carisi handled the interrogation far better that she could have. It may be difficult for Kat to cool her jets and I suspect that, until she gets more seasoned, she’ll eventually create a problem by acting or speaking too quickly. Kat learned a lesson when the transgender victim she was helping decided to capitalize on her misfortune, likely using a sympathetic Kat to put her in a position cut herself a deal.

One thing I still don’t understand. Are these detectives the only detectives for all of Manhattan, 24/7? Does the 16th precinct not have a second shift? I have a hard time accepting that when this group goes off their shift that there is no one to take their place. As special victims can occur at any time of the day or night, how many 24 hour shifts must they work, and how costly would that be?

One line in the episode that made me cringe a bit: Benson saying that, in her experience, “women are stronger than men.” Considering just earlier that day she heard Rollins have a meltdown over Carisi, it seemed odd. Even without seeing Rollins' tantrum, it’s a sexist comment. It’s no wonder Joelle made the comeback that if that were the case, Benson should have minded her own business.

Very nice camera work and filtering for the final scene with Kat on the pier.

Here is the recap:

In one location, a woman runs down the street, away from something, trying to close her blouse. Elsewhere, another woman is being beaten in her home by her husband while their son watches and begs him to stop. In another location, a woman is thrown from a car into the street. A man inside the car calls her a whore and then speeds off while she collapses on the street.

Meanwhile, in the SVU squad room on Friday at 11:58:26 PM, Rollins and Kat are working late and Kat is applying some makeup. Rollins asks if she is going on, and Kat replies to a house party. Rollins comments she misses those, but Fin, who is also there, chimes in and says not him, adding he will see them on Monday as he moves to leave. Benson walks in and comments they are still here. Rollins replies “Two minutes to midnight and counting.” Kat adds that in Vice they never had a Friday night this quiet. Benson says, “Oh” and Fin and Rollins looks shocked at what Kat has said, giving her a look. She asks “what?” and Rollins explains that she knows Kat is new but they don’t say the “q” word. The phone rings, and Fin comments that Kat jinxed it, saying it is her call. She moves to answer it and then a another call rings in. Rollins looks pleadingly at Fin and says she has two kids and a sitter on the meter. Fin says he hates when she plays the momma card, and moves to answer the phone. Benson says she is playing the mom card and they know where to reach her. But her cell phone rings as well while the others shoot her a glance. When Benson answers it, Rollins makes a move to stay.

At the apartment of Joelle Fuller, 2516 Frederick Douglas Boulevard on Saturday, September 28 at 12:30:55 AM, Fin speaks with an officer who tells him about a sexual assault and beating in the projects. The vic is Joelle Fuller, the perp is her husband Leon who left before they got there. The son, Andre, called 911. Fin tells the officer to find Leon; felony DV is a mandatory arrest. Fin enters the apartment and sees Andre comforting Joelle. She says they shouldn’t be there and Andre shouldn’t have called the cops, saying she is fine. But Andre disagrees and says she is bleeding. Fin explains they will take care of his mom.

Meanwhile, Benson and Rollins arrive at the home of Nicole and Matt Cooper at 198 West 84th Street on Saturday, September 28 at 12:45:03 AM, Nicole apologizes for calling Benson on her cell, but says she and Hadid went to Spence together, she gave her Benson’s number and said she is terrific. Nicole explains Chloe called her husband in a panic, and he explains she had taken a car service, “HailMe”, and the driver assaulted her. Chloe sits in the living room, stunned. He shows them a photo of the guy, Mohammed. Benson asks to speak with Chloe alone. They agree.

Elsewhere, Kat speaks with an officer who says a “trans-whatever” was beat up by a john. She challenges him on that crass description. He explains the vic was found unconscious with her skirt up, some cuts and bruises, saying some barfly called it in who was gone before he got there. Kat recognizes Lakira,  who calls her Officer Kit Kat. She says if Kat is here to arrest her, she is too late, “mall cop” beat her to it. Kat sees she is cuffed to the stretcher, and looks at the other officer and angrily asks that he cuffed a vic. The officer looks sheepish and Kat removes the cuffs and tells Lakira they EMS will load her into the ambulance. She tells the other officer to radio Mercy ED and tell them they need a sexual assault nurse with trans experience. Kat steps into the ambulance and asks Lakira if it is okay that she comes with her.

On Saturday at 1:55:14 AM, Joelle is at the hospital with Andre and tells Fin what happened, saying Leon has been in a mood since they separated. She should have given in sooner, after he got what he wanted it was over. He suggests a rape kit in case she wants to press charges and it could take a few hours. He asks where can he take Andre and she suggests her sister Aleah in the Van Buren houses, Andre knows.

