
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Law & Order SVU “Marauder” Discussion Topic & Photos

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order SVU “Marauder” which aired on Thursday, May 9, 2024. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!

Update May 10, 2024 - Photos from the episode have been added below!

Photos by; Virginia Sherwood/NBC


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Honestly, this episode was not as bad as some others in this season. Hopefully the season ends on a high note next week because a majority of the episodes this season were not good. I miss Warren Leight and his episodes, honestly!

  3. Where do I begin? Benson taking on another case for her own personal reasons? Spending an episode to help solve a case for a character that isn't a regular and someone that most fans haven't made a connection with? Solving a cold case that someone hasn't been able to solve in years and years but do it in a few days? Benson being the center of attention again? I hope next season they can get to a stable cast, and with characters that are given more screen time that just being window dressing for Olivia Benson.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Am still trying to understand the phone conversation between Benson and Allentown retired officer - how did the polaroids, found in the woods, the perp got married around those years, polaroids are souvenirs, and got scared somebody he loved would find them - how and why ... am I missing something in this connection?

    The polaroids were discarded in the woods? But he got married those years, and now is scared somebody he loved would find them?

  6. Wow. They really splurged and gave us all the cast in this ep! It worked well too. Felt cohesive

    Curry- after my lengthy diatribe last wk, I found her to be so much better in this ep. She's still not giving me "loads of experience" that i would expect from a captain but she was at least believable as a detective. She felt more like an active participant. I don't recall her ever saying this much in the past. She came across as capable.

    Fin was in fine form this ep- his role in moving the story fwd, his quips (like asking her about the Lindbergh baby) and the delivery of the acting.

    Bruno is so malleable. Whomever he is paired with to do fieldwork the energy feels like they've been teamed up forever. There were so many pairing rotations this ep and it felt seamless.

    Sykes- I understand why she wants to leave her sister's case unsolved. I just don't agree. Crystal and the other victims deserved to be found and hv some dignity restored to them- not remain in some unknown shallow grave. And isn't this a hallmark plight of sexual assault and domestic violence survivors- to hv to stay hidden so as not to upset the ppl in their lives? Stay hidden so as not to disrupt the order of things in a home, a workplace, a sports team that is hell-bent on looking the other way because the truth is too much to handle. Stay hidden so the perpetrator does not get caught. Sorry, I can't agree w Sykes here. Whatever Benson's motivations in looking for Crystal and the others- my opinion is it was right to hv found them and to not let their perpetrator hv the last say abt them. I'm glad he had that power taken from him even if it took nearly 30 yrs to do it.

    Idk if I can explain this well but I found Liv problematic in a likeable way in this ep. I hv railed about her a lot over the years but for all the questionable things she did here, it wasn't grating for me. I found myself Team Liv. This said, I draw the line at getting Cal to make a false confession. So much could hv gone wrong for this guy. She lost me for a bit on that one but it wasnt enough to put me off of Liv altogether the way other eps hv. I think back to her monologues in the premiere and I think this ep fulfills those ideas far better than the Maddie arc.

    Benson went off the rails, yes, but in a way that enhanced the storytelling. She was challenged by Fin and Sykes which i appreciated but I also like that she challenged Sykes and was undeterred by the lashing out. I think about that balance of not over-fictionalizing what the justice system is like for survivors (and their perpetrators) and yet giving survivors smthg to root for. To me, this ep lands more on the side of smthg to root for. In a world where so many are vying to be seen and so many more hv given up on that because of what they've been through, the theme of "it matters regardless of how long ago it happened" resonates in this story

    I like that the ep didn't end tied up in a perfect bow. Sykes didn't have to tell Benson she was right. Benson is still holding her ground. Ending on that tension worked. It was a very charged and moving scene. Sykes was so visibly shattered. Again, this is often what happens when someone finds out about the horrendous things that were done to a loved one. Still not enough to validate having to keep that truth a buried secret, having to keep your whole self buried, figuratively or literally, so that someone else doesn't hv to feel overwhelmed w pain. That's just not fair.

  7. It was a very emotional episode one of the best in a very lack luster season. Sorry but i didn't get the fbi profiler not pursuing her sister's case but then Benson always has to come to the rescue.I wish they had let her marry Ed and expand her life SVU has become one of the worst of the franchise.
