The case begins with two drunken high-school girls whose car is impounded. One girl walks off and goes missing, and is later found raped and dead in a dumpster. Upon finding the body, Lupo (Jeremy Sisto) deadpans, “See? We find ‘em,” a reference to a dialog earlier in the show where Green (Jesse L, Martin) indicate to the girl’s parents they will find her, and of course doesn’t indicate they often find them dead. Lupo and Green work to track down the suspects, a drug-addicted prostitute (who came from a rich family), known as “Sugar”/Melinda (Maria Dizzia) and her partner Tito (Pedro Pascal). Lupo uses a fake note to trap Sugar into bringing Tito out, and both are arrested. Later, Lupo’s note would be used to sideline the trial. This was predictable. Even though Cutter (Linus Roache) indicates that the police can use deception, Lupo’s note made it sound more like a threat on Sugar’s life, causing her information on Tito to be considered worthless.
During this whole process, though, I found myself wondering why, since the girl was found raped, that it wasn’t an SVU case. I was even wondering why the detectives were looking for the girl in the first place, seeing that she wasn’t missing all that long. Sometimes how detectives get assigned cases, and which group gets them, seems muddy in the Law & Order universe.
While investigating the case, a potential witness, “Timmy,” surfaces. Timmy, by the way, was played by Scott William Winters, the brother of Dean Winters, who did a stunt on SVU as Detective Brian Cassidy. While questioning Timmy in lockup (he was there for another crime), Rubirosa picks up on a signal from Timmy that he wants Cutter to get lost. Connie tells Cutter to leave, and then when Timmy plays coy, she says, “this isn’t a date, Timmy.” After he asks for special consideration for another crime in order to get him to talk, McCoy (Sam Waterston) gets involved.
As McCoy is talking to the Bronx DA Juan Delgado (Nestor Serrano) in order to get his support, Delgado says “You know Jack, I’m a little surprised you were even able to find your way up here, on that white horse of yours.” Despite the sarcasm, Jack seemingly agrees to fix some parking tickets as a favor to Delgado, in order to get some charges dropped to get information from Timmy. I suppose even Jack has learned he has to do some favors to get his way.
As the case goes to trial, during jury selection, both Connie and Cutter (independent of each other) notice a juror paying close attention to Connie. Neither says anything to the other about it. But later, Cutter asks Connie to do the cross examination of Tito, and while Connie agrees, she really doesn’t seem to have a clue as to the real reason Cutter is having her do it.
Connie later seems weirdly happy about an anonymous email she received, which says, “Amazing performance today. Great legs and smart. You’re the total package.” Connie is smiling and seems almost tickled by the letter, I found it immediately creepy and thought it should have been suspect. But, she’s even happier when Cutter’s response to the letter is a sheepish “I completely agree” and he then adds “Are you ready to cross Melinda?” She responds, “No. You know, uh, Mike, you’ve got great legs too.” It seemed to me like it was a throwback to the Jack McCoy EADA years where he reportedly had relationships with a few of his ADAs. Personally, I think I’d rather keep a relationship with Mike and Connie under wraps. I don’t want the show to become a soap opera.
Still, there doesn’t seem to be a chance for Cutter and Rubirosa in the future, as Connie learns the hard way that everybody can be used to get an edge in a case. When the stalker-juror confronts Connie on the street, and she tells him it’s inappropriate, she confesses the encounter to Cutter. A bit of an argument ensues, under the watchful, somewhat eavesdropping eyes of McCoy. Connie is stunned to learn that Cutter was well aware of the juror’s eye for Connie. When she becomes indignant that Cutter would use her in this way, he calls her on it, saying that she used her sexuality to get Timmy’s cooperation in the jail. Connie clearly didn’t get that she was holding Cutter to a double standard, but Jack settles it all and figuratively slaps Coonie back to reality by saying, “We use what we have.” I guess Connie learned the hard way that not everything seems on the up and up in the DA’s office.
Personally, I believe that what Connie did with Timmy and what Cutter did with the juror were in fact two totally different situations. Yes, Connie may have used herself to get what she needed from Timmy. After all, they too are allowed to use things like deception to get information or to get people to confess. It was her own decision to use herself in that way. But, she did not agree to be used to sway a juror, which to me is a totally different ball game. It would have been OK had the juror not approached her or emailed her, because there would never have been any indication or proof that the juror’s had definite feelings for Connie. But once he approached her – again, I still think the email should have been suspect even before this – all bets should have been off. They should have reported it immediately. So, I’m disappointed in McCoy, Cutter, and even Connie for going along with it.
Seeing Connie look so conflicted during the verdict, I think it’s unlikely that she and Cutter will be doing a Tango – or any dancing - in the near future.
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