
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mariska and Ice-T on Location September 29

Mariska Hargitay and Ice-T were spotted filming an episode of Law & Order SVU on location in New York City on September 29. Here are some pics!

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Law & Order SVU “Confession” Episode Information

Here’s the episode information for the September 30 new episode of Law & Order SVU, titled “Confession.”

Law & Order SVU “Confession” Air Date September 30, 2008

Teenage boy Eric Byers (guest star Marshall Allman) admits himself into the squad room, and warns the team about an unnatural desire towards his younger stepbrother, Cory Kelly (guest star Aaron Mayer). Detective Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni) and Olivia Benson’s (Mariska Hargitay) suspicions arise, and Eric admits to also looking at a website to try to curb his pedophilic urge. With no crime committed, the detectives decide to investigate this “self-help” website for pedophiles leading them to it’s creator, Jake Berlin (guest star Tom Noonan). Eric’s rage induced stepfather (guest star Josh Charles) is also questioned, and shortly after Eric is found missing. The detectives must race to place the clues together to find and stop Eric before any crime is committed.

Show Cast: Chris Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Dann Florek, Richard Belzer, Ice T, Tamara Tunie, Michaela McManus

My recap and review of “Confession “ can be found here.

By the way, the ratings for the season premier of SVU, ”Trials” , were way down from the season premier of last season, and they found themselves in third place for the show's time slot. Ouch!

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information,

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Law & Order SVU “Trials” and Tribulations

This season premier offered an interesting story, peppered with personal drama and a flat introduction of the new ADA Kim Grayleck (Michaela McManus). Here’s my recap and review:

The episode begins with a van driving out of control and being chase by police. When the van finally stops, hitting a car, a young boy gets out, asking the police “What’s your problem? It turns out he’s 7 year old Christopher Ryan (Jae Head).

We also meet the new ADA, Kim Grayleck (Michaela McManus), who walks into the SVU squad room and proceeds to apologize to Elliot (Chris Meloni) for being a week late. She was held up in Washington DC on personal business. She says she made a lateral move from the office of violence against women. The team is underwhelmed.

Olivia (Mariska Hargitay) tells Grayleck that they have a case; it’s a 7-year-old named Christopher Ryan who said he had to escape from his foster parents because they were abusing him.

At the hospital, Olivia and Elliot are in the elevator. Elliott is on the phone trying to work out an issue with his credit card being stolen. Olivia is tired; she didn’t sleep well the night before. She was supposed to go on a blind date but didn’t. In taking to the doctor about Christopher, they are told he doesn’t have a bruise on his body. When they enter the room, the kid is not on the bed and his clothes are gone. Elliot realizes he’s just under the bed. He tries to run off, but they stop him. Christopher says he hates his foster parents.

Back at the SVU squad room, Cragen (Dann Florek), Munch (Richard Belzer), and Fin (Ice-T) are with the boy’s foster parents Gwen (Julie Bowen) and Noah Sibert (Luke Perry). Noah is remaining calm, but Gwen is uptight about the whole matter. Cragen tells them there is a lot of paperwork to be done because of what Christopher did with the van, and it’s clear they are trying to separate the parents for questioning. But Noah is on to the tactic, saying that they didn’t do anything, saying that when they got Christopher he was angry, malnourished, and ”psychically damaged.”

Back at the hospital, Olivia and Elliot are in the courtyard talking with Christopher. Elliot takes Christopher’s drink away from him and throws it out, and the kid freaks. It seems he’s a little unhinged because his parents never let him have that kind of stuff. Clearly the kid had anger issues when he rages over his parents making him eat vegetables.

Noah, meanwhile, is telling Munch it’s all a misunderstanding, he’d never hurt a child, and he has nothing to hide. He says Christopher is an unhappy kid and he has serious abandonment issues. Munch tells him to try psychotherapy, that he started “in utero.”

Fin is questioning Gwen, who seems to be unhappy with Christopher. Gwen and Noah had a luxury clothing line before Noah came, which she had to quit to raise Noah. She said the kid makes up wild stories, and tells outright lies.

Olivia and Elliot take Christopher back to the squad, but the says he has to tell them something that had to be a secret from Noah. He says Gwen made him take his clothes off, and "they" gave Gwen money, in a hotel.

