Law & Order SVU “Padre Sandunguero” reunited Nick Amaro and his father Nicolas Amaro, but this was no happy reunion. Father and son have been estranged for quite some time and Amaro remains very angry over his father’s past abusive behavior. We learn that Nicolas Amaro Sr. was a wife-beater, and those beatings spilled over to young Nick, who admits on the stand he still has nightmares about them. More recently, Amaro has displayed anger issues in the course of doing his job and in his marriage. At first blush, this appears to be learned behavior from his father. But it's more complicated than saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Amaro didn’t simply learn to be angry by witnessing his father’s abusive behavior toward his mother, but likely by being the victim himself of his father’s anger. His father’s rage arises from feelings of jealousy and challenges to his authority, where Amaro seems angry over the physical and mental pain his father inflicted on him and his mother. Danny Pino was excellent in portraying the angry son who has long loathed his father, a feeling rekindled by a new incident that showed his father hasn’t changed one bit.
In addition to the long standing rift with his father, this case also put a wedge between Amaro and his sister Sonya and his mother Cesaria. Despite Nicolas’ later comments that Amaro protected Nicolas’ fiancée Gabriella, his mother, and his sister Sonya and they will get over it, I don’t think Amaro will - at least not right away. My opinion is that Sonya is just as bullheaded as her father, and her siding with their abusive father may be an issue that Amaro won’t easily forget. (The only person who remains clearly in Amaro’s corner is his daughter Zara.)
In addition to being alienated from his family, Amaro is working a lot of overtime, sometimes almost completely alone in the squad room. This isolation seems to depict Amaro’s attempts at fighting his demons on his own as he tries to get his emotions, and his life, back in balance. Benson offers her support and advice, but her first attempt only brings out cutting remarks from Amaro regarding Benson’s own father issues and her ordeal with William Lewis. It was a low blow on his part which he immediately regretted. The one thing we can count on with Amaro: he is not afraid to say what is on his mind. He still has a long way to go in order to get his emotions and life in check. If – as his sister believes – that anger management isn’t working for him, maybe he should consider looking at a different type of mental health professional for assistance or be more open to a suggestion from Benson.
This was Mariska’s second time directing an episode, and I think she did a great job in relaying Amaro’s inner turmoil with his father from the moment he arrived all the way to the very end. It felt like I was seeing everything from Amaro’s own eyes.
I do have a question regarding how the legal end of this case was handled. Maybe I missed it, or maybe it was something that was implied but we never saw it on screen, but did the EMT who heard the outcry also testify at some point? I fully understand that discussing issues regarding medical care would likely be protected under HIPAA, but wonder if Gabriella’s outcry about being beaten – and naming the person – would be exempt from those rules. I would think that naming her attacker, especially in the presence of a third party, would open the door for the EMT to corroborate Amaro’s story. Clearly, the EMT told the other detectives about it, so why not use it on the stand? I would think this would have boosted Amaros’s credibility significantly and support that Amaro didn’t just say Gabriella was beaten by Nicolas as retribution. I know Barba felt as if Nicolas slipped every one of his punches, but as far as I could see, Barba made no solid punches to start.
Barba made a comment about how Cubans come to this country and in one generation they are doctors, lawyers, CEOs of major corporations, but the headline is “crazy Cubans in wedding brawl.” But the whole episode did exactly that - perpetuate a stereotype.
It was shocking – shocking I tell you! – when Lt. Ed (“Mother”) Tucker actually seemed to be in Amaro’s corner during this mess. And later, he gets my gag reflex going by asking Benson to join him for a drink. I think this is the sign of the apocalypse.
I enjoyed Armand Assante’s passionate and convincing performance as Nicolas Amaro Sr. He was both charming and sleazy at the same time. Only one downside: there were a few times that I couldn’t understand what he was saying.
Here is the recap:
Mariska Hargitay – Sergeant Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Raúl Esparza - ADA Rafael Barba
Peter Scanavino - Detective Dominick Carisi, Jr.
