Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mariska Hargitay, Chris Meloni, Jeremy Irons SVU Location Photos

Law & Order SVU’s Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni, along with special guest star Jeremy Irons, were spotted on the New York City on location set of Law & Order SVU this week. This is for Jeremy’s second appearance on SVU.

Added February 26, 2011

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Anonymous said...

Ah!It's the capable make-up artists with SVU that manage to make her look so tanned and pretty!Explains it:winter in NYC could never explain that great tanned look..helps if you have great genes and are one of the most naturally beautiful women ever about 'dressed to the nines'...

Anonymous said...

Seriously she looks damn orange. Less makeup not more. She is an attractive woman and they put so much makeup she looks like a oompah loompah next to Jeremy Irons and the rest of the cast. Too much eye make-up, black eye-liner ages her too.

Anonymous said...

Actually, they exaggerate in her makeup, especially in the eye
Mariska is already naturally a beautiful woman, she would be prettier if do not overdo the makeup

Anonymous said...

Mariska is naturally tanned. She is very beautiful. Are the genes. Of course she has to apply makeup. She is an actress, a mature woman and I see no excess.

Anonymous said...

she does have too much makeup. she is naturally tan but in the cold, everyone looks a little pale. she has her makeup caked on!

Anonymous said...

Oh for ONE photographed sighting of Vincent D'Onofrio and Kate Erbe who are ALSO filming - not that you'd know it. Sorry, my total frustration at the complete lack of ANYTHING LOCI may be showing here :0(

Anonymous said...

If Mariska is naturally tan, why is her face a different color than her neck? You can see it in these pictures as much. But it is really noticeable in some of the episodes where her face is much darker than her throat.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I've noticed the neck thing. They really cake the make-up on her face too much. She does look too orangey. When they do this to her she looks older than all her co-stars except for Munch! By the way is Munch even on this show anymore? Lol

and to Diane above I think you don't see CI stuff much anymore because people have given up caring. I think most people think that show has been cxld and what happened to D'Nofrio he looks like a big fat bear.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your insightful comment about LOCI anonymous no. 7. You are completely and utterly wrong on all counts of course, but there ya go.

Esaul said...

Uh huh. People stopped caring about Criminal Intent. Find that hard to believe. I love VDO so much, I'm so happy he's back. I don't care how he looks, he's still one hell of an actor, one of the best on television.

I cannot wait for this episode of SVU. I love Jeremy Irons too. He did so well on the show, I'm glad he's coming back for another episode.

Ryan said...

Mariska's legs are SO damn sexy!

Anonymous said...

well thats fine but you are commenting about CI on story about SVU. Obviously something wasn't working well over at CI because they have tried everything to get more viewers and NBC kicked it to the back burner. D'Nofrio is a good actor although at least for me his style and overacting started to wear thin after a few seasons. I always had great sympathy for Kathryn Erbe being his sidekick. You have to admit he let himself go a bit. If he was a actress he probably would have gotten fired for getting so fat and out of shape.

Anonymous said...

As much as it pains me to admit it, MH is wearing far too much make-up much of the time.It ages her.I know because I'm actually a year older,seldom wear foundations, don't smoke and I don't have a single's a lovely woman in her late forties- the make-up people at SVU ought to calm down some with the heavily made-up look.She's a lovely woman regardless,but it seems to be aging her quickly.

Anonymous said...

As I do not understand the makeup that I see every week is a beautiful woman, especially when he shows his face in front, in full. She has amazing eyes. I just wanted her to smile more. Because your smile is just lovely. But Olivia is so serious ...

windy city girl said...

I am out of the loop. Is Jeremy Irons playing the same character he played earlier this season?

Anonymous said...

^To answer your question, I read where he's playing the same character from earlier.

- Unf, Jeremy Irons is creepily hot, I don't care what anyone says. Get it Mariska!

- IA that they put way too much make-up on her, especially eye make-up. It seems unrealistic for a cop that works long hours like Benson does. But this is TV we're talking about here, so this is unsurprising. Marika is beautiful and doesn't need that much IMO.

- Oh, and, let's not be rude about CI. CI rarely ever get's papped like SVU does, probably because SVU is more popular (plus they have famous guest-stars every other week). That said, could it kill the paps to snap a few shots for the CI fans that care?

Anonymous said...

^lol "Marika", I meant "Mariska" obviously.

Anonymous said...

OMG those shoes MH is wearing are fierce!Such a girly comment, but so what?I'm a girl and it's nice to see her dressed like that. No clue what the story is about other than Elizabeth Mitchell and Jeremy Irons guest starring.Can't wait to see this episode in March.

Esaul said...

NBC got rid of CI not because of the ratings, but because they were having a hard time scheduling it. And if you think about it, three L&Os on a network can be quite tedious to try and fit in along with other shows. But yeah so not relevant to this.

To answer the question without any confusion, Jeremy Irons IS returning as the same character, I believe he's helping SVU find someone of some sort (obviously). I read the episode info but I'm not sure where, probably was on here, or on TV Guide.

