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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Law & Order Organized Crime “Forget It Jake; It’s Chinatown” Recap, Review, Discussion

The season 1 finale of Law & Order Organized Crime, “Forget It Jake; It’s Chinatown”  ended with a bang.  It was an action packed  episode that made the hour move very fast. The thing I liked about this series were the frequent  twists, turns,  and surprises. Just when I think I  have it all figured out, it doesn’t go as I expected.  The series provided a good balance of action, suspense, and interesting characters. They started with a great foundation and I’m looking forward to how (or if) they build on it next season

Even though they were taking great pains to protect Angela, I assumed someone would eventually get to her.  I also suspected that someone on Bell’s team would be working against Bell, but I pegged the somewhat brainless Freddie Washburn to be the guy. I completely forgot that Morales had an issue with his sister and needed money– I can’t recall exactly what was the problem, but I assume it was medical. (If I get the details I’ll update this.)  I suppose if I’d been paying closer attention, seeing Morales as working for Wheatley would not have been so much of a surprise.  What I don’t understand was why Benson was called – I assume by Wheatley texting to her as Stabler – to meet them at Angela’s room.  Why did Benson need to be there, was it to see Morales?  Maybe we’ll find out next season.   Angela looked in bad shape but I suspect she’ll make it. By the way, was the entire hospital floor cleared to protect Angela and if not, where was everyone?  Was she only being tended to and/or protected by one person?  I thought that Danielle MonĂ© Truitt was excellent in her role as Sgt. Ayanna Bell,  and her final scene in the hospital corridor with Morales was her best this season. 

Something I couldn't quite grasp in that final hospital scene, though.  Morales was pushing Angela's bed when Benson passed him in the corridor.  It  appeared he was pushing her into another room straight ahead.  But then Morales steps out from another room from the right.  Was that simply a weird camera angle or was there another person there to which Morales handed off Angela? If so,  where did that person go?  I've watched that scene a few times and my eyes and brain still can't make sense of it. 

Wheatley must still have people working to support him in high places in order for him to get that cell phone into his new jail cell.  But he may not have enough support if Richie was able to order a hit  on his father.   Richie’s sister Dana seems to have faded into oblivion for now – unless she had some hand in getting the hit on Wheatley that we didn’t see. 

A bit corny was the scene where Wheatley first sees Benson, calling her a knock-out. Scenes like that sometimes made me  dislike the cartoonish way Richard Wheatley was presented.  For the most part, though, I thought Dylan McDermott was just right for the role. 

Stabler’s PTSD affects him and he gets help. The scene with the therapist seemed to suck the momentum out of the episode briefly, however. 

Bell’s wife’s nephew’s issue with the police seemed to have been nothing more than a vehicle to alienate Bell from the police and have them pull support from her in the previous episode.  At least in this episode, Benson mentions that a thread on social media helped to gain support for Bell and her team and put pressure on the US Attorney Baldi not to cut Wheatley too good of a deal. 

All in all, a solid end to a solid first season.

Here is the recap: 

Stabler and his children, along with Sgt. Bell, are present when the litany of charges are read against the Wheatley family (Richard, Richie, and Dana):  23 counts of aggravated enterprise corruption, money laundering in the first degree, and criminal sale of a controlled substance. Richard Wheatley was also charged with 2 counts of murder in the second degree for the murder of his father, Manfredi Sinatra (which surprises Richie), and Kathleen Marie Stabler.  Wheatley gives the judge some sass, saying it is because his children are black, but the judge isn’t having it. They all plead  not guilty. The judge remands them all.  

Angela is hidden away in a hotel room, being guarded by Freddie Washburn. He is taking every precaution to make sure no harm comes to her, controlling anything or anyone that comes into her room, including her attorney Ellsworth Lee. Lee mentions that a couple people thought that the woman Wheatley might have been referring to when he previously met with Angela was Captain Olivia Benson. 

Wheatley meets with his attorney Althena Davis about the RICO charges.  He wants to assume they have all the records, and she thinks it will take up to a year to get this moving and if he has a card to play, he should play it now. 

