Friday, April 17, 2020

Law & Order SVU “Solving For The Unknowns” Recap & Review

Law & Order SVU “Solving For The Unknowns” was a simple, no-frills story about a pair of creepy losers who use a special cocktail of drugs to make women compliant zombies so they can take full advantage of them. It had a nice balance of investigative work and legal work – something for everybody. The message was clear: dating apps can be risky and a person doesn’t always get what’s advertised. In this case, these women got more than they bargained for, and not in a good way. This was a decent, well-paced story. It was also a short episode, running a few seconds over 39 minutes from the open to “fade to black” at the end.

Right at the open, we find that Rollins has been promoted to Detective Second Grade. I never gave much thought to the NYPD ranking of detective, and never realized Rollins was at the bottom rung of that ladder. Despite her various “issues” over the years, the promotion makes sense. Let’s all hope she doesn’t screw it up in typical Rollins fashion.

Here is the recap:

Benson and Rollins are at a shooting range, practicing. Benson calls out to Rollins, calling her Annie Oakley and asking her for one more round and then go grab a quick drink. Rollins explains her sitter is on the clock. Benson tells her there are some changes in the squad room she wants to run by her. Rollins asks that Kat is not working out, and Benson informs her she just got off the phone with the Chief and he’d like Rollins to report to One PP on Friday. Rollins looks stunned and asks about what. Benson says nothing at first and Rollins tells her to just get it over with. Benson says she had a whole speech prepared but…Rollins is being promoted to Detective Second Grade. Rollins looks relieved and thrilled, saying “Oh god, really?” Benson congratulates her and Rollins comments she didn’t even know she was on the grid, after the year she had. Benson explains Rollins had some challenges this year but Rollins persisted. Rollins thanks her and hugs her, smiling. Benson says, “Congratulations, really.” Rollins laughs and says “Bottoms up” and they move to take a few more shots as Rollins shouts “whoo!”

An officer brings out a coffee to his fellow officer waiting in the car and she asks him if he got her anything sweet. He says, “my bad.” A woman driving a food truck with a giant cupcake on top is driving erratically, her vision blurry. The truck hits the car in which the officers are waiting. As they exit the car, they see the woman looks drunk and they asks if she is drinking. She doesn’t realize she hit them and says this is her truck but sounding confused as she says, “Jill’s Cupcakes.” She starts to collapse and the one officer says they will have to take her in.

At the police station, she is given a breathalyzer test. She seems confused as to how to work it, questioning the “in or out” instructions. She acts as if the fingerprinting process is hurting her. She ‘s in a large cell with other women, wondering what she is doing there.

In arraignment court part 7 on Tuesday, March 17, Carisi is arraigning someone as Jill Bailey waits in the gallery. Fin watches as Jill is arraigned on charges of driving while intoxicated. She seems confused and her lawyer pleads not guilty for her. Carisi asks Fin what he is going there, he told him his perp would plead guilty, and Fin explains he just wanted to the scumbag go down, it is good for his morale. As the judge says Jill can be released ROR, Jill shouts to hold on, this isn’t right, she wasn’t drunk. The judge tells her this isn’t the time nor the place to argue her case, and Carisi stops to listen. As the judge calls for the bailiff, Jill asks why no one is listening to her. Her lawyer suggests they go outside and talk, but she shouts she doesn’t need to talk, she needs help. Carisi asks her lawyer if everything is alright and when he says it’s fine, Jill says no, she just realized what happened. As her lawyer touches her on her am, she recoils and shouts she didn’t say he could touch her. He backs away and Carisi asks what happened here. Jill shouts she was raped last night – and they arrested HER. Carisi looks at Fin, everyone in stunned silence.

At SVU, as Rollins leads Jill in, Benson hears from Carisi and Fin that Jill was sexually assaulted but then drove her truck into a patrol car. Carisi explains Jill is 35 years old and she is a cupcake baker with no priors. Her blood alcohol content was .09, and Fin says it was barely over the limit but the officers that arrested her said she was wasted. Carisi adds Jill said her brain wasn’t working right and nothing felt real. Benson comments with 12+ in holding, she ate, drank, used the bathroom so as soon as they get her statement they need to do a rape kit. Benson walks over to the window to observe Rollins and Kat questioning Jill in the interview room.