At Columbus Memorial Hospital, 568 West 113the Street on Saturday, September 28 at 2:31:29 AM, Chloe explains what happened to Benson. The driver pulled over, saying he had a flat then he opened up the door to the back seat and jumped in, ripped her top and put his hand up her skirt. She pushed him off of her and ran and an old couple saw her and waited until she called her dad. She realizes she left her shoes in the car and asks if she can get them back. Benson replies if they find them, they will be evidence. Chloe realizes how spoiled that sounded, and Benson assures her there is no wrong or right way to react. Chloe’s parents enter and they are ready to take her home but Benson wants a few more minutes with Chloe. They exit the room. Chloe goes on to say that she thought this is where she would die.

Elsewhere, Fin speaks with Andre who sits on the hood of a car. Andre tells him he was afraid for his mother, but Fin assures him he did good by calling 911. But Andre is afraid his father will be mad, and Fin asks if his father gets mad a lot and if they get along. Andre replies that they do, his father takes him for rides in a big truck and they blast music. Fin sees Andre is getting tired and says he is getting tired too. Fin picks him up and stands him on the sidewalk, commenting that Andre is a big guy. Andre says his friend TJ’s dad went to jail because he knocked out his mom, and wonders if his dad going to jail too. Fin sighs and they move to leave.

At 3:17:52 AM, Kat arrives at Mercy Hospital to check on Lakira and tells her it will be a little while. Lakira jokes never get assaulted on a Friday night. She says she is in SVU and it is her second case. Lakira says there is no one she can call. Kat asks what happened, and Lakira explains she was trying to make some money so she could sleep in a real bed. Some rich dude picked her up and in the middle of a bj he goes soft and smacked her, and she told him not to blame his ED on her. He started hitting her and pulling her skirt and he grabbed a flashlight…Kat asks if she recognized him or seen him before, and Lakira tells her not to waste her time, and get out of there. But then she says she's seen him around the pier but had never been with him before. He had blue eyes, big jaw, and he’s got a Dorito colored car with doors that open up like wings – a vulture.

At East 20th Street on Saturday, September 28 at 4:13:11 AM, Rollins has pulled over Mohammed Sayeed and she asks him to step out of his car. He complies and she arrests him for attempted rape.

Back at SVU, Benson and Kat are in the locker room and Benson comments that the victim is transgender, asking if it’s another hate crime. Kat doesn’t think that’s what this is, explaining that Lakira is homeless so she works the piers sometimes. Kat adds that Lakira gave the guy oral, he got rough, she sassed him and he snapped, beating her and sexually assaulting her with a flashlight. Kat shows Benson a photo of the victim as she tells Benson that Lakira described the john as a blue-eyed vulture. Benson comments that is poetic, but Kat thinks Lakira is observant, saying that Lakira said the guy has a car with gull-winged doors. Benson tells her to track it down, and Kat explains that she is already on the traffic cams. As Kat walks off, Fin approaches, with coffee and asks if Benson has a second. Looking at the coffee, she comments if the coffee is for her she’ll give him a full minute, asking if he found his DV perp. Fin replies there is no known address and he and Joelle just separated. He adds that TARU is tracking his phone and his son thinks he lives in a truck. Benson asks if she is willing to cooperate, and Fin answers she knows how that goes – the vic is backing up but we can’t. He asks her to listen to the recording of the 911 call where Andre screams that is dad is hurting his mom – he is on top of her, punching her – and Andre screams for his dad to stop. He asks for the police to hurry as he tells his dad to stop and not to kill her, and a dial tone ends the call.

On Saturday at 11:06:23 AM, Fin is there as officers knock on the back of a moving truck for Jolly Movers. Leon opens the back door and tells them not to shoot, it is his truck and he works here. Fin says it is about what happened last night, and when Leon asks what did Joelle say now, Fin replies she didn’t have to say anything, it is all over her face. He says Leon is under arrest, but Leon says they can’t arrest him in his house. Fin says the truck is company property, calling him a dumbass and telling him to get down or he will have his people to get him out of there.

Back at Chloe’s home at 12:38:06 PM, Rollins speaks with Chloe and her parents and Nicole says that Hadid said the captain would be handling her case. Rollins explains Benson is her direct boss and she will be overseeing. Nicole looks less than thrilled. Rollins asks Chloe if she recognizes any of those men in the photos, and Matt points out one that looks like the driver. Rollins says Chloe needs to do this on her own, and then takes the tablet to show Chloe another photo array. Nicole looks annoyed. Chloe picks out a photo, saying it is Mohammed, adding it has to be. Nicole asks why they haven’t arrested him yet, and Rollins explains they have and that CSU is going through his car right now. He has not confessed but they have a call into HailMe…Nicole interrupts and says Matt knows someone on the board…Chloe says “Mom!” and Rollins tells them please don’t, they can handle this.

