Here are some promotional videos for Law & Order SVU from Universal Channel in the UK and in Brazil. Enjoy!
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Law & Order SVU – UK and Brazil Promos
Law and Order SVU
Monday, November 26, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Dreams Deferred” Advance Photos
Here are advance photos from Law & Order SVU “Dreams Deferred” which will air on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 9PM ET on NBC. The photos feature Ice-T, Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish, and guest stars Patricia Arquette and Ann Meara.
Update 12/5/2012: more photos with Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, and Patricia Arquette have been added below
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Dreams Deferred" can be found at this link.
Photos added December 5, 2012:
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Update 12/5/2012: more photos with Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, and Patricia Arquette have been added below
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Dreams Deferred" can be found at this link.
Photos by: Michael Parmelee/NBC © NBC Universal, Inc.
Photos by: Michael Parmelee/NBC © NBC Universal, Inc.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Danny Pino,
Dreams Deferred,
Kelli Giddish,
Law and Order SVU
Friday, November 23, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Dreams Deferred” Promo
Here is the promo for Law & Order SVU “Dreams Deferred” which will air on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 9PM ET on NBC. The promo features guest star Patricia Arquette.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Dreams Deferred" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Dreams Deferred" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned” Recap & Review
There were several things that I liked about this episode. First and foremost was the guest cast. I was expecting not to like Charles Grodin; I never forgave him for having to waste my money on his 1972 film “Heartbreak Kid”, the only movie that I ever walked out on after 45 minutes because it was so bad. But he surprised me in this role of the school board chairman, a man whose pride and obsession for his school and his superiority complex blinded him to the trauma that his own son, and other students, experienced. Elliott Gould was well cast as the teacher who was smart enough to only enter into relationships with young men of a legal age; while his character appeared to be genuinely concerned that he may have hurt someone, he still creeped me out. But the scene stealer continues to be Raúl Esparza. As ADA Rafael Barba, he is the perfect combination of a pompous ass, smart prosecutor, and a snappy dresser. I really enjoy his character and Esparza really brings him to life. (I secretly find myself hoping that one day, the Law & Order mothership will return and Barba would be the EADA. I can dream, can’t I?)
In the very first scene, the SVU squad seemed busier than it’s been in years. In fact, for the past few seasons, the SVU bull pen area seems rather dull and boring, as if the precinct only had one case to work on at a time. This episode seemed to go in the completely opposite direction, as if the whole city of New York had exploded in sex crimes in one night. It was slightly jarring. Of course, this influx in sex crimes gave a good excuse for one man to leave the precinct in frustration (and/or depression) and hang himself afterwards. While Benson later commented that it was a zoo that night, this episode made me wonder what a typical night in a New York City SVU squad room would really be like. It seemed uncharacteristic for Benson to hit Amaro with such a low blow as to harp on him for his “nice work” when finding that Amaro had seen the dead man in SVU the night before he hanged himself. I would, however, have expected a comment like that from Munch (who, along with Cragen, was MIA in this episode).
Barba also had some great lines in the episode that made me literally laugh out loud: his channeling of Star Trek’s Dr. “Bones” McCoy (“I’m a prosecutor, not a healer”) and Barba later telling Benson and Amaro that Forrester asked like he was talking to a room of bad cheese.
This was a great episode that combined an interesting case with some nice legal maneuvering, a combination which always leaves me feeling satisfied.
Here is the recap:
Mariska Hargitay – Detective Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Richard Belzer – Sergeant John Munch
Dann Florek – Captain Don Cragen
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Guest stars:
Elliott Gould – Walter Tompkins
Charles Grodin – Brett Forrester
Raúl Esparza - ADA Rafael Barba
Anthony Rapp – Nathan
Buck Henry – Morton
Elizabeth Marvel – Miss Calhoun
Frank Wood – Mr. Lennox
Mason Pettit – Curt
Jeremy Bobb – Vincent Moran
Alvin Epstein – Harold Lassiter
Jayce Bartok - Eli Fromson
Robert Sella – Friend of Tompkins
Marc Webster – Damon (?)
