
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” Recap & Review

Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” was more about a murder than a rape, but it provided an interesting story for Detective Amanda Rollins which triggered her going back to her gambling ways. It seems Rollins, who lately wants to see the best in people, hitches her wagon to the wrong person, who uses Rollins' SVU background to set up a cover story as a victim to be used later in a murder. Rollins also seems to have blinders on when it comes to Nate, a recovering alcoholic who also is a serial philanderer. Rollins faith in herself takes a big hit when her choices in friends and lovers are revealed in open court, adding to her embarrassment. At least she took Nate's earlier advice to “detach with love the one who drags you down.” Whatever she felt for Nate, she realized she had to detach from him. Kelli Giddish gave her best performance on SVU to date, as Rollins ran through a whole range of emotions, including Rollins’ outrage over what she perceived as a betrayal by Amaro. Hopefully the relationship Rollins had with Nate will stop the “Rollins is a lesbian” speculation, but who knows, it may now trigger “Rollins is bi” speculation.

Also thrown into the mix were a few tidbits about the other key players: Cragen has a lady friend and seems happy, Cassidy is back to being a detective but with the despised Internal Affairs Bureau, and Benson will soon be a Sergeant, having passed her test, finishing #48 out of 8,000. These developments could help spawn more detailed stories throughout the season. The only person who seems to be neglected in the back story category is Fin. While Fin was at Benson’s dinner party sitting next to ME Warner - there has been a spark between them in the past -  we don’t know if they were there as a couple or separately. I think fans of Ice-T would like to see as much attention given to Fin’s back story as there has been to Benson’s, Amaro’s, and Rollins’.

I was surprised when Rollins referenced a Benson and Barba relationship in the same manner as she mentioned Benson and Cassidy.  Did Benson and Barba have an intimate relationship that I missed? While we sometimes saw them sharing a drink or a meal together, they simply appeared to be very good friends.  I never read (or wanted to read) any more into that.

When the episode began, there was a disclaimer which said “This program contains graphic language. Viewer discretion advised.” I think I have been watching too many cable drama series (such as Showtime's "Masters of Sex") which has skewed my language tolerance levels,  because I kept waiting for graphic language which never seemed to arrive. I realize that the language standards are set pretty high for network TV,  and the coveted demographic may have sensitive ears, but no words uttered in that episode should shock anyone over the age of 14 these days. I sometimes find myself wondering what Law & Order SVU – or Law & Order for that matter – would look or sound like if it aired on HBO or Showtime.

There were a few great lines in the episode. ME Warner gets the Lennie Briscoe-style line “He came and then he went.” But I think the best line was Rollins catty remark to Benson, “Oh, I don’t have to pay for someone to listen to my problems.” I also enjoyed Fin’s remark to knock the hat off Nate’s head, as I felt the same way.

It seemed everyone had a beverage in their hand at some point during the episode. I am sure fans of Mariska’s green drink were happy to see it make an appearance.

The burning question is why Barba was trying a murder case. Sometimes I get so confused as to the boundaries for the ADAs. Yes, Lena accused Gene of rape, but she was not being prosecuted for rape, she was prosecuted for first degree murder.

Here is the recap:

Mariska Hargitay – Detective (soon to be Sergeant) Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Dann Florek – Captain Don Cragen
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Raúl Esparza - ADA Rafael Barba

Guest stars:
Tamara Tunie: Dr. Melinda Warner
Dean Winters – Detective Brian Cassidy
Amy Seimetz - Lena Olson
Nia Vardalos - Minonna Efron
Mel Harris - Eileen Switzer
Geoffrey Cantor - Gene Fierstein
Jennifer Restivo - Melissa Blume
Jenna Stern – Judge Elana Barth
Thomas Sadoski - Nate Davis
Tony White – Luther Henderon
Natasha Murray – Rape Nurse
Mimi Ferraro – Brunette
E.J. An – Jury Forewoman
William Rattazzi - Dealer

There is a dinner party at Benson’s and Cassidy’s apartment, with M.E. Warner, Fin, Captain Cragen and his lady friend Eileen, and Amaro. They are all taking about work issues and Benson suggests that maybe they don’t talk shop. There is a pregnant pause and then Cragen compliments the wine that Eileen brought. Benson raises a glass and they all join in.

Meanwhile, Rollins is at a Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and Lena, an alcoholic, recounts her story and mentions her sponsor when she was at NA was Nate, and he is also here.