Apparently this kid told him this all happened at the Lydia Hotel, which Cragen says has been closed by vice earlier in the year. The kid could be lying. Cragen tells Olivia to stay with the kid, and tells Fin to go out to the hotel with Elliot. Fin balks. He has a beef with Elliot, and doesn’t want to work with him. Fin asks what’s holding up his transfer and Cragen, who promises to check it out with the Chief of Ds.

Fin announces to Elliot that he’s driving, which Elliot is OK with. He’s too distracted with his stolen credit card and the wacky charges on it to care.

At the Lydia Hotel, they find a lot of people standing in line. They look like college kids. It appears there is medical drug testing going on there, and they are told that it is for Phase 1 clinical trials, testing on people. They surmise that Gwen has been taking Christopher there for drug testing. Elliot calls Grayleck for help.

Kim Grayleck is serving the subpoena when Elliot and Fin arrive, saying they will take over. She informs them that she’s been a “desk jockey in DC for the past three years, drafting legislation, making grants…it’s great to finally be out in the trenches.” Elliot and Kim spar, he wants her to get lost and get out of their way, she tells him in DC they used to call her “The Crusader.” Fin is just standing by, looking annoyed. But when Elliot walks away because Dr. Eikenberry (Mary Beth Evans) will see them, Fin tells her “Don’t worry about cranky balls. He’s only nice to the victims.”

Elliot and Fin challenge the doctor about her testing methods, and she indicates things are very controlled, especially with kids. Christopher was being given and ADHD drug, and he already had a record of problems before the test began.

Back at the squad, Noah is outraged that Gwen was having Christopher drugged. Gwen is at her wits end. Olivia arrives with Christopher, who announces he’s starving, and Noah caves in to his request for chocolate ice cream. As they step into the elevator, Christopher asks to press the button, and when Gwen says to press 1G, he starts pressing all of them as the door closes, Olivia looking on and seeing a frustrated Gwen. Cragen tells Olivia to report the doctor to the group who is supposed to be monitoring the test, but to do it tomorrow, that she needs to go home and get some sleep.

Instead, she goes to the coffee machine, having flashbacks of her experience where she went undercover in prison ("Undercover"). She is startled when someone approaches her; it’s Tonya Majeski (Lisa Strum), who worked with Olivia on another case and is now Christopher’s caseworker. She hands Olivia the file, and Olivia sees that Christopher’s mother is someone she knows – Caitlyn Ryan (Sara Gilbert), a rape victim from a case Olivia had before.

Olivia goes to Caitlyn's apartment, and says she needs to talk to her about Christopher. Caitlyn looks like a wreck and so does her apartment. Olivia tells her she met Christopher through the Siberts, and wants to know why she gave up Christopher. Caitlyn says that at first she could function, but then she started reliving the rape. She lost her job and apartment, she just wanted to sleep. When Christopher was begging her to eat, she just let him go hungry. She wasn’t a fit mother. Olivia tells her she has rape trauma syndrome, a form of PTSD. Caitlyn says she’s tried to get help, and she actually met Gwen Sibert during this as Gwen was a rape victim too.

At Morningstar Park, Olivia is talking with Noah, and asking why Gwen didn’t tell them she was a rape victim raising another rape victim’s son. Noah said it was 5 years ago, before they we married. They watch Christopher as he continues to be bratty. Noah said the rape was reported, and they lived in Jersey City at the time. The rapist was not caught. Olivia said that Gwen met Caitlin in therapy but Gwen previously said it was Noah’s idea to take in Christopher. He says it was his idea, that he likes to “fix things.” He said he and Gwen fell in love when he went over to fix something at Gwen’s place. Christopher , overhearing they are talking about his real mother, asks about her. Olivia says his mom cares for her, but Noah says she hates him. “That man” made her sad, he was wearing a mask. Olivia realizes that Christopher was there when Caitlin was raped.

The SVU team believes there is a pattern to a group of rapes, finding other victims: Annabelle Ashton, Emily Johannsen, and Natalie Clay. The rapist told all of them they were bad mothers. Fin notices that in the case of Emily, they had questioned a bartender located in a place very close to Caitlin’s apartment.

Munch and Fin check out Alony’s Pub. Munch reminisces about his bar in Baltimore, and then talks to Fin about Fin wanting to leave the squad. Munch moans, “ you know, if one more person dumps me, I’m gonna start taking it personally,” recounting all his partners. Speaking to the bartender, he says he looked at Emily’s ID, but was turned off when she started talking about her kid. He said he never raped her.

