Law & Order LA “Reseda” was an excellent episode that had a little bit of everything – robbery, explosions, friction in the DA’s office, and commentary about the “three strikes” law. It's also the first time that I felt the feel of the city. I can't quite put my finger on exactly why, but I think the scene with the expansive view of the city skyline from ground view, and also having what seemed like more scenes on location and less in offices had something to do with it.
Morales (Alfred Molina) and TJ (Corey Stoll) are working together very comfortably, almost as if they have been partners for years. The writers are doing a fine job in making the banter between these two appear natural, with just the right amount of humor. Alfred Molina, in my opinion, can do no wrong no matter what role he's in, and I already enjoyed Corey Stoll on this show from day one. Having these two as work partners is a perfect pairing for me.
Dekker (Terrence Howard) and Rubirosa (Alana De La Garza) also appear to be developing good chemistry. With each episode, Dekker's personality is becoming more layered and along with it, Terrence Howard's performance. The only weak link may be DA Jerry Hardin (Peter Coyote) who seems to be the stereotypical cookie-cutter DA. Still, the episode delivered some interesting drama between Hardin and Dekker at the end. When Hardin implies that Dekker may be on a road to destroy his career, Dekker makes the counterpoint that Hardin himself has compromised his values. It's the usual struggle between DA and their ADAs/DDAs that we've seen before, but in this case it helped spell out what kind of DDA that Dekker will be.
Here is the recap:
In a bank, a teller hands a stack of cash to a man wearing a hoodie who shoves it into a bag. When Martin, the security guard, stops the man, the teller says the man is OK. But the man runs out, and when Martin makes a move for his gun, the teller tries to stop him. Martin runs outside but the man is nowhere in sight. Martin heads back into the bank, and the teller admits that the robbers have her baby.
Later, the teller explains the situation to Detective Ricardo Morales (Alfred Molina). She called her son’s cell phone and he did not answer. The last time she saw him was yesterday afternoon, he stayed with his dad who dropped him off at the bus stop in the morning. Her son Tony texted her from the bus stop to see if he could have a friend come over. Detective “TJ” Jaruszalski (Corey Stoll) shows Morales the security cam photo which is not much help. Morales shows TJ the photo that the teller received and TJ comments that is appears to be printed on cheap paper. They decide to check copy stories in the area where the boy was last seen and the bank. Morales promises her that they will find him.
The detectives locate the copy store where the bank robber had likely been to use a computer. TJ finds a photo on the computer of the boy that appears to have been Photoshopped.
At Iredia Hills Elementary School, they find Tony (Brady Hender) at school, safe and sound. Some guy took his picture at the bus stop. The guy was not wearing a hoodie and was riding a mountain bike, red with black stripes. His mother, who has arrived at the school, is happy to see her son.
Back at RHD, TJ talks about his own experience working in a band. Watching security camera video, they see a man on a bike swerve to avoid a car and hit another one. The bike was too damaged for a person to ride home. They think he lives in the neighborhood and walked, or he had an accomplice, or, seeing a bus, he used public transportation.
At MTA Warehouse, they speak with a woman who takes them to the lost and found, as they had a lead the bike was left on the bus. They find the bike and confiscate it.
Back at RHD, they hear that the prints from the bike belonged to Stanley Vaughn, 40, white, with a record, one offense getting him two years for involuntary manslaughter. Morales is shocked he got out in two years after a second strike. His last known address is in Reseda.
The detectives arrive at the location with backup. No one is answering the door and a neighbor (Sally Kellerman) come across the street to warn them that the door costs money. She says she owns the house, Stanley is not home in the daytime. She unlocks the door for them, They enter and find the house completely empty, and the woman says the place was floor to ceiling junk. She comments the place stunk from what he was cooking on the stove. Stanley commented to her that soon money wouldn’t be worth anything. Morales sees dates and numbers on the wall, Stanley was tracking gold prices. Suddenly they hear a loud explosion in the back yard. Officer Briar (Casey Pieretti) is now laying on the ground, his leg blown off. He had been kicking at the ground and something went off.