Back at the dinner party, Cassidy says he and Benson have a little announcement, and says that as of today, Detective Benson will soon be known as Sergeant Benson, she placed number 48 on her exam. Cragen adds that is out of 8,000, saying that is impressive, and “That’s my girl.” Benson announces that as of today, Cassidy will once again be a detective, and Benson somewhat uncomfortably adds it is with IAB, but that he had to start somewhere. There is a quiet pause and Amaro finally says that is great, congratulations to them both.

Elsewhere, at a bar, Rollins is there with Nate, who owns the place, and Lena and Gene, who were at the NA meeting, are also there. They talk over coffee about Lena’s talk. She says it meant a lot when they all came, and, under the table, she has her hand on Gene’s leg.

Afterwards, Rollins and Nate are walking outside and he thanks her for coming, adding it is not one of her core issues. Rollins says it doesn’t mean she can’t learn. Nate moves in and stands close to her and asks, as her sponsor, if she gambled today, and she hasn’t. Nate adds that he also did not, and he also did not drink. Rollins says she thought they decided after the last time that this was a bad idea. Nate nods and says they did. They kiss…and soon they are in Rollins apartment enjoying some foreplay in her bed. But they are interrupted by her apartment door buzzer. She stops everything to answer the door to find Lena standing there, very upset. Lena says Gene took her home and she thinks he had a few drinks, and he raped her.

Minutes later, Lena is sitting down inside and Rollins asks what happened. Lena explains Gene was buzzing her door and had been drinking, she could smell it. He started kissing her and things heated up fast. He made her take off her clothes and get on all fours and crawl to the bed – he’s kinky and it is a release; he calls his fiancée Missionary Melissa. Rollins questions that Gene is engaged, and Lena tells Rollins not to judge him. Lena asks if it would be okay if she smoked, and Rollins says yeah, and asks Lena to just tell her what happened. Lena explains that Gene threw her on the bed and grabbed her hair; he was so rough and he was hurting her. Rollins asks if Lena said no or stop. Lena replies yes, she begged him but he just kept on. She wonders if that is rape; she let him back into her apartment … Rollins questions “back in” and Lena says Gene walked her home earlier, they had sex and it was a quickie in the doorway. Rollins asks if that was consensual – Lena nods – and Rollins asks that the second time it wasn’t. Lena said no, he forced her, he hurt her. Rollins explains that is rape, honey.

Later, Rollins recounts the story to Nate, who is still in her bedroom. She explains she is taking Lena to the ER, and Nate asks “what, right now?” but then catches his tone and asks if Rollins wants him to go with her. She tells him to stay and sleep, and kisses him goodbye, saying she will bring him breakfast,

Rollins waits in the ER and a nurse comes into the waiting room and tells Rollins that they did the rape exam and the doctors gave Lena a sedative, and Rollins can take “her sister” home now. Rollins looks surprised, and questions the “her sister” comment. The nurse replies that’s what she thought she said, maybe she misheard.

Later, Rollins is back at SVU, and Benson comments to Amaro and Fin that unlike the rest of them, Rollins was actually working last night. Fin asks if Rollins caught a case, and Rollins explains it was someone she met in the program, and asks them not to let her know she said that if she comes in. Rollins explains what happened with Lena, adding that the complicating factor is that Lena had consensual sex with him earlier in the night. Benson notes that doesn’t matter, rape is rape. Fin asks what she knows about the guy, and Rollins replies she met him in the rooms; he’s bookish and works as in in-house lawyer for a baby supply chain.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Law & Order SVU Season 15 Promo For Universal Channel UK

Here is a promo for season 15 of Law & Order SVU from Universal Channel  UK.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” Preview Clips

Here are previews from Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” which will air on Wednesday,  November 20, 2013 at 9 PM ET on NBC. The previews feature Mariska Hargitay, Kelli Giddish, Danny Pino, and Ice-T.

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Rapist Anonymous” can be found at this link.

Please note: These video clips were are available for a limited time only and must be removed shortly after the episode originally airs, so please catch them while you can!

This clip added November 19, 2013:

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Law & Order SVU “Military Justice” Recap & Review

“Military Justice” may be close to being an oxymoron, as it appears there really is little justice in the military - at least it looked that way when this case began. With their own set of rules and regulations, it seems that one can get away with almost anything, or be charged with almost anything. It’s also a world where sometimes the victims are treated as the guilty party, depending on which regulations have been violated. That’s not to say that the military is wrong to have regulations that hold their members to a higher standard. If a person in the military can’t follow simple rules of conduct,  it could be difficult to follow the tougher rules in matters of combat, or to follow the orders of a commanding officer. In the case of Amelia Albers, she did make some massive errors in judgment as far as her military conduct, but that certainly doesn't mean that her rape was excusable and could be swept under the rug.