Jill explains she was at a bar downtown with Luke, she never got his last name. They met via a dating app, True Heart, and he ordered funky “howler” drinks. She had 2, if that. They must have been strong. She felt – feels – not herself. Then - nothing. Her memory drops out and recalls trying to drive her truck. She could not stay in her lane and her body wasn’t listening to her brain and she felt drugged. She says it didn’t hit until she was in court that Luke had raped her. Her clothes felt wrong and she was sore, she knows she was raped. Kat states they need to contact Luke and asks if she has his number. Jill does not, but she can show him the message he sent her this morning. She brings up the message on her phone and then says it is gone. She explains he said he had a great time and asks if she got home okay. She messaged back “what did you do to me”. Kat says he deleted the match and ghosted her. Jill asks that they can’t find him, and Rollins states they can contact the dating app but right now they need to get her to the hospital and do a tox screen. She asks if that is to see she was drugged and Kat says the clock is ticking but there is a good chance, they test for over 300 drugs.

At Corner Lounge at 179 Spring Street on Tuesday, March, 17, Fin tells Rollins that Kat isn’t getting anywhere with True Heart. Rollins is not surprised, the DMV is more user friendly than these dating apps. Rollins sees a sign for the howler drink and asks the bartender what’s in them. He explains it’s white rum, palm sugar, mottled pandan leaves and coconut cream. The bartender asks if they want two, and Rollins explains that is not why they are here, they are NYPD, and shows her badge. He looks at Jill’s photo and says maybe she was in last night with some guy with dark hair who paid cash and he counted out loud as he put it down. Fin asks to see the footage from his security cameras, and the bartender says they are not his, he’s a freelance. Fin tells him to find the manager and they will wait. He agrees.

Back at SVU, Benson asks the group where are they on Jill’s timeline, and Rollins explains the security cameras put her and Luke at the bar from 8 to 8:50. They watched all fifty minutes, Kat adding they had two drinks each and from one angle he doesn’t seem to spike her glass and wonders if they are just strong drinks. As they watch them leave, Jill doesn’t seem incapacitated or visibly drunk but Benson says she doesn’t remember leaving the bar, saying it is textbook drug facilitated rape. Rollins adds they pulls street cam footage and followed their route after the bar at and 9PM they head south on West Broadway and they lose them. Fin comments she is still walking normally, and asked that they pick them up later that night. Kat explains an hour goes by and he walks her out to her truck on the corner of North Moore and kisses her good night. Benson observes Jill is standing but not responsive. Rollins states the crash was 10 minutes later. Fin concludes he either drugged her in the bar or in the hour with no video. Benson says they know what blocks they were on and when, so somebody saw them.

On 13 Beech Street on Tuesday, March 17, Kat and Fin question a doorman who’s seen the guy and is always telling him to keep his dog off the planters and he even brings his mutt into the bodega nearby. They question a man at the bodega says the guy gets two beers every night, pays cash, and counts it out. He knows where he lives as when it rains, he orders in – two beers and a pizza.

Fin knocks on Luke Mitchell’s door, shouting “Pizza, pizza, pizza, baby.” A man shouts from behind the door that he didn’t order any pizza. When Luke opens the door, Fin is standing there with Kat, Fin holding up his badge and says they need to talk to him. Luke says the place is a little messy, but as Kat walks past him and into his apartment, she says it’s nothing they haven’t seen before. Inside, Luke said he thought he and Jill hit it off at the bar. He says she drives a cupcake truck, and when Kat asks what happened, he said they came back here and, comments he thinks it’s okay since she already spoke to them, they had sex. Fin questions whose idea was that, and Luke replies both of theirs, he always asks these days. Afterwards he even walked her to his truck. Fin says they know, they checked the security cameras. Luke comments about the police state these days and that’s a good thing. He repeats he made sure she got to the truck alright, and Kat states he is a gentleman. Luke agrees, adding he messaged her the next day and told her what a great time he had. Kat questions if she said she had a great time too, and he says now that they mention it, she messaged him back something really weird. Fin asks if it was like “what did you do to me?” and he nods and says yeah, he didn’t know what she meant. He states he supports all the “me too” stuff and is one of the nice guys. As a dog starts to bark, he says the pendulum swings too far, these women come up with ideas and blame anybody for anything. As the dog continues to bark, he says he has to walk his dog. Fin wonders if he has to get his two beers, and as Kat continues to glare at him, Luke he says no disrespect, he knows they are working hard and all, but he asks them to leave.