Meanwhile, Fin has Leon in SVU interrogation who denies everything. Fin mentions they have witnesses and DNA, and Fin continues to press him. He says Joelle said the next time he wanted her he’d have to force himself on her so he was just doing what she wanted. Carisi, who is observing with Benson, says that’s one down, but Benson says yes and no. Joelle won’t let them test her rape kit but they have Andre’s 911 audio and CSU is working the apartment. Carisi says they can do this on the assault; he’d rather not and asks her to tell him the next case is a ground ball. She says not exactly, walking him to the next area where the HailMe driver, Mohammed is waiting, but he is also praying. Benson explains Chloe picked him out of a six-pack but Carisi should know that Chloe’s mother is Hadid’s friend…Carisi finishes, saying from private school, adding he knows. She texted him from her sister’s wedding at 4 in the morning. Carisi asks if they have checked him phone GPS and Benson says Mohammed refuses to give them his phone passwords. He is saying he didn’t do it and he wants a lawyer. Carisi said legal aid and a long weekend – Mohammed better pray harder.

As they walk off, Kat stops them and says they have a lead, Benson explaining it is for Lakira, the trans woman. Kat says she found a parking ticket for a late model gull-winged car, one block away and the owner lives in Scarsdale: Paul Davies, 40, corporate attorney. Carisi quips “more good news.” He paid for parking 6 times over the last 9 weeks at the piers and Carisi counters it is suspicious but not probative. Kat says he matches the description and Benson tells her to bring him in to make an ID. Kat states she has already called and Lakira is on her way up. Rollins walks in with April Andrews, Mohammed’s attorney. Carisi says it is for attempted rape and first degree criminal sex abuse, and April says so he didn’t complete the rape. Rollins explains Lakira fought him off, and April says to knock it to a misdemeanor and she can get him on board and they can still have a weekend. Benson looks appalled, saying he forced himself on her in his car and Carisi says he is pushing a B felony. She asks to speak with him and Rollins directs April to the room. Benson asks Carisi “Coffee?” and Carisi says he’d like six of them. Kat approaches with Lakira, who looks at Carisi and says his shoes say police.

In the interview room, Carisi, there with Kat, shows Lakira a photo array and she picks out Paul Davies. Kat asks if she is okay, and Lakira says no – the jury looks at him and then looks at her, and who will they choose? His eyes shine money, and Carisi says they will do their best. She explains the first time she was assaulted she was 14, her mom had just kicked her out of the house. The cop told her to wipe off her makeup and go home, she didn’t belong there. Rollins knocks on the door and enters, telling Carisi she knows he is busy but…and motions for him to come out. He exits. Rollins says good news, Mohammed gave his lawyer his pass code for his phone and the app shows he was going to pick up Chloe at 10:48 pm and she never showed and he canceled 5 minutes later. Carisi says he could have canceled after she got in, but April says that is not how it works, Mohammed booked another ride to Crown Heights then New Jersey. Carisi comments that’s what the app says, and April says Carisi should have taken the misdemeanor, they have the wrong guy. Carisi counters until they process his car and confirm with HailMe, he stays in holding. April says that the ADAs can never admit they made a mistake, adding the clock is ticking. She goes back into the interrogation room. Carisi asks on a scale is Chloe’s ID shaky and Rollins says Chloe knows his face from the HailMe app and she could have been influenced. She adds Chloe was assaulted in that car, but Carisi tensely says maybe it was another car but now he has to keep Mohammed in holding for a crime he probably didn’t commit but if he lets him go and Hadid finds out, he’s a dead man walking. As Carisi walks off, Rollins, testy, follows him and says Carisi made that bed and now he can lie in it. He stops and says “Excuse me?” Rollins, raising her voice, asks what did he think would happen when he moved over to that place, because it is all about politics which is not Carisi’s strong suit. Carisi counters he is just doing his job, he’s not paying to that. Rollins, exasperated, says it seems like he is more worried about his boss than about Chloe. Carisi says he is more worried about is the DV with the battered wife who is not cooperating. He is worried about the trans girl who was assaulted by a corporate lawyer in case that they are never going to make. A phone is ringing and Rollins walks over to it, picks up the receiver and hangs it up. She they says they are not, not with that attitude, adding everyone is worried, they are nervous and they are swamped and they are drowning because he left. Carisi asks so that’s what this is about, he left? He had to go, it was his shot. Benson, on the phone in her office, sees the argument. Rollins screams she would be fine if he was right there beside her but instead he was her partner and walked out on her. Carisi, stunned, says Rollins said she was happy for him, and she asks that he believed her, asking how stupid is he? Benson walks out of her office, saying she is on the phone with the Deputy Chief and adds whatever is going on between them…they both say nothing is going on. Benson tells them to get over it now. Carisi walks off and Rollins looks frustrated.