Tijuana Ricks – Principal
Marissa Matrone – Judge Maria Ana Defecco
Karen Shallo – Rose Matthews
Brooke Hoover – Toni
Brian Faherty - Frank
Apriel Starkweather – Young Woman
It is an unusually busy day in the SVU squad. Harold Lassiter, an elderly man, walks in and tells Amaro he wants to talk to a detective about a letter he received. Amaro, on the phone and clearly distracted, asks the man to take a seat. The man sees all the activity going around him as he sits there alone, and he decides to leave. Later, at home and listening to opera and having a drink, he looks at the letter.
Sometime later, Benson and Amaro are at Harold’s home, and Harold is dead – by hanging. He is a retired private school English teacher. Despite it appearing to be a suicide, Amaro tells Benson that SVU was called in as the man had his business card on him, The man came into the squad room the night before. Benson recalls it was a zoo, and when Amaro says he barely spoke to the man, Benson says “Nice work.” Amaro shows Benson the letter Harold had on him which mentions that Harold abused the writer’s trust and outlines abuse by Lassiter. It was signed by Curt with no last name. There is different handwriting on the letter which says “I am sorry.” Benson wonders if he came in to confess and then went a different way. Amaro wonders if Curt decided for him.
At SVU, Amaro explains to the other detectives that Harold Lassiter taught at Manor Hill Academy for 30 years and retired in ’02. Fin explains it is a fancy school in the city on 25 acres and a kid from his block got a scholarship there. Benson outlines the abuse that Curt mentioned in his letter. Fin wonders if Curt staged a suicide but Benson said there was no sign of a struggle and the ME is checking to see if he was killed first and then strung up. She put the time of death between 9 and midnight. Curt could be a victim and the suspect and Benson says they have to track him down. Rollins says they have no last name and no prints on the letter. Amaro suggests they get a list from Manor Hill of Lassiter’s students. Fin is skeptical someone there will want to talk about abuse, telling him to have a nice drive. Benson says they will, and orders Fin – calling him Detective Tutuola – to check on his friend with the scholarship to see if they new Lassiter or Curt.
At Manor Hill Academy, trying to get a student list, Benson and Amaro speak with Rose and then to Andrew Lennox, the headmaster. Lennox is disturbed by the allegations in the letter and says he has been there 9 years and this is the first he’s heard of this. Amaro explains the letter was found at Lassiter’s when he was found dead. Lennox says Lassiter retired before he got there and was much admired. He says he will do all he can to help find Curt.
Meanwhile, Fin and Rollins speak with Fin’s friend Damon. They explain what has happened to Lassiter. Damon admits the man got touchy feely after drama rehearsals and that he may have looked like a target to Lassiter. He says he got a shoulder massage form him and he tried rubbing him somewhere else and Damon threatened to break his arm. He did not report it. He does not recall a student named Curt. Despite Damon being on the board and liking the school, he says he has the alumni information and adds that Curt stared with the drama club.
Benson and Amaro speak with Curt, who is walking dogs in the park. He says he wrote the letter a while ago, saying his new therapist thought it would help to get the feelings out. He says last night he was working his survivors of abuse program and Benson tells him Lassiter was found dead last night. He says he did not kill him but thought about it. What he did to him has affected his life badly. Benson asks if he knows anyone else who was targeted, and Curt says he has been talking to his former classmates at Manor Hill and admits they never filed a police report. Benson presses him for the truth and “keeping the dragon buried” will hurt a lot of people. Curt says the people he is talking to are not in recovery and they are struggling. Benson thinks that talking to them can help them get to the truth.
At the Murray Hill Community Center, Benson and Amaro explain why they are there and Curt tries to get them to speak. Benson explains that keeping the abuse secret does not make it go away. They begin to open up and talk about the “Lassiter Lasso” on how he would start the abuse. But Nathan says he doesn’t know what they are talking about. He gets agitated and leaves. Curt then explains that the “lasso” was a test and if you did not laugh or back off, the next step was the massage. If you went with that, he would then says there was another part that was tense. Amaro gets a message on his phone and excuses himself as the men continue to explain what Lassiter did. Vincent mentions that “Strepek, ” another teacher, was ten times worse, saying Strepek raped him. Strepek is now dead and he gave the man gonorrhea. Eli mentions another abusing teacher – Morton. Amaro calls Benson over and he tells her that the ME says Lassiter was a suicide, and they hear one of the man mention another teacher by the name of Mercer. More men arrive to the group session, and Benson says they have to stay.
