
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Law & Order SVU “Blood Out” Discussion Topic

Here is the discussion topic for Law & Order SVU “Blood Out” which aired on Thursday, January 26, 2023. Please feel free to add any feedback you have about this episode in the comments!

Note:   Like always, the promo for the episode was not the same as what actually happened regarding "the kiss."   This  isn't the first time this show has pulled the old "bait and switch". 


  1. Chris, I miss your thoughts on Episodes.

    Also, What is going on with Joe Velasco? Are they writing him out?

    1. Maybe the rich Bronx detective will take his place

  2. Im just not sure about this Benson and Stabler thing. It seems like they are just giving into some of the crazy fans.

  3. There was NO WAY they would have Benson and Stabler kiss so I knew that promo was going to be misleading. But I didn't expect that they would not even show the scene with her hands on his face and leaning in. I don't like those kinds of BS tactics and SVU does this A LOT. A cheap, obvious stunt for viewers.

    Is this story line officially over now? I was getting so confused over all these people and the gang stuff, I started to lose interest. I don't mind a Benson-centered story here and there but they dragged this one out. I don't quite understand the logic of the killing of Duarte, though. Can someone explain this to me why the gang hit on him took place?

    The good aspect of these episodes is Fin got some interesting scenes that added to the story. I don't understand why they hired a Rollins replacement and then she's nowhere to be found in this episode?

    Benson said that Churlish recording the video was a felony, if I understood her right. If that's the case, can Benson do anything with the recording if she hears Velasco doing or saying something wrong? I think Velasco was wrong to give the guy his fix in the earlier scene but how the heck did Velasco get that stuff through security? Something is off about that whole scenario.

  4. When Benson said "night Mike" i knew he was dead, dammit i loved him he was great in the show the 2 of them actually had chemistry. Benson and Stabler do not ugh i hate it what are the fans going on about i don't get it.
    Like an earlier post why did they hire the female replacement for kelli obviously the new guy who won the lottery is the winner he's a great actor and even the african american female could come on board too. There always seemed too few on svu.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree. I thought Duarte was a good match for the show. I liked his style, he didn't play games. She survived her attack but they killed him off the show for some reason. After the attack Oscar papa says they are even. Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I feel someone is always sacrificed for Benson in one way or the other. Either way I'm devastated. I had a feeling of dread when he was in the store. They have killed off some good characters in svu
