
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” Recap & Review

Congratulations Olivia, it's a boy!

Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” could have been the series finale, but lucky for fans – and the cast and crew - that the show was renewed for a 16th year. As a season finale, it worked to set the stage for more personal stories next season.   Season 15 was heavy on personal drama and, at times, the quality of special victims cases has suffered. In “Spring Awakening,” the SVU case felt like an afterthought and was too contrived regarding Benson's custody of  Baby Boy Doe.

Some fans may be happy that the episode ends with Benson having custody – for one year – of Baby Boy Doe/Noah. I have mixed feeling about it. Benson desperately wanted a child so I am happy for her that she has what she wants, at least for now. The custody issue could become a built-in arc for next year at this same time,  and it could end well,  or end with her losing custody, the latter not a happy ending for Benson. Either way, baby-centric stories don't do too much for me so I hope we won't have too much focus on the baby next season.  (Updated note: We never actually hear Benson agree to take the baby, so who knows, maybe she was simply trying to decide at the end of the episode.)

While emotionally I am happy for Benson, my rational mind thinks the manner in which Benson got custody wasn’t realistic. Would a judge grant custody to a person that hasn’t been officially vetted, especially if she is aware of the recent turmoil Benson has suffered? I know of people who jumped through more hoops to adopt a rescue dog from a shelter. While the judge has been aware that Benson is very interested in the welfare of the baby, this does not mean that Benson is the right person to take charge of this child. Raising this child may help Benson in her healing process, but clearly Benson needs to keep her job, so it’s likely someone else will be taking care of Noah while Benson is working, with erratic, long hours at times. I suppose in the case of this baby, whose foster parent assignments have been inconsistent, Benson taking charge could only be an we hope.

Had this been the series finale, I would have been underwhelmed, mostly because of the SVU case. The episode provided a well deserved happy ending for Benson, and it was great to see Richard Belzer return as Munch, the voice of wisdom, stability and reason. It was also nice to see Peter Hermann (Mariska’s husband) having a very visible role. (What fan doesn’t think that Benson and Langan should throw caution to the wind and get together?) It was disappointing not to see Raúl Esparza, who, despite appearing in the first billed credits, seems to be missing from episodes more than he is in them. It’s also a shame that we had to watch Donal Logue’s story arc end;  he’s a fantastic actor and his presence added so much to the show.  I wish him all the success in his new series.  But the case was predictable and I felt little suspense. I watch so many crime shows that I admit I may be getting desensitized to them.  There are only so many variations on special victims crimes and it could be a plus that the writers are throwing in some personal drama to bring new interest to the Special Victims Unit. All I ask for is drama that doesn’t feel recycled. With the amount of involvement IAB is having with SVU as of late, I suggest a spin off series “Law & Order IAB” and get them out of SVU’s face for a while. SVU has been going to the IAB well a little too much which may contribute to my feeling of repetition with some of the personal drama stories.

A more serious issue is that I question whether I like, or care about,  the SVU characters any more. The exception: Benson. Despite Benson’s recent problems with beating William Lewis, lying about it, and then going off on her own to apprehend him, I still consider Olivia Benson one of the most interesting and respected characters on television today. But that’s about it for this show. Amaro has anger and control issues, which feel stale. I have no real interest in watching Amaro work through his problems because, frankly, I am not sure I like him.  Too often, he acts like a controlling, know-it-all,  spoiled brat.   Rollins has a gambling problem, she has questionable judgment with sex partners, and in this episode, she lowers herself to blackmail.   It’s hard for me to find anything redeeming in her, and strangely, I can’t even put her in the category of a character that I love to hate.  She's a character out of a bad soap opera.   Fin is just…there. Barba  adds a spark - when he's there.  Some of the lead characters are too heavily laden with angst and after a while, I feel like they are a lead weight around my neck.  They never improve, they only get worse. They don't use their brains and don't learn from their mistakes.  I’m not asking that they all suddenly find happiness and everything is unicorns and rainbows, I simply don’t want all their flaws thrown in my face with every episode while the victims are relegated to window dressing.

I struggled with this review.  I've read it 5 times now and it sounds like it was written by a person who hated the episode and hates the series  That is not my intent. It's  because I DO care about the series that I am critical of where I believe it is going wrong, and praise it where it goes right.   Law & Order SVU is a show with strong bones, strong leadership, strong writing, and solid acting, but it sometimes needs some tough love.   I'm glad it has another year and hopefully we'll  have new surprises in season 16.

Here is the recap:

Mariska Hargitay – Sergeant Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Raúl Esparza - ADA Rafael Barba

Guest stars:
Richard Belzer – John Munch, Special Investigator
Donal Logue - Lt. Declan Murphy
Emma Greenwell - Ellie Porter
Peter Hermann - Counselor Trevor Langan
Raza Jaffrey – Prosecutor
Jessica Phillips – ADA Pippa Cox
Michael Potts - Sgt. Cole Draper
Jason Cerbone - Counselor Desappio
Gavin-Keith Umeh - Little Tino
Kate Blumberg – Mrs. Wilkes
Jayne Houdyshell – Judge Linden
Michael Mastro – Judge Serani
Raushanah Simmons – Prosecutor
Edwin Lee Gibson – Tino’s Attorney
Joshua Malina - Simon Wilkes
Karl Miller – Hans Erhard
Sonia Manzano – Judge Gloria Pepitone
Sara Contreras – Alminia Aguilar
Karen Christie-Ward – Sister IAD
Thedra Porter – Chantal
Diomargu Nunez – Officer Sanchez
Geeta Pereira – Hooker #1
Shana Solomon – Hooker #2
Rob Morgan – Homeless Guy

Simon Wilkes is at a schoolyard taking photos of kids at play and Amaro approaches and says Simon has 5 seconds to put the camera down. Simon explains it is a public sidewalk, then tells Amaro to smile and he points the camera at Amaro. Amaro grabs Simon’s arms to pull the camera away. Simon hits Amaro in the head with the camera and tells him to leave him alone. Amaro slams the camera to the ground and begins to beat Simon as Simon begs for someone to call the police. Amaro continues to beat him as the police arrive.

Afterwards, EMT workers take Simon away on a stretcher and his wife leaves with a police officer. Amaro, cuffed, is placed in the back seat of a squad car.