Elliot is questioning Emily, who admits she was sloshed but she remembers her rapist voice to be a hoarse whisper. She believes it was a person from an on line dating service, and when Elliott says they checked them all out, she said they never checked the person that stood her up, “Dave Jones”, which she thought sounded like a fake name.

Olivia is questioning Caitlin, who says she never went into the bar, but admits she did use an on line dating service as a trial. She said she picked one guy, who never showed up.

Olivia and Elliot are talking to Natalie, who insists she did not use an on line dating service. When Natalie is called away, Elliot gets a call about his stolen credit card. It seems a “Bonnie and Clyde” pair used his card to both get tattoos. But Elliot notices a label on some clothes hanging in the store, and realizes it is the logo for the Sibert’s company, "The Greenline.”

Back at the squad, they work to make the connection with the clothing line, the Siberts, and the rapes. Noah’s old punk band “Public Vagaries” had twins in it, Dave and Danny Jones. The theorize that Noah used their names for the dating service, and that he married a rape victim (Gwen) then began raping women who had little boys. And now he’s raising on of those boys.

Noah is in for questioning, and Olivia shows him the pictures of the other rape victims Elliot says that they are all single moms working outside the home. They remind him that he likes to “fix things” like neglected little boys. Olivia says they know he ran away when he was six, and thinks that he is raping women to punish his mother. He says he left home to join a band. Elliot asks him to do a voice line up, saying “You’re a bad mother.” Caitlin identifies Noah’s voice out of the line up, but Emily and Natalie didn’t.

When Grayleck tells Noah’s attorney she’ll be in touch, Olivia is unhappy, asking Grayleck that she thought they called her “The Crusader.” Grayleck says she needs more to pursue this case.

Noah announces they are taking Christopher home, but Caitlyn sees him and comments on how big he is. Gwen moves to separate them, as she calls Caitlyn a “worthless bitch” and “miserable ingrate” for all they did. Caitlyn is confused when Gwen rages that she is upset they were saddled with the kid and now she’s making accusation against her husband. Caitlyn doesn’t get it, saying she was just there for a line up. Caitlyn then realizes that it was Noah who raped her. Noah says he will fight to get Christopher back.

A DNA swab is taken from Christopher, and he asks Caitlyn why she gave him away. She says she’s been very sick but will get better so she could be a good mom. Toyna (the case worker) arrive and Christopher says he needs a hamburger, right now. Elliot tells Caitlyn she’ll get him back.

Meanwhile, Cragen tells Fin he has just heard from the Chief of Ds, and asks Fin if he knows a Greg Berkle. Fin says “Oh no.” Fin used to work with him in narcotics, and Greg’s wife started calling him after their divorce. Now he is at One PP processing transfers, and Fin says he assumes he’s not going anywhere soon. Munch is happy with the news. Elliot gets off the phone and declares they have the person who stole his credit card, he’s at Hudson U and he’s going over there. But, he’s stopped in the hall by his daughter Kathleen, who is angry he had her boyfriend arrested. He’s confused, but she says that “Tony” didn’t steal his credit card, she took it to buy books. He figures out what is going on and calls her on her lie, and she gives him some lip, and Elliot is angry. He tells her she has to have the tattoo removed, and she reminds him that he also has a tattoo.

Benson, still on the original case, found that Annabelle Ashton, the 4th victim, had moved back to Iowa and killed herself. Munch breaks up Olivia’s guilt and regret by saying they got a hit off Noah’s DA. The next we see Noah, he is being arrested, and Olivia tells Gwen that Noah only left his DNA once – and that was when he raped Gwen. Gwen begs Noah to tell them they are wrong, instead, he tells her she will tell them what “really happened” that she filed an incorrect police report, that the sex was consensual. She is stunned…she realizes she married her own rapist. She kicks him in the groin, and Stabler comments “sorry about that" and leads him away.

Grayleck returns to the squad, announcing Noah accepted the plea deal. Fin is surprised she offered him one, he thought she was dying to “strut her stuff in the courtroom.” She declares it’s not about her, it’s about the victims, now they won’t be dragged through trial. She got him the max, by threatening him with an extra 25 years for a hate crime attached, as he targeted a specific subset of women. When Munch says no one has even pulled that off, she declared that Noah knew she intends to be the first to pull it off, she wasn’t bluffing. It’s her pet project. She asks how this works now – do they all go out for a celebratory drink? Munch, still thinking about his bar in Baltimore, says if they had a bar, drinks would be on the house. Grayleck asks where Olivia is at, and they cut to Olivia in therapy, recounting her undercover case at the prison. She says she is starting to relive it. She jumpy, she can’t sleep, she feels out of control. The doctor tells her that rape victims often blame themselves. She knows, but now she feels like she doesn’t deserve to be there, she feels like he stole something from her. She needs help.