Later, with the bomb squad on the scene, TJ tells Morales that Officer Briar will make it. The bomb squad Sgt. Fordes (Chance Kelly) tells them the stuff in the back yard was PETN, used in IEDs in Iraq. Stanley was probably cooking it in the kitchen and it was inert until he kicked it. Most of the components can be bought at a hardware store, but he had to use a plasticizer to keep it stable, and that is harder to get.
The detectives check out Petro-Chem Supply, they speak with Mr. Gill about the plasticizer. They show him Stanley’s photo and he admits Stanley bought 6 ounces of a harmless plasticizer. He paid in cash but gave him references and said he was a gold collector who did business all over town. He got the number of his broker.
At the Gold Ore LLC, they speak with the owner. Manny, who keeps all his transaction records in his head. He identifies Stanley from the photo. He bought a gold coin off him and he follows gold prices. He was last in on Monday. Afterwards, Morales is suspicious that the owner doesn’t track gold transaction in detail like others do, and his security camera is not connected. They think he is laundering money. They get a call on their radio, another robbery is in progress.
They get to that bank and find a similar MO – another picture of a kid photoshopped to look like a faked kidnapping. Stanley got away on foot.
The detectives, along with DDA Connie Rubirosa (Alana De La Garza) head back to the owner of Gold Ore LLC and after she threatens him with charges, he agrees to let them run a sting operation in his store.
Later, Morales is working in the store, pretending to be the owner’s nephew. Manny says that Morales is “as dumb as a box of hammers.” Meanwhile TJ watches from a surveillance set up. A girl comes in and asks for Manny. She says her name is Emily (Michele Nordin)and Stanley sent her there to buy coins. He says he is out of double eagles but will have more tomorrow. Morales and TJ quickly follow her out the door and with guns drawn, tell her to drop the backpack. It is filled with cash.
At RHD in interrogation, she swears she did not know the money came from a robbery. She denies any involvement. In the observation room, Rubirosa comments to Morales that Emily has a previous record for robbery. Rubirosa enters the room, and she lays out that Emily is an accomplice and can get life. She says she can get a reduced charge or suspended sentence if Emily helps them.
Later, Morales and TJ, along with police backup, arrive at the house where Stanley is staying. They spread out to search for him. TJ carefully enters a room. He looks around, but then hears a beep and notices a light flashing. The bomb sniffing dog barks, and the bomb squad Sgt. Fordes tells TJ not to move until they can disarm whatever is there. Sgt. Fordes orders everyone out by Morales says he will stay with his partner. TJ tells him he bets the DA's office is looking pretty good right now. Morales nods yes.
As the police and bomb squad move their vehicles back. Morales and TJ hear that the suspect is in the area, and Morales says to let him through. Stanley (Andrew Rothenberg) arrives on a bike and enters the house, calling for Emily. Morales puts a gun on him and tells him not to move, and then hauls him over to the room where TJ is standing and orders Stanley to get TJ out. Stanley tells him to leave the room and only step on the decals. TJ carefully steps out of the room. TJ then arrests Stanley.
In court, the charges against Stanley are read. He pleads not guilty, and Rubirosa asks for remand, adding that Stanley refuses to help police disarm the explosives. The judge sets bail at $1 million.
Afterwards, Rubirosa tells the detectives without the house, they are light on evidence to sustain 4 counts. The bomb squad won’t let them into the house to search for the plasticizer.
Later, Rubirosa speaks with Emily, who claims she knows nothing about the booby traps. She says she thought he was an inventor. She said Stanley understood what it was like for her to be in jail, as he got a light sentence the last time. Her attorney, Miss Finley, says she has documentation showing Emily is completely rehabilitated. Emily says she does not know where the gold or the chemicals used to make the explosives are.
Afterwards, DDA Joe Dekker (Terrence Howard) enters the room and asks how it went with her mom, who is now undergoing speech therapy from a stroke. Dekker says she is lucky to have her there. Rubirosa talks about Stanley’s case 8 years ago where he took a plea on a manslaughter charge 6 years ago. He got 2 years for a second offense and it was Dekker’s case. Stanley claimed that he was held up at knife point at a bar and his lawyer claimed reasonable response. The eyewitness and forensics were contradictory. Dekker comments she may not be aware of the California three strikes law, but Rubirosa says she passed the bar first in California. He says she is talking theory and he is talking reality – a second strike conviction means double the standards and a third means 25 to life. When he gets testy she says she wasn’t second guessing him, but he says she was – and she was right to do so. Dekker gets a phone call and seems shocked at what he is hearing.