On Saturday at 2:45:53 PM, over coffee, Carisi speaks with Benson and says he is trying to stay afloat, they have him doing ECAB shifts – Early Case Assessment Bureau. Benson calls it a complaint room. He explains you catch every case that comes in for an 8-hour shift and Benson says as of midnight last night he has three ticking clocks, felony sexual assaults. She says she gets it. He says it is triage and every case is his, all the way to arraignment. As they walk into Benson’s office, she asks how can she help him. He says for the DV case they have to make sure the victim will cooperate but Benson explains Joelle is terrified of her husband. She reminds him he has the 911 call and he doesn’t need her to make the case. Carisi argues if he forces Andre to testify against is father, asking her if she wants the weight of this to fall on a 7-year-old. When she says she hears him, he shouts that she doesn’t, adding if she want to help him then let Joelle know that is his next step and Benson should make him the bad guy if she has to. Frustrated, he apologizes, saying to just figure out what is going on or he will have to drop-kick this case. She says okay, Counselor. Kat walks in and says Paul Davies is headed to a country club event today and she alerted West Chester County PD and they are going to come meet them on the arrest. Benson tells her to hold up, and says she appreciates her drive, but this isn’t vice or street crime. Carisi adds they are only going to get one crack at him and if she arrests him now he lawyers up and it’s better to get him on record. Benson reminds Kat that Paul is a lawyer himself. Benson tells Carisi she knows he is busy and has a lot on his plate but it would not be a bad idea if he went up there with Kat. Kat comments she does not need a chaperone, but Benson firmly says yes, she does. She tells them to go.

At Roundhill Sailing Club at 404 Elliott Way in Croton-on-Hudson, New York on Saturday, September 28 at 4:37:22 PM, they arrive at the event to the sound of bagpipes and many men in kilts. They introduce themselves to Davies who asks if they are there about his car. Kat starts to talk but Carisi cuts her off, saying they are and asks if he has a minute. Paul walks off with them and asks that they found it. Carisi asks if it was stolen, and Kat asks if he was in Chelsea last night. He says it was hockey at the sport center and he went for a drink after and came out of the bar and his car was gone. Kat asks that he reported it stolen, and he said he assumed it was towed. He was at some sports bar with an Irish name and took an Uber home from there. He asks if they found his car or not. Kat says a witness did, and shows him a photo of Lakira with her injuries, asking if he knows her, adding she says she knows him. Paul says nothing, and Carisi asks maybe it is somebody he met in the bar, maybe outside. Paul smiles, saying it is not that kind of bar, saying there is not Venn Diagram where someone like that and he would intersect. Kat says yes, from a guy wearing a skirt and a furry pouch. He laughs and says when they find his car to call him, and he walks off. Kat says he stashed the car someplace, she knows it, she will canvass every parking garage in New York if she has to. Carisi says she doesn’t have to, he has a better idea, asking that she knows the piers, telling her to work those, because this was not this guy’s first time.

Meanwhile, Benson and Fin speak with a worried Joelle, and her sister Aleah who is there says Joelle doesn’t want to press charges. Fin makes an excuse to get Andre out so Benson can talk, but Aleah says he can go but Joelle wants her here. Joelle lets Andre go with Fin. Benson questions Joelle about other complaints with the police about Leon but Joelle is not buying Benson’s advice and neither is Aleah. Benson plays back Andre’s 911 call and Joelle covers her ears. Aleah tells her to turn it off as she is upsetting Joelle. Benson does so, and then Joelle asks Benson to tell her what to do.

At 7:11:07 PM,  back at SVU, Rollins asks Benson and Fin how it went, and Benson explains that Joelle came around and she will testify. Fin says that’s great, so he can finally take 20 if Rollins can keep it down. Rollins smiles and says she has something on Chloe’s case; the bar where she had drinks last night gave her video cam surveillance where Chloe is seen getting in to a black car. It is not a HailMe. The license plate is bent to avoid traffic cams but TARU found it is registered to an owner in Queens and she will head out there now. Benson tells her not by herself, and to get Fin before he falls asleep. Benson asks if she has seen Kat, and Rollins says no.

Meanwhile, Kat is showing Paul’s photo around the pier. One person explains a scenario with Paul just like Lakira’s. One person saw Lakira get in Paul’s car last night.