As Kat and Fin walk out, Kat asks if he seems like a nice guy to him, and Fin replies “for a rapist.”

In her office, Benson, along with Fin, shows Jill the video of her at the truck and being kissed and Jill doesn’t remember any of that. She does not recall being in his apartment and Fin explains they have security footage of the two of them in the elevator. Jill has no memory of that. Benson explains her tox screen came back negative, and Jill wonders how that can be. Benson explains the drug may have already left her system or she was dosed with something they may not have a test for. When Jill gets upset that she was told they test for 300 drugs, Fin confirms they do but there are people out there designing drugs they can’t ID and they can’t keep up. Jill asks that they are drugs that turn women into zombies, and Benson explains they all have different effects but what they found with a lot of these drugs is that the victims may be able to walk and talk but may not know where they are or what is happening to them. Jill asks that they don’t have tests for them, and as Benson shakes her head, Fin explains they buy stuff on line and mix up the ingredients in their kitchen – tranquilizers, anti-psychotics, antihistamines. Jill says they are undetectable and wiped out her memory, so no one is going to believe she was drugged. Benson states they believe her – her affect and demeanor and everything she described is evidence to them. Jill comments it is still hard to get a conviction on something like this, and Benson tells her to let them worry about that.

At SVU, Carisi steps out of the elevator and sees Jill and asks how she is doing. She replies not great, there is no proof she was drugged and she still has the DWI to deal with, insurance, and her truck is impounded. Carisi says he will try to get the DWI kicked down the road, at least until they deal with this case. She thanks him. As he walks into SVU, he asks what they have on Luke Mitchell. Benson comments it’s nice to see him too, then states Luke has no priors and they are looking for similar assaults. She adds this was well planned and thinks he has done this before. Kat adds Luke is a risk analyst in midtown, never married, boring-ass Facebook. Fin calls him a loser and adds no wonder he needed an app to get a date. Rollins smiles and tells Fin not everybody is as magnetic as him. Kat comments it’s the fastest was to meet people but adds how many times she’s seen a profile and then met him or her in a bar and they are nothing like they say. Benson comments all you have is a user name and a photo, you have no idea who you are actually meeting. Benson asks Carisi for a search warrant for Luke’s apartment and he counters that he hears her but the tox screen was negative so he has no idea what to ask for. Rollins thinks she has something – a similar MO in ViCAP 4 months ago. The vic Rebecca Larson claimed she was drugged and raped by a Luke she met on True Heart. It was a Brooklyn SVU case which was closed – unfounded with insufficient evidence. Benson tells them to open it back up.

At the apartment of Rebecca Larson at 165 North 14th Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn on Wednesday, March 18, Benson and Rollins speak with her who said after her tox screen came back clean they stopped returning her calls. Benson suggests she was drugged with something there is no test for and Rebecca is stunned. She says she was careful and said she ordered beer in a bottle, wondering how he did that to her? She met him on True Heart but after their date, he deleted her. She states he wasn’t hot but he seemed fine, they went to Pinky Six. She only had that one beer, but she got woozy then there was a significant gap and tiny flashes after that. She recalls being awake but can’t open her eyes, she feels limp but can’t move, she knew she was on her bed naked. There was someone on top of her and her whole body was shaking and then her eyes pop open. Benson asks if she remembers what she saw.

Later, at SVU, Rebecca is there for a line up and notices a chin on one of the men and picks out number 1. She ask if he can come closer and look up as that is how she remembers him. Benson instructs the men in the line up what to do. Meanwhile, Fin leads Jill into the squad room and says they have some more forms for her to sign. She sees Benson and Carisi over by the observation window and she asks if someone else is ID’ing him. Fin explains he can’t tell her that, and asks her to have a seat and he will get her file. Back with Rebecca, she watches as Luke stands closer and looks up, and she freaks out, saying that is him. Benson tries to calm her as she says number 1 raped her. Carisi tells her she ID’d him and it’s over, and as he moves to get the line up to move off. Benson continues to try to calm Rebecca, telling her she is safe. Rebecca says she is not safe and says she needs to go, starting to run off. Jill sees her and as she gets up to walk in that direction, Fin races up and shouts that she can’t go over there. Jill asks Rebecca if he raped her too and drugged her and if she ID’d him, and as the team tries to pull them apart, Carisi explains they can’t talk about this, the whole case could be thrown out. Fin tells Jill she has to come with him, and he moves her away. Rebecca asks Benson if Luke did that to her to, and Benson explains she cannot say. But Rebecca thinks he did and those other detectives did not believe her and she doubted herself but seeing Jill… she is not crazy.