All in all, a decent episode. They seemed to work in some of the personal references (Munch’s bar, Fin’s history with narcotics) very well. The personal drama, though, was a little much. Elliot’s credit card problem, while annoying at first, had an interesting twist with the “thief” being his own daughter. But, it also means that we may get more personal Stabler drama than we want (as evidenced by the preview). Olivia’s demons with her assault during her undercover operation also seemed to be a set up for more issues for Olivia down the road.

The story line was also interesting, with all the guest stars going a very good job and playing their roles.

But the train wreck was the debut of Michaela McManus, whose character, new ADA Kim Grayleck, came off as pompous and aloof. Tragic was that McManus delivered her lines with the zeal of Elisabeth Rohm – which is not good. Sometimes I think that the Law & Order franchise has consistently done a horrible job in introducing new characters. This one was probably the worst that I can recall, well, next to Nina Cassady (Milena Govich) as “Detective Beauty Queen” on the original Law & Order. Grayleck’s “The Crusader” was just as bad, and her “pet project” an annoyance. Frankly, as far as she is concerned, I was underwhelmed.

Two Minute Replay

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Law & Order: High School Musical

In the absence of any real news about Law & Order “The Mothership”, I guess I just have to make some of my own.

Here’s Law & Order The High School Musical, starring the faces of Linus Roache and Alana De La Garza. I’m sure the Connie/Cutter shippers will enjoy it!

View in higher quality

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information,

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Guest Stars of SVU “Trials” Talk About the Episode

It must have been media conference call day with some of the guest stars of Law & Order SVU’s season premier, “Trials” . Two interviews (too lengthy to post here), with guest stars Sara Gilbert, Luke Perry, and also Executive Producer Neal Baer are available via the following links:

(May contain some episode spoilers)

Luke Perry, Sara Gilbert and Neal Baer interview: Law & Order SVU premiere By April MacIntyre

Interrogating Luke Perry, Sara Gilbert and Neal Baer for Law & Order: SVU By Troy Rogers

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Law & Order SVU September On Location Videos

This is a follow up to yesterday’s post showing photos that a fan took on location for a filming of an episode of Law & Order SVU, reportedly (unconfirmed) titled “Retro,” to air at the end of October. Now there are some short videos clip available from that shoot, with some shots of Chris Meloni and Mariska Hargitay. Here they are, for your viewing pleasure.

Don’t forget the season premier - “Trials” - on September 23!

Photos from “Trials”
Video Previews of New Season and “Trials”

SVU location shoot

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information,

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Law & Order SV September Location Shoot Photos

Thanks to a heads up from the web site, who got a heads up from an SVU fan named Chelsea, there are quite a few pictures available that can be viewed from a recent Law & Order SVU location shoot featuring Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni.

A link to the photographer’s photobucket album with all the pictures can be found here. It also gives the ability to embed or link the pictures, so here are a few just to whet your appetite. A special thanks to the photographer, and you can read her account of her experience here. (The writer/photographer was told this location shoot was for an episode called “Retro” to air in late October.)

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Criminal Intent Season Premier Guest Stars Announced

Two guest stars have been announced for the November season premier of Law & Order Criminal Intent.

Here’s the exclusive from TV Guide:

Exclusive: Janel Moloney Raises Heck on L&O: CI

Oh, Donna Moss, how far have you fallen?

Janel Moloney, best known to TV fans from her wholesome run on The West Wing — but who also showed us a certain somethin'-somethin' on Showtime's saucy Brotherhood — has landed a plum gig on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, has learned.

When the USA Network series launches its eighth season on Nov. 6, Moloney will guest-star as the manipulative wife of a preacher man (Leland Orser, aka ER's Dr. Dubenko), who is a "person of interest" in the death of a high-profile doctor.