At the residence of Aadesh Patel at 47 82nd Street in Jackson Heights Queens on Saturday September 28 at 10:05:20 PM, Fin and Rollins see the car and Chloe’s heels are inside. The registered owner is 63 and Chloe said the driver was in his 20s. Fin reminds Rollins that Chloe also ID’d the wrong guy. Fin wonders if she cried rape just to get her shoes back. Rollins says something is off. They approach the front door and Aadesh welcomes them in. He explains his home is in foreclosure. Rollins asks about the car and he says he knows he should have a permit but he only drives to the airport and he is very safe. Rollins explains who they are and he said he’d never…they hear a noise and Aadesh explains it is his son Sanjay who is helping him pack. Rollins tells Aadesh to call him in there, and when he does so, his son runs. Fin and Rollins chase and catch and apprehend him. Aadesh asks him what he did, and Sanjay says he did it for him.

Back at SVU in interrogation, Sanjay explains his dad borrowed a million dollars for his medallion to pass it on to him but after Uber, everything he worked for was gone. Two of his friend committed suicide. No one cares and he had to do something. He said that girl didn’t even check, she just got in, no one who uses the app does and he only did this to scare her and others from using them. He swears he didn’t hurt her. Benson, observing with Carisi, asks now they have one down. Carisi says he still needs Chloe to ID. Benson sighs, saying she was afraid he was going to say that.

At the 16th Precinct on Sunday, September 29 at 10:08:52 AM, Chloe sees a line up and picks Sanjay and Rollins adds they found her shoes in the car. Rollins tells Carisi that Sanjay felt bad about what he did, and Carisi says he felt bad about keeping Mohammed in holding for 24 hours. Rollins counters it is better than the tombs. Rollins opens the door and tells Mohammed he is free to go. Carisi says Rollins kept investigating. As Mohammed leaves, he walks by Chloe and her parents and Chloe apologizes. He doesn’t know who she is. Nicole tells Carisi to thank Hadid and he says she already knows. They leave. Carisi turns and asks Rollins if they are good, and Rollins blankly asks him to tell her. An officer approaches and says Paul Davies and his attorney are there and Carisi moves to head there, not answering Rollins.

Rollins enters the locker room and tells Kat that her perp is there. Rollins tells Fin if it is alright with him, she is clocking out. But Fin says Benson said they are all in until arraignment. She says she will call her sitter as Fin takes off his jacket and sits on the bunk bed. He asks Kat how did she get her guy too come in on Sunday, and she explains she offered to pick him up at services at Scarsdale Presbyterian herself. They talk about getting sleep and Fin says he can close his eyes at a red light and nap until it’s green. He lays down on the bed and covers himself with his jacket. She says when she was younger, she hated naps, she never wanted to miss anything. Her dad would put her in the stroller and tell her they were going for ice cream and by the end of the block she was out. She looks over to Fin and he is fast asleep.

Kat walks into the squad room and asks Benson if she has seen her perp. Benson explains she and Carisi are taking this, Kat brought her in and they are going to take it home, saying she will get her chance, don’t worry about it.

Kat watches Benson and Carisi question Paul with his lawyer Lisa Turner who denies the accusations and Benson brings up another person who said he assaulted her a month ago. Lisa says they are done here, but Benson says they are just getting started. Benson brings up another person and Carisi says Paul has a proclivity. Lisa says they could have colluded. Lisa says her client is going home to see her family, but Benson and Carisi stand up and Benson tells her to try again, and Benson tells Paul he is under arrest for aggravated sexual abuse, assault, and patronizing a prostitute. Carisi tells Lisa she should explain to her client what happens next. Kat is watching and is thrilled.

At 1:04:18 PM, Kat checks in with Lakira who said when she looks in a mirror it hurts. Kat says to give it some time, she will be pretty as ever. Lakira says she wishes she had a little hideaway and Kat suggest she can put her in touch with some people. She tells Lakira they arrested him and she will need her to come back down to the courthouse to speak to the ADA. Lakira balks, saying she tells herself every day she is beautiful even if her family doesn’t think so and people stare at her like she is some puzzle they don’t want to put together. Now Kat wants her to stand in front of a bunch of strangers and talk about being raped with a flashlight. Kat reminds her that she will be there but tells Lakira she can decide what to do but know she thinks she is one of the strongest people she knows. Lakira sighs and agrees, but she is doing it for her, she is not expecting a fairy tale ending.

