Friday, February 14, 2020

Law & Order SVU “I Deserve Some Loving Too” Recap & Review

Law & Order SVU fans deserve some loving too, and we got it in the form of a dynamic, layered, visually interesting story that offered something for everybody. When I see that an episode is directed by Jean de Segonzac,  I know we'll get some action and I was not disappointed. The episode opened with the SVU trying to nab subway gropers, and it involved both members of the SVU team and the previously unheard of SVU “subway unit” - also referred to in this episode as the transit unit and the “cave cops”. Officers, including Kat, act as bait to catch gropers in the subway cars. They nab one man on their first try, but not until after a chase. It results in a near riot involving on-lookers who make incorrect assumptions about what is transpiring. (Sadly, this behavior happens a lot these days everywhere, and many times the video of an event doesn’t always tell the whole story.)

When the episode opened, I was slightly worried that we were going to have a story loaded with misandry. We’re barely into the episode when Benson, walking down the street, gets checked out by a runner (he smiles at her and says “hey hey” but keeps running) and soon after, a man, barely out of a taxi, asks Benson for a smile, calling her sweetheart.  Then Rollins encounters a man-spreader in the subway and has to indicate to him she wants room to sit down. We get it, SVU thinks all men are sexist and/or inconsiderate pigs and that Benson can’t walk more than a few feet before being accosted by men because of her beauty and also because men are pigs (see above). When I start rolling my eyes this early in the episode, I get a pit in my stomach thinking I will be recapping a dog of an episode. But the feeling didn’t last long and the story bounced back nicely.  The groper situation turned into a far more interesting case involving the appropriately named Rory O’Toole - a US Citizenship and Immigration Service manager - who exchanges sex for green cards. He truly is a pig and a tool (no offense to actual pigs or tools). But seriously folks - did we really need to see scenes with the *horrors* of what Benson experiences walking down the street and the trials and tribulations of mis-directed mail (sarcasm intended)? It's a waste of good story-telling time.

The SVU works with Sergeant Hasim Khaldun from the SVU subway unit to help bring Rory to justice. He goes undercover with Rollins as they pretend to be a married couple in search of a green card. Along the way, they seem to strike up a friendship that – who knows – may develop into something more, something that could either bother Carisi or liberate him. (I'm hoping for liberate.)

But the real drama in the episode belonged to Peter Scanavino. Carisi is reaching his stride in his ADA position. His case looks lost when one witness backs out, but when Rollins and Hasim manage to convince another witness to come forward, Carisi is empowered and uses this as a weapon against the always arrogant lawyer John Buchanan. Delaney Williams is another name that I enjoy seeing in the opening credits as Buchanan is one of those people I love to hate, and it usually means the legal side of the story will be very interesting. It was very satisfying when Carisi put Buchanan in his place.

There are two open issues:
1. What happened to the woman who called out that she was groped on the subway as the chase ensued? Did anyone hear or care?  She got lost in the shuffle.
2. Did Benson eventually get her mis-directed mail that Marcos the doorman held for her? (wink)

Here is the recap:

Benson, stepping out of the elevator into the lobby at her apartment building, is on the phone with Fin. She hears something is going on at Bowery and Delancy. Marcos the doorman says good morning to her as she hangs up her phone, and she admits she didn’t see him there. He hands her her mail, saying it must have been in the wrong box. She asks if he can hang on to that for her and he agrees. She exits the building and as she walks down the street, someone running by checks her out and says “hey hey” and he keeps going, Benson shaking her head with a look of disgust. As she continues to walk, a man steps out of a taxi and sees Benson and asks her if he can get a smile, calling her sweetheart. She scoffs in disgust and keeps walking.

Elsewhere, a young woman walks down the street and a young man decides to follow her. She races into the subway and he follows her in, standing very close behind her. The next stop is Bowery and Delancy. Kat also enters the same subway car along with another man who raises his eyebrows at her. The young girl reacts, saying “What the…?” as if the man standing behind her has groped her. He moves off. Rollins enters another one of the subway cars and asks a man-spreading man if he minds, and he moves over to make space for her to sit. As the subway continues to move, the guy who was following the young girl pushes into another woman as the subway lurches forward and she also reacts like he groped her. He moves on an reaches Kat and as he tries to move closer, she walks around so he can’t get close. The man who raised his eyebrows at Kat signals to her, and as the young man moves in, Kat punches him in the groin and he reacts by saying “Bitch!” As she restrains him, Kat says, “Got you, grope-a-dope!” The man who signaled to Kat announces he is NYPD and tells people to move so he can assist Kat. The groper exits the subway car and Kat and the other detective follow. A woman steps out of another one of the subway cars and calls out to them that the man groped her too. Rollins races out of the other subway car and radios that the subject is male, black, 30s, gray hoodie. The other young woman who the man initially followed into the subway also radios that the subject is heading north on the Delancy – Bowery platform. All the NYPD officers and detectives continue to chase the man through the subway station. Fin almost catches him on the subway stairs as the man tries to break up his cell phone, which he throws by the train rails. Fin looks down at the rails. Police continue to pursue the man, who has turned his jacket inside out to show a different pattern, and adds a cap, in order to disguise himself. But Kat sees him anyway and apprehends him, getting help from the other officers. He claims they have the wrong guy and says he didn’t do anything he was on his way to work. Witnesses record the arrest on their phone and with calls of “police brutality” and a woman questioning why they are harassing a black man who is on his way to work. Other people shout out their own opinions. Rollins tells everyone to stand back. Finally Fin shouts out for the crowd to chill out, the man was a groper and to imagine if it was their mother or sister. A bystander pushes Fin and Fin restrains him, with the crowd chanting “police abuse” and the scene descending into a near riot.