The military policing itself on certain crimes (sexual assault or even murder) doesn’t always make sense, especially when it can be all too easy for the chain of command to sweep the incident under the rug or cover up repeat offenders. It’s no different than religious organizations handling accusations of sexual abuse/misconduct within their own ranks; if one has a stake in the matter, it becomes too easy to make the problem disappear without anyone being held truly accountable. In this episode, clearly one Commander had a lot at stake, and was in the perfect position to cover his tracks.

Overall, I liked this episode. However, for some reason which I can’t quite verbalize, I felt that “Military Justice” was sometimes heavy handed in their demonizing of the military. It may have been that all the detectives seemed to have some chip on their shoulder about the military or it could have been the timing of the episode, which aired only a few days after Veterans Day, a day set aside to honor our military. Having one of the rapists turn out to be a victim himself made it sound like the whole group just can’t go out and drink without raping somebody in their peer group where they the need to dominate or intimidate.

Shiri Appleby was very convincing and did an excellent job in showing the victim’s own shame at her  mistakes in conduct and the trauma of what happened to her. It was an interesting hour of television that included just enough legal drama to keep me interested. I am surprised that the detectives, after being involved in so many Internal Affairs investigations, did not seem to be aware of Garrity Rights. (This includes Amaro’s ex wife, who served in the military and now works for the Pentagon.  Can we trust that she really not know what she was doing by getting that file for Nick?)  This episode raises the visibility of how victims of sexual assaults in the military may be handled by their own chain of command,  and hopefully it will encourage change.

Here is the recap

Mariska Hargitay – Detective Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Dann Florek – Captain Don Cragen
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Raúl Esparza - ADA Rafael Barba

Guest stars
Shiri Appleby – Amelia Albers
Terry Serpico – Commander William Taverts
Laura Benanti – Maria Grazie
John Getz - Admiral Vincent Albers
Will Janowitz - Scott Graver
Aaron Dean Eisenberg -Matthew Wooten
Phillip James Brannon - Zeke Lipitt
Delaney Williams - Counselor John Buchanan
Aida Turturro – Judge Catano
Jolly Abraham – Doctor
Kate Levy – Cynthia Albers
Johnny M. Wu - Officer Mills
Phillip James Brannon – Petty Officer Zeke Lipitt
Joanne Baron – Counselor Diane Schwartz
Kyle Nunn – Coast Guard Officer
Aldo Uribe –Ozzie
Danielle Ferland – Tori
Hector Lincoln – Jesus
Alison Fernandez – Zara Amaro
C.E. Smith – Jury Foreman
Keola Simpson – Male I.O.
Lauren Noble - Carmen

On Officer Mills police car video cam, he is struggling to control a woman in a military uniform who is clearly drunk, as she spouts off her family’s military history, saying he can’t arrest her.

Later, Benson and Amaro are at the 3rd precinct and Office Mills appraises them of the situation, and as he leads them to the cell where the woman – Amelia Albers - is being held. He explains that something happened to her but she won’t say. They enter the cell and see she is bloodied and her clothes are torn. She insists he has to get back to her post, but they try to convince her to go to a hospital. She explains her absence is unauthorized, and says it was her fault, and begs them not to tell anyone in her sector. Benson asks if she was raped, but Amelia does not answer.

Afterwards, at the hospital, the doctor explains Amelia’s extensive injuries and the assault was brutal and likely by more than one person. They had to pump her stomach and they could not give her painkillers at first because her blood alcohol was too high. They speak with Amelia who weakly says she is better – she thinks. She wants to get back to her sector but Amaro explains she can’t as she is technically awaiting arraignment for her DUI. She says she does not know who they were, she drank a lot. She was at officer candidate school for a year and on duty for the past 6 months, she must have lost her tolerance for alcohol. Her and a few others were doing a recruiting show and afterwards she and a few of the guys went to a bar to blow off steam. When Amaro says they will need they names, she says she thinks they all went back so she doesn’t think it will help. She sees she is cuffed to the bed. She recalls dancing with the guys from the kitchen, they were Mexican. She stresses she needs to go, she missed her curfew. Benson asks if she has anyone in the area she can call, and Amelia says her mom lives in Annapolis, but she asks them to tell her mom not to tell her father, he will be so disappointed. Benson emphasizes she did not do anything wrong, but Amelia says she is an ensign, she is supposed to take care of herself.