Bell, Stabler and the team hear from the prosecutor ADA Ann Frasier that Wheatley wants to cut a deal with Assistant US Attorney Vince Baldi, who is also running for Governor.   Stabler calls Baldi clown, Wheatley wants a federal trial, but Stabler thinks Wheatley wants a “get out of jail free card” and cut a deal.  Wheatley is being transported downtown the next day for a meeting with Baldi. 

Later, Frasier, Stabler and Bell barge in on Baldi in a restaurant. They later discuss how much time and effort  Bell has put in on getting Wheatley and Stabler brings up that Wheatley murdered his wife. They don’t want him to get any breaks.  Baldi says he wants what they want – justice – and if Wheatley can help them achieve that on a grander scale, he is obliged to consider it. He  says it is only a meeting. 

Later, in his room, Stabler has an attack of PTSD and calls Bell, She visits him and they talk it out. 

Meanwhile, while in jail, Richie connects with a gang and after facing some resistance,  arranges to  meet someone. 

Angela Wheatley is still hidden away in the hotel room. There is a change in the “guard” from Diego Morales back to Freddie Washburn.  Despite the controls on everything coming into the room, Washburn brings shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer for Angela as she doesn’t like what was provided to her.   

Richie meets with a top member of the gang in the shower and a  arranges a hit on his father. He’s upset that Wheatley killed his father – Richie’s grandfather,

Angela is distressed, but gets ready to shower while Washburn and Lee watch TV. They hear a thud and when they get into the bathroom find Angela on the floor, foaming at the mouth. 

Stabler meets with his therapist to discuss his PTSD.  He gets the call about Angela. 

Back at the OC squad, Bell states Angela is lucky to be alive; they found a lethal dose of novichok in her blood – the stuff the Russians have used.  Despite the strict controls on what comes into Angela’s room, they realize that Washburn ordered the beauty items at Angela’s request, using  his personal phone which was not encrypted. Someone hacked it and arranges to poison the items. 

Stabler and Bell meet with Wheatley to get him moved to the meeting. Bell and Stabler realize that the detail taking Wheatley is not secure enough and decide to tail them as they move Wheatley to the meeting with Baldi.  During the trip, the vehicles with Wheatley are ambushed and a shootout ensues.   The drivers are shot and Wheatley is also hit with flying glass.  Bell calls for backup and Stabler gets Wheatley out of the car. As Bell and Stabler and Wheatley move for cover, Wheatley is hit by bullets.  As they race inside, it looks bleak as they are corned by shooters, who Wheatley says are not his. As Bell and Stabler see backup arriving, they stall, implying they are willing to trade for Wheatley.   The backup police shoot one of the shooters and arrest the other.   Wheatley is bleeding but rather than take him to the hospital, they are told they are not going to the hospital. they have to ride with him in the ambulance and delivery him to the US Attorney’s office on the order of higher-ups. 

As the ambulance arrives,  Stabler and Bell find Benson and a group of other officers waiting.  Benson explains someone started a thread on social saying that Baldi was trying to big foot Bell’s case.  They are there to stand with Bell.  As Wheatley walks by, Bell thanks “Liv” and Wheatley hears the name.  He  stops and gives Benson a look and says to Stabler he now completely understands, calling Benson a knock-out.  He then says “poor Angela, though” and says it is a pleasure to meet Benson.  She glares at him and tells them to get him out of there.  He asks if that is a yes for dinner and thanks Stabler and Bell for saving his life. 

With Baldi, Wheatley explains that he can give them people within the Kremlin that orchestrated attacks on government computer systems and can walk him right through the guy’s front door, virtually.  He also mentions a trip to Japan and a dinner with another man and says he can detail how the pandemic is being monetized all the way with his associates from Puglia to all across Asia and Africa.  Baldi asks for a few minutes to tend to something. 

Baldi meets with Bell and Stabler and Frasier who pressure him to not use the murder of a police officer’s wife as a bargaining chip in his deal.  They want Baldi to take the RICO charges and let them prosecute Wheatley for Kathy’s murder. 

Afterward, as Wheatley is being led out of the building, he said he had a good outcome but there was a minor setback but nothing he was too concerned about. Bell says they will make the murder charges stick and Stabler says Wheatley is going to his swanky new digs at the  Metropolitan Correctional Center. He tells Davis to make sure all his necessities are there and she says it is already taken care of.  He says he hopes Angie is okay, saying his lawyer said she had a little tummy ache.  Stabler  gets him into the car. 