Meanwhile, in family court, we find that Baby Boy Doe has no foster parents again The judge comments this is his fourth home in four months and asks if they can do better. ADA Pippa Cox believes they can get it right but for now the judge returns the baby to ACS.

At another precinct, Amaro is being booked. He whines he is entitled to a call and the officer replies when he is done being processed.

Back at family court, Benson asks Cox if she can visit the baby. Cox replies it is fine with her and then points her to Chantal from social services who asks what is her interest.

Back at the precinct, Amaro’s injuries are being documented and he is fingerprinted. The officer then gives Amaro his phone and tells him he can make that call now.

Later, Rollins speaks with Amaro who now is in a cell, and when he asks if IAB is here, she says she is sure they are on en route. She tries to counsel him and he says he knows he should not talk to anyone until his lawyer gets here. Benson and Murphy race up and Benson tells Amaro she is so sorry, but Murphy asks him what the hell was he thinking? Amaro tells him don’t worry about it, and, raising his voice, he says he was off duty and it is none of his concern. Murphy counters that everything is his concern, commenting that Amaro went after Simon Wilkes and wonders again what he was thinking. Murphy then tells Amaro not to answer that. Benson notices Amaro’s injury and asks if he is okay. Amaro replies it is just a cut. Murphy asks if Simon is alive, and Rollins explains that she called the hospital; Simon is sedated now and has a concussion and broken ribs. Murphy comments that is felonious assault and, turning to Amaro, adds it could be attempted murder if they really want him out. Benson asks Amaro if Simon came after him and if that is how he got that cut, and Murphy stops her, saying that is enough, none of this is privileged, no more questions. He tells Amaro that he knows he does not value his advice but even if he thinks he did the right thing, stand down and keep his mouth shut. Benson nods in agreement and Amaro is silent.

Later, Amaro is being questioned by Sergeant Draper of IAB, with his lawyer present, who argues Amaro was defending himself. Draper says that is not what the witnesses and the unis said. Draper outlines the trouble Amaro is in and that he was arrested and will be charged. He turns off the camera and says the duty captain wants assault 2 and there will be an independent DA who may increase that and Amaro better hope his vic pulls through.

At arraignment court on Saturday, May 3, Amaro’s attorney pleads that Amaro is not guilty of the charge of assault in the first degree. The prosecutor recommends remand as this is not the first time Amaro has been in that courtroom and considering the brutality of the beating and that the victim may not recover. Judge Serani sets bail at $500K. Amaro’s lawyer asks if he has collateral on the house, and Amaro says he can’t ask his wife again. His lawyer asks if there is anyone else as Amaro is taken away. Mrs. Wilkes walks up to Benson, Rollins, and Fin who were watching the proceeding and says, “You people, you just can’t stop.”

Back at SVU in Murphy’s office, Murphy gets off the phone and tells the detectives that One PP won’t budge and the DA won’t budge as it is not Amaro’s first time. Benson questions the bail amount, saying Amaro is not a flight risk and not dangerous. Murphy explains that Amaro acted like Dirty Harry; he beat a man bloody. Rollins argues it was a man who threatened to string up little boys and silt their throats. Murphy reminds them Wilkes was found not guilty and is not even on the registry. Fin says they all know what Wilkes is, and Amaro got cut and was defending himself. Murphy asks Fin if he was there. Rollins suggests they go out and talk to witnesses that support that story, and Murphy orders they will do no such thing and not to even think about investigating on their own. He asks if that is clear and Rollins quietly replies “Yes sir.” Murphy states they will go about their business as usual and asks where are they on that tourist. Fin explains he caught that call; Hans Erhard was a German who was robbed, beaten, and sodomized in his hotel room last night. Murphy asks if he got his statement, and Fin explains he is recovering from surgery; the perp raped him with a gun. Murphy tells them to go to the hospital and see what he remembers.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” Season 15 Finale Cast Interview, BTS, Sneak Peeks

Here are cast interviews, previews, and behind the scenes videos for the season 15 finale of Law & Order SVU, “Spring Awakening” which will air on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 9PM ET on NBC. The videos feature Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish, Richard Belzer, and Donal Logue.

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” can be found at this link.

Please note: The preview clips are available for a limited time only and may be removed at any time, so please catch them while you can!

Law & Order SVU Spring Awakening Preview Clip 1 by tvwatchr

Law & Order SVU Spring Awakening Preview Clip 2 by tvwatchr

Law & Order SVU Spring Awakening Preview Clip 3 by tvwatchr

Law & Order SVU Spring Awakening Preview Clip 4 by tvwatchr

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Law & Order SVU “Thought Criminal” Recap & Review

Law & Order SVU “Thought Criminal” brought forth an “especially heinous” person with especially heinous proclivities. Too bad the SVU and the prosecution had NO CASE. Sure, Barba tried his best to make his case with no victim and zero evidence, hoping that a high “ick” factor would help to put the skin-crawling Simon Wilkes behind bars before he let his fantasies become reality. It’s a scary thought that there really are people out in the world with such perverse or warped fantasies, but it’s the sad truth that unless the person commits an actual crime, he/she can’t be jailed for having creepy fantasies. Would it only be a matter of time before Simon made his inner thoughts some to life? Probably. However, in this case, defense attorney Minonna Efron is right; who wants to live in a world where someone can be put in prison for what’s in their head?

Nick Amaro has officially taken the place of Detective “Unstable” Stabler as he uses his fists to take out his anger and frustrations out on the pervert of the week. It’s a stale storyline that was stale when Chris Meloni was on the show and is what made me get bored with Stabler. It must go with the job that male detectives/cops have anger issues plus marital issues,  and that getting violent is their only way to vent their frustrations with their personal lives. Yawn.

Despite the sickening subject matter, this was a solid episode with an interesting and believably creepy performance from John Malina. Nia Vardalos was excellent in her role as the defense attorney who ran circles around Barba. Of course, Raúl Esparza does a fantastic job showing his character’s feelings by using his eyes or facial expressions. Barba didn’t have a case but I couldn’t care less; I enjoy watching Raúl as he works the screen. And I can’t say enough about how much Donal Logue has added to this show. His performance in the holding cell was both funny and amazing.