Sunday at 2:06:05 PM in Benson’s office with Fin, Rollins is doing push-ups in Benson’s office, Carisi is putting in eye drops saying he ran two hours, asking where are they? Benson says Paul Davies is in holding. Fin says Kat talked to Lakira and she will testify. Carisi asks about his other victims and Benson says Lakira is their best bet. Carisi asks about Joelle, and Benson says she spoke with her and she is on board. On the HailMe case, Rollins says they have Sanjay’s confession and Chloe’s ID. Carisi says three up, three down, and asks what is he missing here? Benson assures him he is good, he has this. He replies “From your mouth to God’s ears.” Rollins asks to walk the counselor out. Benson asks Fin how is his weekend, and he dryly asks, “Really?” He asks if he can take off, and she says to take her with him. An officer walks in and says Aleah is there. Aleah tells Benson that Joelle is done with pressing charges, saying she got her head on straight, adding they are not legally divorced so the child support he has been doling out isn’t court ordered. If Leon goes away…Fin finishes, saying so does her cash flow. Benson says there are ways around that, but Aleah tells her not to even…she states Joelle is out, telling them not to call or come knocking and to just drop it. Benson, looking exasperated, tells Fin she will get Carisi. Fin tells her to hold off, he wants to talk to Leon first.

Fin opens the cell door and Leon thinks he is here for Paul – "the white boy" – but Fin tells Paul to sit down, calling him Gilligan. He asks Leon if he is ready for a smoke. He takes Leon out of the cell.

At 4:09:15 PM in arraignment Court Part 42 on Sunday, September 29, Sanjay Patel is arraigned. who pleads not guilty. His lawyer says they are talking a plea of forcible touching with the DA. The judge says it is not the time or place. Carisi asks for $100,000 bail and the judge calls it an overreach suggesting $50,000. Carisi agrees and the judge calls for the next case. The next case involves Leon Fuller, and when Carisi says that is also him, the judge quips they both got the short straws this weekend. Carisi asks Fin if there is a problem with Joelle, and Fin says don’t ask, just say he’s behind on paperwork. He says he spoke with Leon and he will plead to assault if they drop the rape charge. Carisi asks why, and Fin tells him don’t ask that either. The judge prompts Carisi back. The defense mentions the new plea and Carisi says the people are open to the deal and requests bail at…$50,000. The judge smiles and grants it. The next case is presented for Paul Davies, and Kat is in the gallery. The judge asks Carisi if he is bowling for a turkey, and Carisi says 3 for 3. But Lisa says she doesn’t think so, saying they are going to file a motion to immediately dismiss all charges. She says she has a sworn affidavit from Lakira asserting that she fabricated the accusation and is withdrawing her complaint. Carisi says this is the first he is hearing about this, wondering if Lakira was coerced. The judge says he understands the definition of coerced, and releases Paul on his own recognizance pending a motion to dismiss. Carisi asks for a chance to talk to the detective and he will find out what happened. The judge tells Carisi to take the two out of three, adding it’s been a long weekend. He looks at Kat as the judge adjourns for a 10 minute recess. He asks Kat what the hell, and she doesn’t get it. Carisi says welcome to SVU. He thinks while Kat was looking after her case,  Lakira was looking after herself.

Afterward, Benson speaks with Joelle who is not happy they locked up Leon. She is dependent on him and he supports them and asks how she will get by? Benson says Joelle will find a way and her experience is that women are stronger than men. Joelle questions that she is stronger than Leon, then looks coldly at Benson and tells her she should have minded her own business. Benson says it was not just about protecting her, if Leon had come back she could be in a grave, Leon would be in a cell, and Andre would be alone. Andre calls for his mother and Benson and Joelle give each other a knowing look. Joelle moves to leave with Andre.

Kat walks on the pier and meets with Lakira, and sarcastically thanks her for the heads up and asks if someone is helping her out. Lakira says it’s an angel, with wings. Kat says she thought it was a vulture. Lakira says her mom used to say there are two types of people in the world, the ones that turn gold into garbage and the ones that turn garbage into gold. She is wearing a nice red fur coat and she twirls around. Kat asks if that’s what she thinks she did, and Lakira shows her a new handbag, saying she’s pretty, isn’t she? She got it for her mom and has rent money for her too, maybe she will let he move back home. She says she is turning vultures into angels, adding Kat knows her. Lakira walks off, leaving Kat standing on the pier as we fade to black.

Mariska Hargitay - Captain Olivia Benson
Ice-T - Sergeant Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Peter Scanavino - ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.

Guest stars:
Jamie Gray Hyder - Katriona "Kat" Azar Tamin
Bea Cordelia - Lakira Baca
Afi Bijou - Simone Fuller
Nicole Brydon Bloom - Chloe Cooper
Ben Davis - Paul Davies
James Udom – Leon Fuller
Erin Anderson - Counselor April Andrews
Janel McDermoth – Aleah Brown
Stephen Bradbury – Judge Colin McNamara
Jill Abramovitz - Nicole Cooper
Ja'Siah Young – Andre Fuller
Ted Sod – Aadesh Patel
Paige Barr – Counselor Lisa Turner
Rik Walter – Matt Cooper
Sam Khazai – Mohammed Sayeed
Gillian Glasco – Officer Dominique Rivers
Matt Buechele – Officer Donnie Jones
Ashley Taylor Greaves – Officer Gabrielle Taylor
Sa’Myra Amos James – Nikita Chavez
Justin Rodriguez – Bernardo Ruiz
Marisa Brau-Reyes – Counselor Edwina Myerson
Jeremy Russial – Counselor Robert Kluger
Aby Moongamackel - Sanjay Patel

All Content (Recaps, Review, Commentary) Copyright © unless otherwise noted

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Unknown said...
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Laurie F said...