Anonymous said...

According to the TV Guide article ( ) in this episode Elizabeth Mitchell plays "a woman is suspected of sexually assaulting and murdering a child... Because of the rarity of this offense, Dr. Jackson is called in to consult with Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Stabler (Christopher Meloni) because he has studied women who have committed this heinous type of crime."
Hopefully the writers have done their research on female child molesters. The recent case in England should give them plenty of material.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Irons ha sido el mejor de los invitados. Sin desmerecer las actuaciones del resto del elenco, Irons le ha dado otro nivel a la serie!!!

Anonymous said...

Mariska ALWAYS looks gorgeous. With, or without make up. I never notice her wearing "too much" makeup, and she doesn't look "aged" in any episodes I've seen... I always think she looks younger each episode. Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

it's called high def tv. if they didn't cake on the make-up, the haters would be out in droves picking her apart.

imo, she's the loveliest 47 year old i have ever seen. the most attractive thing about her is that she looks so natural - and that radiant smile.

i wish people who didn't have anything nice to say would just keep their traps shut.

Diana said...


Anonymous said...

Jeremy Irons - charming! what a voice! each time better. Wish I could meet him personally!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish they'd find a way to make Jeremy part of the show even on a Skoda-like basis.

I can hardly wait for CI. VDO and Erbe are such a great duo with intense chemistry. Hopefully, the stories will be off the charts great. VDO might change his mind about this being an 8 ep and out run.


Anonymous said...

Whomever posted on here about HD tv being to blame is certainly the case.I've read that even tv newscasters-women of course, feel tremendous pressure to have surgical procedures done and to wear more and more make-up because every single line and skin pore can be seen dramatically now.I think its very telling that Christopher Meloni is actually 49,three years older than Mariska Hargitay and appears to have minimal make-up application,if any at all.It's a sad but true fact that in the tv/news business, women are encouraged to not show their true age,at any cost. I think MH is a really naturally attractive woman regardless of how much make-up is applied.Also,they;re incredibly gifted actors in their roles,but sadly,so much importance is placed on their looks and sex appeal.Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree they do put too much makeup on her. She's still very lovley but its obvious that she's had botox or fillers or something she does look different then even a few years ago and her face isn't nearly as expressive as it was. I've seen a lot of people commenting about it on other boards.. I think she does look older than her co-stars too but time is easier on men because they have thicker skin. It is unfortunate that so much is placed on their looks but lets face it they also got the job in the first place and made a ton of money because of their looks. Not an easy business to get old in.

Anonymous said...

Robin says:
I find it shocking that Mariska lets them apply so much makeup. She has stated in her blog that she likes the more natural look with less makeup and always carrying along lip gloss that she recommends to her fans. Then apparrently Mariska has no say in how much makeup is applied and that you know that she deffinately would be wearing less.

Anonymous said...

i love everything about her. she's sexy, she dresses well and her show is great. who cares bout the makeup thing? it might be a lil much but just like her hair it varies. she can pull off almost anything

Anonymous said...

WHO PLAYED ELLEN SAZELIN?!? I can't find it anywhere! :(

Anonymous said...

I think Mariska must have made some process to rejunescer. But did not have botox because it shows wrinkles. I think that's perfectly natural. After all she is an actress and have to perform well. Just do not agree that she looks older than her co-stars. Mariska does not look her age. Cris is very beautiful but it is fifties. Belzer is old and ugly. Just saw a blog comment that think Mariska uses botox. And the comment author obviously hates Mariska. Success always provokes envy and spite. It's understandable.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!I noticed the Google Ads in a little drop down menu right under the Twitter application key are all related to Make-up Application with this particular blog!Very subtle!Her make-up always looks good, and Mariska H. always looks beautiful...enough said on the matter,surely!LOL

Chris Zimmer said...

That is funny about the makeup ads! Since the Google ad service I use selects all the ads, I guess it must even scan the comments people make in order to determine relevant ads. I never realized that until now.

Anonymous said...

AllThings...Happy to be of service to you then!LOL..I enjoy reading your weekly recaps/reviews of SVU almost as much as watching the show itself!You were right on the money with your "Bully" being called "WTF"- it was kind of a dud of a show,but I think they throw in red herrings occasionally just to make us appreciate the good ones more...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if all the turtlenecks MH wears as Benson on recent SVU's are to draw attention away from the fact that her face always looks soo tanned while her neck is not!No one can rock a turtleneck better than Benson!

Anonymous said...

Love Jeremy Irons! He will add a lot even if the show isn't as good as it used to . don't like MH in those turtlenecks because they make her look chubby. Less makeup would be better too/

Unknown said...

With or without makeup MH is a beautiful woman. Really ppl have to criticize her because of the Tan look n the amount of makeup she wears??? Also if you dont like the show don't watch it, it's an outstanding good show with good actors n actresses. The guest are always so good too n the storylines are so good. A very loyal SVU fan indeed!!!!

m1ke1970 said...

I thought Mariska looked GREAT in her turtlenecks and short hair from the old shows!