I also appreciate having some scenes on location which gave the episode what I call the “feel of real”. Sometimes an SVU episode has too many scenes on sets or indoors which makes it feel like a cheap daytime soap opera.  Scenes set outdoors/on location can make it feel as if one is watching real people go about real lives in the real world. While I am on the subject of the “feel of real”, I have one request for season 16: please fix the courtroom elevator floor at the door opening to make it look more like a real elevator. There is no way that fake elevator even remotely looks like it can go anywhere, with a solid floor in the doorway. I know I’ve mentioned this before and it may seem like it’s a little thing but it’s a case of attention to detail. A simple strip of duct tape or black tape on the floor would do the trick. I know they've worked hard to cut costs so I’d be happy to donate some if the show can’t afford to buy it (wink).

Here is the recap:

Mariska Hargitay – Sergeant Olivia Benson
Ice-T – Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Kelli Giddish - Detective Amanda Rollins
Danny Pino - Detective Nick Amaro
Raúl Esparza - ADA Rafael Barba

Guest stars:
BD Wong – Dr. George Huang
Donal Logue – Lt. Declan Murphy
Joshua Malina - Simon Wilkes
Nia Vardalos - Counselor Minonna Efron
Brian Baumgartner - Gordon Montlieff
Laura Benanti - Maria Grazie
Kate Blumberg - Mrs. Wilkes
Sharon Washington - Arraignment Judge
Welker White – Paula Walker
Kimiko Glenn – Lily Deng
Stephen Bradbury – Judge Colin McNamara
Alison Fernandez = Zara Amaro
Anne Carney – Jury Foreperson
Jason Iannacone - NYPD Precinct Officer
Rory Duffy – Uni #2
Diomargy Nunez – Uni #3

A woman on a web cam types in a message and says her name is Lucky. She says she is 14 years old and she lives in Thailand. She adds that she is all alone and is waiting to play with you. At SVU, with TARU, Amaro and Fin watch as the messages come pouring in; Fin notes there are 30 and still counting and Amaro comments that so far, none are in their jurisdiction, Benson and Barba approach and she asks them to feed the woman a few more lines. Rollins states that 30 just doubled to 60. “Lucky” goes on to ask viewers to just tell her what to do. Fin notes there are 95 responses and Amaro wonders if they can keep up. Rollins replies that TARU is all over this. Murphy tells them to make sure they get all of this on record asking for specific illegal acts. Behind Murphy’s back, Barba gives Murphy a shifty glance.

The girl on the web cam responds to a request to do something with her shirt off and she begins to do so, saying it is getting hot in here. Meanwhile, Murphy paces and comments that it has been 30 minutes, asking what is the score so far. Rollins replies there have been just under 800 responses. Benson pours some coffee for the police officer posing as “Lucky” and asks her how she is holding up. She replies it is a dirty job but she likes getting these guys. Barba, looking at the map, comments that the responses are heavy in the eastern bloc, in China, and in the American south. Fin says, “No comment.” Murphy tells the detectives to turn the IPs over to the FBI and Interpol. He asks if there are any in their back yard, and Amaro says there are 4 in Brooklyn and 3 in Queens. Barba asks if there are any in Manhattan, and Amaro replies there is one confirmed so far, with a municipal IP address of 1254.612.124.12 who calls himself “Flash.” Benson thinks that is the guy who told Lucky he’d like to meet her in Bangkok and bring her to New York. Murphy sees he is still at work, and then tells Fin and Amaro to go pick him up.

At the city payroll office at 1 Centre Street in Wednesday, April 23, Amaro and Fin approach Gordon Montlieff, he thinks this is about payroll. “Lucky” is also with them and he realizes what is going on. They arrest “Flash.”

With Fin and Rollins in SVU interrogation, Gordon is confused that he is arrested for thinking that the girl was 14. Meanwhile, Amaro and Murphy watch the interrogation and Amaro wonders why they are talking to this guy, asking to charge him and lock him up. Murphy says that the squad needs to evolve, little cases make big cases. Amaro and Benson argue the point, Benson saying they are not dealing with a mastermind here. Murphy counters that they don’t know what they are dealing with. He tells Amaro to find out where TARU is on Gordon’s computer and Fin and Rollins should walk him up the ladder and see where it leads them. Amaro, acting annoyed, tells Murphy that Murphy is the boss as he leaves the room and shuts the door hard. Murphy sarcastically comments to Benson that Amaro is a ray of sunshine. Benson explains Amaro is dealing with some “stuff” right now. Murphy replies that they all are, that is why they go to work, to get out of their own heads.

Rollins and Fin continue to question Gordon/"Flash" to try to get info on his “friends” but he worries they will come after him. Afterwards, Rollins and Fin discuss what they know with Benson and Murphy. Murphy wonders if Gordon needs a shoulder to cry on.

Later, they put Murphy in the holding cell with Gordon, Murphy posing as another pedo who was tricked by Lucky. Murphy whines and cries about not going back to prison and he appears to wet himself. Gordon gets worried that Murphy is making a mess and but is ignored for the most part. Murphy continues to whine as Gordon begs for help.

Meanwhile, Amaro is out with Zara and Maria and while Zara goes out for a frozen snack, Maria tells him she got a job offer in LA with a high pay. She wonders if he can come too for a fresh start and he wonders if she is asking him to move with her. She wants to take it one step at a time and then he says he does not know what to think. He looks happy but then tells her he has to get back to work.

In Barba’s office, Benson and Murphy tell Barba they are still going through Gordon’s home computer. Gordon did give up his mini tablet hidden in a book which Murphy says is like a travel diary to the dark net. Gordon thinks of himself as a voyeur but knows guys who would go further. They show Barba a guy who Gordon tipped them off to who calls himself Erastes. Barba reads aloud a message from the chat room which seems to outline torture and murder. Barba says it is horrifying but it is on a fantasy web site. Benson tries to explain this is a real boy that Erastes has seen and Murphy says they are giving him a heads up, not asking for his blessing. They are talking about one undercover meet and if it is fantasy they walk away. Benson asks if it is not, does Barba want to be responsible for missing this?

