This episode was a ripped from the headlines story based on the Jussie Smollett incident where he claimed he was a victim of a hate crime which later appeared to have been staged. While the SVU story wasn’t exactly the same, the equivalent character in question, Mathis Brooks, also appears to have faked a sex crime and then uses this for publicity. I was somewhat disappointed in this episode as it was a rare episode where a male victim – who was also a minority victim - was involved, yet SVU seemed too quick to back away from him the second things smelled slightly fishy. Usually Benson advocates to the point obsession. It’s as if they had a hard time thinking of him as a victim right off the bat. I wonder had the victim been a white, female celebrity if the SVU would have been so quick to disbelieve the victim? At least this episode did have other male, also minority, victims who they could advocate for. Oddly had Mathis not faked the story, these other victims would have never received justice.
Benson has a new boss – Deputy Chief Garland – and there seems to be tension right off the bat. They appear to resolve this tension quickly as Garland finds himself helping them to work the case as bait for the serial predator. Garland and Benson and her team seem to have established a good working relationship quickly and I hope it lasts. Garland is also getting Benson some help – a “white shield”, meaning they are not a detective.
Hadid and Benson butt heads, and I sense a minor power struggle going on, with Carisi in the middle. For someone who is Bureau Chief for special victims, Hadid seems overly cold and insensitive. Benson tries to remind Hadid that things are different than from where Hadid came, but I don’t see Hadid warming up any time soon. Carisi seems to have hit his stride quickly and, with SVU’s help acquiring a compromising picture, gets a win. What I didn’t understand was Hadid’s reluctance to go after the suspect at first, at least for the obvious parole violation. This would have at least gotten him behind bars while they continue to work the case. But Carisi had to wait to pull that one out during arraignment. It’s like no one thought of it before that point.
Sandwiching the story of black men having sex on the “down low” was a wholesome story about Noah deciding he doesn’t want to play baseball – EVER – but want to dance. It felt awkward having a child's backstory tidbit bookending a sex crime episode like this. I’m glad that Noah is finding something that will make him happy and a story that made use of his real-life counterpart’s talent - but I don't want to see more dancing on SVU any time soon.
Note: A deleted scene has been added after the recap - catch it while it's available!
Here is the recap:
Benson is walking with Noah, who is dressed for baseball, and she is on the phone. She hears it is another one and he waited 3 days to go to the ER and he won’t report. She understands it is confidentiality. Benson hangs up the phone calls Fin. She explains what she just heard from a nurse at Mercy about another attack in Hell’s Kitchen – black, male, tased. At SVU, Fin hears he is not filing a complaint, and when Benson says no, he asks what are they supposed to do. Benson asks that Fin’s son still works at the Gay Men’s Crisis Center, and Fin correct it is LGBTQ as Ken reminds him. She suggests he talk to him as she suspects he is hearing about this. She hangs up the phone and walks over to Noah. She wants them to go, but he says he doesn’t want to go to practice. She asks why not, wondering if he is feeling okay. He clarifies he doesn’t want to go EVER, adding he doesn’t like baseball. She asks since when, reminding him that he loved playing with Peter [Stone] and loved being on the team. But now he thinks it’s boring. Benson looks surprised. Noah points to another store front where people are seem dancing. He says that looks fun. Benson smiles.