This was probably the best episode this season so far because they took "average" cases and didn't stretch them out like they normally do for only one case. They didn't spend much time on each victim going into explicit detail about their attack. That's been so tiresome lately, it makes me uncomfortable like they think there are fans out there that get off on hearing how each attack was committed!

Carisi will work out for the show better than if they hired some new ADA that we'd have to get to know all over again. He's got a lot to learn and seeing this process would be more fun for fans than watching somebody that we don't already have a connection to.

I have nothing against Kelli Giddish but Rollins is a mess. The minute you think that she is maturing she does a 180, she treats a good friend like a piece of dirt. She's acting like Carisi is the problem. She can't admit SHE'S the problem. All I heard was ME ME ME. She used that poor guy for all kinds of things over the years and he's been a good friend. I don't even want to think there was any kind of romantic relationship, I never saw any chemistry between those two and would never want that to happen. She's upset because she's a USER and now that Carisi can't drop everything and do her bidding she's having a hissy fit. She's immature. They don't want us to like Rollins, I'm convinced. If they decided to drop her character from the show I would not miss her one bit. In fact I'm hoping that if SVU makes it to season 22 they cut Rollins loose.

Kat is going to be good AND she is going to be a problem. She's too headstrong and somewhere she will say or do the wrong thing. Overall I like the character!

Benson's comment about women are stronger than men - WRONG. Benson needs to update her platitudes to be more PC.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Chris Zimmer said...

@WestVirginiaRebel - Benson said, toward the end of the episode that, in her experience, women are stronger than men. I think she was trying to make Joelle realize she didn't need Leon, but for me it was an odd comment.

gayle said...

Is this the first time that the iconic "sound" that accompanies the time/place slides has not been used on SVU? Or am I just noticing it now?

Unknown said...

I think carisi and amanda should get married they have always been there for each other he was there when both kids were born he loves the kids as if they were his there always together and now that he is at the adas office and she is a detective nobody would have to be separated and it is time they did have a wedding on the show.

Chris Ghost said...

@Unknown Rollisi fan. Sonny has always been there for Amanda, but has this been truly reciprocated? I haven't watched most of season 20 so maybe I missed something, but I always felt their friendship was a little unbalanced?
I'm not trying to be snarky here, this is an honest question because I'm just not seeing it.

gayle said...

I think this may have been the first "day in the life" episode for SVU, or at least the first one I've encountered. But there was a very early episode of the original L&O that used this plot device.

gayle said...

Well, there was that time a couple of seasons ago when Carisi and Rollins had to go down South on an investigation. They went to a bar together, then back to their separate motel rooms, then the next morning he emerged from his room alone...while she was bidding farewell to the barkeep who was leaving hers.
I thought that guy might have become baby Billie's dad, not that doctor.

Chris Zimmer said...

@Chris Ghost - I’ve always viewed Rollins as a “taker” and not much of a “giver”. Carisi has been there to support her many times but I don’t recall anything significant where she went out of the way to support him. I think your observation of the relationship being unbalanced is spot on.

Unknown said...

OMG to the person that said Carisi should "marry" Amanda - are your SERIOUS - Carisi deserves SO MUCH BETTER THAN TRAMP AMANDA. Number one they have NEVER romantically been involved, so how can she say he walked out on her (as most other men have after she gave them what they wanted, whether they were married or not) but she has used him every time she was looking for some "chump" who could be play "Daddy" to her two kids out of wedlock, while she went running around looking for someone else to spread em for(her former Captain who she was NOT raped by, Nick who was married, her former Lt. - Declan(baby daddy #1)-her sponsor at her gambler's anonymous meeting, the bar tender guy that she picked up for a one night stand on her road trip with Carisi, and the doctor/baby daddy #2. Caris needs a decent girl/woman, NOT trampy Amanda

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to say that I'm a Rollisi fan and so I was captivated by that scene. I think however for Rollins to deserve Carisi she really REALLY needs to clean up her act and truly mature. Moving on from the soap opera segment...

Benson's comment towards the end made me laugh so hard I had tears. I am all for empowerment. I highly encourage it. But in most cases and in many ways, men really are stronger than women. I think Liv needs to jog her PC memory.