Later. With Morales, TJ and Rubirosa, Sgt. Fordes says the area has been declared a state of emergency but Rubirosa reminds him of the warrant. He tells her they are going to do a controlled burn so they don’t risk an explosion. The sergeant refuses to relent.
Meanwhile, a reporter presses DA Jerry Hardin (Peter Coyote) and accuses his office of negligence saying that Stanley got out of jail because he did not prosecute him to the fullest when they had the chance. He says they will have to get back to her.
In the office, while Dekker and Rubirosa watches the house burn on TV, Hardin enters Hardin barks at Dekker to stay tuned, it gets better for him. He laces into him about Stanley’s light sentence. Dekker explains why he did it and when Hardin continues to spout off, Dekker reminds him that he signed off on it. Hardin shouts then that makes him a fool for taking his advice. He seems to calm and then asks how many counts they have on Stanley and then tells them to make them stick, he wants Stanley put away for good this time.
In Superior Court at the preliminary hearing, defense attorney Mr. Limpett (Matt Malloy) and Dekker argue about the lack of evidence, Dekker saying that Stanley should not profit because they had to burn the house. Dekker says they do have Stanley’s fingerprints on the bike used in the first robbery and they will find gold traces in the ashes of his house. The judge agrees and the charges are dismissed.
Back to the DA’s office, Hardin, Dekker, and Rubirosa discuss what they have. Dekker wants them to find something that will give Stanley three strikes. They argue about the spirit of the law. Dekker thinks Hardin wants Stanley now because of what they didn’t do 6 years ago. Hardin says they only people they should be worried about are the victims of Stanley Vaughn’s crimes and to get him the third strike. After Hardin storms out, Dekker says he needs to take a walk.
Later, Dekker is at the hospital watching Officer Briar into a chair, part of his leg missing. He returns to the office and when Rubirosa tells him she reviewed the evidence and she doesn’t see another charge, he tells her to count the pins at the bank if she has to, they are giving Hardin what he wants.
The detectives, along with Rubirosa, speak again with Emily and find that the bike Stanley used was stolen, she helped him steal it.
Later, Rubirosa and Dekker watch Limpett on TV complaining about the new charges against Stanley and they are using it as the third strike. Hardin is pleased.
At the preliminary hearing in Superior Court, Emily is testifying about how Stanley stole the bike. She adds how she thought she and Stanley could have a good life together and make a family. The judge adjourns the hearing until the next day. As they take Stanley away he looks at Emily and she looks back at him. Dekker tells her what Stanley did was not love. As they walk out, the San Bernardino Sherriff’s office arrests Emily for grand larceny for the stolen bike.
At the office of San Bernardino DA Walter Exley (Chris Ellis), Dekker an Rubirosa, they discuss both cases and Exley says the can also put Emily away for life, it will be her third strike. He says Jerry Hardin is not the only DA who is tough on crime. Dekker says Exley can make his point without applying the third strike. Exley says he is not playing politics, he is sending a law enforcement message. As they leave, Rubirosa tells Dekker this is wrong.
Back in Dekker’s office, Dekker discusses the problem with Hardin who says there is nothing they can do. Dekker says they can withdraw the charge against Stanley for the bike. They still have the bank robbery count. He reminds her that Emily is the reason they have the third strike count and it is worth it to drop it, but Hardin asks – worth it for whom – and brings up Officer Briar and his family. He said Emily played in the dirt and she got dirty. But Dekker says Hardin is now in the dirt, adding he thought Morales was too thin skinned but maybe he got it right. Hardin says before Dekker does something rash, he reminds him what Dekker said when he took the job – he wanted to work for change from the inside. If he quits, he is an outsider an ineffective.
Dekker and Rubirosa is with Emily and her attorney in the jail meeting room and they apologize for what has happened.
Back in court, Limpett argues about the bike charge and Emily’s credibility, saying they are trying to bootstrap a third strike. Dekker pauses before he responds, then calls Jerry Hardin to the stand. Hardin, waiting in the back of the room, pauses and then approaches, given Dekker a look.