At ADA Barba’s office, Rollins displays a chart of the teachers and students, explaining that Lassiter was not an isolated predator. The abuse went on for 3 decades and counting. Benson says at least 4 teachers were serial abusers, all under the previous headmaster. Barba somewhat sarcastically comments on the “terrific graphic work” but asks if any of the events happened in the last 5 years. Benson says no, and he asks if any of the victims are under the age of 23 now, and Rollins says no but…and Barba cuts her off, saying different states have different statutes. He asks if any of these events took place on a field trip or a sports team road trip. Rollins asks Barba if he ever thinks about going off caffeine. He replies that would be a no, and quickly asks why are they here again? Rollins asks if they could let them get a word in…and Benson smirks at him. Benson goes on to say that is it highly unlikely that anyone in the school administration knew about the systemic abuse. He says that is a long way from “beyond a reasonable doubt and asks if they have been to the school. Benson explains they have been less than forthcoming. Rollins adds they got names and yearbooks from a friend of Fin’s who went there on scholarship and is now on the board. Barba comments that Lassiter hanged himself and asks if any of the others are still working. Rollins replies that the previous headmaster and Strepek are both deceased. Mercer, the swim coach is in Thailand. Morton did teach until a few years ago and Benson thinks it is possible his abuse falls within the statute. Barba thinks if he did abuse students he wouldn’t admit it, suggesting they tell Morton that they already know and Morton may try to save himself by turning on Manor Hill. Barba says in schools like this there is an insularity and a culture of secrecy and self preservation, and if they want those fieldstone walls to tumble they will need heavy artillery.
SVU Happy Holidays Message From Kelli & Danny
Here’s a short holiday message from Law & Order SVU’s Kelli Giddish and Danny Pino.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Danny Pino,
Kelli Giddish,
Law and Order SVU
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Dreams Deferred” Episode Information
Here are the details for a new episode of Law & Order SVU, “Dreams Deferred”:
Law & Order SVU “EPISODE NAME” Air Date Wednesday, December 5, 2012 (9 PM ET/8C Wednesday NBC)
When a man goes on a killing rampage through New York, the lead FBI agent (guest star Gedrick) calls upon the SVU to get information from the suspect’s last known contact – a prostitute (guest star Arquette) who had been involved in one of Benson’s (Hargitay) old cases. As the detectives work with her to track down the killer, they find themselves drawn into her world and must fight to save her life. Also starring Ice-T (Detective Odafin Tutuola), Dann Florek (Captain Donald Cragen), Danny Pino (Detective Nick Amaro) and Kelli Giddish (Detective Amanda Rollins.) Also guest starring Gbenga Akinnagbe and P.J. Brown.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Dreams Deferred" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” Recap & Review
Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” was what I call a “bait and switch” episode; it starts as one case and ends with another. I usually don’t like this type of episode as one half of the story always feels unfinished.
The case begins as a standard child abduction – the old “I looked away for a minute and my child was gone” scenario with the standard questioning by detectives. It seemed boilerplate and I lost interest quickly. As the child was finally located and questions were raised about the child’s paternity, I felt again that I was entering familiar territory and was getting ready for the usual “who’s the daddy” type episode. I did have high hopes when it appeared that a Dean at a law school - who also had a judge for a father - was the “baby daddy” and that legal documents for adoption were falsified to help cover up his indiscretion. But, I was quickly disappointed when the story took a turn to murder, and the detectives seemed to lose interest in the illegal adoption and focused on the murder. I was more interested in the detectives tracking down the fraudulent adoption, hoping there would be some other SVU-type scandal with the judge or the dean. Maybe they can bring Scott Bakula back to reprise his role as the sleazy dean and get him for something else so I can have some closure?
There were some scenes that dragged. This was most obvious near the end of the episode in the hospital room where Benson and Amaro paused for a very long time thinking about Gillian’s request to take the fall for her daughter for the murder. And while I am on that subject, it was disappointing that Benson and Amaro let the daughter slide for the murder. No matter how sorry they felt for the family’s situation, the detectives have no right to be judge and jury.