I wanted to slap that rookie officer. As a trans woman myself, I was very highly offended by his blatant and unprofessional ignorance. He didn't even bother to do his job and get the woman's name! He really oughta be fired if he can't perform such a simple task just because the woman is transgender.

I love that SVU hired a trans woman to play a trans woman. The show hadn't ever done that previously in episodes that featured storylines about trans people. I thought it was a great step of forward progress for equality and visibility. However, I was left angered right at the end when they portrayed her as someone who lied so she could get anything she wanted with the one guy's money. I don't like that because of that lie, he gets to rape other trans women. And I don't know, something about that last scene just felt invalidating and like a cold slap.

Nice sunset though! That was an incredible final shot!

Kat better not EVER say the Q word again. Also I hope she cools down because at this rate she's gonna cause a problem down the road.

dttruman said...

This is definitely one of there better episodes. It was hard to keep up, the show was going 100mph. But it just goes to show, you don't need a lot of Benson to make it a good show. There were places that Benson took up too much time, but there was a perfect moment for her presence yet they chose not to act on it. Most of the other characters were well developed.

Benson's pep-talk to Joelle near the end wasn't needed, that should come from a counselor or shrink. Where Benson was needed the most was right after Rollins had her meltdown and then her argument with Carisi. There have been arguments before in the squad room, but they were about the cases they worked on. This argument concerned personal matters between the two and Benson should have called them into her office and they should have showed them hashing out the problem.

Doesn't Carisi and Benson have enough antagonists here for this episode? Why did they manufacture one by having the Chloe's parents constantly bringing up Hadid's name. It's has almost become a cliche now.

Glad to see that Fin's character was consistent for this episode. But I was really disappointed in Benson when she said "women are stronger than men". Shows a lot of bias on her part. She should have spent time telling Joelle's sister, she is not being very helpful and her concern for her sister's welfare is lacking.

Overall the best episode of the season, if you ask me.

dttruman said...

@Chris Zimmer and @Chris Ghost The reason Rollins is a taker is if you remember her sister and her mother and their personalities, you will understand. Both like to take advantage of other people and IMO it has been instilled in Rollins to some point.

Janelle Marie said...

@Unknown Bea Cordelia is the third transgender actor to appear on SVU. The first was Sabel Gonzales "Broken Rhymes" (season 18 episode 6) & the second was Marquise Vilson "Service" (season 19 episode 18)

Unknown said...

oh I had no idea!! Makes those episodes even better somewhat now

Chris Ghost said...

I think what rubs me the wrong way is that Rollins has never been very supportive of Carisi's legal ambitions. This man was there for the births of her daughters as well as in everyday life (cooking, bringing over food), and often the only thing he got from her in return was snark and guilt-tripping. She's not a giver, exactly, and she's not the warm lovey-dovey type, which is fine. To me, there's just no proof of a healthy best friends dynamic. A romance between them at this point would probably end in a disaster. Couples counseling from the start …

The “women are stronger than men” was so 1999. I'd wager that most ~modern progressive feminists~ (like me) are pretty much over this. And what a horrible message does that send to young transmen? They obviously have it way tougher than me and a lot of other women in the western world.
Another reason why I just don't like Olivia anymore.

JTC said...

I didn't think she lied about the rape. I got the impression the guy bribed her into recanting. I am a Trans woman too.

Larus said...

I know this happens in basically every television show but good god it was painful watching Olivia pour two cups of coffee and then her and Carisi gesticulate all over the place holding two completely dry and empty coffee cups.

RJ2015 said...

Something that a lot of people don't seem to mention is that this episode is very similar to the Law & Order episodes "Mayhem" and "Couples". Both of those episodes had the squad deal with a bunch of unrelated cases in one day, with Mayhem having 5 unrelated homicides and Couples having 3 homicides and a kidnapping, with all cases having the same theme of dealing with couples like the name of the episode. And I really love both of those episodes cause there wasn't really a narrative to follow. AMIM is the same. I also loved the fact it started in the very early morning, giving that feeling of its "just one of those nights". This episode was great and gives me complete trilogy of episodes to watch when I'm not in the mood for a storyline type of episode.

Mike B said...

Shame on the arrogant writers/director of this episode, for allowing the blasphemous G__ D____ cursing to slip past the NBC censors. Law & Order SVU is prime-time network television, where you've never been able to get away with saying certain "high level" profanity, like the F-word, S-word, etc. It's like these immature dialog writers are ignoring decades of normal standards & traditions of broadcast history, just to see what taboo language they can get away with, to impress their friends, piss off religious people, or just think that they're a "bad ass" pushing the envelope. Well it's tacky and unwelcome, in this viewer's opinion. Law & Order SVU may be one of my favorite shows, but I won't be watching it much longer if they don't clean up the language.