On the stand, Hardin explains his decision and says he was guided by the law and the facts of the case. He said it not for political gain, he does what is right, not what is popular. Dekker brings up the second strike charge that Dekker says was done based on public reaction, and that Hardin was using the case to correct that. Hardin is slow to answer, but admits maybe that is the case. He admits that this is not justices. When Hardin leave the stand, he tells Dekker he made his point and to withdraw the charges. Dekker does so, and the judge rules they do have sufficient evidence on the robbery and they can proceed to trial.
Back in Exley’s office, Dekker and Rubirosa talk about Emily’s statement and as at the time they had no intention to prosecute her, he had not been properly mirandized and she did not have a lawyer present at the time. That makes her statement inadmissible. Dekker feigns an apology to Exley.
Back the office, Hardin tells Dekker he’d better hope he never gets a ticket in San Bernardino. Dekker comments he wanted Stanley in for life, but 15 years is still something. Hardin says by the time he gets out, it will be another DA’s problem and to hope whoever it is, is up to the task. Dekker looks at him with an air of self confidence and says he will be. As they walk out of the office. We fade to black.
All Text Content (Recaps, Review, Commentary) © unless otherwise noted
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Since this is the most recent thread to open, I thought I'd note since last here, I'm now a moderator on the Too Smart To Fail message Board (where I post as Walt Gekko), where I posted a view asking if this season of "Criminal Intent" would even have happened were it not for the cancellation of the original series, and a thought we might see the original series return in 2012-'13 should the LA version falter (and even if it doesn't) since at that time, the deal for repeats with TNT will have expired (it does in August 2012) and NBC would be able to air "repurposed" episodes of the mothership on USA Network and it's other owned outlets at that time (as I now think the cancellation specifically came from NBC being unable to "repurpose" episodes of the original series on USA and other outlets). You can see the complete view at:
NBC itself has nothing to do with what goes on at USA. That's a misconception. NBCU owns NBC and USA, that's where the power control comes in. So NBC can't control the fate of CI, whereas NBCU can. And it's been said quite often that CI was brought back for one more season FOR the fans. USA could've been heartless and said to Wolf that the ratings were terrible, and we can't afford to bring it back for another season, which would be in all fairness, reasonable. But USA at least realizes how much they owe it to Wolf to do this, they allowed him one more season. To no surprise, the show jumped right back up, and there's a chance we could get another season. However, I am afraid that the mothership is dead. USA Network has a lot going on these days for their network, they won't have room to bring back the mothership or air repeats. They're trying to bring in more scripted shows, they have seven they're looking at now, trying to bring in half hour comedies by '13, and even trying to get in a daily talk show too. As much as I like the notion, it's just not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteBack on topic - I thought this was an excellent episode. I enjoyed every second of it. As for Peter, I actually liked him in this episode more than the others. However, it feels as if he's kinda depicted as the "bad guy" more times than not over the whole "cookie cutter" D.A's. Alfred and Corey have great chemistry, I'm enjoying them more than I enjoyed Corey and Skeet.
You misread my post:
ReplyDeleteI was thinking of NBC having the mothership return for the 2012-'13 season, which would be AFTER the deal with TNT for repeats expires and NBC-Universal would be able to have new episodes air on NBC and then immediately repeat ("repurpose") them on ANY of NBCU's outlets, including most notably USA Network. At that point, NBC and NBC-Universal would no longer be bound by the deal with TNT concerning repeats and would be able to have original series episodes repeat on whatever outlet is so desired as is done with "SVU" and the LA version while first airing such episodes on NBC.
The episodes have been getting better and better each week....But I'm afraid with the ratings so low, LOLA will be canceled. I wish they'd give it another year to find it's audience.
ReplyDeleteActually these episodes are getting worse and worse. I cant bear to watch them anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe critics agree.
The ratings agree.
Only Mothership fans and paid lobbyists dont. They think its wonderful.But there is obvious discrepency between what is said on sites and what exists in reality.
week 1 : 1.5 key demo/ 6.1 million
week 2 : 1.1 key demo/ 5.1 million
week 3 : 1.3 key demo/ 5.7million
week 4 : 1.4 key demo/ 4.8 million
This week on cable, LOCI equalled LOLA in key demo and beat it in total numbers.Good for LOCI, not for LOLA.
Sad. Alot of people loved this show in the autumn, and now they dont.