Later, at SVU in Benson’s office, they watch a news story about the “subway melee”. Benson tells Chief Garland that it went as viral as the flu. He asks what brilliantly conceived mission triggered this. Sergeant Hasim Khaldun answers it was his unit, and Benson explains they were helping him and his SVU subway unit target serial grinders. Carisi asks if it was worth it, and Hasim replies they caught three perps, the transit unit made 8 arrests on rioting. Garland comments that’s a lot of work for three miss D’s (misdemeanors). He asks if there was anybody with a record or on parole, and Benson replies a decorated firefighter – second offense – and he violated his ACD. Hasim explains he was caught fondling a high school girl. Carisi asks if it was just one, and Hasim tells him not to worry, they have him on three separate offenses. Garland questions if that is an issue, and Carisi explains you want more than one, otherwise the guys claim it was accidental. Benson, at the observation window, turns on the speaker as the firefighter guy says his hand must have had a mind of its own. Kat asks “three times” and asks if it was all with girls under 18. He says he needs his lawyer and his union rep. Benson turns off the speaker and Garland asks about contestant #2. Benson states that is Enrique Alvarez, and she walks over toward the other observation window and turns on that speaker. Fin is questioning him, asking that he blames the weather. Enrique says it was the first warm day in two weeks, no overcoats, and he couldn’t help himself. Hasim comments his nickname is Too Bits, his MO is to drop a quarter, bend for it, rub his face against a woman’s privates. Carisi comments that is colorful, asking if they have any priors. Hasim replies 139, and Carisi states if he gets the right judge, he goes away. Benson motions for them to follow her, and she leads them over to the third interrogation room where Rollins is questioning a third man. Garland asks if this is the gentleman who started the riot, and Benson identifies him as Duane Varik, he is the data clerk for US Citizenship and Immigration Service, it’s his first offense. Carisi asks that he has no priors, saying it’s another misdemeanor. Hasim states maybe not, before they caught him, he threw his cell phone onto the tracks. Garland asks with sarcasm if they are adding littering, and Hasim states it a good guess he has up-skirt photos or worse on his phone. Carisi comments that up-skirts in winter are slim pickings. Benson counters these guys are obsessed, there’s a short circuit in the hard wiring. Garland questions if they were able to get anything off the phone, and Hasim replies he smashed it, tossed it on the tracks, it landed in a puddle. TARU is going over it but so far it is too damaged to recover any data. Benson thinks Dwayne is enjoying his alone time with Rollins a little too much, and Hasim moves to enter the interrogation room, saying he is on it.

When Hasim enters the room, Rollins states Duane explained he takes the Z train every day and he explain it was really crowded today and any touching was accidental. Hasim questions why he ran and smashed his phone. Duane replies his father had that conversation with him when he was a boy; badge or no badge, saying he knows Hasim understands that, calling him “my brother.” He adds in case Hasim doesn’t, he wants a lawyer. Rollins is displeased. Garland comments “Race card, lawyer card, smarter than he looks.” Carisi states he will stall with forcible touching, assaulting an officer, and Benson adds if they get them a warrant for his home and office computers, they’ll get more charges. Carisi states if he is immigration, that is Homeland Security, and Garland says they are their own fiefdom and if they ask for a warrant it will be tit-for-tat. Benson wonders what if they don’t ask.

At the office of Rory O’Toole at the USCIS District Office at 26 Federal Plaza on Monday, February 3, Benson and Fin discuss Duane. Rory explains Duane works for him and they are investigators like them. They vet marriages and make sure they are not green card romances. Fin acknowledges it is a tough job but Duane may not be right for it. Benson explains they need access to his computers and search history to make sure he didn’t upload any photo files. Rory explains for that he has to go through legal and HR and union. Benson explains her DA wanted to subpoena Rory and she told him the last thing his bosses need is bad publicity. Fin adds if they go to court, his office becomes a punch line. Benson comments Rory is an investigator, suggesting he check his search history and if he thinks there is nothing there, they will walk away.