Guest stars:
Armand Assante – Nicolas Amaro
Robert John Burke – Lt. Ed Tucker
April Hernandez-Castillo - Sonya Amaro
Aida Turturro - Judge Felicia Catano
Nancy Ticotin - Cesaria Amaro
Joseph Lyle Taylor - Counselor Mickey D’Angelo
Ivan Hernandez - Javier Arenas
Daniel Zacapa - Luis Nuñez
Katty Velasquez - Gabriella Nuñez
Nikki M. James – Detective
Caris Vujcec - Detective
J. Bernard Calloway – EMT Himes
Alison Fernandez – Zara Amaro
Clay Drinko - Rab Convers
Samantha Jones – Jury Forewoman
A man walks into the squad room where Benson and Carisi are hard at work and asks where is Nicky? Carisi asks who? and the man clarifies Nicky Amaro. Benson explains she is his Sergeant, and asks who is he. He says she is the Sergeant and he is the father, laughing. Benson realizes he is Amaro’s dad, and he introduces himself as Nicolas, and shakes Benson’s hand. He comments that his son never told him that his boss was so “encantadora” [translate: charming]. Benson laughs and asks him to have a seat and she will let Amaro know that he is here. Nicolas introduces himself to Carisi.
Meanwhile, Amaro and Fin are in interrogation with a suspect who says she wanted it, and she was hot. Benson interrupts and asks Amaro if he has a minute so he leaves the interrogation.

As Benson and Amaro walk out of her office, Amaro sees his father and hears him talking to Carisi about Amaro cutting up a Monte Cristo cigar when he was 5, telling his father smoking was bad for him. Amaro stops in his tracks and his face goes blank. Carisi is laughing at Nicolas' stories and Nicolas sees his son and stand up and moves toward him. Amaro stops, looking less than thrilled, and asks him what is he doing here? Nicolas comments “you see how he talks to his father?” adding that he just came by to say hello and talk. Amaro walks away, saying he is working. Nick asks Benson if she minds if he takes his son to lunch, it would mean a lot to him. Amaro, standing behind his father, shakes his head motioning no to Benson. Benson, looking to Carisi, says she doesn’t know if this is the best time, but clueless Carisi says he can handle things with Fin. Amaro glares at Carisi and Nicolas tells Amaro he has nice friends here and gently pushes into his should, asking him if he likes Chinese. Amaro looks at Benson and says he will be 20 minutes. Benson says okay as Amaro grabs his coat to walk out with his father. As they walk out of the squad room, Nicolas comments that with all the years Amaro has on the job, he thought he’d have his own office by now. As Amaro presses the elevator button, he testily states that he has barely seen his father since he was 15 and he can’t just show up. Nicolas cuts him off and explains he is throwing a party and he needs him to come – he WANTS him to come. As they step into the elevator, Amaro says it is not happening, but Nicolas says it IS happening, it’s a rehearsal dinner, he is getting married, he’s in love. Amaro looks forward with no emotion as the elevator doors close.

At the restaurant, Nicolas shows Amaro a photo of his fiancée, and Amaro asks if she is 25. Nicolas says Gabriella is 28; her whole family moved here. Amaro asks why is he getting married here and Nicolas says he outgrew Miami and what is he going to do at his age, die of an early bird special? Amaro seems annoyed his father may move back and has a lead on a mixed martial arts gym. Nicolas urges Amaro to come by, but Amaro asks if his father can hear himself. Nicolas comments whatever happened between him and his mother in his imagination it’s over and they are all over it. They talk all the time and they worry about him. Nicolas brings up Maria and Amaro doesn’t want Nicolas talking about her or Zara. Nicolas brings up Amaro’s son and that Amaro didn’t know about him, and Amaro leaps up and cuts the discussion short, telling him they should do this in another 20 years. He storms out of the restaurant despite Nicolas telling him not to walk out on him.
Amaro returns to SVU and enters Benson’s office. Amaro tells Benson his father is getting married again to a child bride and he wants him to come. He adds that since going he would require pretending that they have a relationship or that what happened in their home didn’t actually happen. Benson tells him he has every right to be upset, and Amaro cuts her off and says his father doesn’t get to wipe…Benson cuts him off and says this is not about him, this is about Amaro holding on to his anger. She has learned that in order to heal, they have to let go. He angrily asks if she has forgiven her father or William Lewis? Benson looks like she can’t believe he just said that, and she walk away from him, saying, “Wow.” He says he is sorry and walks out of her office as Benson stands at her desk, shaking her head.