This episode plodded along, and everyone - except the guest cast - seemed to go through the motions. Like me. maybe this episode was too dull to keep their interest?
Here is the recap:
Mariska Hargitay – Detective Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Richard Belzer – Sergeant John Munch
Dann Florek – Captain Don Cragen
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Guest stars:
Tamara Tunie – Dr. Melinda Warner
Scott Bakula – Kent Webster
Jessica Hecht – Gillian Webster
Abby Quinn Jackman – Hannah Webster
Bijou Phillips – Dia Nobile
Luke Kirby – Braydon Leddy
Liza J. Bennett – Josie Leddy
Priscilla Lopez - Judge Suarez
Ami Brabson – Judge Blake
David Pittu – Attorney Linus Tate
John Patrick Driscoll – Allen Clyde
Rosal Colon – Carmen Silva
Laurine Towler - Melissa Braxton
Kelly Kirklyn - Lawyer
Dina Drew Duva – Helicopter Mom
Mackenzie Shivers - Assistant
Josie and Braydon Leddy play with Tessa at the local playground. Braydon takes photos and then asks Tessa is she wants to play as Josie says she is behind on her emails. Braydon quickly becomes distracted, making a phone call, and Tessa walks off. When Braydon returns to Josie he does not have Tessa with him and they quickly realize she is gone.
Later, Benson and Amaro are on the scene along with many police. Benson and Amaro try to get details from Josie and Braydon, Braydon having photos from earlier in the morning. Amaro spots a man in one of the photos looking towards them. Fin and Rollins later show the photos to other parents in the park in an attempt to identify the man. One woman identifies the man as someone who is not a parent and is “on the list” - she takes a picture and calls the precinct when she sees him.
Afterwards, Fin and Benson arrive at the man’s house – Allen Clyde. They press him about the missing girl and he says he didn’t do anything. Rollins reminds him he is a sex offender and was at the playground. He says he works the night shift as a janitor and was cutting through the park. Fin shows him Tessa’s photo and he says he was just trying to help her down, she was scared. He says her mother took her. As Rollins cuffs him he insists Tessa left with her mom. He says her mother had straight blonde hair with a see through dress with a black pattern. As Rollins takes him out, she reminds him he was not supposed to be in that playground.
At SVU with Clyde sleeping at the table in interrogation, Cragen, Benson and Fin discuss him. Fin explains Tessa was not in Clyde’s apartment and they checked the surrounding area. Cragen tells them to wake Clyde up and make him go over his morning and to get every detail on the mother he saw that morning.
In the squad room, Rollins and Amaro watch the video Braydon took of Tessa while he put sunscreen on her. They see a blonde woman carrying the same diaper bag and baby carrier that Tessa’s parent’s had. Rollins leaves to tell Cragen and suggests they get the surveillance video from the area.
At Josie and Braydon’s home, Josie looks at the photos on Benson’s phone and comments that it is Tessa, and then asks who is that woman. Benson explains they are trying to figure that out, they got this from a security camera on Murray Street. Benson asks if she is sure she has never seen her before and Josie says no, she is not one of the moms and wonders why she would do this. Benson tells her that sometimes when a woman takes a baby it is because she has fantasized a relationship with the child, and oftentimes they have watched the family. Josie says she would have noticed her hanging around. Benson asks if her job ever takes her out of town and does she ever leave Tessa there with her husband?
Meanwhile, Amaro is with Braydon who says Josie travels for work, and then asks Amaro what he is saying. Amaro says they just want to find his daughter, Braydon replies he would never bring another woman home. Amaro asks if anyone else has access to his place. Braydon says Tessa’s nanny is with her on weekdays.
Josie says the nanny Carmen Silva, is Guatemalan, but she had been there for 10 years, and she has her address and phone number and copy of her passport.
Elsewhere, Fin and Rollins speak with Carmen. Rollins shows her a photo of the woman and Carmen says she is the one who takes pictures in the park of the babies. For mother’s day, the woman gave her a photo she took of her and Tessa. Rollins sees the web site name “lifemomentsbydia” on the back of the photograph.
At the loft of Dia Nobile, Benson and Amaro are there with police and when the door is not answered, Benson tells the super to open it.