Later, as Fin and Rollins walk into the interrogation room, Rollins comments to Duane that posting up-skirt photos of women from his desk from a federal computer at his job is a class E felony and he is in a lot of trouble. Duane’s lawyer questions that they had a warrant for that, and Fin tersely explains they don’t need one – it’s government property. Duane called O’Toole the pervert, adding it makes sense as the last thing he’d want is them going through his computer. When Fin asks why is that, his lawyer tells Duane to hold on. Duane leans in to whisper to his lawyer and then she says her client may have something to offer.

Later, in Benson’s office observing, Carisi comments that their subway grinder gave up his boss at Citizenship and Immigration as a rapist. Fin, with Rollins, explains that Duane says this guy O’Toole holds up green cards in exchange for sex. Benson pipes in that he preys on attractive immigrant women and threatens deportation if they don’t comply. Rollins adds it is a squeeze play, they can’t report and they can’t tell their husband. Carisi asks if Duane gave them any proof, and Fin replies he said O’Toole took a file off his desk then he came in the next day with a big smile on his face, saying the best cure for blue balls is a green card. Carisi states it is poetic but not probative, asking if Duane gave him the name of the victim.

At the apartment of Lina Vasquez-Boyd at 4100 7th Avenue in Brooklyn New York on Monday, February 3, Benson and Kat speak with Lina about Rory, who signed off on her green card. She told Rory she and Joe are in love and it is a real marriage. Benson explains she is not in trouble, Rory is, and they want to ask her if he pressured her in any way or put conditions on approving her application. Kat adds they know O’Toole interviewed her twice outside the office. Lina corrects it was three times, but what she did, she had to. Benson asks that he forced him, saying they need her to testify so they can put him behind bars for what he did to her. She says wants that too but she can’t, she loves Joe and she cleans his hotel room in Guatemala and he took her dancing and shopping and now she is here. She can’t go back there and Joe can’t know, his first wife cheated on him. She can’t testify. She shuts the door.

Afterward, Benson, with Fin, explains Lina’s situation to Garland. Fin adds the working theory is Rory goes after attractive female applicants with red flag cases. Benson comments he looks for discrepancies in age, race, religion, social status, first interviewing the couples separately in his office. Fin adds then he meets the women in his mini-van where he tells him if they want the green card, he wants a little lovin’ too. Benson states if they turn him down, they wind up in ICE detention, pending deportation, plus he can deport their families too. Garland says this abuse of power sickens him and ask if other employees back up Duane’s story. Benson explains that Duane is O’Toole's #2 in charge of case assignment and is the only one who knows that O’Toole is cherry-picking them. Fin asks if Garland wants proof, get them access to his computer and his phone records. Garland comments they will be dealing with ICE too, and suggests they not ask for a warrant until they have corroboration. He says to tell their subway groper to think harder - they need more names.

At Pho Best III, 83-02 Broadway in Flushing New York on Tuesday, February 4, Rollins and Hasim enter and ask a server to see Rosamie Klein. The server tells them to wait there, she will get them. As she quickly walks off, Rollins asks Hasim if he believes that and he says no, so they quickly follow the woman, racing through the kitchen and out the side door. They see her hiding behind a car parked on the street and they approach and Rollins tries to assure her they want to help her. She says her green card is not fake and when Hasim mentions they are there about Rory, Rosamie says he did not touch her. When Rollins wonders why she said that as they didn’t ask, Rosamie says she loves her husband and to go away. They continue to press her but she tells them to leave her alone and she runs back into the restaurant.

At the ICE detention center meeting room on Tuesday, February 14, Fin and Kat speak with Maggie Quigley who explains her bad experience with Rory, saying that Rory would say he deserves some loving too. She refused and now she is in detention. Kat says she is a victim of a crime and if she agrees to testify they can get her a U visa and she won’t be deported. Maggie explains her husband Patrick is there on a green card too and if Rory finds out he will try to deport him back to Belfast and then he will have screwed then both.

In Garland’s office, Benson, with Carisi, explains they have two confirmed rapes and one jailed for saying no. Carisi says he can ask for a warrant on Rory’s minivan but if he does the feds will take the case. Garland comments it is so politically charged over there right now he is not confident they will fight for the victims. Carisi agrees but states for these women to admit what happened to them is to risk losing everything. Benson suggests they bring in their own victims, saying she worked a joint task force with Homeland and has a great contact there, let her see if she can get her to push a new green card application across Rory’s desk, Carisi calls it a green card honey trap, and Garland asks if she has the UC’s for it. Benson thinks she does.

At the office of the District Attorney conference room at One Hogan Place on Wednesday, February 5, Rollins preps Hasim for the undercover assignment, one point was asking if she has siblings. Hasim says a sister but they are not in touch. Rollins says he can say she is troubled. Hasim jokes she is hot and Rollins says “hey, hey”. Carisi enters and asks if they are ready, acting as if they are a married couple. He asks how did they meet, and Rollins explains it is a funny story: they worked together for years and she always thought he was attractive, funny, smart. Hasim, now using a Middle Eastern accent, says it wasn’t until he changed jobs that they could acknowledge they had feelings for each other. Carisi asks them to tell him how they spend their time, and Rollins and Hasim exchange looks, and they hold each other’s hands as Carisi gives an odd look.