Wheatley gets into his cell and immediately looks for, and finds, a cell phone. He calls his wife and says he needs her to do something for him. He tells her to go into the wine lair and says to bring up the launch pad. He asks if she see the Tor browser than says he will dictate a message to her and he wants her to enter it exactly as he says: “O. I’m in trouble. Can you please come meet me?”

Stabler and Bell arrive at the hospital and say they are there to see Susan Johnson in room 516.  The receptionist clears them in.   Benson has just stepped out of the elevator on that floor and an orderly passes her in the hall, pushing someone (it’s Angela) on a bed. She calls out “detective” as she thinks she recognizes him.   But he does not acknowledge her and keeps moving. She gets on her phone and calls Stabler and when he answers, she says she thinks she saw one of her detectives there dressed as an orderly.  He asks where is “here” and she replies she is at Briarwood, he told her to meet her, she got his text.  As Stabler and Bell step into the elevator, Benson hears moaning coming from room 516 and finds a man bound and gagged on the floor, stripped.   She pulls out her gun,  As Stabler and Bell step out of the elevator,  Benson tells Stabler to go to his right.  Someone is pushing Angela into another room. Bell calls out to Morales, and  Morales steps out from a nearby doorway.  He turns around and says he made a mistake.  Stabler, Bell and Benson draw their weapons.  Bell asks what is going on, and Morales says he doesn’t know, he messed up bad. He has a gun and says he shouldn’t have taken the call but he did.  Bell asks how much did he pay him, and Morales says 2 million, but he has his sister, he will take care of her.  Bell tells him to calm down. Morales explains she idolizes him and what will he do now?  He puts the gun to his head and says he wants his job back. Bell says no, no, but he tells her to stand back.  She tells him to put the gun down, and says he does not go out that way. Morales shakes his head and tells Bell he needs her right now.  She says she is here,  But he quickly points his gun at them as if to fire, but Bell fires first and shoots at Morales, twice. He falls to the floor and is not moving.   They race into Angela’s room and Benson pulls a needle out of Angela’s arm.  She tries to get Angela to respond as Stabler picks up the phone and calls for a code blue in room 538.   Angela whispers for them to help her.  Bell asks Angela to stay with them and they need her.  Stabler looks at Morales on the floor and stands in the hallway and screams “I NEED HELP!” as we pull back and cut to black. 

Law & Order SVU “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing” Recap, Review, Discussion

The season 22 finale of Law & Order SVU “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing”  delivered some surprises to viewers that helped prop up a relatively dull case.   It’s the personal stories that made this episode enjoyable and provided an excellent ending to this short season.  The episode finishes on an uplifting note – something that we all needed after the last tumultuous year (in reality).   The cast,  writers, production crew, and everyone who was involved in delivering each episode this past season deserve our deepest thanks for giving us all something to cry about, laugh with, cheer on, and reflect upon.  I know that every episode was done with the utmost care and with appreciation for those fans that watch every week.  There isn’t anything else like it on network television that can compare to this dedicated group of people!

Here’s a quick recap of what happened in this episode, with my comments: 

The SVU gets involved when a tenant of the Holt Tower complains that she thinks one of the female tenants is using her apartment for prostitution.   Long story short – she’s not a prostitute, but a woman who is being trafficked for sex in exchange for living in a lovely apartment.  She’s not the only one – we find that the person who lived in the apartment before her was also used for the same purpose.  The SVU investigates and find that Dr. Catalina Machado, the founder of “Proud Life,”  is the mastermind behind the scheme.  She thinks she’s gotten these women out of danger and gave them  the opportunity to have a home and to be safe. Clearly she’s misguided.  Her lawyer offers up the involvement of the Deputy Mayor, a former HUD Secretary,  three congressmen and senators for starters.  Hopefully this wolf in sheep’s clothing – and those that have participated in the scheme in various ways – all will pay the price. 