Back at SVU, they detectives watch the video of Amelia’s arrest, and when Fin states she is a military brat, Amaro says she is military royalty, her father is an admiral in the Coast Guard who works with advanced interdiction teams. Cragen walks in and states that an admirals daughter gets gang raped so One PP wants answers fast. Benson replies they are not going to get them from her. Rollins asks about the guys she came in with, and Benson explains they are back on their base. Amaro says the military and rape – they will not be happy to see them. Cragen replies that is too bad, they are investigating am assault on one of their own, they’ll cooperate.

Cragen. Benson, Amaro and Fin arrive at the base in two separate cars, and Fin announce who they are at the gate. Fin whispers to Rollins that he gets PTSD just sitting there. She asks how long did he serve, and he explains he was Army Ranger, 2 tours, and comments that if she thinks the NYPD has a lot of paperwork…the gate opens and they drive in.

Inside the base, Fin speaks with Officer Lipitt who says he tried to get Amelia’s car keys but she slapped him. He explains where they were. Meanwhile, Amaro speaks with Office Wooten who explains her heavy drinking and her behavior. He tried to get her out of there but she refused, saying when the left she was with the two Mexican cooks. When Amaro asks whatever happened to never leaving a man behind, Wooten says Amelia is not a man and when a woman tells you to go away, you go away. Rollins speaks with Officer Graver who says it was 1AM by the time he got back, and he says Amelia is in enough trouble already. Rollins reminds him she was brutalized and wonders how much trouble can she be in. He says she is in pretty deep with the Commander for missing curfew. Rollins notices Graver’s hands are shaking.

Meanwhile, Cragen and Benson speak with Commander Taverts who says he is sick about this but says Amelia is a train wreck. He explains she is under a lot of pressure and even now it is not easy being a woman on a ship and he has already been cutting her breaks as a courtesy to her father. asks if it is common knowledge that she is the Admiral’s daughter, and Taverts replies “Oh, I’d say so.” He explains he is a legend and a good man, he served under him and has been trying to reach him, adding it will not be an easy conversation. He says it is not just the attack, he will understand what this means for her standing. Benson testily comments that with all due respect, what does her gang rape have to do with her standing. He explains she was publicly intoxicated and was arrested for DUI, she is supposed to be with a buddy at all times and this shows poor judgment on her part.

Later, walking outside with Amaro and Cragen, Benson tells Cragen that she was gang raped, and he called it poor judgment on her part. Cragen tells her easy, it is not their turf. Amaro adds that they don’t want women here in the first place, she gets raped they are going to use it to end her career. They meet up with Rollins and Fin who are waiting and Fin informs them that their buddies threw Amelia under the bus, Rollins adds they claimed they tried to stop her from driving but they are blaming her for being drunk and belligerent. Cragen asks if anybody have them anything useful, and Amaro explains the men said when she left the bar, she was dirty dancing with the cooks, and Benson thinks there may be some truth to that. Cragen replies if there is, it went downhill after that and to find out what happened.

Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” Promo

Here is the promo for Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” which will air on Wednesday,  November 20, 2013 at 9 PM ET on NBC.

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Rapist Anonymous” can be found at this link.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” Advance Photos

Here are advance photos for Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” which will air on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 9 PM ET on NBC. The photos feature Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish, Raúl Esparza, Nia Vardalos (as Counselor Minonna Efro), and Amy Seimetz (as Lena Olson).

Photos by: Giovanni Rufino/NBC © NBC Universal, Inc.

Photos by: Michael Parmelee/NBC © NBC Universal, Inc.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Law & Order SVU “Military Justice” Preview Clips

Here are preview clips from Law & Order SVU, “Military Justice” which will air on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 9 PM ET on NBC.  The previews feature Mariska Hargitay, Kelli Giddish, Raúl Esparza, Dann Florek, and Shiri Appleby.

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Military Justice" can be found at this link.

Please note: These video clips were are available for a limited time only and must be removed shortly after the episode originally airs, so please catch them while you can!

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Law & Order SVU “Dissonant Voices” Recap & Review

Sometimes the SVU squad gets their perp, and sometimes they get it wrong. In “Dissonant Voices", Amanda Rollins is reluctant to make their accusations public until they are certain they are pursuing the right man and her concerns turn out to be valid. Despite having no physical proof tying vocal coach Jackie Walker to accusations of child molestation, they move ahead and charge him, destroying his career. Billy Porter was excellent as Jackie Walker, making the criminal of the week (who turned out not to be a criminal) a very likable personality that I found myself rooting for early on and felt sorry for at the end.