Hasim is speaking with Rory and explains they go out to dinner and nightclubs and admits he does not drink. Rory asks does his wife, and Hasim says yes, she loves her martinis. Hasim adds he fell in love with “Mandy” as she is, he doesn’t want or expect her to change. The beauty of America is everyone is free to be who they are. If he gets his green card, inshallah, he will be free too.

At a later time, Rollins says she loves burgers and Fuad loves falafel. When Rory says it will be tough to decide on a restaurant on Valentine’s day, asking if they made plans, Rollins says they will stay home and order delivery from two different places. He says that is romantic. He assumes she will pay, assuming she usually pays, according to her credit card statement. She explains she makes more than he and is a bartender. She is a few years older, adding but love is love. Rory says their age, economic, and religious differences are a red flag. Rollins insists they are in love but he disagrees. He says he will go over her file one more time but will have to meet with her again, but without Fuad. He instructs her not to tell him, it could affect the status of his green card application. He says he will call her on her cell.

On West 27th Street on Thursday, February 6, Rollins enters Rory’s van and he compliments her. She asks where are they going but he says he wants to sit there and talk for a few minutes. He wants her to be relaxed and she wonders what he is going to ask. He says just a few intimate questions, asking how often she and Fuad have sex. She replies he is very passionate and he says he is lucky, making love to her whenever he wants. He adds of course if he doesn’t get his green car that won’t be the case. Rollins says he can’t go home because of the political situation. Rory says he has something she needs and she has something he wants. He wants her to make love to him the way she does to Fuad, and do it two or three times and then he can have his green card and the two of them can make love as much as they want for the rest of their lives. As Benson, Fin, and Kat listen in from a car nearby, Rollins asks if he is saying she has to sleep with him, and he replies he is saying he deserves some loving too. Benson states that is all they need, and as they exit the car, Fin says let’s give this fool some love. Rollins asks Rory when would they do this, and he explains here, now, there is a mattress in the back. Fin opens the driver side door and tells Rory he is NYPD and to put his hands on the wheel. Kat, keeping with the sting, tells Rollins she is not in trouble and to come with her. Rory says he is a federal officer and is on the job, and Fin says not any more he’s not. Rory sees Benson and as Fin cuffs him, she tells Rory he is under arrest for sexual extortion.

In Carisi’s office, Rory enters with John Buchanan who says he will give Carisi and early out, extolling Rory in his federal role, saying he uncovered a fake marriage. Carisi is not buying it but Rory says it is a test and the mattress is part of the set-up. Carisi mentioned Rory’s DNA on the mattress and Rory says it IS his mattress. Buchanan challenges that they found any victims’ DNA and that Rory was trying to find out how far their UC would go. Rory says it is like a narc cop. Carisi says then Rory was going to sleep with her, and Buchanan says NO, Carisi doesn’t know that because their team stepped in before Rory had the chance to bus her. Carisi shakes his head. Rory argues if the wife is willing to cross the line to infidelity for a green card, how real can the love be. Carisi says none of this is DHS protocol and he doesn’t see the jury buying it for a second. Buchanan says Carisi needs 12, he only needs one, and he walks out with Rory.

Afterward and outside, Carisi meets with Benson and Garland and said Rory was released on his own recognizance. Rory claimed he knew the marriage was fake and he was just trying to draw her out. Garland says he’d have a stronger case with someone he assaulted. He asks if they can go back to his victims now that he has been arraigned, and Benson explains the two victims are terrified of their husbands finding out and a third is sitting in ICE detention, afraid her husband will be deported. Carisi suggests they try them all again, it would be great if they get one, there goes his defense.

Rollins and Hasim speak with Rosamie but she won’t testify. Her husband Eddie shows up there early and realizes they are cops, asking if everything is alright. Rollins explains they are just investigating some robberies in the neighborhood. Eddie tells Rosamie she didn’t tell him about this, and she says she didn’t know about them and wishes she could be more helpful. Hasim says if she thinks of anything to call. As the pair walk off, Hasim and Rollins look at each other.

Fin and Kat speak with Maggie and they explain the situation with Rory and she says she is in. Fin says they will need the exact details and she says it is on her cell phone which she can’t have there. She worriedly asks if they have to go through Patrick to get it as she never told him about this. Fin explains he doesn’t have to know why yet.

At the apartment of Patrick Quigley at 492 West 43rd Street on Friday, February 7, a man answers the door and when Fin and Kat asks for Patrick, another man walks up, shirtless and in a towel, asking if that is the takeout, calling the man “honey.” The man says it isn’t what it looks like and Fin says it never is.

Meanwhile, Benson tries to convince a reluctant Lina. Benson offers to talk to her husband with her but Lina refuses, saying he is jealous, and Benson says she sounds afraid of Joe. Benson sees Lina face is injured and asks if he did that to her. She says she doesn’t have to stay with Joe, she is a victim of a crime and they can get her a U visa. Lina admits she can’t live like this anymore and will agree to testify.