For its new season, lest you need reminding, CI has Jeff Goldblum filling the void left by Chris Noth's departure. — Matt Mitovich

Leland Orser also is a Law & Order franchise repeat offender, having starred on Law & Order SVU (“Coerced”) as a schizophrenic.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Law & Order SVU “Trials” Photos

NBC has released a few photographs from the September 23 season premier of Law & Order SVU, “Trials”. You can find the episode information and video previews on my blog at the following links:

Video Previews

Episode Information for “Trials”

Munch (Richard Belzer) and Stabler (Chris Meloni)

Guest Stars Julie Bowen and Luke Perry

New A.D.A Kim Greylek (Michaela McManus)

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Not Everyone Wants Law & Order UK

It’s hard for me to imagine, but there actually are people out there who don’t want to see another version – a UK version - of Law & Order to hit the airwaves. I suppose if they can't have Sam Waterston, there's not much to look forward to. Well, except maybe Jamie Bamber.

The only pic of Jamie Bamber that I have, sorry.

Here’s an article from UK’s Guardian with an interesting take on the subject. I can only show you the first paragraph - apparently this is all the copyright laws in the UK allow me to show. If you want to read more you can access it from the link below.

A British Law & Order? No thanks
Posted by Diane Shipley
Wednesday September 17 2008 15:34 BST

Law & Order is the only American TV show to have started in 1990 and still be going strong. Its detectives and DAs may have had limited success in keeping the bad guys off the streets of Manhattan, but in its 18 years the programme has become a global phenomenon and spawned two successful spin-offs, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and Law & Order: Criminal Intent....

The author of the article refers to our beloved ”doink doink” as a “bing bing”, but we know better.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information,

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

SVU Guest Cynthia Nixon Wins Emmy

The Creative Arts Emmys were awarded last night. Cynthia Nixon won an Emmy for “Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series”. Cynthia has a guest appearance on Law & Order SVU, playing “Janis Donovan” in the episode “Alternate” which first aired on September 25, 2007. Her character had multiple personalities.

Here’s a clip of her performance, which includes Chris Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Richard Belzer, Ice-T, and B.D. Wong. Congratulations to Cynthia!

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Law & Order SVU: Martin Mull to Guest Star

Super Scooper Michael Ausiello for Entertainment Weekly provides the following bit of casting news for Law & Order SVU:

Martin Mull will guest-star on the Oct. 28 episode of Law & Order: SVU as a doctor. An SVU insider calls it "a big Tamara Tunie episode," which is typically code for "Chris Meloni and Mariska Hargitay had the week off!"

Martin Mull is best known for his quirky humor.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Law & Order SVU Season 10 Cast Pictures & September Episode Information

Additional episode information (“Confession”) and cast photos for season 10 of Law & Order SVU have been released. While I had already published the episode information for the season premier ”Trials”, I thought I’d list it again just to try to keep everything in one place. And don’t forget to check out the video previews for the new season!

Law & Order SVU “Trials” Air Date September 23, 2008

After a young boy, Christopher Ryan (guest star Jae Head), is caught driving a runaway van, Detective Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni) and Detective Benson take the seven year-old into questioning. When Christopher claims his foster parents, Gwen and Noah Sibert (guest stars Julie Bowen and Luke Perry), bribe him in exchange for abusive medical testing, the detectives investigate his allegations. As Detective Benson continues to study the boy’s accusations, she is led back to a former unsolved rape case involving Kaitlyn Murphy (guest star Sara Gilbert). After reviewing both cases, Benson uncovers a common factor, and with help from new A.D.A Kim Greylek (Michaela McManus) she just might be able to solve the cases. Also starring: Also guest starring: Mary Beth Evans

Cast: Chris Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Dann Florek, Richard Belzer, Ice T, Tamara Tunie, Michaela McManus, and B.D. Wong.

Law and Order SVU: "Confession" Air Date September 30, 2008

Teenage boy Eric Byers (guest star Marshall Allman) admits himself into the squad room, and warns the team about an unnatural desire towards his younger stepbrother, Cory Kelly (guest star Aaron Mayer). Detective Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni) and Olivia Benson’s (Mariska Hargitay) suspicions arise, and Eric admits to also looking at a website to try to curb his pedophilic urge. With no crime committed, the detectives decide to investigate this “self-help” website for pedophiles leading them to it’s creator, Jake Berlin (guest star Tom Noonan). Eric’s rage induced stepfather (guest star Josh Charles) is also questioned, and shortly after Eric is found missing. The detectives must race to place the clues together to find and stop Eric before any crime is committed.