At the Stanshall Inness Gallery on Thursday, April 24, Rollins and Murphy appear as a couple interested in the art work, and as they admire one of the photos, a woman approaches who says she is the wife of the photographer, Simon Wilkes. Murphy says he would love to meet Simon and she points him out. Rollins asks for catalog they can look at, and Murphy gives her a peck on the cheek and tells her to just get the price. As Rollins and Simon’s wife move off, Murphy walks over to Simon and they admire a photo of a young boy. Murphy introduces himself as Howard Jeffries, and then said Flash wasn’t wrong, he said Flash is a friend who said Simon may have other work that would appeal to him, bringing up studies of a schoolyard. Murphy asks to discuss prices and asks if there is somewhere they can meet later, not here. Simon mentions a bar, Peter J’s, a bar around the corner from PS27. Murphy says he will need an hour.

At the bar, Murphy says his wife is a fan of Simon’s safer pieces but Flash told him he is edgier. Simon, looking suspicious, says Murphy never told him how he knows Flash. Murphy explains that they met on line and corresponded and chatted a few times and he told him about Simon’s schoolyard series and he was intrigued. Simon explains that the ancient Greeks appreciated the beauty of the young male body, unshaven and unspoiled. Murphy thinks they have both moved beyond mere appreciation, Simon says it is all just fantasy but Murphy wonders what if it wasn’t. Simon moves away from the bar with his drink and asks what business is Murphy in. Murphy tells Simon he owns a furniture design company and he does very well, adding whatever it is they are discussing, he can afford it. Simon concludes he is serious about this, and Murphy says extremely, suggesting that they both turn off their cell phones so they know the conversation isn’t being recorded. They both turn off their phones and put them on the table. Simon says, to be cautions, where were they? Murphy replies they were talking about money…and boys. Simon adds – and not just sex with them – and as he pulls out a small knife, he asks if Murphy is with him on that. Murphy says yes, they understand each other. Simon says what they’re talking takes means, the right subject, venue; it’s a commitment. Murphy leans in and Simon asks if he is willing to commit. Murphy pauses

Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” Advance Photos

Here are advance photos from the season 15 finale of Law & Order SVU, “Spring Awakening” which will air on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 9PM ET on NBC. The photos feature Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish, Ice-T, Richard Belzer, Donal Logue, and Gavin-Keith Umeh (as Little Tino).

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” can be found at this link.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” Promo

Here is the promo for the season 15 finale of Law & Order SVU, “Spring Awakening” which will air on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 9PM ET on NBC. Richard Belzer returns!

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU “Spring Awakening” can be found at this link.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Law & Order: Game of Thrones “Mashup”

Here’s a Law & Order/Game of Thrones “mashup”; I had the exact same thought watching Sunday's "Game of Thrones"  episode.   Enjoy!

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Raúl Esparza, Ice-T Attend the NBC Primetime Preview

Law & Order SVU’s Raúl Esparza and Ice-T attended the 2014 NBC Upfront Presentation on Monday, May 12, 2014 at Javitz Center in New York, NY. Here is a photo of Raúl and Ice-T on the red carpet.

Photo by: Charles Sykes/NBC 2014 NBCUniversal Media, LLC

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

NBC Releases 2014-15 Primetime Schedule

NBC Press Release
May 11, 2014


#1 New Show of the Season “The Blacklist” Moves to Thursdays in February and Earns Post-Super Bowl Timeslot

Emmy Award-Winning Series “The Voice” Returns Monday and Tuesday with New Coaches Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani

David Caspe’s New Comedy “Marry Me” Earns Tuesday “Voice” Lead-Out

Light-hearted Detective Drama “The Mysteries of Laura” Leads Off Procedural-Themed Wednesday Line-up

New Comedy Block “Bad Judge” and “A to Z” Move Into Thursday

Popular DC Comics Fan Favorite “Constantine” Comes to Life Friday

Ratings to Rock with Top Notch “Sunday Night Football” Schedule, Concluding with the Most-Watched Program of the Year, Super Bowl XLIX on Feb. 1

Midseason Moves Include Spy Thriller ‘Allegiance’ in Thursday Post-‘Blacklist’ Timeslot and ‘Bible’ Follow-Up Miniseries ‘A.D.’ to Launch on Easter Sunday

NEW YORK — May 11, 2014 — Coming off a season in which the network catapulted to No. 1 in the 18-49 demo and saw double-digit improvement in many prominent timeslots, NBC has announced a line-up of popular returning series, inventive new comedies, compelling new dramas and season seven of the Emmy Award-winning musical competition series “The Voice.”

NBC is on track to win the traditional September-to-May primetime season in adults 18-49 for the first time in 10 years. In “most current” averages through the season’s first 32 weeks, NBC’s 2.8 rating in 18-49 is up +17% versus one year ago, making it the network’s top average at this point in the season in five years, according to Nielsen Media Research.

NBC is also #1 for the season if its nights of Sochi Olympic coverage are excluded from its averages (giving it a 2.6 rating through 32 weeks, versus a 2.5 for #2 Fox). Also, NBC’s regular line-ups are up versus last season on five of seven nights of the week and even with last year on a sixth, while Sunday night is down just 2%.

In total viewers, NBC is up +35% to 9.4 million persons, its biggest overall audience at this point in the season in eight years. NBC ranks #2 in total viewers, marking the first time in 10 years the network has ranked higher than #4 at this point. Excluding its nights of Sochi Olympic coverage, NBC still ranks #2 for the season in total viewers and is up +21% versus a year ago to 8.5 million viewers.

Highlights of the just-announced year-round schedule, which will be bolstered by the Feb. 1 Super Bowl, include a pair of comedies — “Bad Judge” and “Mission Control” — from the brilliant and warped minds of Will Ferrell and Adam McKay; “Marry Me,” the new series from “Happy Endings” creator David Caspe; “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,” from the Emmy Award-winning team behind “30 Rock” — Tina Fey and Robert Carlock; and projects from Ellen DeGeneres and the producing team of Rashida Jones and Will McCormack.

On the drama side, Emmy and SAG Award winner Debra Messing stars as a cop balancing her job and stressful home life in “The Mysteries of Laura”; Katherine Heigl returns to television as a high-level CIA analyst in “State of Affairs”; Hope Davis is forced to choose between family and country in the riveting modern-day spy drama “Allegiance”; a wildly popular DC Comics character gets a primetime makeover in “Constantine”; and NBC’s lineup of A-list producers includes Joe Carnahan, Peter Horton, Greg Berlanti and David S. Goyer.