They enter the apartment and find Dia in another room which is decorated for a baby, and she is sitting in a rocker holding Tessa and humming. She asks what they are doing there. When Benson tells her they need to get the baby back to her mom, Dia says it is OK, she is her mom. They see the name Tessa in big letters on the bedroom wall, just as in Tessa’s room at Josie and Braydon’s. Benson and Amaro tries to coax her into giving her Tessa, and imply they will help her. Dia lets Benson hold Tessa, and Amaro quickly arrests Dia despite her protests that this is her baby and she is her mother. She says he has everything in a folder on the dresser proving it. Tessa cries for her mommy as Amaro looks at the file.
Later, at the hospital, Benson tells Josie and Braydon that the doctor says Tessa is fine. When Braydon says they will be taking her home, Amaro tells him they have to clear up a few things. Benson explains that Dia has a bedroom in her loft that is similar to Tessa’s and that the nanny did not let her in. Josie said neither did they. Braydon says the apartment was up for sale last spring. Benson informs them that Dia said she gave birth to Tessa and gave her up for adoption and Amaro says she does have a birth certificate for a baby girl. Benson asks them for a copy of Tessa’s birth certificate, and when the parents hesitate, Amaro asks them if Josie is Tessa’s biological mother. Braydon explains that Tessa was born through a surrogate, and Josie adds it was with Braydon’s sperm. It was a private surrogacy and their lawyer found the birth mother whose name was Erin and she was studying to be a vet. They agreed to pay her college bills and she helped them. Braydon insists they have all the paperwork and all is in order and they can scan the papers.
Back at SVU, the detectives brief Cragen, Benson saying that Dia claims she was tricked into the adoption and that Dia did have a file waiting for them with the birth certificate and termination of her parental rights. Rollins says the hospital confirms that Dia gave birth and no father was listed. It was the same week Tessa was born. Benson reminds them that the Leddys held out on them about the surrogacy. When Cragen asks about the Leddy’s paperwork, Amaro informs them there is a New York City birth certificate for a home birth, the mother listed is Erin Murphy and the father Braydon Leddy. There is a second birth certificate listing Josie as the adoptive mother. They also had the termination paperwork of Erin Murphy’s parental rights. Rollins alerts them to a big red flag: Dia’s adoption papers and the Leddy’s surrogacy agreement were drafted by the same lawyer – Wendell Feeney. Amaro finds one with that name out of Patchogue personal injury lawyer. Benson says with what she saw in Dia’s eyes she feels Dia has a connection with this baby, but Amaro says he saw a whole lot of crazy. Cragen says they found the baby and the kidnappers are in custody and adds they are done. Rollins says it is worth tracking the guy down just to see if he is on the up and up. Cragen agrees for them to have one conversation with the lawyer and then this moves off their plate.
At the law offices of Feeney, Braxton and Goldstein, Benson and Amaro are told by one of the partners that Wendell died a month ago. They ask about the adoption and are told they don’t do family issues but sees Wendell’s signature on the document. She wonders if someone pasted his signature on it. Nobile is also not showing as a client. Benson asks her to check for Josie and Braydon Leddy and they are not listed there either. Amaro asks her to check for Erin Murphy, and says she does have her, but for a slip and fall in supermarket.
Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned” Promo
Here is the promo for Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned” which will air on Wedneseday, November 21, 2012 at 9PM ET on NBC. Elliott Gould, Charles Grodin, and Raúl Esparza guest star.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Lesson’s Learned” can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Lesson’s Learned” can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Law & Order: 20 Seasons Database (Link) has compiled a database/spreadsheet of all the episodes of 20 seasons of Law & Order, including the outcomes of each episode. For all the fans of the Law & Order Mothership, the link to the spreadsheet and analysis is below. Enjoy! - The Law and Order Database: All 20 Seasons
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories. - The Law and Order Database: All 20 Seasons
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law and Order
Georgia Taylor, Paterson Joseph Join Law & Order UK Cast
Georgia Taylor and Paterson Joseph have joined the cast of Law & Order UK. Taylor, who replaces Freema Agyeman, will play Kate Barker, a crown prosecutor who was previously a defense barrister. Paterson Joseph, who replaces Harriet Walter, will be the newly appointed DI Wes Leyton.