Season 10 Cast Photos

Tamara Tunie, Richard Belzer, Ice-T, Mariska Hargitay, Chris Meloni, Dann Florek,
Michaela McManus, B.D. Wong

Chris Meloni

Mariska Hargitay

Richard Belzer

Dann Florek

Michaela McManus


B.D. Wong

Tamara Tunie

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Law & Order SVU Season 10 Previews

Law & Order SVU Season 10 Previews

Here are some great video previews of season 10 for Law & Order SVU. Olivia (Mariska Hargitay) looks as tough as nails, Elliot (Chris Meloni) looks like he’s in big trouble. It also looks exciting!

You can find the episode information for the September 23 season premier episode, “Trials”, here.

Video Preview Link 1

Video Preview Link 2

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information,

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Law & Order UK Gets Top Writers

The casting information for Law & Order UK has already been revealed (here), and now more details are available on the writing team. It looks like the stories will be based on the US plots.

Here’s the scoop from Broadcast Now:

Law & Order:UK lands top writing talent
Published: 10 September 2008
Author: Kate McMahon

Law & Order:UK showrunner Chris Chibnall has unveiled the writing team that will pen the "gritty" British version of the show for ITV1.

Joining Chibnall for the 13 x 60-minute series will be Cath Tregenna (Stick or Twist) and James Moran (Primeval, Spooks: Code 9), who have worked with him on Torchwood, plus Terry Cafolla (Holy Cross and Messiah: The Harrowing).

Chibnall, who has also written for Life on Mars and BBC1's forthcoming Merlin, told Broadcast that scripts would be based on the best plots from the US series.

"The series will very much take American storylines and anglicise them. Obviously not all of the storylines will work for a UK audience, but we have been able to draw a lot from what has already worked," he said.

"Our show will be very faithful to the US version in that respect, and in its style and tone. It is an urban show, very modern and of the streets. It is quite gritty."

He also revealed that lead actors Bradley Walsh and Freema Aygeman would be joined by a slew of special guest stars – playing barristers, family members and criminals in the series.

Chibnall said the format was "one of the most successful in history" and although he was "completely terrified", was confident that it would be well received.

"Viewers should prepare themselves for classic Law and Order drama with a modern, gritty, British twist," he said.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information,

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Law & Order: Must Eat TV?

Remember when NBC’s tag line was “Must See TV”? Well now an article on MSNBC’s web site says that Law & Order – and other crime shows – can cause a viewer to eat more. So I suppose now they will have to call it “must eat TV.” Are people becoming so quick to blame others, or some external cause, for a gain in weight that now they blame Law & Order? Puh-leeze! It also says that crime shows can make people shop more too. I suppose that they don’t think the ton of food, clothes, and health and beauty commercials they air doing these shows have nothing to do with it? Pardon my cynicism.

Sorry, but I refuse to blame Sam Waterston, Chris Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Vincent D'Onofrio et al. for anything except making me a Law & Order addict. OK, that's my own fault too. And by the way, I don't have a weight or shopping problem either, so their theory doesn't hold for me. So there!

Anyway, for what it’s worth, here’s the article:

Eating too much? 'Law & Order' may be guilty

Must-bleed TV fans consumed with thoughts of death — and groceries?By Diane Mapes
MSNBC contributor
updated 3:30 p.m. ET, Mon., Sept. 8, 2008

Crime TV has become a staple of the typical American viewer’s diet. From “Law & Order” and “CSI” — both of which come in three separate flavors — to “Criminal Minds,” “Cold Case” and “The Closer,” it’s hard to avoid the banquet of brutality offered up each week, each day or even each hour if you happen to have cable.

But a new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research may give viewers pause about all the death they’re routinely letting into their living rooms. Apparently, must-bleed-TV may just make you eat and shop more.

In the study, titled “The Sweet Escape,” researchers conducted four experiments revealing that “consumers who have been recently reminded of their own impending mortality” spend more on groceries — and actually eat more of those groceries.

“We found that when people think about the fact that they’re going to die someday — not now, but someday — they want to consume more of everything,” says Naomi Mandel, co-author of the study and an associate professor of marketing at Arizona State University. “We find this with snacks and drinks but also all kinds of different foods: frozen foods, meats, vegetables, everything.”

Shopping, snacking for comfortStruck by the spike in shopping following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Mandel and her colleagues designed experiments to measure consumers’ response to “mortality salience” — that is, the awareness they will die.