Benson, Fin, and Carisi are in Garland’s office who hears Rosamie will not testify. Fin explains Maggie’s marriage is a fake, her husband is gay and she is too. Garland says they lied about their green card which is a federal offense. He asks if this case implodes, where is Hadid on this? Carisi states she is not shying away from the fight. He adds Buchanan already approached them with a slap on the wrist deal for misdemeanor official misconduct and Hadid said no way. Benson asks what does she want to charge him with, and Carisi explains, at a minimum, rape 3, plus felony charges of official misconduct and receiving a bribe. Benson argues that threatening to deport victims to countries where they face violence constitutes forcible compulsion. Garland says that is rape 1. Carisi says that makes the case much harder, and Hadid wants Rory to go down for this. Fin asks if Rory doesn’t, does Carisi? Carisi replies probably, stating he can add on misdemeanor sexual misconduct, coercion, official misconduct, and Benson states he deserves no less than 15 years. Fin suggests to throw the whole book at him. Carisi says he is trying but he doesn’t have textbook witnesses: he has Duane, the subway groper, Rollins and Hasim, and Buchanan is already salivating about his cross. Benson says Lina is credible and has no reason to lie and everything to lose. Carisi instructs her to make sure she shows up.

In Supreme Court part 52 on Monday, February 10, Duane testifies that the women were all desperate. He adds Rory called the files he pulled the Baskin Robbins files – one in every flavor. Under cross, Buchanan brings up the deal with the prosecution with the forcible touching and unlawful sexual surveillance - “upskirting”. Buchanan jokes about him wearing pants this day. He asks about the files found on Duane’s work computer and Duane admits Rory gave them access and Duane’s deal came after. Buchanan brings up that Duane knew about Rory for years but never reported it and Duane admits he is not proud of that. Buchanan accused Duane of making up the charges to save his own ass, and Carisi objects. Buchanan withdraws the question and end his cross examination.

Hasim is on the stand explaining the undercover operation with Rollins. He explains Rory did not have a follow up interview with him but asked Rollins for a private night-time meeting in his mini-van. Buchanan cross examines, saying that Hasim lied to a fellow officer about his religion, his marriage, and his job, and every detail about his life. Hasim said it was undercover, and Buchanan counters it was a fake marriage and Rory figured it out. Hasim testifies he believes Rory thought the marriage was real but the red flags it raised gave him leverage to sexually extort Rollins. Buchanan scoffs and says Hasim means his fake wife and adds that his testimony is he is a good enough liar to fool a trained investigator with 20 years experience. Hasim says Buchanan can put it that way and Buchanan asks how about a jury. Carisi objects and Buchanan withdraws the questions and ends his cross examination, and scoffs.

Rollins testifies about what Rory did, mentioning Rory’s comment that he deserved some loving too. Under cross, Buchanan mentions Rollins did not have sex with Rory and he did not assault her, but Rollins says there was intent, mentioning the mattress. She admits she did not go in the back with the mattress. As she mentions the support team arriving, Buchanan cuts her off and asks if it is possible Rory was testing her – Benson, watching in the gallery, looks concerned – and Rollins says that was not what was going on. Buchanan says Rollins was playing a role, asking if it is possible if Rory was too. Rollins sits back in her chair and as Benson looks more worried, Rollins says yes, anything is possible. Buchanan ends his cross examination.

Afterward in the courthouse hall with Benson and Fin, Rollins apologies to Carisi for not helping, and he states it is okay, they are laying groundwork. He adds once Lina testifies he DID follow through, his whole defense falls apart. He asks Benson if she talked to her, and Benson states she did, this morning, and she said Carisi prepped her well and she knows what to do. Fin asks if she told her husband yet, and before Benson can answer, Lina approaches and she asks to talk to Benson. She looks upset and says she can’t testify. She says her husband doesn’t know anything yet. Benson urges her but Lina says she can’t; she just found out she is pregnant and praying this baby looks like Joe. She says this baby needs a father and if Joe thinks this is not his baby…he can never know.

Later in court, Carisi tells the judge his witness is not available at this time and moves for a continuance. Buchanan objects, saying he has a defense prepared and would like to move ahead with his case. The judge asks Carisi how long does he need, and Carisi says a few days. The judge gives him until 9AM tomorrow, and Buchanan says at which time if there is no further prosecution witness they will be moving ahead for a dismissal. The judge tells Buchanan not to get ahead of himself. Buchanan turns to Carisi and tells him he should have taken the deal, calling him detective Carisi and chuckling.

Outside, walking in the rain, Hasim speaks with Rollins and asks that Lina backed out. Rollins explains she is pregnant and Hasim gets that it changes everything. Rollins comments that means Rory will walk. Hasim asks about Rosamie and Rollins says she doesn’t want to hurt her husband. Hasim suggest he talk with him – Jew to Jew. Rollins is surprised Hasim is Jewish and he explains it is on his mother’s side, he is part Muslim on his father’s side, adding it is a long story. Rollins comments it seems like everybody in New York has one of those. He asks if she wants to take a ride to Ocean Parkway and talk to the Kleins, and Rollins replies as her Baptist grandma used to say, it’s worth a Hail Mary.