Cast members Bradley Walsh, Paul Nicholls, Peter Davison, and Dominic Rowan are all returning to the series.
Series 7 will premiere in 2013 and is scheduled for 8 episodes.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Cast members Bradley Walsh, Paul Nicholls, Peter Davison, and Dominic Rowan are all returning to the series.
Series 7 will premiere in 2013 and is scheduled for 8 episodes.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” Preview Clip
Here is a preview clip from Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” which will air on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 9 PM ET on NBC. The clip features Mariska Hargitay and Danny Pino.
Please note: This footage was provided by NBC for promotional purposes only and will be removed shortly after the episode airs, so catch it while you can!
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Vanity’s Bonfire" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Please note: This footage was provided by NBC for promotional purposes only and will be removed shortly after the episode airs, so catch it while you can!
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Vanity’s Bonfire" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” Advance Photos
Here are advance photos from Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” which will air on Wednesdaay, November 14, 2012 at 9 PM ET on NBC. The photos feature Ice-T, Kelli Giddish, and guest stars Scott Bakula (as Kent Webster), Jessica Hecht (as Gillian Webster), and Abby Jackman (as Hannah Webster).
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Vanity’s Bonfire" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Vanity’s Bonfire" can be found at this link.
Photos by: Michael Parmelee/NBC © NBC Universal, Inc.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Kelli Giddish,
Vanity's Bonfire
Friday, November 9, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned” Advance Photos
Here are advance photos from Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned” which will air on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 at 9PM ET on NBC. The photos feature Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish and guest star Raúl Esparza. (Photos updated November 15, 2012.)
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Lesson’s Learned” can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Lesson’s Learned” can be found at this link.
Photos by: Michael Parmelee/NBC © NBC Universal, Inc.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Richard Belzer On Being Mistaken For A Cop (Video)
Here’s a short video of Richard Belzer speaking about being mistaken for a cop.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law and Order SVU,
Richard Belzer
Mariska Hargitay’s Favorite Thing About Benson (Video)
Mariska Hargitay explains what is her favorite thing about Olivia Benson in this short video.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law and Order SVU,
Mariska Hargitay
Friday, November 2, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned” Episode Information
Here are the details for a new Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned”; Elliot Gould guest stars and Raúl Esparza returns.
Law & Order SVU “Lesson’s Learned” Air Date November 21, 2012 (9 PM ET/8C Wednesday NBC)
A professor’s unusual encounter with Detective Amaro (Danny Pino) sends the SVU on an investigation into reports of sexual abuse at a prestigious private school. Stonewalled by the school board, Detective Benson (Hargitay) enlists ADA Barba (Esparza) and a retired teacher (guest star Elliot Gould) to help reveal a massive cover-up as more and more victims emerge. Also starring Ice –T (Detective Odafin Tutuola) and Kelli Giddish (Detective Amanda Rollins.) Also guest starring Buck Henry and Elizabeth Marvel.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Lesson’s Learned” can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” Episode Information
Here are the details and the promo for a new episode of Law & Order SVU, “Vanity’s Bonfire”:
Law & Order SVU “Vanity’s Bonfire” Air Date November 14, 2012 (9 PM ET/8C Wednesday NBC)
The abduction of a baby from a city playground quickly turns into a custody dispute when the kidnapper (guest star Bijou Phillips) swears she is the child’s biological mother. She also claims the father is a high-powered legal expert (guest star Scott Bakula), sending Detectives Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Amaro (Danny Pino) on an investigation that forever changes the lives of two unsuspecting families. Also starring Ice-T (Detective Odafin Tutuola), Dann Florek (Captain Donald Cragen) and Kelli Giddish (Detective Amanda Rollins.) Also guest starring Tamara Tunie and Jessica Hecht.
My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Vanity’s Bonfire" can be found at this link.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Law & Order SVU On Location Photos October 2012
Here are a few photos of Law & Order SVU filming on location in New York City on October 26, 2012. The photos feature Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, and Raúl Esparza.
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Photos by WireImage
Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.
Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.
Danny Pino,
Law and Order SVU,
Mariska Hargitay,
Raul Esparza
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