The new drama additions are “Allegiance,” “Constantine,” “The Mysteries of Laura,” “Odyssey” and “State of Affairs.”

The new comedy additions are “A to Z,” “Bad Judge,” “Marry Me,” “Mission Control,” “Mr. Robinson,” “One Big Happy” and “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.”

Returning scripted programming includes “About a Boy,” “The Blacklist,” “Chicago Fire,” “Chicago P.D.,” “Grimm,” “Hannibal,” “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” “Parenthood” and “Parks and Recreation.”

Returning alternative series include “America Ninja Warrior,” “America’s Got Talent,” "The Biggest Loser," “Celebrity Apprentice,” “Hollywood Game Night” and “The Voice.”

Previously announced new event series will also join the year-round line-up, including “Emerald City,” “Aquarius,” “A.D.” and “Heroes Reborn.”

“We had a stellar year in scripted programming development that resulted in the unprecedented number of new original series joining the line-up during the coming year, which spans from September 2014-September 2015,” said Bob Greenblatt, Chairman, NBC Entertainment. “I’m inordinately proud of NBC Entertainment President Jennifer Salke and Paul Telegdy, President of Alternative and Late Night Programming, for delivering such a high volume of new quality programming to augment a line-up that has begun to show strong signs of solidification.

“We have grown substantially year-to-year, even factoring out the boost from the Olympics, to get us to #1 in the 18-49 demo and #2 in total households. The overall goal was to maintain stability from our growing number of anchor shows, while, at the same time, striving to make every show an event — a guiding principle of our development strategy. And reinvigorating Thursday was a top priority, made possible by moving ‘The Blacklist’ there in the 9 p.m. timeslot after exposing it to the audience watching the Super Bowl.

“The multi-pronged strategy behind moving ‘The Blacklist,’ which has shown enormous linear ratings and record time-shifting, is to not only enliven our Thursday night lineup but also create two desirable timeslots — lead-outs from ‘The Voice’ (8-10 p.m. Monday) and ‘The Blacklist’ (9-10 p.m. Thursday).”

Said Jennifer Salke, President, NBC Entertainment: “Comedy is very important to this network, which is why we are launching new series on Tuesdays following ‘The Voice’ and on Thursdays in the fall as CBS frees up some of the comedy audience when it turns to NFL football. Furthermore, we have several of our strongest comedies by some of our best auspices being held for midseason, including the final season of ‘Parks and Recreation,’ Tina Fey and Robert Carlock’s ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,’ the Ellen DeGeneres-produced ‘One Big Happy,’ and ‘Mission Control’ from Will Farrell and Adam McKay. We also have the previously announced ‘Mr. Robinson,’ starring Craig Robinson.

“On the drama front, no fewer than seven new series and two new event miniseries will bolster a line-up that already includes three Dick Wolf shows (‘Law & Order: SVU,’ ‘Chicago Fire,’ ‘Chicago P.D.’), the final season of ‘Parenthood,’ plus ‘Grimm’ and ‘Hannibal.’ And, of course, we bring back ‘The Blacklist,’ the most successful new show on broadcast television. A trio of sophisticated new 10 p.m. dramas — ‘State of Affairs’ (starring Katherine Heigl), ‘Allegiance’ and ‘Odyssey’ — have a cinematic look and feel, as well as compelling action storylines. Part of NBC’s legacy is its strength in drama, and we’re extremely proud of both our rich history and what’s ahead.

“In addition, we have several attention-getting events, such as ‘The Bible’ sequel ‘A.D.,’ from Mark Burnett and Roma Downey; ‘Aquarius,’ which marks David Duchovny’s return to broadcast television as a cop on the hunt for Charles Manson; and a 13-episode reboot of the popular series ‘Heroes,’ titled ‘Heroes Reborn.’

“There is unprecedented enthusiasm that our turnaround will continue in a big way. As we aggressively schedule on a year-round basis, our goal remains to provide an exciting and vital line-up of unprecedented original programming.”

“NBC is clearly building upon its success of the season with this new schedule,” said Jordan Wertlieb, President, Hearst Television and current Chair of the NBC Affiliate Board, “The stability of the lineup coupled with a terrific development slate will excite NBC affiliates and advertisers.”

(New programs in UPPER CASE; all times ET)

8-10 p.m. — “The Voice”
10-11 p.m. — “The Blacklist” / “STATE OF AFFAIRS” (beginning Nov. 17)

8-9 p.m. — “The Voice”
9-9:30 p.m. — “MARRY ME”
9:30-10 p.m. — “About a Boy”
10-11 p.m. — “Chicago Fire”

9-10 p.m. — “Law & Order: SVU”
10-11 p.m. — “Chicago P.D.”

8-9 p.m. — “The Biggest Loser”
9-9:30 p.m. — “BAD JUDGE” (“The Blacklist” beginning Feb. 5)
9:30-10 p.m. — “A TO Z”
10-11 p.m. — “Parenthood”

8-9 p.m. — “Dateline NBC”
9-10 p.m. — “Grimm”
10-11 p.m. — “CONSTANTINE”

8-11 p.m. — Encore programming

7-8:20 p.m. — “Football Night in America”
8:20-11:30 p.m. — “NBC Sunday Night Football”



This is the A-to-Z story of Andrew (Ben Feldman, “Mad Men”) and Zelda (Cristin Milioti, “How I Met Your Mother”) — a pair that almost wasn’t — and all that happened from the day they met. Andrew has always been a secret romantic … not above crooning to Celine Dion while driving to work, with dreams of finding “the one.” He imagines her to be just like that shimmering beauty he spotted that night in that silver dress at that concert two years ago. Zelda, having grown up with a hippie mom who believed the universe would provide for everything, rebelled into a no-nonsense practical lawyer who prefers the control of online dating. But when a computer glitch sends her a total mismatch, she’s asked to come in for an interview at the Internet dating site where Andrew works, and this is where it all begins. Andrew and Zelda meet for the first time and despite their differences, sparks fly. She thinks it’s chance. He thinks it’s fate. After all, he’s convinced she’s the shimmering girl in the silver dress. Is it true love forever or just a detour in destiny?

The cast also includes Henry Zebrowski, Lenora Crichlow, Christina Kirk and Katey Sagal (narrator).