At the apartment of Rosamie Klein at 33 Ocean Parkway on Brooklyn, New York on Tuesday, February 11, they knock on the door and when Rosamie opens it, they see her husband and daughter are also there. Rollins says it will just take a minute and they see Eddie is singing with their daughter. Rosamie says this is not a good time, but Eddie approaches and asks what is going on, asking if this is about the robberies. Hasim says no, and speaks to Eddie in Hebrew. Eddie understands and tells Rosamie to let them in.

Rollins speaks separately with Rosamie, with her daughter. Rollins explains there were at least two others that they know of but probably dozens more. Meanwhile, Hasim speaks with Eddie who explains how he and Rosamie met. Rosamie converted and they married and had a beautiful baby. He asks why they are here, and Hasim explains it is a sad love story about a man who has a beautiful home, family and wife – who loved him so much she had to do a terrible thing to save their love. Eddie asks him to tell him, is this also a story about a man named Rory O’Toole. Hasim nods.

In Supreme Court Part 52 on Wednesday, February 12, Carisi mentions that two more witnesses have come forward and the prosecution intends to call Maggie Quigley and Rosamie Klein – Rollins enters the courtroom with both women, along with Eddie Klein. Rory looks stunned and Buchanan, looking worried, tells the judge this is the first he is hearing about these witnesses and needs time to prepare and requests and adjournment for the day. The judge grants it. Buchanan asks Carisi where the hell he pulled these two out of, and Carisi say the back of his client’s van and his guess is he is not going to hear that testimony in open court. Carisi walks over to Benson and asks if she saw Rory’s face, he is going to fold. Benson tells Carisi to make it hurt.

Later, in Carisi’s office, Buchanan enters with Rory and says his client had a long, dark night of the soul to think about this and Carisi states there is not a whole lot to think about, telling Rory it is all over but the hard time. Buchanan tells him to back up and hold on a second, and Carisi says he is done waiting; tomorrow Rosamie and Maggie will take the stand and before they do, they will bump the charges from rape 3 to rape 1. Buchanan scoffs. Carisi adds when they are done testifying, the jury – and his client, will be in tears. Buchanan asks to show a little compassion for a fellow officer and Carisi asks if it’s the same compassion he showed his victims? Rory states he was doing his job, and he has been serving his country on the front lines of a foreign invasion for 20 years…Carisi cuts him off and says, “Serving your country? By dipping your wick?” Rory insists it was a test, it’s the only way to know if they really love their husbands. Carisi says Rory told him before if they really loved their husbands they wouldn’t sleep with him. Rory states that is right. Carisi says when they refused him, he threw them in jail and if they slept with him he gave them their green card. Carisi adds Rory can lie to himself all he wants but he raped these women. Rory insists no, absolutely not, he was just doing what he had to do to protect our borders. Buchanan tells Rory that Carisi understands, but Rory spouts that Carisi doesn’t understand, explaining he is holding the line between more mouths to feed, people on Medicaid, and our public school and hospitals, taking our jobs – these people are bleeding the system dry and he stopped that from happening. Carisi yells “Not one more word from you! What you did to these women – how many of them have had to live with your violation in secret, in fear? You took advantage of them! When they were the most helpless, the most vulnerable and you used the power of your government position to force them to demean themselves. They came here hoping for the American dream and YOU made their lives a nightmare.” Carisi looks at Buchanan and says he is sick of his client and if he wants to talk deal, Rory needs to shut his mouth and nod yes. Buchanan is quiet. Carisi says he will be back in five minutes. After Carisi walks off, Buchanan, looking beaten, glares at Rory.

Later, Carisi walks into SVU and explains it took a while but it finally caught up to Rory – he took the deal. Benson asked if he made it hurt, and Carisi states he will be in a world of pain until he is eligible for Medicare. Benson tells him good work, and Carisi says it wasn’t him, it was Rollins. He doesn’t know how she did it but getting Rosamie to testify is what broke this whole thing. Benson said it wasn’t just about Rosamie, it was about getting the husband to understand and Rollins says that wasn’t her,  it was Hasim. Carisi says nah, he’s sure she is just being generous with the credit. Benson doesn’t think so; she explains Hasim spoke to Eddie in Hebrew, mensch to mensch. Carisi is surprised about the Hebrew, and Benson explains apparently it is better than his Arabic. Carisi is shocked and Benson says he is a pretty interesting guy – and Carisi counters for a “cave cop.” He then apologizes and then says “transit unit.” He adds not to sell Rollins short, she did good. Benson suggest she at least say nice job all around. Carisi replies yeah, sure. He asks where is Rollins and Benson shakes her head.