Later, Benson and Fin have Luke in interrogation, He recognizes Rebecca from a photo and said it was the same as Jill. Benson says he raped her and that two women made the same accusation and felt incapacitated. Luke says they weren’t thinks it’s open season on men and Fin says if he’s not guilty why did he ghost them? Luke asks if not calling a girl back is a crime but Fin says drugging women and raping them is. Benson asks if they search his apartment what will they find, and Luke says not drugs. He sighs and says he takes the girls to bars who pour strong drinks and maybe they are strong but it makes it easier to relax, saying the dating world is brutal.

At Pinky Six Bar at 739 Driggs Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on Wednesday, March 18, Rollins and Kat speak with a woman who doesn’t recall Rebecca or Luke. Rollins asks if they get complaints about customer being drugged, but not that she’s heard. Rollins asks who else was on the schedule that night, and the woman checks the schedule for four months ago on that Friday, and sees they were down two regulars and the manager called in a freelancer, adding there is an app for that and shows his photo and profile – his name is Ash Gordon.

Back at the bar where Jill was at, they speak with the same bartender they spoke to the other night – Ash Gordon – and ask why he lied about the photo they showed him the other day. He says he just didn’t remember him as he serves 100 people a night, six nights a week, they are all just drink orders. Kat says Luke called him 6 times over the last six months, and Ash says he has a following, he gives out his numbers to a lot of customers. People want to drink when he is pouring. Rollins states the last two times he poured for Luke his dates ended up unconscious and sexually assaulted. He scoffs and asks what does that have to do with him? Kat suggests he tell them, calling him Pour Boy. Ash says he is not stingy with the alcohol and these women have no problem letting guys buy them drinks all night. If they can’t hold their liquor that’s on them, not Luke. Rollins suggest he come downtown and talk about Luke a little more, and he asks if people fall for that. He adds that technically he doesn’t have to talk to them at all, he is trying to help. He says he has customers and if they are not buying drinks he needs the room for the bar. He moved off and Rollins and Kat move to exit.

Carisi is at a food truck getting Benson and Rollins some coffee and says he is still waiting on the two egg scramble on a buttered Kaiser roll. He tells Benson and Rollins it’s good that Luke spent the night in holding and Benson informs him they think Luke has an accomplice. Rollins explains Luke took his date to two different bars in two different boroughs and the bartender, Ash Gordon, was at both of them. Benson adds that Jill and Rebecca didn’t drink a lot and yet they both ended up with significant memory gaps. Carisi concludes since they didn’t find any substances at Luke’s that they think Ash did the actual drugging. Benson says maybe, adding he has no complaints or arrests or a record, and Rollins interrupts and says he is a chemistry major in college who got kicked out for conducting unauthorized recreational drug trials in the lab. Carisi asks what Luke gets out of this, and when Rollins says they aren’t sure yet, Carisi comments there is no motive or evidence – he needs something to get a subpoena. Benson argues to tell the judge it is his cop instincts, but Carisi counters he is an ADA now. The food truck guy calls out to Carisi as “detective” and says he has his egg sandwich. Carisi sighs and as he grabs the sandwich, he tells Benson and Rollins he will try to push it though after Luke’s arraignment. Benson thanks him.

At arraignment court part 7 on Thursday, March 19, Luke’s lawyer pleads not guilty. Carisi asks for $50K bail but his lawyer asks for ROR. The judge splits the difference at $25K. After the arraignment, Carisi sees Jill and says she didn’t have to come. She explains she is still trying to piece together what happened that night and she hoped seeing or hearing him would help. Carisi says he used to be a cop and for what it’s worth he’s had cases like this and it’s going to take some time. Jill just wants to know what he did to her and what he gave her. She asks what they found in his apartment, and Carisi replies dog food and pizza boxes and they are beginning to think he had an accomplice. Jill asks if it is the bartender, she explains they seemed to know each other. She says they were laughing together when she walked in and they knew each others’ names. Carisi asks if she is sure, and Jill nods yes. Carisi reaches for his phone and says she may have just gotten him probable cause.