Writers Ben Queen (“Drive”), Rashida Jones (“Parks and Recreation”) and Will McCormack (“Will & Grace”) serve as executive producers. “A to Z” is a production of Warner Bros. Television and Le Train Train.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “A to Z” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #AtoZ

No excuses, no apologies, no compromises. Wild child Rebecca Wright (Kate Walsh, “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Private Practice”) knows how to have a good time, but she also happens to be one of L.A.’s toughest and most respected criminal court judges. She has a reputation for unorthodox behavior in the courtroom, including creative rulings and saying exactly what’s on her mind. Her private life, on the other hand, is anything but innocent. She parties too much and rocks out on the drums in a band with her best friend, Jenny. While there’s no shortage of male admirers who would love to spend time with her, she’s not ready to settle down … except when an 8-year-old boy — whose parents were put in jail by Rebecca — needs her help. He may, in fact, be the one thing that starts to tame this “bad” judge.

The cast also includes John Ducey, Tone Bell and Theodore Barnes.

Writer Chad Kultgen (“The Incredible Burt Wonderstone”) serves as executive producer with Adam McKay (“Anchorman,” “Talladega Nights”), Will Ferrell (“Step Brothers”), Anne Heche (“Men in Trees”), Jill Sobel Messick (“Baby Mama”), Kevin Messick (“The Other Guys”) and Kate Walsh. “Bad Judge” is a production of Universal Television and Gary Sanchez Productions.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “Bad Judge” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #BadJudge

Six years ago, Annie (Casey Wilson, “Happy Endings”) and Jake (Ken Marino, “Eastbound & Down”) bonded over their mutual love of nachos and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Now, after returning from a romantic two-week island vacation, Jake’s all set to pop the question. Before he can ask, though, Annie lets loose on Jake for his inability to commit. She was expecting him to “put a ring on it” in paradise and now Jake’s perfect proposal is ruined. Not wanting to spend the next 60 years talking about that mess of a proposal, Jake and Annie decide to hold off on the engagement until they can do it right. Yet if history tells us anything, it’s when we really want things to go right that they all tend to go wrong. The only thing we know for sure is these two are destined to be together whether they can get it together or not.

The cast also includes Sarah Wright, John Gemberling, Tymberlee Hill and Tim Meadows.

Writer David Caspe (“Happy Endings”) and director Seth Gordon (“The Goldbergs”) serve as executive producer with Jamie Tarses (“Men at Work”). “Marry Me” is a production of Sony Pictures Television and FanFare Productions.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “Marry Me” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #MarryMe

Houston, we have a problem! Dr. Mary Kendricks (Krysten Ritter, “Don’t Trust the B--- in Apartment 23”) is a tough but brilliant aerospace engineer, leading a team of NASA scientists at the cutting edge of space exploration. The only problem is, this is the 1960s and she’s a woman. Navigating the ridiculous boys’ club of astronauts and engineering nerds is no easy task, but she’s up to the challenge … until her boss brings on Tom (Tommy Dewey, “The Mindy Project”) — a former hotshot test pilot and overall man’s man — to co-manage her team. It doesn’t help that he initially mistakes her for a secretary. Between him, her astronaut boyfriend, Cash, and her offbeat all-guy team, Mary certainly has her hands full… but at the end of the day, they all want the same thing: to get a man on the moon. It might just take a woman to get him there.

The cast also includes Malcolm Barrett, Jonathan Slavin and Julie Meyer.

Writer David Hornsby serves as executive producer with Adam McKay (“Anchorman,” “Talladega Nights”), Will Ferrell (“Step Brothers”) and Owen Burke. “Mission Control” is a production of Universal Television and Gary Sanchez Productions.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “Mission Control” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #MissionControl

As lead singer and keyboardist of a rock band, Craig (Craig Robinson, “The Office”) knows a thing or two about working the crowd, but his day job is where he really makes the grade. Every struggling artist knows the drill: you got to pay the bills while you wait for that big break. So when Craig finds himself short on cash, he takes a job as a substitute teacher. It’s an easy gig, right? Throw a DVD in the player, dim the lights and sleep off last night’s party. Yet when he realizes that the kids think his class is an easy A, Craig’s moved to inspire his students. Music is his passion and he’s not about to let anyone sleep though this period … period. The school principal (Jean Smart, “Samantha Who?”) is a woman who believes that rules were made to be strictly upheld. She’s none too fond of Craig’s unorthodox teaching style, or his crush on the pretty English teacher. If he wants to keep his gig, get the girl and teach these kids the joys of music, he’ll have to buckle down, shape up and rock out.

The cast also includes Ben Koldyke and Amandla Stenberg.

Writers Mark Cullen (“Back in the Game”) and Robb Cullen (“Back in the Game”) serve as executive producers with Howard Klein (“Parks and Recreation”) and Mark Schulman (“Chelsea Lately”). “Mr. Robinson” is a production of Universal Television and 3 Arts Entertainment.

Please visit the official show site at:

For the latest “Mr. Robinson” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #MrRobinson

Best friends Lizzy (gay and a bit type-A) and Luke (straight and more laid back) are like family. When they were kids and both of their parents were getting divorces, Lizzy (Elisha Cuthbert, “Happy Endings”) and Luke (Nick Zano, “2 Broke Girls”) stuck together, and they’ve been there for each other ever since. Now, all grown up and still single, they’ve decided to start a family of their own. No, not like that (there are some lines even they won’t cross), we’re talking the non-romantic, go-to-the-doctor’s-office type of baby-making. Then one night, after yet another failed attempt at conception, the two head out to a bar to let off some steam. That’s where Luke meets Prudence (Kelly Brook, “Smallville”), a free-spirited British girl who’s slated to go back to England in a matter of days. Lizzy isn’t a huge fan — it might have something to do with Prudence waltzing around their apartment naked — but Luke really hits it off with her. Soon they’re spending every last minute of her limited time together. Then, just as Lizzy discovers that she’s actually pregnant, Luke announces that he and Prudence got married and a different kind of family is born.

The cast also includes Brandon Smith, Rebecca Corry and Chris Williams.

Writer Liz Feldman (“2 Broke Girls”) and director Scott Ellis (“2 Broke Girls”) serve as executive producers with Ellen DeGeneres (“The Ellen DeGeneres Show”) and Jeff Kleeman (“The Change Up”). “One Big Happy” is a production of Warner Bros. Television and A Very Good Production.