Why didn’t ADA Barba handle the case from the beginning? As Raúl Esparza is part of the first billed cast, why did they feel the need to bring on another ADA? Instead, we were given ADA Pippa Cox, who seemed a little too eager to make a move on Jackie before there was any solid proof. Was it so the stink of how badly the case was handled wouldn’t be on Barba? [Update: Executive Producer Warren Leight advises that when a sex crime involves children, in NY, it is usually handled by CorpCounsel, thru Child Advocacy Center. The protocol is not for the regular DA to handle child cases, so Barba would enter later.]

 Rollins was right to walk away from Barba and the detectives at the end of the episode as they tried to convince themselves that they handled this case correctly. Maybe if Captain Cragen would have been there – and Barba at the onset – this case would have never gotten so far. If they found the boy’s DNA on the “magic egg”, wouldn’t it have been suspicious that Jackie’s prints were not on it, especially if his prints or DNA were on every other item in that storage box (I assume they never checked this)?    And, if he were guilty, why would he have kept something like that in a box in the room that is open to anyone, including the children? Even though we know that Law & Order’s Jack McCoy can indict a ham sandwich, even Jack would tell you that even a ham sandwich has to have some meat in it.

This was a great episode for Kelli Giddish, who gave Rollins the perfect blend of skepticism over the allegations about Jackie, disgust for the teenage girls, and disappointment with the SVU team.  She was the only true dissonant voice in this episode,  consistently sounding her objections with the rest of the team, who seemed content to just "doing their job."

Benson’s session with Dr. Lindstrom was shoe-horned in and I don’t think it added much to the story at hand. I’m also not sure at this point in Benson’s story that I am interested in how she felt as a child or having someone take care of her. I don’t mind having “shrink” segments in an episode as it relates to a case (as in seeing Dr. Huang), but it bores me if it does not. I felt the same way during the final season of Law & Order Criminal Intent with Bobby Goren’s shrink sessions – it felt like wasted time. The other potential time waster was the 5-1/2 minute intro for the American Diva segment.  I resigned myself long ago to accept that many network TV shows are catering more to a much younger demographic who may be more interested in the style over the substance of the story. I would have edited out all the clips of the SVU team as they watched the show, as now I have a lot less respect for them and their TV viewing choices (wink).

Here is the recap:

Mariska Hargitay – Detective Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Dann Florek – Captain Don Cragen
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Raúl Esparza - ADA Rafael Barba

Guest stars:
Billy Porter – Jackie Walker
Kelly Deadmon = Mrs. Allen
Jennifer Roszell – Allison Burns
Jessica Phillips - ADA Pippa Cox
Hana Hayes - Brooke Allen
Kara Hayward - Rachel Burns
Carly Rose Sonenclar - Grace Belsey
Ben Livingston – Dan Kenner
Kevin Collins – Steven Burns
David Pittu - Counselor Linus Tate
Bill Irwin - Dr. Lindstrom
Jake Katzman – Jonah Allen
Ashanti – as herself
Clay Aiken – as himself
Taylor Hicks – as himself
Alex Bento – Cooper Burns
Alison Fernandez – Zara Amaro
Sonia Manzano – Judge Gloria Pepitone
Dawn Yanek – TV reporter
Kimberly Stern = Grace’s mom
Charlie Romanelli – Grace’s dad
Madeline Hoarle – Emma
Isabel Harperleight – Charlotte
Mason Schnieiderman - William

Backstage, Jackie Walker coaches contestant Grace Belsey before she goes on stage for the show “American Diva”. When she gets on stage and she introduces herself, clips of her personal story shows for viewers. Back at SVU, Rollins and Fin watch the show as Grace thanks her vocal coach Jackie Walker and Jackie talks about how he will take her as far as she can go. She begins her performance and she can barely be heard.

Meanwhile, Benson is at home, also watching, talking to Brian on the phone about throwing a housewarming party. Then she tells Brian not to say that, he loves parties. Back to the performance, Grace is signing louder and the audience and the judges engage.

Elsewhere, Amaro is at a diner with his daughter, also watching the show, who asks about how they can get on the show. He tells her it is the same way to get to Carnegie Hall – practice. She tells her father he is weird.