Rollins is dining with Hasim and says she spent two days pretending to be married to him and admits she doesn’t know the first thing about him. Hasim says he considers himself Middle Eastern American. Rollins questions not Muslim, and Hasim states after 9/11 he was ashamed to admit he was part Muslim so he passed for black in Brooklyn, it was easier. Rollins says her story is pretty much the exact same. They laugh. He asks if her sister is really crazy, and Rollins admits that part is true. Rosamie approaches them and says she was better when she heard Rory is going to prison. Hasim tells her it was rape 3, three counts and he will do 15 years. She states good, and Hasim asks about her and Eddie and if things are okay. She explains yes, after he talked to Eddie, before she agreed to testify they talked a long time. He said he was so sad what she had to go through and how much he loved her. They cried together, it’s better now, even better than before. She doesn’t have to keep secrets from him anymore, and she thanks them. Rollins thanks her and Rosamie exits. Rollins touches Hasim’s hand and he looks at her with interest. She sits back and smiles, giving him an equally interested look. They both smile as we fade to black.

Mariska Hargitay - Captain Olivia Benson
Ice-T - Sergeant Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Peter Scanavino - ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Jamie Gray Hyder - Katriona "Kat" Azar Tamin

Guest stars:
Demore Barnes - Deputy Chief Christian Garland
Jeremy Bobb - ICE Agent Rory O'Toole
Delaney Williams - John Buchanan
Ari'el Stachel - Sergeant Hasim Khaldun
Aida Turturro – Judge Felicia Catano
Dave Shalansky – Eddie
Erin Anderson - Counselor April Andrews
Camilla Perez - Lina Vasquez-Boyd
Ralph Adriel Johnson – Duane Varik
Lee Hubilla – Rosamie Klein
Megan Reinking – Maggie Quigley
Connor Dylan – Kieran Quigley
Laurne Biazzo – Detective Maria Cruz
Alice K. Wils – Detective Dee Jackson
Antony Sanchez – Renaldo
Johnny Sanchez – Marcos Arias
Christopher Cook – Male Passenger
Ashley Morgan Bloom – White Woman #1
Jenny Strassburg – Female Rider #1
Jaelin Taylor – Black Teen #1
Seth Jose Guerra – Latino Teen #1
Andrew Aaron Berlin – Firefighter
Nelson Ascencio – Enrique Alvarez
Victoria Hope Chan – Ruby Klein

All Content (Recaps, Review, Commentary) Copyright © unless otherwise noted

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Unknown said...

All of these are minor points but they're the ones that stood out most to me

- Description of episode: like I said super minor, maybe even petty but i would not say this episode was about Rollins going undercover It was barely 5 mins of the story. I think they could have just said "squad goes after guy___" There have been other episodes where I also felt like the synopsis for the episode was off point

- I've been re-watching older seasons and I noticed that Liv is *always* saying "good job" to Carisi but never to Fin or Amanda. More than that, I often find she tells him this in something that was a group effort and I think why is C getting all the credit and not F & A who helped figure things out. So funny seeing this episode where *again* Liv is giving C a pat on the back/good job But what made it even funnier- given what I've been noticing with older seasons- is her refusal to give A the sole credit (& btw- I don't think she should have sole credit but C did) and to instead insist it was a shared win with the male cop when she NEVER wants to say good teamwork and lauds C only She is not in a position to inflect that C should share the praise around when she struggles to do that herself

- I'm not a cop so I guess there lies my ignorance but I do work in mental health and I must say given A's history as a survivor and as someone who was recently kidnapped (I mean it's like it didn't even happen) with a lot of that kidnapping being spent in a car- I'm surprised that they can so easily select her to be part of a honey trap and for one that involves all these triggers. But I guess we are to believe that the kidnapping didn't really impact and that she has already "saved herself"

Jane said...

I find myself hoping that Hasim joins SVU. I liked him, SVU needs a new male detective and hopefully Amanda will turn to him and not Carisi.

Chris Zimmer said...

@Unknown on your comments about using Rollins for the honey trap - good points. It would have been fitting for someone to at least ask her how she feels about doing the undercover assignment, considering her recent experience.

beckieb said...

Amanda needs to take a cold shower! She doesn't need another boyfriend .

Unknown said...

Did y'all see Kay eyeroll Hasim as he got on the train. (Is there a back story there?)

Laurie F said...

This episode was really good. Jean de Segonzac is a legend in the Law & Order universe, so I knew this would be good. What's going on with the men bashing lately? What is the point they are trying to make? The beginning scenes with the doorman and Benson's mail and how those two guys addressed her - WTF was that for? Add the manspreading reference on top of that and you have to wonder if the show really does have something against men. They should have left all of that out and I couldn't see what it had to do with the story line. The gropers and Rory O'Toole was enough pervert for one episode.

I'm not going to pass judgment on Rollins and Hasim at this point but I don't feel the chemistry there right now. Rollins seems desperate to attach herself to a man and it feels like they are forcing it, you know, so convenient they had to pretend to be married in the UC operation. If it keeps her away from Carisi I will be happy.

Buchanan is so nasty that it's hard not to like him.

gayle said...

