Thursday, April 7, 2022

Law & Order Organized Crime “Can’t Knock The Hustle” Recap, Review, Discussion

There’s a lot of hustling going on in this episode, and none of it ends well. The superb writing continues to create a complex yet gripping string of events which drags Stabler farther into Donnelly’s web, and also finds Nova’s brother, the pastor, trapped in Preston Webb’s web.  Stabler finds out more about what kind of cop his father had been, and it doesn’t appear to bring him any solace. 

There’s a new ADA involved with the Organized Crime Task Force – Keller Shapiro.  It’s hard not to suspect that he’ll turn out to be dirty as well, but so far, with our limited experience of him, he seems to be supporting what the task force needs.  Hopefully he’ll continue to be on their side. 

Preston Webb catches Chopper, and Chopper’s accomplice, trying to do a deal behind his back.  He’s clearly not  pleased, and shoots the accomplice right after telling him he can leave, and shoots Chopped immediately after.  We knew Webb was ruthless but it was surprising he did his own dirty work.   But now,  Webb and his super-creepy, phony-faced wife Cassandra are welcoming Nova’s brother, Pastor Derrick Riley, into their fold by donating money to him to set up a community health clinic in their names, despite Nova’s warning not to get involved with the Webbs.  He doesn’t listen to her and goes ahead with the deal, forcing Nova to explain to him she’s been working undercover for six years to get the dirt on Webb.  She had cautioned Derrick not to discuss their parents with Webb, and we find that their father was an undercover cop killed in the line of duty. When Nova asks her brother if he knows who killed their father, it’s implied it was Webb.   We can only hope that Derrick will now keep his mouth shut, otherwise, he risks Nova’s life and probably even his own. 

Adding to the mix is Bell's wife Denise and her job offer from Congressman Kilbride, who has connections to Webb. 

At Donnelly’s request, Stabler keeps an eye on Jesse Santos, and Stabler finds himself involved in Santos’ plan to heist a million dollars in diamonds.  Unbeknownst to Santos, Stabler has alerted Donnelly to the side job and Donnelly inserts himself into the plan.  But things go sideways quickly when the diamond dealer believes (correctly) he’s been robbed.  He thinks Donnelly is taking him to the police to report the robbery but instead Donnelly says he’s taking him to the airport.  A struggle ensues, resulting in Donnelly shooting him in the head. Oops. This is going to be a problem. 

Stabler tries to get some answers from his mother, Bernadette, about his father but it's obvious this is a subject which causes her much mental anguish.  Some of her comments clearly indicate that Joe Stabler was flawed. Stabler meets with Don Cragen – it was so good to see Dann Florek back – and Cragen gives some insight into what cops were like in Joe Stabler's day.  Likely Stabler doesn’t have his father on a pedestal any longer, but we – and Stabler – really don’t know the extent of what his father really did as a cop.  Cragen can only offer an explanation of what things were like in the city when Stabler’s father worked for the police, and it’s assumed not everything was on the up-and-up, but we really don’t know anything for sure.

Here is the recap: 

Keller Shapiro, the new ADA, is at the Organized Crime Task Force. Bell tells Stabler he is the DA’s new hand-picked ankle biter.  He gets off the phone and asks Bell for proof that Donnelly is running a criminal enterprise out of the 3-7. Bell explains they are still building  a case. Shapiro says they have one dead cop who committed a murder, and Stabler counters that is wrong. Stabler explains they have one dead cop – Matthew Van Aller – he committed 2 murders and tried to pin it on a member of the Marcy Killers, which is what the task force is investigating - the Marcy Killers. Shapiro asks why don’t they investigate them and leave their fellow cops alone, and Bell explains that IAB asks Stabler to investigate Donnelly and the Brotherhood.  Shapiro tells them to do it quietly and do it fast.  Stabler thanks him for dropping by but adds as Bell said, they are in the middle of compiling their documentation; it’s a proven fact they are a gang but in the meantime they will work quietly and quickly.  He tells them to get him audio and video; he is reluctant to put him on the stand and rip him apart after “what’s his name”. Stabler corrects him that it was the man who murdered his wife. Shapiro turns and leaves. Stabler ask Bell if he should wear a wire, and she replies absolutely not. She explains that Donnelly is too savvy for that. She adds there is a better way but they only have one chance to get it right.  Staler says, “Flip someone.”