Grace’s performance continues as Rollins sings along back at SVU. Meanwhile, back at the Allen residence, young Jonah is called in by his mother and sister to watch the show. The crowd cheers as Grace finishes her performance. Jackie applauds her backstage. The judges are all very complementary, and when one asks where her voice comes from, she calls out Jackie to come onstage. Jonah sees Jackie on TV and says he does not like him as he makes him play doctor. Jonah runs to his room as his mother and sister look worried and his mother follows him.

Later, in an interview room for children, Jonah tells Benson that Mr. Jackie is a bad man. Benson asks why is that, and he replies he follows him into the bathroom when he has to go. It is just the two of them. As Amaro and Rollins observed, ADA Pippa Cox enters and says Jonah Allen is 4 years old. Amaro says his mother called SVU. They hear Jonah explain to Benson that sometimes Jackie wants to play doctor. Benson asks him if he likes to draw and he nods yes. Benson hands him a piece of paper. Amaro comments to Cox that Jonah’s mother saw his music teacher Jackie Walker on TV and flipped out, and Rollins explains he is the vocal coach on American Diva. Amaro says Jackie kept his day job as a pre-k music teacher at the Margaret Fuller school, which Cox knows as a $50K a year prep school off Park Avenue. Rollins explains his mother and sister brought him here and his parents may be wealthy but they are also separated 3 months ago. Cox comments that the 4 year old suddenly comes forward and it could be that he wants attention or it could be a divorce maneuver. She tells them to get the father down there too.

Later, Amaro and Fin speak with Jonah’s mom while Rollins speaks with Jonah’s sister. His mother said Jonah recently spent the night at his father’s and he wet the bed there which he has not done in two years. Jonah’s father Steve arrives, angry, and says whatever she is saying is a lie, and a huge argument ensues and their daughter also pipes in. The detectives separate them all. Steve tells Fin his wife is lying, she already made a false report to the IRS. Fin tries to calm him. Mrs. Allen thinks Steve is accusing her and Amaro asks why he would do that. She explains that he wanted public school and she wanted Margaret Fuller.

Rollins speaks with their daughter who thinks this is her fault, when Jonah told her she should have told her mom that Mr. Jackie followed her into the bathroom and touched him. Rollins looks stunned and asks when Jonah told her that. She explains a few weeks ago, but Jonah is 4 and he makes things up. Sometimes he says he has another family in California or that he can see through doors. She has known Jackie since she was four, and then thinks she is going to be sick.

Meanwhile, Jonah makes a drawing for Benson where the crotch area on the two figures is highlighted in yellow and he also drew a purple oval which he calls a magic egg that Mr. Jackie uses to tickle him and points to the crotch as to where Jackie tickles him. He tells him to stop but he doesn’t. They play the doctor game in the special bathroom which is special because it has bluebirds and flowers.

Law & Order SVU “Military Justice” Promo

Here is the promo for Law & Order SVU “Military Justice” which will air on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 9 PM ET on NBC.

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Military Justice" can be found at this link.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Law & Order SVU “Military Justice” Advance Photos

Here are advance photos for Law & Order SVU “Military Justice” which will air on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 9 PM ET on NBC. The photos feature Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish, Ice-T, and guest stars Shiri Appleby (as Amelia Albers), John Getz (as Admiral Vincent Albers), and Aldo Uribe (as Ozzie).

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Military Justice" can be found at this link.

Photos by: Michael Parmelee/NBC © NBC Universal, Inc.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” Episode Information

Here are the details for a new episode of Law & Order SVU, “Rapist Anonymous”.

Law & Order SVU “Rapist Anonymous” Air Date November 20, 2013 (9 PM ET/8C Wednesday NBC)


Detective Amanda Rollins (Giddish) helps her friend Lena Olson (Amy Seimetz) press charges against her lover when she accuses him of rape. But Lena’s history with the suspect and her proclivity for rough sex makes the he-said she-said investigation too difficult to pursue. When the case escalates to murder, a dangerous love triangle is discovered and Rollins is forced to confess her private life on the stand. Also starring Mariska Hargitay (Detective Olivia Benson), Ice-T (Detective Odafin Tutuola), Dann Florek (Captain Donald Cragen), Danny Pino (Detective Nick Amaro) and Raúl Esparza (ADA Rafael Barba). Also guest starring Dean Winters (Brian Cassidy), Tamara Tunie (M.E. Melinda Warner), Thomas Sadoski (Nate Davis), Nia Vardalos (Minonna Efron), Jennifer Restivo (Melissa Blume), Geoffrey Cantor (Gene Fierstein) and Mel Harris (Eileen Switzer).

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU "Rapist Anonymous” can be found at this link.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.