Janet, I disagree. I think the critics are praising the show MORE since its return. The key demographic has been rising and while the increase is small, it may indicate the show is getting a little momentum.
ReplyDeleteThe show also aired on Wednesdays, not Mondays, last fall and has SVU as a lead in. Monday is a bad night for NBC and LOLA has awful lead ins.
Molina is getting fantastic reviews and in my opinion, Stoll is also a draw. The ladies also love Terrence and he has quite a following. This show needs a better time slot and some better promoting by NBC.
One can't compare LOCI to LOLA for ratings. Imagine what the ratings for LOLA would be if, for example, Sam Waterston made an appearance or Chris Meloni made an appearance? VDO and KE's return was HUGE for CI fans and they knew they had to watch if they had ANY hope of saving the show or getting even more episodes. LOLA needs to get more buzz and the viewers will come.
What is wrong with MOthership fans liking LOLA? Nothing, I say. I don't think that the positive comments are from paid lobbyists, either. Just because you seem to have major issues with the fact that this show exists doesn't mean that there aren't real fans out there.
To add to xfool's comments(which I totally agree with), I love how you say the episodes are getting worse, but you say nothing about the episodes. And I also love how you conveniently leave out the other variables that xfool brought up about the ratings, and think that the ratings situation is all black and white. And you have NO PROOF that any lobbyists were "paid off" to praise the show.
ReplyDeleteWe get it, people like you, Michael, & cbsplaysdirty are mad that skeet ulrich is no longer on the show, but whining & hiding behind these transparent arguements aren't going to magically bring him back.
I agree with Jane. The show seems forced and the teaming of Molina and Stoll isn't natural. The previous history of Morales as ADA makes the entire dynamic awkward and unbelievable. Stoll used to pop on screen, now he is in a shadow and he is a fantastic actor being overshadowed. The whole chemistry of the show was upset. I stopped watching after the Bell episode...REFUSED to watch anything with a Kardashian........and have lost interest. A lot of other viewers must agree with me according to the ratings.
ReplyDeleteI have never been a fan of Skeet. You obviously dont know anything Ive written on this show from its previous incarnation.I wrote alot and I loved the show.I dont think Molinas works as an American cop.
ReplyDeleteVery few people here were actually interested in this show before Christmas.They were interested on other sites.This is a Law and Order stronghold and this show is now Mothership Mark 2 with Mothership Season 20 ratings.
Previously LOLA was broadcast in the most competitive season, the Fall. thats when all the networks show their best works...and the ratings were consistently good then, but not now.
You can rationalise all you want if it makes you feel better, it doesnt change the facts.
And actually Im beginning to wonder if Wolf changed things because he wanted the show to fail so that he could put in another bid to bring back Mothership...
ReplyDeleteIf the mothership comes back, it won't be until the 2012-'13 season for reasons already noted upthread.
If that actually did happen, I can see where Kathryn Erbe takes Eames over to the 2-7 and becomes the new LT., which I think is actually what would have happened if the mothership had not been cancelled after last season.
ReplyDeleteAn American cop? Is that what this is coming down to, being good enough to be an AMERICAN Cop? Seriously, you guys have a skewed perception of what a cop REALLY IS?
The most competitive seasons fall on November, February, and May. Because they are a part of sweeps. And they are not reruns. November falls between fall and winter. You think just because nobody here talked about the show, that means it was popular "where it mattered", that makes NO SENSE.
The only thing you've done is given a skewed perception of what you THINK the facts are. When in reality, your upset because the show is not what you want it to be, regardless of quality.
@cbs again, your looking at the ratings with a black and white perception.
ReplyDeleteAlso Corey Stoll is doing fine.
Are you waiting here in the early hours of the morning for me, NYGMA619 ?Im honoured.
ReplyDeleteIf Wolf thought the fall ratings were bad enough to retool a show he is certainly going to think the retooled ratings are awful.
Those are the numbers. let them speak for themselves.
In court you always know when a side is afraid of losing when they resort to discrediting the witnesses.
ReplyDeleteIt would help if the said witness had any "credibility" to their claims.
ReplyDeleteAlso you don't seem to have any problems talking at these hours in the morning either.
Wolf retooled the show because of things going on behind the scenes. Not because of the ratings.