Jet arrives at the task force on her new electric motorcycle and Stabler compliments it.  Stabler asks her to dig into a cold case – it’s his father, Joe Stabler, and the circumstances around his combat cross.  Jet agrees. 

Elsewhere, Chopper and Lil’ Keem are gearing up for a drug deal and Lil’ Keem worries about the Marcy Killers. Chopper bad  mouths Preston Webb.  He quickly regrets this as Webb shows up and is not happy that Chopper is doing a side hustle.   Webb says one of them isn’t going to make it out of there today, and when Lil’ Keem says it has nothing to do with him, Webb tells him to get out of there.  But Webb immediately shoots him as he starts to walk off.  Webb wastes no time and shoots Chopper as well. 

Stabler and Donnelly are driving around and Donnelly talks about busting, then robbing, a pot dealer.  Stabler asks about the Van Aller thing, saying he is worried about Carling. But Donnelly is worried about Santos, telling Stabler to keep an eye on him as he is shaky.  They get a 10-29P call and Donnelly knows the address, it’s Mr. and Mrs. Oswald. They take the call.   They arrive there and try to speak with Mrs. Oswald who looks beaten up and is evasive.  They push their way in and Stabler restrains the husband.  Donnelly says they will take him to the precinct and book him and promises to get her medical and victim support help. 

Back at home, Eli sees Stabler looking at “Papa Joe’s” combat cross.  Dinner has arrived. 

Meanwhile, Preston Webb talks to his baby grandchild about doing it all for his family and legacy,  and his wife hears.  She says in order for his legacy to be everything he promised  for his grandson, she needs his body here a while longer, they have work to do. 

Back at Stabler’s, Bernadette complains about their takeout food.  Eli mentions Papa Joe again. Stabler asks what can they do to make her re-entry more smooth, and she says to Eli not to steal her meds. 

At the Webb residence, they are at dinner and Nova and her brother, Pastor Derrick Riley, are in attendance. Webb asks about their parents.  Webb welcomes them to their table, saying it is the first of many. 

At the Stabler’s, Eli wants to leave dinner to do homework but Stabler tells him to sit down until they are finished.  Eli rolls his eyes, and Bernadette chides him, saying his grandfather would  have boxed his ears if Stabler did that.  When she says if he ever sassed him, Stabler cuts her off and says enough.  She goes on and says he’d shove a big bar of soap in his mouth.  Stabler tells Eli to go do his homework. 

As Nova and Derrick leave the Webb’s, Preston tells him to think about his idea of a charitable foundation and a free medical foundation at the church.  He says he doesn’t want to think about it, they should just tell him when they want to get started. Nova thanks them for dinner. As they walk off, Nova says the charity foundation is not happening, he has no idea where the money comes from.  He asks that it’s good enough when she’s lining her own pockets with it, and she says just to not blow things up by talking about their mom and dad. 

Back at the Stabler’s, Bernadette wants to know why Eli is so interested in Stabler’s dad. Stabler asks about the combat cross and she said it is the pride of the family. But when Stabler asks for details, she gets rattled and rambles on about how they told her nothing and not to tell  her any secrets.  She mentions cheating and don’t tell her he’s suspended.  But then when Stabler asks about if, she says he never got suspended and not to question his father, he was a good man. She gets very upset over it and not to question his father, he will do worse than what he did to that perp. 

At the task force, Jet talks with Bell about Jesse Santos,  transferred to the 3-7 a few years ago, wife Rosaria and one kid, 8.  He applied to take the sergeant’s exam but didn’t follow through.  His socials are bare bones and she can’t look at bank records without a subpoena but made a bunch of trips to Boston last year and paid for them with Venmo.  They speculate affair or addiction, there are several payments to a rehab gift shop. Bell tells her to get the information to Stabler. 

Stabler watches Santos out on the street and sees him pass an envelope to one man and take one from him.  Stabler approaches him and asks if he is moonlighting. He says it is private security.  Stabler says if he needs money the Brotherhood is there but Santos says that is not enough. Stabler presses on what is going on, and Santos points out a cab with a sign about diamonds. He explains he has a detail assignment  on a jeweler in town and he carries a million dollars in diamonds in his briefcase every night.   He asks Stabler not to say anything and Stabler agrees. Santos shows him a bag of diamonds but there are cubic zirconia and by the time the guy notices he’ll be halfway across the US.  Stabler offers himself as a wing man.