Later, the police are searching Ash’s apartment who calls the search illegal. Fin explains they have a warrant and tells him to keep talking, maybe he’ll say something useful. Ash states all they will find is toothpaste, mouthwash, vitamins – he believes in clean living. Kat brings out a bag and tells Fin they found Percocet in the bathroom cabinet. Ash says it is a prescription, he had dental work. A CSU tech calls Fin over to a computer and says the search history was erased but he found a folder labeled Luke with a half dozen video files labeled with dates. There are three from the last four month but he can’t open them as they were created with an encrypted app. He says it will take some time. Ash says sorry, they can huff and puff all they want but that’s not happening. Fin tells another officer to get Ash out of there. The tech says the two files match the date of the rapes and there are four other folders with other guys’ names with 5 or 6 files in each. Fin thinks they could be looking at 25 more rapes.

Later, back in Benson’s office, Kat mentions all the legal substances Ash had and Benson says all of them could be used in drug facilitated sexual assault. Fin states any good lawyer can explain that away. Benson adds there are not internet purchase either so if Ash was buying drugs he is using cash or crypto currency. She asks if they were able to get into his files, and Kat say nope, they are triple encrypted and he is the only one with the password. Fin tells her to call Carisi and tell him to get a warrant for the app company. Kat insists it won’t help as the apps are designed that the company itself can’t even open them. Benson tells Fin they’ve seen this before with other sex criminals and there are no laws to cover this, it’s still the wild west out there. She asks how many files are there, and Fin replies 26. Kat asks if each of these are connected to a rape, how do they find the other victims. Benson suggest they get them to find us.

Later, Benson, in full uniform, speaks on camera with a large group of people in the squad room. She explains that SVU has arrested Luke Mitchell charged with raping two women. They believe he has an accomplice and they believe there are other women who have not reported their assaults. One woman at a salon hears the press conference as Benson says Mitchell connected with both victims using the True Heart app. She adds he met Jane Doe 1 at a bar in lower Manhattan and Jane Doe 2 in a bar in Williamsburg. As another woman listens in a car, Benson states that both of these victims experienced confusion, disorientation, and memory loss. They believe these woman and other were drugged and raped. The woman in the car pulls out her phone. Meanwhile, another women sees the report at home as Benson adds that their decision to go on a date and consume alcohol with someone does not give them permission to rape you. Benson says doing so is a crime and SVU and the DA’s office are taking it very seriously. She states that if you, or anyone you know, have been victimized in a similar manner, they urge them to contact Manhattan SVU. After Benson finishes, Kat asks how long before a call comes in, and the phone rings immediately. Fin says, “There you go.” The phones begin to ring a lot.

Later, a woman tells Fin that she met Luke at Vinyl Lounge and they had two drinks and then recalls his dog barking and she came to in his bed completely naked and she can’t sit up, like her body isn’t working. Fin asks if there is anything else she recalls hearing or feeling. Another woman speaking with Kat describes the same situation. The first woman messaged him the next day and so did the second who said Luke was very flattering about their encounters but that is not what she recalls. One woman reported him to True Heart 5 times and they never got back to her. She had a sense something bad happened so she tried to forget about it.

Meanwhile, Benson and Rollins speak with an older woman who says it was her daughter Piper and they can try speaking with her but she had a stroke the night she was raped. She says her daughter has not been the same since and is afraid to sleep. She lays with her all night and it not until the sun comes up that she feels safe enough to drift off. Piper explains she got home and something felt wrong, She called her mother and they went to the ER and they started a rape kit. About 10 minutes in her ears started ringing and then numb, a stroke and then secure. She was told drugs could have caused this and her mother explains they didn’t go to the police because she didn’t remember anything. This was three months ago Tuesday and that’s when her life ended.