"Those are the numbers. let them speak for themselves."
In other words you have no argument, and your seeing things in black and white.
1)This show has now become Mothership Mark 2 for Mothership fans.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Greenblatt realised that what he was getting when he agreed to the hiatus or did the wiley wolf con him? Anyway thats what it is now. Practically all semblance to LA has gone, replacing the warm sunny colours of LA with the drab blue/grey colours of northern cities like New York. They neednt bother with place naming the episodes because the place is irrelevant..this show is no longer about LA...its about Mothership.
Before Christmas Balcer was steering a balance between LOCI visuals and Mothership formula. It had a young feel about it with musical tracts and detailed sets. There was a healthy sense of irony especially with Skeet and TJ. That was fun. The characters were tentatively finding their place, and the audience was finding the show. It was the highest rated new drama on NBC.Its lowest recorded rating was 1.7 key demo and 6.8million total viewers....but it averaged in at 2.5 key demo. NBC was happy.
Then something happened NOT to do with its success rate. Suddenly it ceased to look like a new show and started to look more like Mothership. Molinas disappeared for obvious reasons and then it went on hiatus. When it came back it was not the same show. The sets had lost all their detail and the music was gone. The young Skeet went and the middle aged Morales took his place. A Mothership ADA was added , mothership music was added and mothership place cards were put in.
2)All the depth and nuance and sensitivity has gone. Splat! Now its Mothership and its gone from being a balanced unity into being an unbalanced homily. The heavy formula crushes creativity and the characters have become the usual stereotypes...which is that all gold dealers are Jews, that all cops chew gum, that all ADAs are runway models who look nice for the middle aged men who might be watching with their middle aged wives (whoops...that was nasty. I apologise. But there is truth in nastiness too)... and all male police pairs ape the slightly patronising father/ son stereotype. TJ doesn’t need a father ...he used to be an equal. He is grown up. Besides its all been done so many times before. Its all standard stuff...except for Hardin, the DA who is definitely atypical and not a stereotype...which is why Mothership fans dont like him and i do. However im not going to wade through the dross of an episode for a few minutes cameo performance.
ReplyDeleteThe only characters who have escaped this horrible remodelling are Rachel ticoten and peter Coyote...but Im sure in the end they will suffer the same fate.
So its all now about heavy morality and legal technical quibbles...just like mothership. Its become pedantic and parochial, one dimensional as we plod along from a to z Fireworks and explosions are special effects excitement to make up for its inherent lack lustre. Its become middle aged debate in an arm chair, like Mothership.
3)Now the ratings are awful. People say move it here, move it there...just as they did for mothership but it makes no difference. Where ever they moved that it was still a bubble show. And the fact is, even with the Obama Osama announcement on Sunday night LOCI still managed to equal and beat LOLAs Monday numbers. LOLA is now always last in its slot, even against all repeats. Everything beats LOLA!
ReplyDeleteNBC ended Mothership last year because of its ratings. Why would they want another Mothership Mock Up out of LOLA...because thats what they have.Did Balcer and Wolf both want this?It looks like creative suicide to me....and obviously to the others who have ceased to watch.
I watched and supported LOLA from the beginning. Im part of the audience that Wolf has betrayed. Like them I didn’t sign on to watch Mothership. I signed on to watch LOLA, a different show. He has disregarded the audience that actually watched it in the first place.
Its his prerogative to make this show like Mothership because its his show, but he has done it dishonestly, by the back door. He should have come out and said straight what he was doing and why.Its not just me...alot of people think the same and are saying it.
Anyway this is my anger and im expressing it, perhaps a trifle rhetorically. And I dont mind being attacked here by rebuttals or bullied by a gang mentality. Im going to stand up for my right to protest and proclaim these truths.
LOLA is now Mothership Mark 2 with mothership ratings...worse than Mothership ratings actually!
Janet, you said "Im {sic]going to stand up for my right to protest and proclaim these truths." You mean - these are truths as YOU see them - meaning they are just your opinions.
ReplyDeleteFor someone who doesn't like the show, why are you even watching? And if you are complaining about the show and NOT watching, you're probably bitter about something that we will never figure out. Either way, you're coming across as a troll whose only desire is to take digs at the show. Seriously, you need to get over it.