Please visit the official show site at:

For the latest “One Big Happy” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #OneBigHappy

After 15 years of living in a cult, the unbreakable and wide-eyed Kimmy (Ellie Kemper, “The Office”) is rescued along with four other women, causing a national sensation that culminates with an appearance on the ”Today” show. Before getting back on the bus to Indiana, however, Kimmy decides it’s time to reclaim her life. Armed with just a backpack, light-up sneakers, a couple way-past-due library books and a big wad of rescue-fund cash, she’s ready to take on New York City. It’s easily the best time of Kimmy’s life as she rides subways, plays with street performers, frees Central Park horses and makes a spontaneous decision to rent a room from Titus, a gay wannabe Broadway actor who makes a living dressing as a robot in Times Square. This unlikely pairing may not seem ideal, but it quickly becomes clear that they can really help each other out: Kimmy needs someone to reintroduce her to the modern world, and Titus could use someone to show him that you should never give up on life, no matter how many times you get rejected from performing in “The Lion King.” As long as they stick together… they might just make it after all. Hakuna matata!

The cast also includes Tituss Burgess, Sara Chase and Lauren Adams.

Writers Tina Fey (“30 Rock”) and Robert Carlock (“30 Rock”) serve as executive producers with David Miner (“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”) and Jeff Richmond (“30 Rock”).

“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” is a production of Universal Television, Little Stranger Inc. and 3 Arts Entertainment.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. ( ( #KimmySchmidt


In the follow-up to the eye-opening success of “The Bible” miniseries on History, the 12-hour miniseries “A.D.” — from producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey — will look at the lives that were instantly altered following the death of Christ. His disciples, mother Mary and key political religious leaders at the time saw their world turned upside down and their lives forever altered. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, part two of the greatest story ever told will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and disseminate the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world.

Mark Burnett, Roma Downey and Richard Bedser serve as executive producers. Simon Block will write the script. “A.D.” is a production of LightWorkers Media.

Alex O’Connor (Gavin Stenhouse, “Person of Interest”), a young idealistic CIA analyst specializing in Russian affairs, learns a shocking secret and his close-knit, affluent family is about to be split apart when its revealed that his parents, Mark (Scott Cohen, “Necessary Roughness”) and Katya (Hope Davis, “The Newsroom,” “In Treatment”) are covert Russian spies deactivated decades ago. But today the Kremlin has re-enlisted them into service as they plan a terrorist operation inside the U.S. border that will bring America to its knees. Years ago, Russian-born Katya was tasked by the KGB to recruit American businessman Mark O’Connor as a spy -- and the two fell in love. A deal was struck: As long as Katya remained an asset for Russia, and it was agreed that her services could be called on in the future, she would be allowed to marry Mark and move to America. After years in America building a happy life and without word from Moscow, they thought they had escaped. Now it seems that the new Mother Russia has one more mission — turning Alex into a spy. For these anguished parents, the choice is clear: Betray their country or risk their family.

The cast also includes Margarita Levieva, Morgan Spector, Annie Ilonzeh, Alexandra Peters and Kenneth Choi.

Writer-director George Nolfi (“The Adjustment Bureau”) serves as executive producer with Avi Nir (“Homeland”), Ron Leshem, Amit Cohen, Yona Wisenthal and Giyora Yahalom. “Allegiance” is a production of Universal Television, Keshet Media and Yes!

Please visit the official show site at:

For the latest “Allegiance” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #Allegiance

It’s 1967 and the era of free love, drug experimentation and the Vietnam War is in full effect. When the teenage daughter of a respected lawyer goes missing, L.A. Police Sgt. Sam Hodiak (David Duchovny, “Californication,” “The X-Files”) starts asking around. He soon discovers that the hippie kids he’s questioning don’t take kindly to cops, especially one with hair as short as his. Needing the help of someone they will trust, he partners with rebellious undercover cop Brian Shafe, a man who’s more comfortable rolling a joint than patrolling a beat. It’s not long before they stumble upon a small-time cult leader seeking out vulnerable women to join his cause. From there, they follow this man’s trail down a rabbit hole of drugs, sex, murder and cultural revolution. Little could they know, however, the guy they’re hunting will eventually become the killer we now recognize as Charles Manson. He was a lost soul who desperately wanted to get into the music scene of the ’60s until something snapped. This is the show that will explore the cat and mouse game between him and the police that will go on for several seasons, ultimately ending with the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders.

Writer John McNamara (“In Plain Sight”) serves as executive producer with Marty Adelstein (“Prison Break”), David Duchovny and Melanie Greene. “Aquarius” is a production of ITV Studios America and Marty Adelstein Productions.

For the latest “Aquarius” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


Based on the wildly popular DC Comics series “Hellblazer,” seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine (Matt Ryan, “Criminal Minds”) specializes in giving hell… hell. Armed with a ferocious knowledge of the dark arts and his wickedly naughty wit, he fights the good fight — or at least he did. With his soul already damned to hell, he’s decided to leave his do-gooder life behind, but when demons target Liv (Lucy Griffiths, “True Blood”), the daughter of one of Constantine’s oldest friends, he’s reluctantly thrust back into the fray – and he’ll do whatever it takes to save her. Before long, it’s revealed that Liv’s “second sight” — an ability to see the worlds behind our world and predict supernatural occurrences — is a threat to a mysterious new evil that’s rising in the shadows. Now it’s not just Liv who needs protection; the angels are starting to get worried too. So, together, Constantine and Liv must use her power and his skills to travel the country, find the demons that threaten our world and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows… maybe there’s hope for him and his soul after all.

The cast also includes Harold Perrineau and Charles Halford.

Writer Daniel Cerone (“The Mentalist,” “Dexter”) serves as executive producer with David S. Goyer (“Man of Steel,” “The Dark Knight Rises”). “Constantine” is produced from Bonanza Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. The show is based upon characters published by DC Entertainment.