Deputy Chief Garland is facing pressure from his Chief (who is a major jerk, by the way) and other colleagues for his deposition in the Jayvon Brown case  in which he spoke of institutional racism within the NYPD.   They turn their back on him, both literally and figuratively.  He’s showing physical signs of the stress. He gets a dressing down during a Comstat hearing, and gets a warning from his father (who is retired but with friends in the NYPD) that the “old guard” may  be coming for him.  I fully expected Garland to keel over during the episode (he didn’t). At least he is taking a few days off so a doctor can run some tests.  It’s a perfect set up for this  high-pressure situation to continue to affect him into the next season. 

Carisi has been asked to officiate at Fin and Phoebe’s wedding ceremony and this brings out some negativity with his girlfriend Nicole.  She thinks marriage is designed to transfer ownership of the woman from the father to the husband.  Carisi explains to Benson he told Nicole that by his age, he thought he’d be married and have kids. It seems this discussion with Nicole went downhill from there.  Yes, we knew that relationship would be doomed. 

The most interesting and meaningful segments of this episode were near the last quarter hour.   Fin and Phoebe’s wedding celebration turns into a non-wedding celebration as they decide not to get married that day.  They are not breaking up,  but know they have a good thing going, and, as Fin says, “Why let the government spoil it?”  They decide to go ahead with the party.   This opens up all kinds of possibilities for Fin and Phoebe next season. 

But it’s what happened at the end of the episode that was the most talked about: THE KISS.   Carisi reads to Rollins what he originally was going to say when he officiated at the wedding:  that Fin and Phoebe will always have each other’s backs and if they had to, they would take a bullet for each other, and a bond like that never goes away.  Rollins looks at Carisi with longing affection and then gets teary-eyed.  When Carisi wipes her tears, she looks at him and then moves in and kisses him – and he returns it with  a bit more passion.  HOORAY – it’s about time!  This relationship is perfect for the both of them now.  If they take it further, this would bring Rollins much stability in her love and family life, and Carisi would get a wife and kids – an instant family – that he so desires.  And it would be a family in which he is already very comfortable.   Personally, I’m  not much of a Rollins/Carisi “shipper” but I think that moving these two together in a more intimate relationship is the best way to go at this point for both of their characters and their lives. 

Benson also looks on at all the happiness around her and she and Stabler discuss how Fin an Phoebe met.  Benson explains Phoebe is a cop and Fin’s first partner.  Benson and Stabler share a “look” and then Benson makes a toast to him “To partners” as the view pulls away and the episode fades to black.  I suspect fans expected more here (as we saw with Rollins and Carisi) but the story of Benson and Stabler isn’t ready for that at this point in time.  There are still more seasons of SVU and Organized Crime and stories to be told. Who  knows what will happen in the future?

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Law & Order SVU “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing” Photos

Here are advance photos for Law & Order SVU “Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing” - the season finale - which will air on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 9 PM ET on NBC. 

The photos feature Mariska Hargitay, Ice-T, Kelli Giddish, Peter Scanavino, Chris Meloni, Jennifer Esposito as Sergeant Phoebe Baker, Narci Regina as Maya Bell, Ryan Garbayo as Ruben Ortiz, Zabryna Guevara as Dr. Catalina Machado, Terry Serpico as Chief McGrath, and Michael Kostroff as Counselor Evan Braun. 

Added June 4, 2021

 Photos by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC 2021 NBCUniversal Media, LLC 

Law & Order Organized Crime “Forget It Jake; It’s Chinatown” Photos

Here are advance photos for Law & Order Organized Crime, “Forget It Jake; It’s Chinatown” - the season finale - which will air on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 10 PM ET on NBC. 

The photos feature Chris Meloni, Danielle MonĂ© Truitt, Dylan McDermott, Mariska Hargitay, Nick Creegan as Richie Wheatley, Barbara Eve Harris as Athena Davis, Wendy Moniz as Assistant District Attorney Anne Frazier, Josh Charles as Vince Baldi, Christina Karis as Dana Wheatley, Janell Sexton as Abeni Samuels, Hope Blackstock as Erica Yalskin, Geraldine Hughes as Dr. Katherine Carpenter-Grey, and Allison Siko as Kathleen Stabler. 

Added June 4, 2021

 Photos by: Eric Liebowitz/NBC 2021 NBCUniversal Media, LLC