Thursday, January 12, 2023

Law & Order “Second Chance” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order “Second Chance” which aired on Thursday, January 12, 2023. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!


BB said...

I miss your reviews

when will you do reviews again?

Chris Zimmer said...

It's just a matter of not having the time right now to do them and do them right! Maybe next season (fingers crossed).

Valens Hawke said...

... What... was that?

I'm usually very critical of the lawyer-half because the writers seem to either hate Price or just are bad writers. But the cops not checking to see the victim has got next-of-kin? In 2023? ... No. That's just poor and sloppy writing. Also, could we do without a damn chase every episode?

I'm also struggling to figure out why THIS case deeply affected Maroun other than it was the anniversary of her sister's murder (also, weird that parents would send their remaining child flowers).

I just found the whole Maroun-taking-it-personally badly contrived and Price's entire scene with Maroun about it affecting her was... I think they were trying to go for awkward and uncomfortable but it wasn't the good kind where I'm feeling it for the characters, more like, "What are the actors thinking with this crap?"

And then marijuana causing psychosis? What is this? Reefer Madness? From the NIH's own website, "Recent research suggests that smoking high-potency marijuana every day could increase the chances of developing psychosis by nearly five times compared to people who have never used marijuana. The amount of drug used, the age at first use, and genetic vulnerability have all been shown to influence this relationship. The strongest evidence to date concerns links between marijuana use and psychiatric disorders in those with a preexisting genetic or other vulnerability."

Was a murder charge hard to sustain? Absolutely. But the focus could have been kid broke the law by even possessing marijuana (have to be 21), already broke one law (busting the window), and had the presence of mind to run away after he broke the window. He put himself in the position where something potentially lethal could (and did) happen. Is it perfect? Maybe not. But I think Hang'Em High McCoy would have gotten it.

It was just a poor take on season 8's "Under the Influence."

And if they take the L, well fine. They've written some REALLY sketch guilty verdicts in this revival.

I also would have liked to have seen something between Jack and Maroun about personal feelings influencing prosecution and maybe going too far. Might have at least made up for that awkward scene with Price.

Laurie F said...

I have the same feelings as @Valens Hawke. The only thing I disagree with that assessment is the marijuana psychosis. It does happen and I do know of someone who went into a blinding rage after having some high powered stuff and then they harmed their spouse. But I think there was an underlying mental problem with that person in the case I was aware of. But yeah "Reefer Madness" popped into my head too!

It's the first episode this season that I felt both halves of the episode were questionable regarding writing quality. The Maroun story line with her sister has gotten old to me already!

JSlayerUK said...

I'm with @Valens Hawke. It drove me crazy how they didn't break down the Good Kid veneer by emphasising him using his friend's cannabis card to illegally procure drugs. Or covering up his injuries (and presumably destroying evidence by hiding his blood splattered clothing) with the help of his parents/lawyer. This was not a good kid from a good family. A good kid wouldn't do drugs. A good kid would come clean to the police as soon as possible. That line of attack was sitting there on the table, I cannot believe they didn't take it.

Valens Hawke said...

@JSlayerUK. Absolutely on the nail. He had the presence of mind to move the body to delay discovery and get away. Evidence of guilt or at least knowing what he did was WRONG. Doesn't think invalidate the mental disease/defect defense?

This episode had me clawing at my skin in complete frustration. Worst of the revival so far.

Michaelangelo McCullar said...

This episode almost broke me. Doing Law And Order in a post-Floyd world I expected a bit more self-reflection. If the roles were reversed and a good Black kid smoked some weed and killed a White ex-con they'd have buried him under the jail.