Please visit the official show site at: (

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Desperate for clues that will lead to the identity of her biological mother, a young woman breaks into a sinister underground facility somewhere in the Midwest. Unable to complete her mission and surrounded by security, our feisty heroine steals a K9 police dog and drives away into the night… and headlong into the path of a raging tornado. In the blink of an eye, she is transported to another world, one far removed from our own — a mystical land of competing kingdoms, lethal warriors, dark magic and a bloody battle for supremacy. This is the fabled Land of Oz in a way you’ve never seen before, where wicked witches don’t stay dead for long and 20-year-old Dorothy Gale becomes a headstrong warrior who holds the fate of kingdoms in her hands. You’re not in Kansas anymore, and this is not your Grandmother’s Oz.

Writer Matthew Arnold (“Siberia”) serves as executive producer with Josh Friedman (“Terminator” The Sarah Connor Chronicles”). “Emerald City” is a production of Universal Television.


The saga behind the 2006 breakout series “Heroes” will continue as creator Tim Kring returns to the fold and develops new layers to his original superhero concept. This highly anticipated 13-episode miniseries will reconnect with the basic elements of the show’s first season where ordinary people were waking up to the fact that they had extraordinary abilities. This series will be preceded by a new digital series that will introduce audiences to the new characters and storylines that will take the “Heroes” phenomenon to new places. ( (


Debra Messing (“Will & Grace”) stars as Laura Diamond, a brilliant NYPD homicide detective who balances her “Columbo” day job with a crazy family life that includes two unruly twin boys and a soon-to-be ex-husband (Josh Lucas) — also a cop — who just can’t seem to sign the divorce papers. Between cleaning up after her boys and cleaning up the streets, she’d be the first to admit she has her “hot mess” moments in this hilariously authentic look at what it really means to be a “working mom” today. Somehow, she makes it all work with the help of her sexy and understanding partner, and things becomes even more complicated when her husband, ironically, becomes her boss at the precinct. For Laura, every day is a high-wire balancing act.

The cast also includes Laz Alonso and Janina Gavankar.

Writer Jeff Rake (“Boston Legal”) and director McG (“Supernatural”) serve as executive producer with Greg Berlanti (“Brothers & Sisters”), Aaron Kaplan (“The Neighbors”), Todd Lituchy and Sarah Schechter. “The Mysteries of Laura” is a production of Warner Bros. Television, Berlanti Productions and Kapital Entertainment.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “The Mysteries of Laura” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #MysteriesofLaura

In this “Traffic”-like action drama, an international conspiracy explodes when three strangers’ lives unexpectedly collide — a female soldier, a corporate lawyer and a political activist. After a team of American soldiers battles Jihadists in North Africa, they’re shocked to find that one of the men they killed is Al Qaeda’s top man. Sgt. Odelle Ballard (Anna Friel, “Pushing Daisies”) — a soldier, mother, wife and the unit’s only female member — discovers computer files that suggest a major U.S. corporation is funding the Jihadists. But before she can tell anyone, her team is attacked and left for dead. News is reported that the unit was wiped out, but the truth is that Odelle survived and is the only witness to her unit’s assassination by U.S. Special Forces. In New York, former U.S. Attorney Peter Decker (Peter Facinelli, “Nurse Jackie”) is working on a merger deal for the same company that was funneling money to the Jihadists. Meanwhile, Harrison Walters (Jake Robinson, “The Carrie Diaries”), a political activist and trust fund kid, meets a hacker who claims to have unearthed a massive military-industrial conspiracy. And he’s right: He’s stumbled onto the cover-up that began with Odelle and will soon be out in the open and everyone’s lives will be in danger. The only way they’ll ever save their country, their families and themselves is by joining forces and exposing the people behind it.

The cast also includes Jim True-Frost, Treat Williams, Nate Mooney, Elena Kampouris, Daniella Pineda, Sadie Sink, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje and Omar Ghazaoui.

Writers Adam Armus (“The Following”) and Nora Kay Foster (“Heroes”), and writer-director Peter Horton (“Grey’s Anatomy”) serve as executive producers with Simon Maxwell (“Off the Hook”), Mikkel Bondesen (“Burn Notice”), Henrik Bastin (“Burn Notice) and Kristen Campo (“The Killing”). “Odyssey” is a production of Universal Television, Fabrik Entertainment and Red Arrow Entertainment Group.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “Odyssey” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #Odyssey

Each day the President is faced with dozens of life and death decisions, and to prioritize the biggest international crises facing the country, one top CIA analyst — Charleston Tucker (Katherine Heigl, “Grey’s Anatomy”) — assembles the President’s Daily Briefing (PDB). This list of the most vital security issues facing the nation brings with it moral and political judgment calls for Charleston and her trusted group of brilliant analysts at the agency. Aside from the political minefields she has to walk, Charlie has a close personal relationship with the President (Alfre Woodard, “Desperate Housewives”) because she was once engaged to her son before a tragic terrorist attack took his life. Charlie survived that attack and is now determined to bring the perpetrators to justice. Navigating a complex personal life and a pressure-cooker profession is, of course, a challenge, and Charlie sometimes engages in boundary-pushing behavior to avoid facing her grief. But when the clock strikes 2 a.m., she is all about her job — protecting her nation, serving her President and still trying to get to the bottom of her fiancé’s murder that will reveal itself as a shocking mystery.

The cast also includes Adam Kaufman, Sheila Vand, Cliff Chamberlain, Tommy Savas and Leslie Odom, Jr.

Writer-director Joe Carnahan (“The Blacklist”) serves as executive producer with Katherine Heigl, Nancy Heigl, Robert Simonds, Sophie Watts, Henry Crumpton, Rodney Faraon and Julia Franz. “State of Affairs” is a production of Universal Television, Bob Simonds Company and Abishag Productions.

Please visit the official show site at: (

For the latest “State of Affairs” news, videos, and photos, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. #StateofAffairs

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Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Law & Order SVU “Thought Criminal” Advance Photos

Here are advance photos for Law & Order SVU “Thought Criminal” which will air on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 10PM ET on NBC. The photos feature Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino, Kelli Giddish, Ice-T,  Raúl Esparza, Donal Logue, BD Wong, Josh Malina (as Simon Wilkes), Laura Benanti (as Maria Grazie), and Brian Baumgartner (as Gordon Montlieff ). .

My recap and review of Law & Order SVU “Thought Criminal” can be found at this link.

Photos by: Michael Parmelee/NBC 2014 NBCUniversal Media, LLC

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, on All Things Law And Order.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.