At the LGBTQ Heath Crisis Center at 389 West 48th Street on Friday, September 6, as Ken Randall tells a client to hang in there and they can call any time, Fin walks in. Ken asks what’s up, and Fin asks can’t he just stop by? Ken replies of course, and asks Fin to have a seat. He comments that Jaden was just talking about him, and Fin wonders if Jaden liked that shirt I got him. Ken replies that he’ll grow into it. Fin laughs, and Ken asks why he is there. Fin explains there is a rumor about a serial predator working the gay bars. Ken comments it is in Hell’s Kitchen. Fin adds that the victims are all black, professional, and everybody’s talking about it. Ken counters that no one wants to talk, he knows. Fin wants Ken to get somebody to file a police report, but Ken states he can’t, explaining that these men have wives, kids. Fin confirms it’s on the low, adding that’s why the predator is targeting them, he knows they don’t want to speak up. He suggests Ken tell them they’ll do our best to keep their case confidential. But Ken reminds Fin he is THEIR advocate, not Fin’s. Fin counters that if nobody says anything, the predator has no reason to stop. Ken sighs.
Elsewhere, Mathis Brooks walks out to a large group of fans and his manager, Robert Fischer, tries to get everyone to move along. They get in the car and Robert’s – “Fish” - phone rings. When he shows Mathis the phone, and Mathis says not now. Fish, Mathis and his brother argue about it and Mathis tells him to go home and tells the driver to pull over, he needs some air and needs to walk. He gets out of the car, and doesn’t say where he is going. He heads into a bar and someone recognizes him but he says he is not who they think he is. A fan gets pushy and Mathis backs away as the fan yells at him and calls him out to the crowd. Mathis leaves and walks out into a dark street in an area where there is some construction scaffolding. Suddenly he is surprised by something.
Later, two officers walk the street looking for a semi-conscious man in the scaffolding area, and find a traumatized Mathis there, shaking and asking for help.
Benson and Fin are in Deputy Chief Christian Garland’s office and Benson is telling him about a serial rapist in Hell’s Kitchen. She explains the victims are male, and they are being tased and sodomized with a bottle. Garland comments they need to establish more of a pattern. Garland asks when did he start, and how many assaults? Benson explains they don’t know. Garland, looking annoyed, saying he’ll try again, and asks how many reports have been filed. Fin says none, adding they think he picks his vics on the down low so he knows they don’t want to report it. Garland asks if they are divining it, and Benson quickly says no, they are not divining it; EMS calls, advocacy groups, and rumors are out there in gay bars. Garland blankly says he can’t take rumors to Comstat. Benson agrees, saying she knows he just got here and he doesn’t want to report a spike in assaults two weeks in, but…Garland cuts her off and says that would never be his concern. He says stats go up, good - that means people trust them enough to disclose. He asks what does she need? She replies manpower, for a wider canvas, security cam checks, and she’d like to augment with detectives from Hate Crimes. Garland, acting distracted, states they are spread thinner than SVU and if they’d heard about this, they’d loop him in. Fin asks what do they do, just wait for him to strike again? Garland counters no, they can be proactive. Benson’s phone buzzes and she checks for a message as Garland instructs them to increase uniform patrols and work their contacts. He asks Benson if everything is okay, and she says Rollins says there is another vic at Mercy Hospital.
Afterward, Benson and Fin walk outside, Fin asks what is the new Chief’s deal. Benson states he is methodical, and he’s thoughtful and Ivy League educated. Fin asks why is he a cop?
At Mercy Hospital at 365 West 32nd Street on Saturday, September 7, Benson, Fin, and Rollins push past reporters and photographers to get through. Rollins explains the vic is a celebrity – Mathis Brooks – and it’s the same pattern. Mathis is straight and has a gay following. Benson thinks the perp assumed and the hospital called SVU, asking Rollins if there is any chance he will report. Rollins says she is not sure, he is still in the ER, and his brother and manager are being protective.

Inside, Rollins speak with Fish and said he needed air and Mathis went home. He thinks maybe Mathis went into a gay bar as he is friendly with all types but says he is not gay, talking about other women and saying Mathis gets more ass than a toilet seat. Benson and Fin speak with Mathis’ brother and the diver, Vlad. He says Mathis got out early and he went out for a walk. The doctor comes out and tells Benson that Mathis is ready to talk to her but too traumatized for a rape kit. He told Mathis that Benson and Fin will respect his privacy and Fin confirms they will. The doctor introduces Benson and Fin who is clearly shaken. They try to get him to give some details. He explains what happened and felt a jolt, likely from the taser. He explains the assault and how horrible, racist things were also yelled at him. He thinks it was a big, scary looking white guy, long hair and a beard, maybe in a hoodie. Benson and Fin explain this may be a serial predator and Mathis says he is not gay. He says he didn’t stop anywhere on his walk, and looks more distressed. He says he is getting really tired and asks to do this later. Benson agrees and Fin gives Mathis is card, in case he recalls something later. They leave.

Outside the hospital where reporters still wait, Benson tells Rollins that Mathis is crashing and doesn’t remember much. Rollins found social media information showing that Mathis stopped at a bar last night and someone took a selfie. Mathis did not look happy, and Rollins says Mathis didn’t go straight home.
At K Rico Steakhouse at 772 9th Avenue on Saturday, September 7, Rollins speaks with selfies guy who says the threat she heard he made was just drama. He comments he doesn’t like “tourists”, explaining Mathis is so deep in the closet he want past Narnia. He says he didn’t follow him and met someone else he met on Grindr.
Meanwhile, Benson and Fin explain this suspect to Garland that Mathis saw in the bar. Garland says it’s not unusual for victims to leave out information that might make them look…Fin finishes saying “Gay?” and Garland says “Despite their claims to be.” Fin thinks Mathis will not cave on that any time soon. Garland tells Benson that Mathis is high profile and has a civic obligation. Benson, surprised, asks if he wants her to shame a celebrity into coming out of the closet so Garland can publicize the case? Garland says he didn’t say shame, he meant motivate. He walks off.
Back at the hospital, Mathis is posting a video to fans on social media. Benson and Fin walk in. Benson and Fin try to get him to come forward but Fish is reluctant. Mathis is open to it, saying this is “bigger than Mathis” now.