Later, outside walking with Bell and Jet, Stabler explains what Santos is doing and that Santos offered to cut him in. Stabler explains Donnelly doesn’t like side hustles.  They decide to get the car wired and ask Shapiro for a warrant.  Jet also tells Stabler about his father, saying IAB ran a  joint investigation with the 2-7  and three witness corroborated  his father’s story. Officially it was a good shooting. Stabler thanks her.  As Stabler walks off, Bell asks Jet, “His father?” 

Meanwhile, Pastor Derrick Riley speaks to Bell and Denise about baptizing their son and while doing so, he mentions “Carmen” and Denise and Bell explains how they know her.  Denise also mentions being offered the job with Congressman Kilbride. Bell looks surprised but hides it. Afterwards, Bell asks if she’s taken the job and Denise says not yet.  Bell worries Jack is too young and Denise doesn’t agree.  Bell wants to think about it but Denise says this is a dream job and is hurt that Bell doesn’t support it. 

At a bar, Stabler and Donnelly are in a bar talking that their fathers used to  hang out there. Donnelly makes it sound like Stabler's dad was dirty and Stabler disagrees and then gets testy, saying Donnelly doesn’t know his old man. Donnelly says his old man taught him the only people looking out for cops are other cops. They put their lives on the line every day and if there was a little taste to be had, they had it.  It was true then and is true now.  Donnelly gives Stabler a photo of their fathers together.  Donnelly says they guy they are waiting for isn’t going to show and they’ll do it another time.  Stabler looks closely at the photo and Donnelly says Stabler’s father was a good looking guy, asking what happened to Stabler?

At the task force, Bell announces Shapiro approved the wire but not an arrest.  Bell explains the plan to Jet, Maldonado and Cho and their job is to keep Santos from seeing the van. Cho explains how she can get into the van and Jet will plant the device. She has limited time. 

Stabler, at home, discusses the plan with Bell on t he phone, and she tells him Jet needs time to place the wire and Stabler says he will  keep him busy.  He goes inside and speaks to his mother and she says when will he stop investigating himself? She says he is nothing like him, he is a good man. 

Later, Stabler and Santos stop at a coffee shop and go inside.  Maldonado pulls up another van and block’s the view of Santos’ van.  Cho unlocks the van and Jet gets in and works to plant the device.   But Jet can’t get the wire to work properly and Stabler must find all kinds of ways to stall an impatient Santos.  Finally gets the wire working at the last second and gets out in time.  Maldonado fakes putting a traffic ticket on the windshield and Santos freaks out that it will show they were there. Stabler says he will take care of it.  

The wire is working and Bell and Jet listen as Santos explains the plan.  But when they stop the van, Donnelly gets in the back, saying it’s a nice night for a heist.  He is  upset – and hurt -  they went behind his back. He tells them to run down the plan and then  decides to cut himself in. Stabler says he was never out.    When Santos exits the van, Donnelly tells Stabler he did good and it was a smart move to bring him in.   Donnelly says it is more complicated than he thinks; Santos’ daughter has leukemia and he’s been taking her to a fancy clinic in Boston and his insurance is maxed out.  Hearing this on the wire, Jet tells Bell it is a block away from the rehab center.  Bell says Donnelly has a heart. 

The plan is  underway and Mr. Hurly drinks the water as usual which is drugged.  He gets sick and Santos takes him to the rest room. Out cold, Hurly is on the floor, passed out, and they try to open the  locked case. Stabler finds the correct finger to open the case and makes the switch of the diamonds.   Stabler exits and Hurly  revives.  As Stabler moves to the exit, he sees Donnelly and asks what he is doing there. Donnelly asks for the diamonds and says he has a new buyer, he knows that was not the plan, it’s a new plan and he is taking over.  Stabler complies.   But outside, Hurley thinks something is wrong and Donnelly approaches, saying he is NYPD. Hurley says Santos is trying to rob him and Donnelly says he should wait in the car.  He tells Santos there is a change of plans and asks for the keys and tells him to go. Donnelly gets in the car and drives Hurley away, Hurley asking where is he taking him.  Donnelly says to the airport, but Hurley wants to go to the police station, saying he was robbed.  Donnelly is  taking control and refuses Hurley’s demands.    Hurley tries to argue back and says these are not his diamonds.  He tries to get out of the car and can’t open the door.  He starts grabbing Donnelly and Donnelly stops the car. Hurley pulls out a gun and they struggled and the gun goes off and Hurley is shot in the head. Donnelly looks stunned and then speeds off. 