So your upset because the show after being revamped doesn't feel "younger"? That's a pretty shallow argument. This isn't Jersey Shore. The music openings sucked, Coyote is just coming across as a little wooden. Not to mention Rex Winters was still bland, and was not inherently interesting.
ReplyDeleteAnd highest rated drama? SVU was still beating it.
Janethyland -- you rock. Well said, well expressed and just reading your post was cathartic enough for me to release my frustration with the REBOOT.
ReplyDeleteThankyou. I take a bow! need to read more carefully. I said "highest rated NEW drama", whicch LOLA was and now isnt.
Anywaqy I have the last Wallander novel to read now.It will occupy my time better than a LOLA epsiode.Mankell is a great crime writer.
Is Reseda meant to be a mexican enclave then? I got no sense of that from the episode. We could have been anywhere.
ReplyDeleteHighest rated NEW drama, or just on NBC, if the later; that's not setting the bar terribly high.
ReplyDeleteThose who don't like Alfred Molina on this show underestimate how versatile he is an actor. He played a brilliant comic role in Julie Taymor's somewhat misjudged film of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" (had good elements, but they didn't cohere into a beautiful whole) and while the move from lawyer to cop seems a bit absurd on paper, he handled the transition remarkably well. Even sillier things have happened on other shows.
ReplyDeleteAlso please quit the flaming, people! If you don't like the show, please either stop repeating posts forcing the same shallow, bitter arguments (not 'truths') down our throats or offer constructive criticism as to how the show could be improved (Don't suggest bringing back Skeet either. His character is dead! Stop fantasising!). Janet, in particular, if you could be a little less arrogant and self-righteous then I might actually listen to you. And by the way, any intended irony doesn't communicate well in comments.
ReplyDeleteI've never been a big fan of Alfred Molina and I thought that on paper the retooling of the show looked like a terrible idea (I'm a former cop and D.A., now a law professor and I had trouble buying Morales' career change), but as the previous commenter said he's handled it very well and the chemistry with Molina and Corey Stoll is just as good as it was between Stoll and Skeet Ulrich. We also have the opportunity to see the interaction between the Decker and Morales characters and I always wondered what each thought of the other's style. The show is, in my opinion, decidely better for the retooling but I think the quality of the scriptwriting and the plots are substantially better than they were earlier in the season. "Reseda" has turned out to be the best episode yet.
ReplyDeleteJust to show that SVU isn't the only one on the L&O Brand who gets the "Order" side wrong today.
ReplyDeleteSomeone at TV Fanatic posted that the 3 strikes rule & it's portrayal in this episode wasn't completely accurate:
"This episode was so full of it, it was disturbing to watch. I have been a prosecutor/DDA in LA County for 23 years. Drugs, stolen bicycles don't qualify as a strike. I can't believe how bad the shows consultants are. Don't they research what is and isn't a strike? No wonder people think we send people to prison for life for a slice of Pizza, they watch this junk and start to believe it. The show needs to hire real prosecutors from LA County as consultants. There was so much misinformation about the law on the show that it was pathetic. Oh and in LA County Steve Cooley is the one who doesn't want to apply the three strikes law to repeat offenders because he likes campaign contributions from defense attorneys. However, the hardworking line deputies would love to put those people away and keep our streets clean. Law & Order LA couldn't get that right either!"
However I don't agree with his second point, that one was more based on the characters of Hardin & Dekkar, not on attorney's in LA in general.
I looked up some info on the 3 strikes rule & apparently it only applies to violent crimes:
"Violent offenses include murder, robbery of a residence in which a deadly or dangerous weapon is used, rape and other sex offenses; serious offenses include the same offenses defined as violent offenses, but also include other crimes such as burglary of a residence and assault with intent to commit a robbery or murder."
Apparently the line about stealing a pizza as a strike might of been off. Though I don't remember if that bicycle offense was commited in someones residence.
Exactly, the NBC drama bar is the lowest of all the networks, and LOLA is low even compared to that.
ReplyDeleteThose making adverse comments now about the retooling are no different from all those who made adverse comments about the original LOLA.Its just that its a Mothership show now for mothership fans.
LOCI is doing very well though.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised if other shows on other major networks, "got it wrong", as well; from time to time. In fact, they most likely have.