The opening scene with the "subway groper" made me think immediately about the opening of a very early episode, where a Type A Personality lady with a phone in one hand and a latte in the other, got on a crowded subway...and ended up raped by an unknown assailant who blended into the crowd and left.

Dchap said...

Contact- season one

Na said...

Rollins doesn't need another boyfriend. She has two kids with two different fathers. End up having more babies with many fathers.

SVUFAN#1 said...

This episode was probably my favorite of season 21 (the previous episode wasn't too bad either) although again, just nowhere near seasons 1-15. But it was an engaging story and I'm glad the quality of the episodes have improved compared to the episodes before the mid-season premier.

-This episode didn't seem quite so benson-centric, so kudos to the writers
-I agree. Rollins being chosen to work undercover so soon after her kidnapping seems a little unrealistic
-Okay so Rollins and Carisi has been drawn out WAY to long and I'm just tired with it. Either have them friends or have them as lovers but all the waiting and tension is just getting boring now.
-I agree with the anti-male bias. Like for real, when was the last episode with a female perp? I mean, I get that men are more often the committers of sexual crimes but it's always interesting when you flip the script
-Haha nice to see Buchanan back. He's one of the characters I just love to hate. And Judge Katano is a nice familiar face as well.

Mending_Wall said...

The opening scene may seem a bit dramatic to some but not to the women that deal with it. I didnt see it as anti male. I dont think any reasonable person thinks all men are like this, but for women that are dealing with unwanted catcalling and stares, it is reality for them. This set the scene for the things going on in the subway. I have had men grope and masturbate in front of me numerous times when I was a minor travelling alone. To be fair, this show has also put plenty of women in their place as well.

As far as amanda and carisi, I wish they would let that die already. He has to be able to get better. Amanda always goes for the first guy to flash a smile when she has a good guy right there. Just put him with someone else already.

Eldridge said...

Hakim needs to join SVU. He'd make a great addition. And another male detective is sorely needed.

Gummboote said...

That **** at the beginning nearly made me drop it right there. Anyway... the rest of the episode was very predictable. O’Toole was obviously the villain as soon as he appeared, and it was equally obvious that one or more of the victims were going to be emotionally arm-twisted into testifying. And the bit with O’Toole justifying himself at the end was frankly in bad faith, a caricature of how someone doing his job might think. Also I’m really not interested in Rollins’ personal life.

beckieb said...

Rollins is annoying. She needs to leave svu.
However, that is just my opinion.😁😁😁

Jess said...

Hasim needs to stay.

Unknown said...

About the subway catcalling scene. I read somewhere a while back that Mariska herself was actually being catcalled by a construction worker as the crew was trying to film the scene so they decided to keep it in. The writers probably added more to the scene though because of SVU logic.

I didn't see it as anti-male and I am stunned by that consensus. For many women, this is reality.

I don't give a DAMN--I WANT ROLLISI!! They can beat that horse bloody for all I care; I thought it sweet that Carisi was jealous. The heart wants what the heart wants, and Carisi's heart wants Rollins and I wish the writers would stop teasing the hell out of us already and quit sending her to quite literally everyone but Carisi.

There hasn't been too much competition, but this was overall the best episode yet of Season 21. Whenever I see the name Jean de Segonzac, I know it's gonna be good and I'm glad this episode was no exception.

Unknown said...

So the show tries to tackle the issue of sexual harassment, and you all scream, "MAN HATERS!!!" Seriously? So all men are innocent little angels who can do no wrong, and anyone who even suggests they could ever be guilty of bad behavior is an evil man-hater? Pathetic. The reality is that sexual harassment is rampant in our culture and should absolutely be reflected in TV and film.

Also, do you complain about female hatred in response to the episodes that villainize women? Nope. In fact, you happily join in on the bashing. Disgusting sexist double standard.

J.D. said...

I disagree that the beginning of the episode was anti-male. I'll chalk those assumptions up to the posters being male (or perhaps females who don't live in walkable cities). As a female that lives in a major city and does a lot of walking and public transit riding, I get catcalled multiple times during my walks/rides to/from work/going out. This is even with me taking precautions as to how I dress in those situations (which is silly that I even have to do that). I understand the ignorance, but it's the reality for a lot of women.

Also, for the poster that asked earlier about what was up with Kat's eye roll at Hasim, I think they set it up to make it look like another unwanted male advance (given that we weren't familiar with Hasim before this episode), when it turns out it was likely just an annoying "hey co-worker" wink (or maybe it was an advance, who knows).

As for Hasim, it looks like we'll be seeing more of him (I'm behind, I know). I was really put off by Carisi's snide and seemingly out-of-character comments about Hasim's help in the investigation, and then it clicked during the end scene. I really felt like they were moving Carisi's character along and if there was any attachment left in his weird relationship with Rollins that it was on her side (which I didn't mind b/c she was a jerk to him and Carisi deserves better). Really hate to see them going back to this "woe is me" Carisi and hope that they abandon ship soon.