Back at the task force, Stabler explains to Bell he does not have the diamonds, Donnelly took them, saying there was a  change of plans. Jet says Hurley missed his plane and is not on a different flight.  He checked out of his hotel before he went to the convention center and according to surveillance cameras he did not return.  Bell tells them to focus on Santos, asking what time he clocks in.  Stabler says it is tonight, he is working the graveyard. Bell tells Jet to put out a missing persons alert out for Hurley so see if he turns up anywhere. She adds in the meantime,  they are waiting for Shapiro to review the wiretap  and see if it meets his threshold to bring in Santos  in. 

Meanwhile, Derrick Riley, saying his parents would be proud,  accepts the donation from the Webbs.  Cassandra asks what his parents did, and before he can answer, Nova enters and apologizes that she didn’t know he was having a meeting. Cassandra explains they just established the Cassandra and Preston Webb Community Health Clinic at Ezekiel Baptist Church.   Nova smiles thinly and then glares a bit at her brother. 

Later, in the church, Nova tells Derrick she is praying she is doing the right thing by telling him. She says he should not have taken money from those people, and when he reminds her she works for Webb, she says she doesn’t work for him, she is undercover.  She explains like daddy was, adding she is a police officer investigating Webb – for six years. She came out of the academy and went right undercover, joining the Marcy Killers. He is stunned and she asks if he knows who they are. He does, and she mentions Preston Webb, and he admits he knows, he heard all the rumors.  He said daddy would have wanted this, he never wanted any of his kids to do what he did. He emphasizes their father was killed in the line of duty. She asks if he knows who killed him, and he says nothing. 

Meanwhile,  Santos kisses his daughter as she sleeps, and then his wife. There is a knock on the door, and Bell and Jet are there with the police to arrest him. 

Stabler knocks on a door and Don Cragen answers and invites him in.   As Cragen brings a beverage, they discuss Stabler’s father: 

Cragen:  You know, I didn't know your father all that well. He was half a generation ahead of me, just like I'm half a generation ahead of you. 

Stabler: I understand that. But you were there when he got that. In the department. Right? 

Cragen: I take it you've heard the stories. 

Stabler: What stories? 

Cragen: People talk a lot of crap. They talk too much. - It's better to shut your mouth. 

Stabler: Are they true? 

Cragen: Tell me what you've heard. 

Stabler: His partner Gus Hansen shot a kid, unprovoked, and my father staged his own shooting to cover it up. 

Cragen: Your dad was a loyal partner. Courageous. That was his reputation. He'd be the first one to show if backup was needed. 

Stabler: Why won't you answer the question? 

Cragen: Because I don't know the answer. But I know this. When your dad came up, this city was desolate. Bankrupt. Crime-riddled on almost every block in every neighborhood. The police department was broken. Right, out-manned, out-gunned, and underpaid. These were tough men in a tough situation. And they were doing the best they could. Was there corruption? Of course there was. Were there bad cops? Absolutely. That is the world that your father was working in. It was a dangerous time. 

Stabler; Why would he give that to me? [the combat cross]

Cragen: Look, this much I know. As difficult as Joe was in many ways, he was a great cop in his day. Well, you see, I'm guessing that uh…your father gave you this medal as a kind of act of contrition for him. Maybe…his way of saying, "You do better. You honor this cross and all that it's meant to represent".  Elliot, we've all done things that we're not proud of. 

Stabler: You're telling me. 

As Stabler looks at the combat cross, we cut to black. 


A said...

Did the writers forget that Cragen DID work in Organized Crime? You would think that would come up in some way during the conversation.

Chris Zimmer said...

I thought he worked in Anti-Corruption which I’m not sure had the same focus as organized crime.

A said...

It was in Exiled.

Chris Zimmer said...

The wikipedia article on "Don Cragen" indicates he was part of Anti-Corruption in "Exiled."

A said...

His scene is about 25 minutes in.

Chris Zimmer said...

The tape recorder says it is the property of the Organized Crime Control Bureau, but that doesn't necessarily mean Cragen specifically worked there. Cragen was the head of Anti-Corruptio; that could have been part of the Organized Crime Control Bureau but as far as I can see, every bio of Don Cragen I can find specifies he worked in Anti-Corruption.