In one experiment, the “mortality” group wrote about their own impending deaths while the control group wrote about going to the dentist. Afterward, when each group was given a grocery list for a hypothetical party and asked to check off items they needed to purchase, members of the mortality salience group selected significantly more items than their counterparts in a control group.

In another experiment, two groups were asked to write about either their own deaths or a painful medical procedure and then instructed to taste-test cookies. As before, the mortality salience group consumed more, eating 25 percent more cookies than the control group.

What does this have to do with “Law & Order”?

“Consumers, especially those with a lower self-esteem, may be more susceptible to overconsumption when confronted with images of death during the news or their favorite crime scene investigation shows,” Mandel concludes in her study.

“If people are watching and thinking something like this could happen to them, it’s likely to cause them to overconsume.”

Dov Eisenberger, a 37-year-old insurance company president from Englewood, N.J., says Mandel’s study might help explain his wife’s summer shopping hiatus.

“My wife is a ‘Law & Order’ junkie plus she watches ‘The Closer,’ ‘Criminal Minds’ and every ‘CSI’ out there,” he says. “And she would dispute this, but I find that her spending habits increase during the regular season and then drop off during the summer. I don’t know for sure that I can connect it to ‘Law & Order,’ but she does watch a lot of shows full of blood and guts during the year and then in the summer, there’s nothing.”

Overconsumption can be complicated
Could other factors be at play? Experts point out that the reasons for overconsumption can be as convoluted as the plots on some of TV’s outlandish crime shows.

Nancy Molitor, a clinical psychologist and assistant professor at Northwestern University, says that while it’s interesting to link eating and shopping to a fear of impending death — a fear that’s been with humans for thousands of years — there are many reasons why people overconsume.

“Overspending can be a sign of mania or part of a bipolar disease condition and there are lots of psychological reasons why people overspend too — anxiety, feeling deprived in their emotional life,” Molitor says. “People spend to distract themselves, to fill themselves up. And overeating is complicated, as well. We know that people who are obese have a long history of overeating that starts in their childhood. It could be anxiety but it’s also a learned habit. They’re bored so they turn on the TV and reach for the potato chips.”

Cindy Rankin, a 46-year-old Seattle writer, says it’s not crime shows that “ring her death bell,” but the evening news.

“The crime shows don’t make me anxious, they’re entertainment,” she says. “There’s not a whole lot of chance that I’m going to pass out at some chichi party in Miami and get eaten by a 40-foot boa constrictor. But when I’m watching the news or thinking of people who have died in my family, it brings up real fears of death. And then, yeah, I might go shopping online or eat things I wouldn’t eat normally or eat more of what I have around.”

Should crime shows come with a warning that the contents may make consumers fat (and/or broke)?

“I wouldn’t suggest that,” says Mandel. “But retailers might think about installing TVs and playing the news in their stores. There’s always something on about murder or terrorism or car crashes. And it might cause people to put more things in their cart. I wouldn’t encourage it, but it might work.”

Diane Mapes is a Seattle freelance writer and author of "How to Date in a Post-Dating World."
© 2008 MSNBC Interactive

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Law & Order SVU Production Blog Update

The latest information from the NBC’s SVU Production blog gives some information about how you can apply to be an intern for the show, and also provides a link to their Facebook page. Here’s the info:

Production Updates from SVU

Hi Everyone,
We are back in production and rolling along. We are just about done filming four episodes for Season 10. Keep an eye out for guest star: Ellen Burstyn who plays someone very significant is Stabler's life: HIS MOTHER!

Glad you liked the photos and I'll keep them coming if you keep the replies coming.

While I have a moment let me answer some questions:

Alexa Cooper asked "Please let us know how to apply for an internship with SVU?"

To apply to work as an intern at any show or department at NBC you need to apply online at Here's the link:

Carly in MS asked: "In an interview, Neal said that Olivia goes out on a date with an actor named James Brolin. Is it true?????"

All I can say is don't miss the episode airing on 10/14 called "Lunacy"

Sorry for the short post, but I'm working on putting something very special up on the site for you guys!

For now, make sure to check SVU's Facebook page:

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Law & Order UK News Casting Update

More news is coming out about the UK version of Law & Order. I already told you on this blog about about Jamie Bamber and Freema Agyeman joining tha cast.