Later, Luke and his lawyer are in SVU interrogation and calls the re-arrest a vendetta. Carisi explains it is additional charges, Benson adding it is two more rapes, plus one that a girl’s mother reported. She explains Piper had a stroke that night and is paralyzed and brain damaged . Carisi adds if she dies, Luke is staring at felony murder and life in prison. Luke says that is crazy, and says she was fine when he left her, he put her in a taxi and she was walking and talking. Benson counters all of his victims were because that’s how the drug facilitated rape works. Luke states he doesn’t know anything about drugs. Luke says he doesn’t know anything about drugs, but Benson say maybe not but his friend Ash does. Luke looks concerned. Carisi says they know they have been in contact since they’ve been arrested and wants to know what Ash told him. The lawyer stops Luke from talking and says her client had absolutely no knowledge of that woman’s condition or what she ingested. Carisi asks what does he know and the lawyer nods for Luke to speak. Luke, his voice quivering, says before a date, he would call Ash and let him know he was coming in. He confirms Ash would drug their drinks and Carisi says that is not good enough. Luke says the Ash said the girls would be awake but they would be compliant. Benson asks what was in it for Ash, and Luke says this guy is a mad scientist and all he wants is videos, saying they are his clinical trials. When Carisi asks for his copies of the videos, Luke laughs and says he doesn’t keep them, that would be a violation of the girls’ privacy. Benson holds up the photo of Piper and asks the night he was on the date with her, did Ash say anything about her cocktail. Luke explains they talked about the last date before Piper how it wore off too soon. Benson says this was Rebecca as she stopped being compliant, and Luke says kind of and Ash said that shouldn’t have happened so Ash cooked something up and he has no idea. Benson says guess what, he’s gonna find out.

Later, Benson, Fin and Kat are watching (and listening) as Luke waits for Ash outside, across the street. Fin says Luke needs to chill. Kat says she still doesn’t get it; these men drug these women so they just lay there so they can do whatever they want to them. Benson says it is control and maybe since the victims don’t resist, they tell themselves its consensual. Fin says they can’t get it any other way – this way they don’t have to talk, buy dinner, they just get what they came for. Ash comes out of the door and confronts Luke, asking him what the hell is he doing? He adds his face us everywhere, he screwed up. They hear Luke says he needs Ash’s help, and Ash says Luke is under arrest, they can’t talk. Luke knows but his lawyer says they may charge him with murder, mentioning Piper. Ash says he doesn’t know names. Luke says Ash remembers, it was about three months ago. Ash says January 5, 2020, blonde hair, saying he’s got is, asking Luke what. Luke explains Piper had a bad reaction and stroked out and she might die. He asks if he could just tell the doctors what he gave her – he’ll just say it was him – and asks if it was roofies. Ash asks if he is kidding - roofies? – thinking he went to date rape depot and order a box? Ash says his work is artisanal, he tailors each batch. Ash pushes Luke and says he should kick his ass to the curb, and Benson, with Fin and Kat, make the move to intercept/ Fin calls out NYPD and tells Ash to put his hands on the wall. Ash looks at Luke and calls him a stupid moron and punches him n the face. Benson tries to pull Ash away and then pushes him against the wall, saying that is enough. She says he is under arrest as she cuffs him. Ash says they don’t have anything and Fin tells him to huff and puff all he wants, he’s going down. Kat leads Ash away and Benson leans against the wall and sighs.

Later, inside SVU in interrogation with Carisi, Benson plays back the recording of Ash’s admission to Luke and his lawyer, who says this is bragging, they have no evidence. But Carisi says they do – aside from Luke’s testimony they have the 5 women who can ID Ash from when they were drugged, mentioning Piper is paralyzed. Carisi also mentions the Percocet in her system, which they found in Ash’s medicine cabinet. He says he has a prescription, and Benson says this proves these are his drugs and when a jury sees Piper on the stand in her wheelchair slurring her words and unable to use her right side…Ash says that is tough but he never laid a hand on any of them. He is just leveling the playing field. When Benson asks how does he figure, Ash asks if they’ve every worked in a bar and see these guys in their sweaty desperation getting rolled by women night after night. He told Luke if you are going to pick up the check, make sure you are getting something for it. Benson said he made sure he did, the same for his other clients. Ash says they are not clients, they don’t pay him, they are just guys trying to get over. Just like them, they need him more than he needs them. He states he didn’t rape these women, if that’s what they want to call it. But knows who did. Benson mentions he has the encrypted video files to prove it. Ash smirks.