Later, at the apartment of Cesaria Amaro at 175 East 155th Street on Thursday, January 15, Amaro is shocked to hear his mother spoke with his father and is okay with the marriage and she promised Amaro’s sister she would go. Amaro think his sister wants Nicolas to be happy, asking how much money she borrowed from him. His mother said Sonya has it tough for a long time and things never came easily for her. Amaro counters he worked hard for everything he got, He didn’t go out partying and ring up credit card debt. The apartment buzzer rings and Cesaria tells Amaro to be nice to her. Amaro is surprised his sister is there, arriving with his daughter Zara, which thrills Amaro. Sonya explains she had bonus miles and convinced Maria it was such a special occasion. Zara says she has a new dress for the wedding and is a flower girl, and Amaro asks his mother to take Zara to help Zara put the dress on so he can see it. When they walk off, Amaro asks Sonya if Nicolas put her up to this, and she says she knew he would be upset. He asks if she is guilting their mother into doing this and Sonya says it was her mother’s idea. He thinks he is being set up and is worried if he tells Zara she can’t go, she will be heartbroken. Sonya asks if he is worried about Zara coming tonight, why doesn’t he come? He explains he has to work. He wants to spend a little time with Zara, He gives his sister a kiss and says it is good to see her, but if she is going to take Zara to the party to do him a favor, just take it easy for once. Sonya asks him what is that supposed to mean?
Later, the party is in full swing and Nicolas is bragging about his fiancée to the crowd and says tonight is for Gabriella. Nicolas encourages everyone to party. Gabriella’s father Luis glares at Nicolas.
Meanwhile, back at SVU, Amaro is hard at work and Carisi tries to convince him to come bowling with him at the Piers with his friends from law school. Amaro wants to take a rain check, so Carisi leaves,
Back at the party, Nicolas sees Gabriella dancing suggestively with another man, and she sees him watching her and she breaks it off and walks away. Nicolas follows her while Cesaria sits with Zara, who has her head in her grandmother’s lap.
Back at SVU, Amaro is at his desk on the phone with Maria. Amaro tells Maria that yes, Zara is here, she is at the party with Sonya and his mother. He adds it is all find and of course he is glad to see her. He just doesn’t like being sandbagged; this is his family and he is her father. He gets a beep that another all is coming in and he asks Maria to hold on and he talks the second call. It is Zara. She is sitting under a table to protect herself, the sound of a fight is in the background. She tells Amaro to come quick, there is fighting. Someone falls to the ground right next to the table. Amaro leaps up and races out of the squad room as the person who has fallen on the floor is being beaten.

Amaro arrives at the location, ambulances and police cars are already there. He calls out for Zara and finally sees her and his mother. He picks Zara up and she says it was scary. He asks if she is okay and she shakes her head yes. His mother said one minute everyone was dancing, then all hell broke loose. He puts Zara down and asks a police officer to take his mother and daughter out of there and make sure they get home. A police officer exits with a man who is in cuffs and who is shouting “Animal! Nicolas is a pig!” and yells to see his daughter Gabriella. Amaro walks inside and Sonya runs up to him, thankful he is there. She points him to Gabriella and then rushes off to find her father. An EMT is taking Gabriella out on a stretcher, her face looks beaten and bloodied. The EMT asks who called SVU, and Amaro explains he is with the family. Amaro explains to Gabriella he is Nicolas’ son, and says they will get her taken care of. She says she is dizzy, adding that Nicolas was so angry, he said she wasn’t showing him respect and he hit her. Amaro looks shocked and asks “what?”, the EMT giving him a look Amaro asks if his father did this to her, and she says, “Espérate.¿Nicolas es tu papa?” “Amaro says “Si” then speaks quickly in Spanish. [My Spanish is not great but it sounded like he asked her what happened.] She seems confused that Amaro is Nicolas’s son, then tells the EMT she doesn’t feel well and begs the EMT to take her to the hospital. The EMT says “Yes Ma’am. Detective, please” to get Amaro to move out of the way. The EMT takes Gabriella out as Amaro stands in the doorway, stunned.