Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Law & Order SVU Cast Photo

Here is a new Law & Order SVU cast photo (provided by Ice-T) which  features Kelli Giddish, Dann Florek, Danny Pino, Richard Belzer, Ice-T, and Mariska Hargitay.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.


janethyland said...

I love this photo.

Danny Pino En Español said...

they are all beautiful!

Arleen said...

Hmm... What image exactly are they trying to project here? Perhaps that their show L&O SVU is making all the starring actors millionaires? Do they think the lives of SVU detectives are glamorous? Maybe in future episodes the perps will be Wall Street banksters and hedge fund managers, instead of pedophiles and rapists?

Hey! How about a new Law and Order show? Call it Law and Order - The White Collar Crimes Division. We haven't seen that in a crime show yet.

Icy said...

@Arleen= You are taking things too far that make no real sense. It's just a photoshoot of the cast. It doesn't mean anything,

There is no image that they are trying to project. Hate to tell you this but some of actors there are not millionairs. It has nothing to do with all the money that they make..

Tamra Lovern said...

Picture is cool..Its the cast that is missing thats not so cool....

westielady said...

Is this the last series of SVU if not will Olivia Benson be killed off?

Chris Zimmer said...

No official word that SVU is getting another season, but so far all indicators say that it will. Mariska has stated that she would return for another season.