Later, Benson points Kat and Fin to interview rooms, each bringing a man in with them. Rollins also leads in some more, saying that is the forth rapist from Ash’s files. Benson says she will call Carisi and get them processed and arraigned. Rollins says each one of them is more beta than the next, and Benson says Ash knew how to pick them and he is their puppet master and got off watching them rape the girls he drugged. Rollins states the scary part is he worked at a bar and had no trouble finding five guys that were into this. Benson asks where are they with IDing their victims, and Rollins states nowhere, unless these guys talk they may never find all of them. Benson suggests they notify the ones they can.

Kat knocks on the door of one of the victims and without saying anything, the woman knows they’ve got her attacker. She sobs and thanks her. Rollins speaks with Rebecca, and Fin speaks with another victim. Carisi speaks with Jill who realizes she doesn’t have to testify, and Carisi says that is a good thing. He asks how is she doing, and Jill says she doesn’t know how to trust anyone ever again.

Benson and Rollins speak with Piper and her mother to explain they caught “them”. Benson informs them Luke will do 10 years and Ash, the man who drugged them, will do two. Piper’s mom asks if that is all, and Rollins explains Ash cooperated and gave up the other rapists and technically, whatever drugs he used, they can’t prove they are controlled substances. Her mom says they should be, adding look what happened to Piper. Benson explains at the moment, criminals and the drugs they use, it is hard to keep up with them. Piper says she doesn’t know if she will be up for it but wants to be strong enough to make a statement at sentencing. They thought of her as just a thing to experiment on and she wants them to know she is a human being and that she matters. Benson says she is going to get there and they will be by her side the whole time. As Benson nods and smiles we fade to black.

Mariska Hargitay - Captain Olivia Benson
Ice-T - Sergeant Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Peter Scanavino - ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Jamie Gray Hyder - Katriona "Kat" Azar Tamin

Guest stars:

Eddie Kaye Thomas - Luke Mitchell
Daniel London – Ash Gordon
Susannah Flood - Rebecca Larson
Michele Pawk - Gail Knight
Michael Mastro – Judge Serani
Natalie Smith – Jill
Erin Anderson - Counselor April Andrews
Caris Vujcec
Ean Sheehy –
Madison Ferris - Piper Hill
Claire Saunders – Christie
Elizabeth Ramos – Leah
Caitlin Kerchner - Amy Kress
Matt Buechele – Officer Donnie Jones
Jeremy Russual – Counselor Robert Kluger
Jackson Mercado - Counselor Efrain Hernandez
Michale Blas – Bodega Worker
Paco Lozano – Doorman
Gio Castellano – Cart Guy
Mark A. Keeton – Scumbag Perp

All Content (Recaps, Review, Commentary) Copyright © unless otherwise noted

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Dawgdays said...

The female cop in the opening scenes looks like the detective from the community policing episode

gayle said...

Finally - a "new" episode in the tradition of some of the best of the Stabler era. All that was missing was a trial scene - but maybe we can hope more more of that next year? Or will Amanda freak out over the responsibilities of her new job and take up with Baby Daddy #3...among other soap operatics that have caused so much frustration among the fans in recent years?

Laurie F said...

This was okay. No frills, no big stars, no action, but the story worked for me. Rollins getting promoted...I wonder how this would have played out through the rest of the season if they had a full season? Knowing Rollins she'd find a way to make them regret it. Or maybe they are going to have Rollins settle her demons once and for all.

Na said...

Just wait until next season, Warren Leight will write something about drama queen Rollins. It seems every season something drama with Rollins. Never ends with her.
Waiting for Baby Daddy #3.
At least they didn't show a lot of whining Noah.

Eldridge said...

There are actually three grades of detective in the NYPD. The LAPD also does the three grades of detective thing. Chicago however on the other hand, you're a detective you're a detective LOL. They don't do the grading stuff.

Eldridge said...

Decent episode, I enjoyed. It did seem a little bit shorter than normal. Hoping that the finale is good. I can't wait till next season. 😎

unknown said...

I agree with this, decent episode. I have to admit, I really like Rollins, maybe because I can identify myself with her - always bottling everything up and waiting for when it comes up and I will probably make a bad decision. So I guess I can understand her behavior pretty good. But I hope too, that the writers will finally make her doing a step towards getting better, maybe facing her demons and coming to terms term herself