Here is a casting update and more information and backstory about the show from

Law & Order: UK casting news
September 8, 2008 by Graham Kibble-White
ITV1 has announced the cast for the upcoming Law & Order: UK.

Bradley Walsh
The 13-part series, based on the US franchise, will be co-produced by Kudos Film and Television, Wolf Films and NBC Universal. And those stars? Let’s cut to the press release…

Bradley Walsh is DS Ronnie Brooks, a real East End, copper’s copper, friend and partner to the charming DS Matt Devlin, Jamie Bamber whose approach to policing is part seduction part force. Both report to DI Natalie Chandler (Harriet Walter) a working mum who would back them to the end.

While the CPS team comprises Freema Agyeman as hard working, strong-willed young prosecutor Alesha Phillips; Ben Daniels as dedicated Senior Crown Prosecutor James Steel, a man on a mission for justice; and Bill Paterson as their respected boss CPS director George Castle, a man trying to balance his ideals with the bigger picture.
Ben Daniels

ITV Director of Drama, Laura Mackie says: “Kudos have put together the perfect cast to deliver a quintessentially modern British take on a highly successful crime format. The breadth of the acting talent involved will build on the strength of Chris Chibnall’s lively and complex scripts.

Hmmm. "Senior Crown Prosecutor James Steel, a man on a mission for justice." Must be the UK version of Jack McCoy, without Sam Waterston's eyebrows.

I hope that some day we’ll get to see this series in the US!

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Law & Order Third Season Cast Photo Array

Well, we’ve hit the slow period with Law & Order news,  so I reached into my double-secret video archive to dig up what I call a short “photo array” from the third season, with Jerry Orbach, Chris Noth, Dann Florek, Richard Brooks, Michael Moriarty, and Steven Hill.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Law and Order SVU “Trials” Air Date September 23, 2008 Season Premier

The season premier of Law & Order SVU is only a few weeks away. NBC has released some information about the new episode, which is scheduled to air on September 23. I previously posted some information and pictures from the filming of this episode, here

My recap and review of “Trials “ can be found here.

Law & Order SVU “Trials” Air Date September 23, 2008


After a young boy, Christopher Ryan (guest star Jae Head), is caught driving a runaway van, Detective Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni) and Detective Benson take the seven year-old into questioning. When Christopher claims his foster parents, Gwen and Noah Sibert (guest stars Julie Bowen and Luke Perry), bribe him in exchange for abusive medical testing, the detectives investigate his allegations. As Detective Benson continues to study the boy’s accusations, she is led back to a former unsolved rape case involving Kaitlyn Murphy (guest star Sara Gilbert). After reviewing both cases, Benson uncovers a common factor, and with help from new A.D.A Kim Greylek (Michaela McManus) she just might be able to solve the cases. Also starring: Also guest starring: Mary Beth Evans

Cast: Chris Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Dann Florek, Richard Belzer, Ice T, Tamara Tunie, Michaela McManus, and B.D. Wong.

Photos from “Trials”

Video Previews of New Season and “Trials”

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Law & Order CI France: Paris Enquêtes Criminelles

Here’s one more addition to the list of opening credits for the Law & Order franchise. This one is a Dick Wolf' created, Law & Order Criminal Intent-inspired version of the show from France, called Paris Enquêtes Criminelles. The show opened on the French TV channel TF1.

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bobby Goren: Where Will He Go From Here?

Vincent D’Onofrio has had his work cut out for him in the last two seasons of Law & Order Criminal Intent as Detective Robert “Bobby” Goren. Goren’s mother, who had mental problems, died of cancer. He finds that his biological father is a serial killer. Goren goes undercover to help his brother Frank’s son Donny, is tortured, and gets suspended for 6 months for the unauthorized undercover work. His brother Frank was murdered, apparently at the hand of Goren’s nemesis, Nicole Wallace. Nicole Wallace is apparently missing her heart and is presumed dead, and his mentor Declan Gage is going off the deep end. It begs the question: Where will Bobby go from here?

To highlight the high points of Vincent D’Onofrio’s work in telling the story of an increasingly troubled Bobby Goren, I’ve prepared this video (below). Since he won’t be rewarded with an Emmy for his efforts, the least I can do is honor his work in my own way.

Bobby Goren: Where Will He Go From Here?

Check out my blog home page for the latest Law & Order information, here.

Also, see my companion Law & Order site,These Are Their Stories.